Character Sheet

S n o w] [FONT='Sirin Stencil'] [/FONT][URL=" said:
@NickTonCutter[/URL] Is your CS done?
@Defective Kitten
I didn't really get what you were trying to say in 'Other'. Her bow is homemade? It isn't?
Yes.If i need to edit it tell me.
It is, it is. Just a note towards professional bow compared to her bow. It doesn't have much affect to her story line, i don't believe.
[QUOTE="Defective Kitten]It is, it is. Just a note towards professional bow compared to her bow. It doesn't have much affect to her story line, i don't believe.

How is "nice vision of the outside world" a skill? And what do you mean by "studying thing about the outside world"? Re-do your backstory, as it doesn't really make sense.

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Quote: "Ironic, huh? The guy who helped the rebellion is still being thrown into Hell."

Name: William Van Drago

Age: 17

Nickname: Will/Drago

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual



Occupation: Combat Medic


- William is an expert with first aid.

- William knows what plants are dangerous, and which plants have healing benefits.

- William is able to fight well with a sword, being sturdy and stronger than an average teenager.

Weapon of Choice:

- Single handed swords


- Sweet Foods

-Looking up at the sky



- Loud noises

- Rude People

- Bees


- Is physically strong, and is able to hold up well in hand to hand combat.

- Is an expert with first aid and other medicines.

- Knows what types of plants are edible, which types are poisonous, and which types can be used to heal.

- Is very efficient with any type of one handed swords.

- Will is very good at using his surroundings to overcome his opponents.


- His eyesight is not great, can only see 75% as far as a normal person can.

- Is too kind for his own good.

- He is not acrobatic, relying on his strength and cunning to win a fight.


William is a humble and kind boy from the Capitol. He always disliked the flashy looks of the Capitol people, always rejecting the makeovers that his mother and her friends wanted to do on him, to make him look more "powerful." William was always a straightforward type of guy, and he hated the distractions that the Capitol had. The parties were never his type, and he always hated the pills that they gave him so he could eat more. It sickened him. He is a very helpful, and kind young man, being very humble. He would be commonly seen helping others, usually dressing to peoples wounds. However, even with his helpful demeanor, Will knows how to kill. While many would underestimate Will, and take him as a pacifist, they would only end up dead.

Background: While his parents enjoyed these types of parties, and the flashy makeovers, they were saints. His mother and father helped in any way they could to make sure the rebellion won. Whether it was giving money to the rebellion, being doctors to heal the wounded, or help on the battlefield, the Drago family was an asset to helping the rebellion beat the Capitol.

While his family was given pardon, since they did help the rebellion, his mother and father strived to unify the fallen Capitol and the Districts. While a few very important leaders voted to unify the two, the rest refused, which was sadly the majority. When Will was thirteen, his mother and father both died to some refugees, which Will shot down with his father's pistol that was kept in the top kitchen shelf. Ever since then, Will was taken in by the Districts, since his mother and father were seen as the few saints of the Capitol. He spent the rest of his time as a combat medic, helping in hospitals, and also learning as much as he could about medicine and such. He was also given training with several weapons, but felt more at home with a single handed sword.

Now, at the raffle of the 76th hunger games, Will is watching in the crowd that is watching Katniss Everdeen live.



"Why run when you can hide?"


Azure Mayson










(See picture above)




Cooking, knife-throwing, hunting, swift

Weapon Of Choice

Tactical knives and daggers


- Learning | Gaining knowledge

- Being independent, self-relying

- Winning

- Acceptance


- Being indebted to someone

- Spiders, insects of any kind (arachnophobia and fear of insects)

- Challenges

- Losing

- Traitors


- Excellent aim

- Quick-thinking

- Planning | Use of strategy


- Extreme physical weakness (headaches, prone to illnesses - weak immune system)

- Trusts everyone despite background

- Long range combat

- Can't swim

- Forgetful

- Impatient


Azure is surprisingly kind and accepting of others, getting along fairly well with those she meets, except when they choose to be unwelcoming and mean to her in return. Though she is independent when it comes to work, she can be cooperative and is not unwilling to accept help when she needs it, though she refuses to be indebted to anyone. She can easily lose her temper even after being only slightly provoked. She is reckless and quite impulsive, and follows a wild and fun nature.


After the rebellion, the former Capitol had slowly been rebuilt. Azure's mother had died shortly after childbirth, but her father struggled to help Azure lead a successful life while balancing his own and the downfall of his career (developing technology for the Capitol to use). Azure worked at a small bread shop, a job she obtained from a family friend who pitied her, and collected some money for herself and her father to keep themselves alive, all while continuing her schooling. In her spare time, she watched reruns of the previous Hunger Games, the ones featuring President Katniss in particular.



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The rebellion happened 28 years before this roleplay starts, so Azure wouldn't have been around to see any of it.
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Quote (Optional): "Sanctuary is for the weak."

Name: Sun, Ujin (surname is before given name)

Nickname: Agent

Age (12-18): 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: 5'5", little muscle, black hair, brown eyes


Occupation: Student


  • Healing
  • Determination
  • Agile
  • Intelligent

Weapon Of Choice:

  • Longbow & Arrows tipped with eagle and swan feathers

Likes (3+):

  • Gardening
  • Hot Chocolate & Tea
  • Painting/Drawing
  • School

Dislikes (3+):

  • Dogs
  • President Everdeen
  • Fire
  • Storms


  • Climbing
  • Good at hiding tracks
  • Stealth
  • Weapon Versatility
  • Fit


  • Weak swimmer
  • Hand to hand combat
  • Doesn't work well in teams
  • Aloof
  • Not a multi-tasker


Ujin is aloof around others and prefers to spend his time in the garden in back of his parents' home or painting. He is working underneath the healer in the next village and has been trained in weapons since he was four. Despite being trained in hand to hand combat, he never developed that skill enough. On top of that he can't swim and naturally has a fear of drowning, though it doesn't help that he saw one of his good friends drown when they were children and blames himself for it every day, the guilt eating him alive. He is a good fighter...from the shadows...but in terms of hand to hand combat he is weak-willed. Although Ujin excels in healing and weapon versatility, he would much rather heal rather than kill others, the thought of killing someone making him sick to his stomach. Ujin blames Katniss for the rebellion as well as the loss of his family's status and good life they had wielded before the rebellion.


Ujin was born to a noble family. They didn't have a lot of money but they were well off compared to the other districts. His older brother Zhao was one of the children killed during the rebellion when a bomb was dropped on the capital outside President Snow's mansion, trying to protect their little sister. The loss of two of her children nearly killed his mother. When Ujin was four, his parents signed him up with a weapons master who trained him in a variety of weapons in case the reaping happened once more and so Yin could protect himself if anything happened to his parents. Ujin was only six when his friend Rial drowned after saving him when he fell into the river a week after school had let out, having gone there to get some water for his parents. When Rial died, he threw himself into his studies and training in an attempt to make himself forget the loss of his best friend. Time doesn't heal all wounds like people claim. After the rebellion happened, the Sun family lost everything, including their land that they had lived on for generations. Luckily they were taken in by his mother's cousin but still the family never recovered from the rebellion or the loss of their family land and house.

Other(Optional): He makes his own arrows, his longbow being passed down from his weapons master.

What do you mean by 'healing' as a skill? Basic first aid, or...? And you mentioned a village, when there aren't really any villages in this time period. Did you mean something else?

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Sorry, I haven't read Hunger Games in a while.

As for healing being a skill, my character knows first aid and has a moderate experience in herbal knowledge. He can't do surgeries or cure fatal wounds but knows how to set bones so they don't move and can cure basic to moderate injuries.

In regards to the village, I mean the neighborhood that he grew up in. @S n o w

Paislee Aljoy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.47dc8b72540e75969c7c7cb1c9a00d30.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.47dc8b72540e75969c7c7cb1c9a00d30.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

...Because when he sings...even the birds stop to listen.
Suzanne Collins

Nickname: "Pais" by close friends

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Paislee is about 5'4, 110 lbs, with green-blue eyes. She has pale skin, and hair the color of fire that ombrés into a dark auburn. She is slender and pretty, with large almond shaped eyes, a button nose, and full lips the same shade as strawberry jam. She is rather petite, but she has a little muscle from her gymnastics/ballet days. She was built to be swooned and fawned over; not to fight to the death.

Occupation: Student

Skills: Running, camouflaging, acrobatics/tumbling/gymnastics, sewing, and she has basic medical training.

Weapon Of Choice: Her own two feet. She is a decent knife thrower, if she could get her hands on some daggers...









Strengths: Being stealthy and agile, climbing, and comforting others.

Weaknesses: Physical weakness, being small, easy to overpower, somewhat shy.

Personality: Sweet and warm, but a bit introverted, afraid of the unknown, and easily scared.

Backstory: Paislee is the daughter to an esteemed Doctor and his dress-maker wife. She tailors gowns for the finest in the Capitol, or did, because it was what she enjoyed. She taught Paislee everything she knew, and her name was Aurora. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.3bb5dc427613ed1eaedc12820392d8b6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.3bb5dc427613ed1eaedc12820392d8b6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Her father serviced the president himself, as he had frequent medical issues. He taught Paislee basic medical practices, although he didn't guess she'd even have to use them. His name was Thomes. Both Thomes and Aurora raised their daughter well; she was privileged, respectful, poised, and pretty to boot; but she wasn't designed to kill. The entire family resigned themselves to her dying on the first day.

She even wonders how she's still alive.

Other: Her boyfriend's name was Torrence, but they broke up after the reaping, as she was probably going to die.



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Quote (Optional):

Name: Adam Wrensh

Nickname: none

Age (12-18): 14

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.2a01b3f9d6ad4ef965c261d49f2c700b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.2a01b3f9d6ad4ef965c261d49f2c700b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Occupation: assistant Doctor

Skills: fast learner his medical skills his ability to stay calm

Weapon Of Choice: throwing knives <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.fc1e07515b765a11293e8843ca26369a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.fc1e07515b765a11293e8843ca26369a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes (3+):


Being praised

His mother


Dislikes (3+):


Being excluded

Being alone

Too much heat

Strength(s): quick runner and good hider has a good eye

Weaknesses(es): the dark failing to save someone he was working on brute force battles

Personality: Adam is a very chill person, but sometimes gets excited. He always tries his best and can usually get the job done. Unfortunately he has always had self esteem issues and if he is told he is too weak or too dumb he truly believes he is. However, if he is told he can do something, then he thinks he can.

Backstory: Adam's life has been full of ups and downs. His mother and father were both doctors, but his father was killed during a scuffle with some thugs. Adam was never an extremely emotional boy, but for a short period of time, he was full of hatred.. He was always getting the crap beaten out of him, talking out against the thugs, until one day he slipped into a deep depression. He rarely ever left his room, and barely ate. That was until, one night, his mother brought home a man named Amos. Amos was a great man who his mother planned to marry. He always made Adam happy, and helped him out of his depression. After Adam had recovered, he started to work at his mother's clinic. His life was finally better. A week before the wedding, Adam woke up. Only to find that they had been robbed. And that Anos was gone. Adam was just, sort of broken. He didn't talk, and never did anything. After about a month of so, his life went back to normal, his mother working at the clinic, and him helping. Suddenly, his tv switched on, playing a very disconcerting message.

Other: He is also ok with daggers through practicing with knives and stuff in the clinic.

@S n o w



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he helped out around his mom's clinic and if there were patients who needed minor assistance he would do it himself. along the way he learned some more important skills: stitches, healing herbs, how to slow the bleeding of deep cuts etc

@S n o w

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