• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character Registration

Name: Carmen Vehemente

Nickname(If Applies): Caramel

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral at the moment

Where you live: In a dorm

What Year of high school you in: Second

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: She can control things with her mind, can use telepathy and bend reality


~ Her powers

~ Ballet

~ Food

~ Music

~ Her pet puppy

"These are a few of my favorite things!"


~ Bullies

~ When spells go wrong

~ Her past

~ Terrible music

"This list send shivers down my spine..."


Carmen is a shy, wise, witty and sarcastic person. She hates attention and likes to be by herself because of her past. She is nice girl deep down inside but doesn't know who to really trust anymore sadly

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/45db4c99bf3d976da22b03d304e1d252.jpg.00cdb621814823b13c76d9e2b97ccb6a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67491" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/45db4c99bf3d976da22b03d304e1d252.jpg.00cdb621814823b13c76d9e2b97ccb6a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Carmen was suppose to have a twin brother but died shortly after birth with the mother as well. Since then her dad has been depressed and became an alcoholic which she didn't care. The girl kept getting harassed at her old school. On her 16th birthday she discovered her powers and found out about a school who could teach her how to use them so she applied.

Dating/lover/crush: Noe at the moment...

Anything else:

Has a ying yang tattoo on her right shoulder



  • 45db4c99bf3d976da22b03d304e1d252.jpg
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[QUOTE="Carmen Vehemente]Name: Carmen Vehemente
Nickname(If Applies): Caramel

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral at the moment

Where you live: In a dorm

What Year of high school you in: Second

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: She can control things with her mind, can use telepathy and bend reality


~ Her powers

~ Ballet

~ Food

~ Music

~ Her pet puppy

"These are a few of my favorite things!"


~ Bullies

~ When spells go wrong

~ Her past

~ Terrible music

"This list send shivers down my spine..."


Carmen is a shy, wise, witty and sarcastic person. She hates attention and likes to be by herself because of her past. She is nice girl deep down inside but doesn't know who to really trust anymore sadly

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

View attachment 153483


Carmen was suppose to have a twin brother but died shortly after birth with the mother as well. Since then her dad has been depressed and became an alcoholic which she didn't care. The girl kept getting harassed at her old school. On her 16th birthday she discovered her powers and found out about a school who could teach her how to use them so she applied.

Dating/lover/crush: Noe at the moment...

Anything else:

Has a ying yang tattoo on her right shoulder

@Fukushima Akira @Roman please accept

Name: Nykrian

Nickname(If Applies): Nyk, or Nick

Age: Looks 18

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Apartment

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are: Nephalem

Powers/gifts: Esoteric Flame Manipulation, Semi-Immortality, Regenerative Healing Factor, Enhanced Swordsmanship, Wing Manifestation

Likes: Reading, Fishing, Watching people battle, Women

Dislikes:Vegetables, Little kids, Other loud people, Quiet people,

Personality: Nykrian is a laid-back person who would rather lay under a tree and read a book than do most anything but if properly motivated can do hard work, is lethal when crossed , but can also be the best friend you can find and he really loves the ladies.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: doesn't like to talk about it

Dating/lover/crush: N/A
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Here is the template for your characters:

Name: Hamika Kianee

Nickname(If Applies): Kian

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: year 9

What kind of being you are: Draman

Powers/gifts: Elemental Manipulation

Likes: Sweets, Warmth, Parties and Books

Dislikes: Lightning storms, loud noises and raw meat

Personality: Brooding, shy, sweet, fierce and seductive

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3351/3337297465_03480a34ae.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.flickr.com/photos/35369282@N02/3337297465&h=320&w=296&tbnid=z7kwHRTr9lEcHM:&docid=595OggdUPJGTmM&hl=en&ei=RwfHVYuhMeG7mQWfj764Bw&tbm=isch&client=safari&ved=0CCcQMygMMAxqFQoTCMvg3fbCm8cCFeFdpgodn4cPdw

Bio: Doesn't know her past

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: N/A



Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



- manipulation of fire

- flight

- reincarnation (when she dies, her body turns to ash and she is reborn from the ashes as a younger version of herself. Her personality and appearence changes every time that happens.)

- healing tears


+ sunshine

+ gardening

+ nice people

+ learning

+ sweet food


- herself

- mean people

- darkness

- storms

- water


Lumina is extremely shy and meek. She lacks self esteem and confidence which has played a factor into her shyness. However she is a very kind soul to everyone and wants to give everyone a chance. She doesn't know how to control her powers either. She hides her wings in her shirt, due to not knowing anybody who was a phoenix like herself.



(Her form right now. Will change if she reincarnates.)


Lumina doesn't remember anything before she was found by the only family she knew, an older man who lived in the forest. She was found nearly dead, and he nursed her back to health, and in a sense, adopted the girl. Because of this lifestyle she was very sheltered from the world, with the man not knowing if there were any other supernatural creatures like herself. So when she was older and he found out about a school specifically for those who weren't quite... normal, he insisted she go despite her protests. But she went anyways, and now she's here. She hopes to go back and find him again one day.



Anything else:

I realized I hadn't actually made a character sheet for her, so here you go.
Lumina said:



Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



- manipulation of fire

- flight

- reincarnation (when she dies, her body turns to ash and she is reborn from the ashes as a younger version of herself. Her personality and appearence changes every time that happens.)

- healing tears


+ sunshine

+ gardening

+ nice people

+ learning

+ sweet food


- herself

- mean people

- darkness

- storms

- water


Lumina is extremely shy and meek. She lacks self esteem and confidence which has played a factor into her shyness. However she is a very kind soul to everyone and wants to give everyone a chance. She doesn't know how to control her powers either. She hides her wings in her shirt, due to not knowing anybody who was a phoenix like herself.



(Her form right now. Will change if she reincarnates.)


Lumina doesn't remember anything before she was found by the only family she knew, an older man who lived in the forest. She was found nearly dead, and he nursed her back to health, and in a sense, adopted the girl. Because of this lifestyle she was very sheltered from the world, with the man not knowing if there were any other supernatural creatures like herself. So when she was older and he found out about a school specifically for those who weren't quite... normal, he insisted she go despite her protests. But she went anyways, and now she's here. She hopes to go back and find him again one day.



Anything else:

I realized I hadn't actually made a character sheet for her, so here you go.
Accepted? I don't know if I was supposed to say that or not but there it is xD
Name: Shadow

Nickname(If Applies): Shade

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Abandoned Building

What Year of high school your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Angel

Powers/gifts: Flight, Invisibility, The ability to change into animals, Night vision, Swordsmanship

Likes: Drawing, Being alone, Being free

Dislikes: Self centered people, Bossy people, Fire

Personality: Sassy, Stubborn, Smart, Skilled, Shy

Appearance: (Anime Picture Pereferred)

Bio: Sweet girl unless you get on her bad side. Has trust issues and lives alone. If you wanna know more then get to know her.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: N/A<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/th.jpeg.b71dae7197d106695b349c5ff5a79015.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67927" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/th.jpeg.b71dae7197d106695b349c5ff5a79015.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Shadow9816 said:
Name: Shadow
Nickname(If Applies): Shade

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Abandoned Building

What Year of high school your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Angel

Powers/gifts: Flight, Invisibility, The ability to change into animals, Night vision, Swordsmanship

Likes: Drawing, Being alone, Being free

Dislikes: Self centered people, Bossy people, Fire

Personality: Sassy, Stubborn, Smart, Skilled, Shy

Appearance: (Anime Picture Pereferred)

Bio: Sweet girl unless you get on her bad side. Has trust issues and lives alone. If you wanna know more then get to know her.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: N/A
Name: Arako Hatsuse


Age: 9

''W-Why so curious about my age desu?''

Gender: Female

''I-I will always be a girl desu!''

Species: Goddess of Destruction / Amara's and Natsuru's daughter

''I-I'm the Goddess of Destruction...desu..''


''I just like this style of kimono desu''

Bio: Well....she's just a child of Natsuru and Amara. what more is there...

Anything Else:

She is sort of like a half fox. She got that gene from her mother, Amara. it just skipped a generation so Izuni gets that gene.

She likes Sweets

And shes a kid. dont try and date her. until shes like....older....(god knows when when CreatorHimeragi or CreatorNonalaka will decide that she will become older
xD )
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Himeragi Seiker] [COLOR=#660066]Name: Izuni Hatsuse[/COLOR][COLOR=#660066] ''H-Hello...desu..''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] Age: 9[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] ''W-Why so curious about my age desu?''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] Gender: Female[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] ''I-I will always be a girl desu!''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] Species: Goddess of Destruction / Amara's and Natsuru's daughter[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] ''I-I'm the Goddess of Destruction...desu..''[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] Appearance:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#660066] ''I just like this style of kimono desu''[/COLOR] [URL="http://www.aliexpress.com/item/New-Japanese-Anime-Cartoon-No-Game-No-Life-Hatsuse-Izuna-Microfibre-Bath-towel-towels-bathroom-washcloth/32225765529.html said:

Bio: Well....she's just a child of Natsuru and Amara. what more is there...

Anything Else:

She is sort of like a half fox. She got that gene from her mother, Amara. it just skipped a generation so Izuni gets that gene.

She likes Sweets

And shes a kid. dont try and date her. until shes like....older....(god knows when when CreatorHimeragi or CreatorNonalaka will decide that she will become older
xD )
Name: ara

Nickname(If Applies): princess of death

Age: just born

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: evil/ nutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) with her mother thana and father hayate (@Roman)

What Year of highschool your in:?

What kind of being you are: grim reaper/ fox demon

Powers/gifts: ability to control ones soul and kill them or bring one back to life


her brother

being around her family

not being alone


being alone

people that dont like her because of what she is

Personality: ara is a energetic and out going girl but doesn't talk much. shes always happy and rarely shows any other emotions

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1153453sj9drsfca0.jpg.3e99534e6f457bb90f043953f9339d3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68362" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1153453sj9drsfca0.jpg.3e99534e6f457bb90f043953f9339d3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: just born

Dating/lover/crush: none yet

Anything else: daughter of thana the goddess of death and hayate (@Roman)



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What Year of highschool your in:?

What kind of being you are: grim reaper/ fox demon

Powers/gifts: ability to control ones soul and kill them or bring one back to life


her brother

being around her family

not being alone


being alone

people that dont like her because of what she is

Personality: ara is a energetic and out going girl but doesn't talk much. shes always happy and rarely shows any other emotions

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

View attachment 155085

Bio: just born

Dating/lover/crush: none yet

Anything else: daughter of thana the goddess of death and hayate (@Roman)


Name: Satoshi

Nickname: Prince of Death, Sato

Age: Just born

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Morality: Neutral (Like his father)

What kind I being: Human/Grim Reaper

Where do I live: With Thana and Hayate, his parents.

@Daniel reaver

Powers/Gifts: Training under Roman and Hayate, he learned everything Hayate knows. Though he does possess the abilities of his mother too. He also has part of Karuma(Source of Hayate's high energy and fox demon) inside of him. Also ninjustu.

What year of high school: He doesn't attend, but might try and sneak into a few classes.


+His family

-People bothering his sister



+Acting like an adult

-/+Hayate (His father)

Personality: Satoshi is a outgoing, and happy kid. He can be a little rash at times. He often gets the feeling that no one cares sometimes.



Bio: He is the son of Hayate and Thana and fraternal twin of Ara.

Anything Else: He has the demon fox inside of him.

@Fukushima Akira



Dante Shinji Aventus


Avatar, The Perennial Paragon, Modern-Day Adonis





Sexual Orientation:



Chaotic Good

Where you live

An apartment, some ways outside of the school grounds.



What kind of being you are:




Dante is capable of creatively manipulating the fundamental force known as Electromagnetism, a particularly versatile ability that appears to make him a moderately powerful being. The degree that he controls this ability has enabled him to achieve feats a variety of feats that the average human would be rendered utterly incapable of replicating. At the moment, he hasn't achieved full mastery over the ability, and thus, hasn't been able to exploit it to its fullest potential. However, as of now, it appears that he is at least capable of achieving a form of electromagnetic flight, as well as achieving a slightly lesser form of telekinesis, simply known as 'electrical telekinesis'.


Apples, Girls, Works of

magnificence, Attention


Snakes, Bullies, Corrupt Authority


(Will develop throughout the course of the RP, and be exhibited through actions and dialogue instead of simple paragraphs)


Dante is a man of an exceptionally handsome visage, his features of utmost debonair betraying his truly fatal capabilities. The shape of his head appears to be moderately slim, with an average sized nose and mouth. His eyes, swirling orbs of vivid hazel, greatly compliment his innately winsome countenance. His hair, short and smooth, is as umber as the finest wood, small, brown waves falling over the sides (Near his eyes). In relation to his heritage, his skin bears an almost imperceptibly fair tan. He sports a moderate amount of clean facial hair, its color akin to his hair. He stands at roughly 6'1, weighing a total of 140 lbs (63 kg).


(Under Construction)


At the moment, none

Anything else:

Nothing else

(@Fukushima Akira: Hopefully this new power is more suitable than the last. Might even turn out to be of more fun)
Apex said:


Dante Shinji Aventus


Avatar, The Perennial Paragon, Modern-Day Adonis





Sexual Orientation:



Chaotic Good

Where you live

An apartment, some ways outside of the school grounds.



What kind of being you are:




Dante is capable of creatively manipulating the fundamental force known as Electromagnetism, a particularly versatile ability that appears to make him a moderately powerful being. The degree that he controls this ability has enabled him to achieve feats a variety of feats that the average human would be rendered utterly incapable of replicating. At the moment, he hasn't achieved full mastery over the ability, and thus, hasn't been able to exploit it to its fullest potential. However, as of now, it appears that he is at least capable of achieving a form of electromagnetic flight, as well as achieving a slightly lesser form of telekinesis, simply known as 'electrical telekinesis'.


Apples, Girls, Works of

magnificence, Attention


Snakes, Bullies, Corrupt Authority


(Will develop throughout the course of the RP, and be exhibited through actions and dialogue instead of simple paragraphs)


Dante is a man of an exceptionally handsome visage, his features of utmost debonair betraying his truly fatal capabilities. The shape of his head appears to be moderately slim, with an average sized nose and mouth. His eyes, swirling orbs of vivid hazel, greatly compliment his innately winsome countenance. His hair, short and smooth, is as umber as the finest wood, small, brown waves falling over the sides (Near his eyes). In relation to his heritage, his skin bears an almost imperceptibly fair tan. He sports a moderate amount of clean facial hair, its color akin to his hair. He stands at roughly 6'1, weighing a total of 140 lbs (63 kg).


(Under Construction)


At the moment, none

Anything else:

Nothing else

(@Fukushima Akira: Hopefully this new power is more suitable than the last. Might even turn out to be of more fun)
Yeah, that's good xP

Accepted :D
Name: Everest L. Avalon

Nickname(If Applies): Sound Hound or Sonos

Age: 212 (but appears 16)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good / Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Void Sonos – and Un-ageing human born with the ability to manipulate sound, and an instinctual defense, that prevents self-harm through the use of sonokinesis.



4x Colt .45 single action revolvers

4x Desert Eagle .50 cal

24x Gil Hibben throwing knives

4x Khukuri blades painted midnight black

2x Tonfa swords (if you’ve ever seen the hellboy movie, then they are the things that Kroenen uses.)

Abilities/ Techniques

Acoustic manipulation (sonokinesis) – Everest’s only “true” innate supernatural ability is at its core simply being able to create any number of frequencies at any level of decibel, which allows for a wide variety of uses. (just as a short list of basic techniques would be bullets and blades made of ultrasound and subsound, im sure I can find many uses for sonoluminescence, AOE sound fields, etc… part of the reason I haven’t created a full list is because I’m still finding related subjects and working out how they can be involved in the moves… such as Bubble fusion… ya, a form of nuclear fusion involves sound and bubbles [well… actually they are bubbles made from sound… kind of…. As I said, its complex, and im still thinking of ways to use it.])

Bullet Techniques

“Curve” – Everest can curve bullet paths. Pretty self-explanatory.

“Ghost shot” – Everest can pull the trigger on a gun, yet have the mechanisms stall, for a set amount of time. (if the trigger is pulled again before ghost shot occurs, two bullets will be attempted to fire at the same time, causing the gun to effectively self-destruct.)

“Bouncy Bullet” – due to his understanding of trajectories and how objects will collide together, Everest can get a bullet to ricochet in basically any way he wants.

“Block Shot” – Everest’s reaction time is so good, that he can quite literally shoot bullets out of the air.

“Break Shot” – such as when ghost shot tries to fire two bullets at the same time and causes a gun to break, Everest can shoot a bullet down the barrel of another gun, causing a similar occurrence.

“Flash Shot”- Like a quick draw artist out of an old western movie, Everest can draw and fire his colts at a speed faster than Bob Munden (world record holder for fastest quickdraw at less than 0.15 seconds.)

“Flash reload” – at a speed akin to his draw, Everest can reload his guns near instantaneously, allowing for almost continuous fire with his pistols.

“Bullet storm” – combining flash shot and flash reload, this is a technique that will riddle his targets with bullets.

Blade techniques:

“Splitter” – using one of his Khukuris, Everest can split a bullet in two.

“Gun Blade” – Similar to Splitter, but Everest uses his Tonfas to redirect the bullet right back at the shooter. (again, watch hellboy.)

“Blade dance” – An Innumerable number of attack patterns that fit a variety of situations. (I have a giant list of them, but each dance consists of a form, a verse, a stave, and a note, and I have a list of each so um ya… lots of combos I made up in my free time…)

“Flash Throw” – Basically Flash shot but with a knife.

Unarmed Techniques:

“Snatch” – Using Sound and his reacting time Everest can grab a bullet or blade out of the air. (this also allows him to catch something like a sword blade as it swings at him.)

“Resonate Fist” – Basically Punching somebody and resonating Subsound waves through the body, effectively turning the afflicted into a human subwoofer. (to but this into a bit better perspective, Subsound has been known to quite literally shake the eyes out of a person’s head.)


Alcohol Immunity – For some reason, Everest cant get drunk. Believe me when he was younger he tried.

Pharmaceutical Immunities – Similar to Alcohol, Everest cannot be drugged, painkillers, sleeping pills, hallucinogens ect, have no effect on him.

Language translation – No idea where it comes from, but after listening to a language for about 30 minutes, Everest can speak and read it fluently.

Likes: Music, Guns, Food, Being a Smart Ass, Duck tape, his 1986 Fender Stratocaster (and the rest of them, but the fenders his favorite.), Foreign Languages, and Coffee

Dislikes: Getting his ass handed to him obviously, failing to create a comeback, White noise, not being the loudest thing in the room, and alcohol (if he can’t get drunk, then why drink it?)

Personality: A gigantic wise cracking smart ass, Everest loves to have fun and will put his friends above all else.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Bio: suddenly appearing after a Beethoven concert, Everest had a perfect understanding of music theory, acoustics, and sound in general, Everest has lived a simple life, not requiring food, but loving its taste, he traveled the world, goofing off and having fun. Deciding that this Highschool sounds like its going to be the center of chaos, Everest has enrolled and is looking forward to the symphony of a life time.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet, but not opposed to the idea.

Anything else: Not really… aside from Everest’s policy of any humiliation he receives he returns one hundred times over.
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[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Name: Everest L. Avalon
Nickname(If Applies): Sound Hound or Sonos

Age: 212 (but appears 16)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good / Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are: Void Sonos – and Un-ageing human born with the ability to manipulate sound, and an instinctual defense, that prevents self-harm through the use of sonokinesis.



4x Colt .45 single action revolvers

4x Desert Eagle .50 cal

24x Gil Hibben throwing knives

4x Khukuri blades painted midnight black

2x Tonfa swords (if you’ve ever seen the hellboy movie, then they are the things that Kroenen uses.)

Abilities/ Techniques

Acoustic manipulation (sonokinesis) – Everest’s only “true” innate supernatural ability is at its core simply being able to create any number of frequencies at any level of decibel, which allows for a wide variety of uses. (just as a short list of basic techniques would be bullets and blades made of ultrasound and subsound, im sure I can find many uses for sonoluminescence, AOE sound fields, etc… part of the reason I haven’t created a full list is because I’m still finding related subjects and working out how they can be involved in the moves… such as Bubble fusion… ya, a form of nuclear fusion involves sound and bubbles [well… actually they are bubbles made from sound… kind of…. As I said, its complex, and im still thinking of ways to use it.])

Bullet Techniques

“Curve” – Everest can curve bullet paths. Pretty self-explanatory.

“Ghost shot” – Everest can pull the trigger on a gun, yet have the mechanisms stall, for a set amount of time. (if the trigger is pulled again before ghost shot occurs, two bullets will be attempted to fire at the same time, causing the gun to effectively self-destruct.)

“Bouncy Bullet” – due to his understanding of trajectories and how objects will collide together, Everest can get a bullet to ricochet in basically any way he wants.

“Block Shot” – Everest’s reaction time is so good, that he can quite literally shoot bullets out of the air.

“Break Shot” – such as when ghost shot tries to fire two bullets at the same time and causes a gun to break, Everest can shoot a bullet down the barrel of another gun, causing a similar occurrence.

“Flash Shot”- Like a quick draw artist out of an old western movie, Everest can draw and fire his colts at a speed faster than Bob Munden (world record holder for fastest quickdraw at less than 0.15 seconds.)

“Flash reload” – at a speed akin to his draw, Everest can reload his guns near instantaneously, allowing for almost continuous fire with his pistols.

“Bullet storm” – combining flash shot and flash reload, this is a technique that will riddle his targets with bullets.

Blade techniques:

“Splitter” – using one of his Khukuris, Everest can split a bullet in two.

“Gun Blade” – Similar to Splitter, but Everest uses his Tonfas to redirect the bullet right back at the shooter. (again, watch hellboy.)

“Blade dance” – An Innumerable number of attack patterns that fit a variety of situations. (I have a giant list of them, but each dance consists of a form, a verse, a stave, and a note, and I have a list of each so um ya… lots of combos I made up in my free time…)

“Flash Throw” – Basically Flash shot but with a knife.

Unarmed Techniques:

“Snatch” – Using Sound and his reacting time Everest can grab a bullet or blade out of the air. (this also allows him to catch something like a sword blade as it swings at him.)

“Resonate Fist” – Basically Punching somebody and resonating Subsound waves through the body, effectively turning the afflicted into a human subwoofer. (to but this into a bit better perspective, Subsound has been known to quite literally shake the eyes out of a person’s head.)


Alcohol Immunity – For some reason, Everest cant get drunk. Believe me when he was younger he tried.

Pharmaceutical Immunities – Similar to Alcohol, Everest cannot be drugged, painkillers, sleeping pills, hallucinogens ect, have no effect on him.

Language translation – No idea where it comes from, but after listening to a language for about 30 minutes, Everest can speak and read it fluently.

Likes: Music, Guns, Food, Being a Smart Ass, Duck tape, his 1986 Fender Stratocaster (and the rest of them, but the fenders his favorite.), Foreign Languages, and Coffee

Dislikes: Getting his ass handed to him obviously, failing to create a comeback, White noise, not being the loudest thing in the room, and alcohol (if he can’t get drunk, then why drink it?)

Personality: A gigantic wise cracking smart ass, Everest loves to have fun and will put his friends above all else.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


(Not a Stratocaster, but the best I could find from a simple google search, and besides, the guitar reminds me of my IRL acoustic so I Like it.)

Bio: suddenly appearing after a Beethoven concert, Everest had a perfect understanding of music theory, acoustics, and sound in general, Everest has lived a simple life, not requiring food, but loving its taste, he traveled the world, goofing off and having fun. Deciding that this Highschool sounds like its going to be the center of chaos, Everest has enrolled and is looking forward to the symphony of a life time.

Dating/lover/crush: none yet, but not opposed to the idea.

Anything else: Not really… aside from Everest’s policy of any humiliation he receives he returns one hundred times over.

The appearance is taken.
Roman said:
The appearance is taken.
...this is page 98 of CS apps, like he'll I was going to read through them all... I'm amazed you would know that off the top of you head to.... anyway, I'll change it in a sec.
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]...this is page 98 of CS apps, like he'll I was going to read through them all... I'm amazed you would know that off the top of you head to.... anyway, I'll change it in a sec.

The Creator of the RP is better than me with knowing, but I know it's taken because he's a popular character in the RP lol.
Roman said:
The Creator of the RP is better than me with knowing, but I know it's taken because he's a popular character in the RP lol.
Oh lol. Is this appearance taken? (changed it in the bio)
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]Oh lol. Is this appearance taken? (changed it in the bio)

[QUOTE="Jesters Court].... seriously ugh... fine.... i'll change it after I get back from an errand in around 3-4 hours...

(( Oh wait! It's fine, I read your post wrong. The appearance isn't taken ))
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]ok, well changed that back. do I need to do anything else, or is the CS good?

You're accepted

This is an Updated CS:

Name: Autumn

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Temple of Light

What Year of highschool your in: Freshmen

What kind of being you are: Demi-God

Powers/gifts: whatever powers Celia and William have, just combined

Weaponry- Autumn is good with swords and bows, but prefers not to fight unless needed too

Light Magic- She's still trying to figure out how to work it

Ice Manipulation- She has control over any and all kinds of ice

Soul Burst- About to learn it if she defeats a certain beastly creature



Meeting new people


Making others happy


Her favorite stuffed bear






Anyone basically rude or mean

Personality: Autumn is a very bubbly person, who likes to talk to others. Though she is also bipolar, one minute she can be as happy as ever but do something to piss her off and her whole attitude switches. She becomes mean and cold, not caring about anything or anyone. Her more happier personality is sweet, kind, loving, and doesn't want to see anyone harmed in any type of way.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Regular appearance


Combat Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpeg.aa765d9715479bbf3c93739c52f5cbe7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="76665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpeg.aa765d9715479bbf3c93739c52f5cbe7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Bio: "Oh well I was born a long time ago... I don't remember the date sorry! Ah, I'll just give you the short version. I don't feel like explaining all of this. Mean man and nice lady had sex a lot, resulting in me. The mean man is my father and the nice lady is my mother Celia. Blah blah blah, I use to younger, yadda yadda yadda, I was sixteen in the matter of a few days of being born. Then a lot of stuff happened, dramatic stuff and personal stuff that I won't tell you about. Anyways, after all that I met Ryley, my boyfriend. He's really sweet and nice to me, he even took me to Paris! But then I had to come and save mom from some darkness... Han's (( my moms new boyfriend... Stuff happened, I'm not explaining what )) was in her mind about to go in and defeat it. I tossed him to the ground and booked it inside without a plan... I just didn't want him inside. So now I'm about to face this weird snake thing and I have to kill it's mother in order to learn Soul Burst! Which to me mean, 'Soul go boom boom.' I don't know how I'm writing this if I'm still in my moms mind... but who cares?!"



Anything else:

Updated information includes:








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