Character Sheet

S n o w

Roleplay Type(s)

<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Quote (Optional): </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Name: </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Nickname:</span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Age (12-18): </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Gender:</span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Sexuality:</span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Appearance: </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Occupation: </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Skills: </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Weapon Of Choice:</span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Likes (3+): </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Dislikes (3+): </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Strength(s): </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Weaknesses(es): </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Personality: </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Backstory: </span>



<span style="font-family:'Overlock SC';">Other(Optional):</span>

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Quote: "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."

Name: Wren Portshore

Nickname: N/A

Age (12-18): 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual


Occupation: Waitress



-Can identify inedible/poisonous plants or foods

-Knows basic first aid

Weapon Of Choice: Basic knife

Likes (3+):



-Coffee/Hot Chocolate

Dislikes (3+):


-President Everdeen

-Her Mom

-Loud Noises



-Strong Mentally

-Quick Thinker


-Not very physically strong

-Combat (Little experience in fighting)

no slide

Wren is an easygoing and sarcastic individual. Sarcasm is her strongest defense and weapon against personal questions, and idiocy, respectively, and she uses it to its fullest extent. It's extremely hard to offend her/make her angry, since she will laugh off most insults, or sarcasm her way out of a situation. She's friendly-ish. She has to be able to be a little social and approachable, with her job and all.

She's hopeful, but keeps that part of herself hidden from the general public. At night, she likes to stay up late so that she can look at the stars.
"I wonder how I would see everything if I was looking down on everything from up there."

As long as Wren's been alive, she's never seen her mother work a day in her life. Her parents handled being forced to work for the first time in two different ways. Her father bought a small café 'Coffee House' with the last of his money right after the Revolution, and tried to run it himself. He failed. Though over the next twenty-eight years he slowly learned how to run a successful business. Wren's mother is an entirely different story. She never adapted to the new way the former Capitol had to live, and refused to do anything that involved the word 'working'. She does her best to hold onto the old way, and dresses the part in over-the-top, colorful outfits, and hair, even though Wren's father has to work twice as hard to support her lifestyle.

Wren started working at the cafe when she was thirteen. Her father taught himself, and then Wren, how to cook and what herbs can and cannot be added to beverages and the small dishes they serve. He also taught her to read, and once gave her an old astronomy book that he found but wasn't interested in and didn't think she would find interesting either. Until very recently, she was actually a fan of President Everdeen and looked up to her when she was younger after hearing wild, overblown stories describing how she freed Panem singlehandedly.

@DarknessWithin @CandiBarr @djinnamon @JaySenpai @LadyAria @spooksspook @Thetas @Anno Bane @Xenoxx @Sunstone
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Quote:"I have to live for everyone else, i'll survive just to see them again!"

Name: Veril Loctrench

Nickname: Trench

Age (12-18): 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Occupation: Electronics Tester

Skills: -Knowledge of spear/staff like weapons


-Tech. Prowess

Weapon Of Choice: Lance

Likes (3+): Classical Music

Dark Humor

General Conversation

Dislikes (3+): Being alone

Being Betrayed

Being Helpless

Strength(s): Survival Instinct


Analytical Mindset

Weakness(es): Too Trusting


Personality: Trench lazily walks and talks through life, only working hard if he deems it essential. Cherishes his own life more than anyone elses, but enjoys the company of other people to the point of being unable to exist without others. His time in The Fallon Capitol has imbued an observation of an eagle unto him, so even when Trench is lazy, he'll know what's going on.

Backstory: Veril lived a good life in The Capitol, at least until the rebellion, then their lives were turned on their heads! But, they weren't absolutely poor, and Trench didn't resent the actions of President Everdeen, even if he did realize the hypocrisy of them all. Veril's parents were a bit too eccentric about their new situation, and as such forced him to train in survival tactics and work in their factories to gain an affinity with technology, all for the sake of 'preparedness' as they defined it, preparedness was also the reason he trained in defensive acrobatics. Veril was now 15, and still training his skills, wondering if anything he's doing will change the position of those around him, which didn't matter that much to him. After all, he was still alive!
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No one has been drawn for the games yet, and President Everdeen's message would have been heard just before the RP starts.
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Kristen Romanoff

“Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.”-Kait Rokowski

Basic Info

Name:Kristen Romanoff


Age: 16



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbe4b1f14_LyndsyFonsecaCuteSideFacePhotoshoot.jpg.aa73adff2ff1d75b2ab917a5fcd96645.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbe4b1f14_LyndsyFonsecaCuteSideFacePhotoshoot.jpg.aa73adff2ff1d75b2ab917a5fcd96645.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

General Stuff Occupation: She was an actress but when her acting career goes downhill she has to pick up stripping.
General Stuff

Skills: She knows how to act and she also knows how to fight (more info in backstory).

Weapon Of Choice:Bo Staff

Likes : Pineapple, getting what she wants, and swimming.

Dislikes: Sexist comments, cheap guys, and the entire Rebellion.

Strength(s):Manipulating people and close fighting.

Weaknesses(es):She is a realist, she doesn't have that sense of hope pushing her. If she sees a situation where she knows it's over, she's more likely to accept it.
Personality Kristen is a strong willed person. She is also very determined, she'll come off as bittersweet. People hear sweet words being sung but they can also see that there's a bit of a threat behind them.
Backstory Kristen should have been born into a very rich family, anyone would have said that she was set for life. But in actuality she was never even set for one day. Her parents were killed in a factory working, her sister was killed at a press conference by peace keepers. But somehow, Kristen survived and had to make her way on the streets of the Capitol alone. So, she picked up acting as a career, she made friends with the right people, charmed them and then used them to get what she both wanted and needed.

After some time, one of the movie producers came up with making movie about Katniss Everdeen. Kristen was cast to play Katniss, she was uncomfortable playing the woman who was the cause of the deaths of her entire family, but she didn't have any other options. However, when President Everdeen found out about the movie she killed the idea, she had everyone involved discredited and left them with no profession. Kristen was left with no clue what to do. So, she picked up stripping, it was an easy way to make money if you can handle a few pathetic guys ogling at you. Eventually, there came a time when the customers wanted more than just look, they wanted more. So, Kristen went to one of the ex Arena trainers her parents had befriended. He taught her combat with knives, swords, and a bo staff. He basically trained her to kill anyone who touched her.

Kristen made decent money as a stripper, but it wasn't something that she wanted to do for life. It was filling that hole in her chest. That was when she got an idea. She was going to get revenge on the woman that had ruined or spoiled every second of her life. She was going to get revenge on President Everdeen. The only problem was that she didn't know how. Then President Everdeen made an announcement about the Hunger Games. That's when Kristen knew how to get her revenge. She was going to win the Hunger Games and that would get her close enough to the president to either shove a dagger in her chest or choke her with her bare hands.



  • Lyndsy Fonseca Cute Side Face Photoshoot.jpg
    Lyndsy Fonseca Cute Side Face Photoshoot.jpg
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"No one expected our reality to come crashing down on top of our shoulders. But we should have. Because nothing lasts forever."

Basic Info

Name:Jacob Haynes


Age: 16




Occupation: Blacksmith

Skills: Jacob is used to handling heavy weapons,favoring strength instead of speed. He also knows a thing or two about traps.

Weapon Of Choice: Hammer.

Likes: Crafting armor and swords,shows of strength and ability,people who favor strategy,sweets in general.

Dislikes: Assholes in general,Bullies,Water(afraid of it).

Strength(s): Close fighting,Tasks that require careful handling.

Weaknesses(es):Jacob is a pessimist and not afraid to admit it. He also has trouble with his big mouth,bursting anything that comes to his mind and often getting in trouble because of it. Jake has also no skills on first aid.
Personality While Jacob is a generally nice person,he can come off as rude for his extreme sincerity. He isn't willing to tone down his temper for anyone,even possible allies. While he doesn't see much hope for himself in the games,he also isn't willing to go down without a fight. His loyalty could be considered both a weakness and a strength. He isn't willing to betray his allies,even to save his life.


Backstory Jake hasn't known another life beyond the revolution,but he saw the signs of it's destruction around him. His grandparents were killed during it,and his mother always seemed terrified that something could happen as well. Jake's brother,Nathan,was in an even worse situation,becoming paranoid that something could happen with his family. But still,Nathan was Jake's role model. The boy worked in the forge everyday,trying to help with the house's money so his family wouldn't starve. And he also trained constantly,mostly so his brother wouldn't freak out about Jake nothing being able to defend himself.

The breakpoint in his life was when the threat of a new hunger game arrived,and Nathan was too terrified to deal with it. Jake saw his brother shooting himself in front of his eyes,and since then he lost any sympathy for the revolution.

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“Worry often gives a small things a big shadow.”


Ramsey Windsor



Age (12-18):

16 y/o












Aquatic Transport Manager

//In charge of supply movement by boat and/or ship, does grunt work and oversees//


Exceedingly skilled in swimming

Very persuasive; likeable

✦ Heavy Lifter; very strong in her upper body

Weapon Of Choice:



The smell of rain

+ Spending time with her family

+ Being recognized for her accomplishments

- Hot weather

- Getting yelled at by clients

- The discrimination of her or others


Has a lot of stamina but isn't very fast

Is very personable and likely to get sponsored
but easily gets caught up in pleasantries in battle

Good hunter but gets easily dehydrated


Ramsey has always had an extremely positive outlook on her life, carrying this positivity through into many a precarious situation. This can also translate into a large amount of patience on her part; giving her an easily controlled temper. However, if one is unlucky enough to test her patience, she isn't the kind of girl to back down from an altercation. She has a quick tongue and an even quicker fist. She has a deep sense of confidence, and this has also proved to be extremely infectious to those around her. One could even call her a feminist in a sense, always willing to make a stand when others she cares about are in peril. This can lead her to be rude at times, but not out of spite.


Ramsey never knew the privilege and wealth that many Capitol families and children seemed to miss, the very faint memories she had of its last moments having faded away as her family was forced to adapt. Being an only child, she never had the comfort that others with siblings had; relying solely on her mother and father for support and comfort. There wasn't a cushion for her family once they were thrust into the workforce, both her mother and father being forced into factory work out of the pure need for survival. Neither of her parents adapted well, Ramsey's family life quickly turning into anger, complaining, and resentment. Her parents quickly lost sight and hope, becoming shells of their former selves as all they had known had been lost to them. Ramsey found herself unemployed as she reached an older age, moving from place to place at her parents command. She continued to be tossed around as merely a tool for more income until she reached around 14; at which she left. She chose her own job, her own way of life, but got only resentment and hatred from her parents as a result. They grew to hate their own daughter, and out of terror and paranoia they placed their blame onto her. Ramsey did her best to smile, grin and bear it, continuing to send them money as they would get laid off from work. She became their sole income soon after she got promotions at work, her guilt driving her to continue to love and provide for those who should be providing for her. Ramsey visits her parents constantly, bringing them supplies and money to only get anger and resent in return.

Things turned around for the better as she became more friendly at work, meeting countless people as she came into contact with others. She met countless districts through her work, some being neutral towards her, some being aggressive, some even being pitiful towards her. Through this, she met the man who came to mentor her. After rumors began to spread about a new Hunger Games being instated, this was something she had s; out of precaution more than anything. He had known much about the Hunger Games, having been a victor of one in years past. He was of District 2, thankfully one that still regarded the capitol with some sort of fondness. He trained her to the best of his abilities, which is where Ramsey picked up her strength and talent with a cutlass. Her training lasted for as long as he stayed around in the Capitol, which was about a year or so, and she was then left to continue her training in secret.

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(holy frick i dont usually get second chances here goes! ^-^)

Quote (Optional): "Mind over matter? Why not mind and matter!"

Name: Oak Hawkhill

Nickname: Lonely Tree

Age (12-18): 16

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual


Occupation: Engineer

Skills: Adaptability, problem solving.

Weapon Of Choice:riot shield

Likes (3+): bodybuilding, dungeons and dragons, anything mentally challenging, soccer (never mentioned as canon but let's assume they play sports besides the Hg)

Dislikes (3+): the idea of the hunger games, the impracticality of the districts, tofu

Strength(s): knowledge, strength

Weaknesses(es): no training with weapons, horrible shot with ranged, no knowledge of the arena

Personality: Very hot headed, never liked the idea of the hunger games or separate districts, socially a awkward and morally considerate. Doesn't care much for money but doesn't like any people in power.

Backstory: Oak had a normal life until age 3 when his parents were Murdered. Taken to an orphanage And stayed there for 4 years, when he was 7 a couple from district 3 was visiting the Capitol to study the "reboot" of the capitol. They thought about getting a kid to raise as an assistant while they were there, so they went to the orphanage. They chose him for his extraordinary knowledge.(I considered what you said but then thought I shouldn't base one family off of a district/group). For the sake of better education, the family decided to stay in the Capitol and schooled him there instead. He spent his time in school playing sports and getting straight A's. Went to college as an engineering prodigy at the age of 15 for making a semi working radar satellite. given the nickname Lonely tree because he had no friends and his name is Oak. Now he works as an engineer and lives alone.

Other(Optional): He is very well fed, and took a botanology class in college.
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You could've just edited your first post.

The whole surgeon part seems pretty abrupt. He went to college for engineering and then suddenly was a surgeon? You should be more specific. What was the family doing in the Capitol?
Quote (Optional): "Have faith and everything will be alright."

Name: Skylar Lavender

Nickname: Sky

Age (12-18): 12

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight



Occupation: Going to School


  • cunning
  • knows more than just basic first aid/knows how to find herbs and make medicine (She no doctor but she is good for her age)
  • is a very independent thinker, can get out of a lot of tight situations

Weapon Of Choice: dagger or throwing knives

Likes (3+):

  • quiet
  • feeling safe
  • chocolate
  • peace

Dislikes (3+):

  • violence
  • hatred
  • arguments
  • broccoli
  • the old capital (Where she lives and her family to an extent)


  • she is very small so she can hide very easily
  • she's very fast
  • she has somewhat good aim


  • very weak
  • not a strong fighter
  • shy
  • young and naïve


Sky is mature for her age. She loves going to the library and reading about medicines. She also knows a lot about the rebellion. She hates about everything that has happen to the districts, but is happy there is some kind of peace again. She hopes to one day go to the new Capital and help in the medical field.


Sky has lives in the old capital since she was little. Her mother worked as a lawyer and her father as a technical Engeiner. Neither didn't seem to do much and neglected Sky most of the time. They would usually both come home drunk. A few times her father attacked her and beat her. One time he had tried hurting her with a knife but she was able to get out of the house before she got hurt. When she asked for help no one wanted to help or didn't believe her. She still loves her parents, but tries to stay away from them as much as possible.

At school kids would pick on her because she liked the other districts and wished for peace and unity. The teachers also got on to her for that opinion. When she not running away from the bullies at her school, she goes to the library and reads abut herbs and medicines and about the rebellion.

When Sky heard Katniss had started back up the HG she was devastated. She had looked up to Katniss and Peeta for stopping the old capital and trying to bring the district and old capital together. So hearing about the 76 hungers shocked her.​



*She had been taking knife throwing lessons, secretly, from a man named Keith. She did it just in case her father ever tried to attack again.

(Since everyone one was making older kids I wanted to try someone different. If not to me more people come I might add an older character)

@S n o w
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Quote (Optional):

Name: drake celler

Nickname: draky

Age (12-18): 17

Gender: male

Sexuality: pansexual (I'm ready, men)


Occupation: bartender

Skills: boxing, running and preparing meals

Weapon Of Choice: his FISTS (UGGGGGGGGH )

Likes (3+): working out, being fit, success and any job to do with food, puns

Dislikes (3+): math, school, fashion, failure

Strength(s): scavenging, hurting people, winning

Weaknesses(es): the final blow, trusting people, sciences

Personality: laid back chef who is a avid fan of boxing and keeping fit. He displays emotion rather vividly and doesn't REALLY know losses of most stuff concerning tech no know-how

Backstory: D rake was as normal as a normal guy could get. He grew up in a very skilled family. Although, they were rather poor due to the rebellion. The house lived in had a 40 year old mother (although she looked more like 60) and a retired dad who was 39 (who looked 40. Its awkward being with them) He LIKED them, sure. But Drake knew they didn't really like him. His father was a business man, see. He valued maths and the sciences well above physical and cooking ability like Drake did. So, this caused drake to have to take all the subjects he hates. Science, maths. All that bad stuff. If anything, this sparked his hate. Like a dying flame, he hoped to take stuff he liked and never do that shit again. But unfortunately, he had to. And so, he hated them even more than before. After turning 16, and being 2 years into GCSE (Ik ik, Drake thought that was young. But school policy) Drake sought out what he wanted to do. And he wanted to be a chef. So, he arrived at the cookery "The Wines Inn" and he was in luck. They were hiring waiters. Perfect. Apart from the building being made of cheep wood, no foundation and looking like it will fall over any minute. And it can only host 30 guest's at most. Ah well, drake saw this as a perfect start. Of course they hired him. They couldn't afford anyone else. Heck, he got just above the normal pay. Well, this place used to be AMAZING but drake knew that the rebellion crushed this building.

5 weeks later, he got promoted. And the building went upwards from there. And drake even got into a gym, and the pass was dirt cheap. Life was really looking great. He hasn't seen his dirty, lying parents since. 5 months later, the games came

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@MidnightStar Your skills should not be the same as your strengths, and since this RP takes place right after the announcement, she wouldn't have reacted to it yet.

@7 Tales He does not look 14, and he wouldn't be a bartender or living alone at that age either.

And capitalization.
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“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”

Name: Atlas Keene

Nickname: Atty

Age (12-18): 14

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Occupation: Farmhand


-Rope/Knot tying

-Knows how to grow food

-Tree Climbing

Weapon Of Choice: Slingshot

Likes (3+):

-Being Outdoors



-Having fun

Dislikes (3+):



-Picky people



-Good at hiding


-Good at hiding his tracks


-Can't read

-Trusts too easily

-Not very fast


Atlas is a friendly, playful person. He's the type of person that is rarely ever serious, and likes to make other people laugh. He jokes around a lot, and is happiest when he's around other people. Depending on how serious a situation is, he knows when not to joke and/or take jokes too far, and if it's dire enough, he might even act mature. He's a hard worker, and prides himself on how well his animals are taken care of. He doesn't like people who take their lives for granted, or people who are indecisive.


Atlas was more or less born to be a farmhand. He's worked on his mother's farm beside his older brother, Iberis, since he was old enough to learn how to tie a knot, and doesn't know any other lifestyle. He dropped out of school when he was nine when his father needed more help to make more money, and has been homeschooled by his brother since. His father left them a little after Atlas' younger brother, Eta, was born, fleeing to the districts because he wasn't 'cut out' for farming, and feeding three kids was 'too hard'. Atlas has never heard from his father since, and they don't know if he even managed to leave the former Capitol or if he died trying to leave.

His grandparents used to bet on the Hunger Games tributes for fun, and Atlas' mother and father both had an easy life up until the rebellion. His grandparents and their houses were destroyed in the bombings, and they both were forced to work as farmhands until the owner of said farm suddenly died in his sleep, and it was given to Atlas' mother since the farm owner didn't have any known family. He doesn't really know much about how to rebellion started, and his family can only afford a single old TV, so he doesn't really dislike President Everdeen.

Other (Optional): He doesn't wear shoes.

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Character Completion

Laureliane Quinn

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/13709941_1771886873095103_754821311992230540_n.jpg.b430520c4ea338b4fcd3caa1c1223979.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/13709941_1771886873095103_754821311992230540_n.jpg.b430520c4ea338b4fcd3caa1c1223979.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Age (12-18): 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Maintenance engineer


-Extremely good for mapping large map,along with her nice vision of the outside world.She did study a lot about surviving outside in any case.

Weapon Of Choice:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Free-Shipping-Anime-Manga-Fate-Saber-Stay-Night-Tohsaka-Rin-Dagger-Metal-Sword-16cm-Weapon-002.jpg.96e308a0abdbb40ab393618f92736e4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Free-Shipping-Anime-Manga-Fate-Saber-Stay-Night-Tohsaka-Rin-Dagger-Metal-Sword-16cm-Weapon-002.jpg.96e308a0abdbb40ab393618f92736e4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Likes (3+):


-Doing something useful

-Studying thing about the outside world

-Discovering new species

-Studying the technologies

Dislikes (3+):


-Someone blaming her

-Seen someone hurting her friends


-Strong determination

-Capable of running for a great amount of time

-Enhanced fighting style in close combats with her dagger

-Open mind


-Need to drink and eat a lot

-Doesn't support hot temperature

-Frequent headache

-Get on nerves easily

Personality: Laureliane is a girl who like to win,which mean she will not lose any occasion to do something in order to achieve her goal.That doesn't mean she is a monster at all,if she need to do something horrible she won't do it.

She is rather emotionless to random people,but a lot more confident when talking to a friends.

What she hate the most is when someone tell her something bad about something that she like to do,and won't hesitate to answer back with anger.

Backstory: Laureliane was born after that her father meet her mother on a boat trip,falling in love in a couple of weeks.During her childhood,Laureliane was quickly developing a great passion about the species and the outside world and also the mechanical of each machines,along with her winning passion.She did make some friends during school who also like her passion.At the age of 15,her father offer him his dagger in any case with the inscription "I will always be with you." before sending her in a new apartment for a new job.But then,the hunger games arrived....

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/13709941_1771886873095103_754821311992230540_n.jpg.357ec80440947c1358b140f06506e8e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/13709941_1771886873095103_754821311992230540_n.jpg.357ec80440947c1358b140f06506e8e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"All the things you thought I didn't know.. Funny huh?"


Anastasie Mae


Annie | Anna | Mae












Archery | Aim

Nimble | Light on her Feet

Deception | Deceptive

Weapon Of Choice

Bow and Arrow

(Since it seems everyone is doing daggers and knives)
Bows and Arrows, How Fun..


Reading | Learning

Food | Sweets

Running | Sprinting




Moths | Butterflies
(They're all the same in her mind)

Negative, Toxic People

Waiting | Boredom


Quick | Fast Runner

Hiding | Camouflaging Herself

Teamwork | Works well with others

Long Range Combat

Underestimated Knowledge about Nature and Healing Herbs


Can be Naive | Too Trusting of Others

No Poker Face

Weak Swimmer | Doggy Paddel?

Hand to Hand Combat | Close Combat


Anastasie is a rather soft-spoken girl who isn't much louder than a mouse due to the environment she lived in as a child but has a plentiful of facial expressions to make up for it (which can be good or bad in this case). Being quiet doesn't necessarily mean she's mute, speaking loudly just doesn't seem to have a point to her and she'd rather save her energy for other things. Annie is a very observant girl, often taking on other people's techniques just from watching if it seems to help the outcome turn out better and taking mental notes of every little detail. Due to her background and nature, people tend to consider her more of a delicate princess and not much to offer in terms of survival and knowledge, usually eliminating her as any sort of threat.


The Mae Family was a strong wealthy family known for their line of work in technology, never tasting what a harsh blistering winter or a blood boiling summer from their cozy home. This was of corse before the rebellion. After the rebellion, it seemed that almost all of the wealthy and noble families went down and the Mae family went down as well, down in flames. Somehow their large house went up in flames after bombs were set off and lit the house a flame and what was left of the carnage was mostly ash and rubble. Knowing that they'd go down eventually, Anastasie's father had prepared a little bit of money aside for them ahead of time just in case they needed to leave their home.

While the servants still had homes to go back to with their families, the Mae Household was no more. With the little money they had left preserved, the Mae family tried to start their lives again, of corse not in the lavish lifestyle they once lived in but in the basement of a previous servant who kindly took the family in. Anastasie's father now worked at the lowest rank in a factory, building parts and pieces to computers and other electronics. Her mother took up bakery since that seemed to be the easiest line of work that didn't require too much physical labor but she'd often come home with burnt red fingers and dry batter in her once beautiful silky blue hair which was now turned a dim corse navy.

Anastasie and Rosanna, her eldest sister, on the other hand would stay home, playing with whatever they could find in the basement since they weren't allowed to go outside anymore which included looking out windows and watching TV. Their parents just didn't allow it, wanting to protect with girls from the tainted world outside at all costs. Once Anna was somewhat old enough, Rose would teach the young child how to read and write to pass the time with books about another world and a 'fictional' heroin named Katniss who saved the kingdom from a terrible tyrant with a simple bow and arrow. Of corse Rose knew that this was all real, being old enough to barely remember the rebellion at the time. With the mind set of wanting to be just like their heroes, the girls made their own makeshift weapons. Anna made a bow and arrows representing Katniss while Rose made a spear which represented Peeta, often going on their own little adventure within their small room, pretending to be in the Hunger Games and fighting alongside each other. When their parents got home, however, the girls quickly hid their 'weapons' and pretended to be reading books about nature and how survival works and what to do when you're lost in the forest or whatever.

It didn't take long before the room began getting too small for their adventures and Rose had a
great idea, maybe they could go out the magic door that mom and dad left to in the morning and came back at night and see what was be on there. Anna being naive as ever went along with the plan, knowing that their parents often told them not to but coming on with it anyways. Anna was only 9 when she discovered the world that was thought was fictional was actually the world she'd be living in, hiding the fact that she knew more than her parents thought for the past 7 years because Anastasie was their Delicate. Little. Princess.


"Homemade bows and professionally made bows are so much more different.. I like it."


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