• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Character Registration


Griffin Moore

Nickname (if applies)

N/A (He doesn't like nicknames)





Sexual Orientation




Living Arrangements



3rd Year




Experimented on as a child, some of his main abilities include:

† Superspeed

† Trained with double swords


Coffee, exercise, sushi, heavy metal music, flying animals


Confined spaces, slow talkers


Although he's a serious guy when it comes to the greater good, he's pretty jocular in school and around friends. He can be pretty flirtatious and social, but he isn't very loyal, nor does he trust too many people (due his rough past). However, he is a fun person to be around, and he can make people laugh at the spur of the moment. He can be sarcastic, and loves to feign laziness, even though he truly has a determined persona. He likes impressing others and showing off too, but the most important thing for him is to defend the innocent, because no one was there to defend for him when he was captured and experimented on.




As a kid, his parents were drug addicts, so he grew up in an abusive and broken home. He finally got taken to a foster home, but it wasn't much better there. One day, a group of men came to take some of the unwanted kids away for money, and they gave Griffin to them. He was experimented on with several others, but only he survived. He broke out, which was incredibly easy because he had super strength after the tests, and he had been on the run ever since, until he came across this high school. He has been here ever since.

Every so often, he goes out into the human world and saves lives in any way he can. In a way, it helps him not think about himself as a monster, like his mother and other foster kids used to call him, and instead as a hero. However, he still has a hard time making strong connections, even if he has many friends because of his appealing personality. He's working on it though.


No one currently

Anything else

He loves to pretend he can talk to animals too, and he's very fond of birds.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


Eleanor Hashimoto

Nickname (if applies)






Sexual Orientation




Living Arrangements


School Year

2nd Year




Telepathy, and she is a dynamo genius (has an IQ of 167 [which her powers helped her with])


Math/Physics, Supernatural beings, reading, staying up late, candy, adventure, music (classical, japanese, folk rock, and other less popular genres), spontaneous journeys


Pessimists, opportunists with no morale, loud chewers


She doesn't really care what others think about her, unless it will affect one of her experiments or fun times. She is determined and intense, highly mentally driven to get what she wants done. She is rather obsessive, dramatic, and compulsive, which is why not many people can become friends with her. However, once you get to know her better, she is an empathetic, eccentric being who loves talking about her feelings and yours. Although she is very emotional, she doesn't like admitting her feelings and comes off as quiet in class, even though she can be extremely excited and passionate in her zone.




As a kid, her parents were caring, kind people who took care of her, but a tragedy occurred when a high speed collision killed her parents as well as her younger brother. Ever since that day, she has been utterly obsessed with the supernatural, because she believed that she obtained her powers from a "demon" that day of the car crash, instead of dying herself. She is a bit of a nut, but at least she has a hobby. So, she ran away from her grandmother's place (where she lived for a few months before getting bored), and with the help of her powers, found supernatural beings, and soon the fantasy high school she's in now. Even though she's surrounded by demons and angels and hybrids alike, she is still obsessed with them and their powers. On occasion, she goes and travels around by train, messing with humans and finding fantastical beings, telling them about the school (and actually recruiting students).


Nothing yet

Anything else

She is bipolar, so her emotions can turn tables out of the blue

Artemistel said:


Griffin Moore

Nickname (if applies)

N/A (He doesn't like nicknames)





Sexual Orientation




Living Arrangements



3rd Year




Experimented on as a child, some of his main abilities include:

† Superspeed

† Trained with double swords


Coffee, exercise, sushi, heavy metal music, flying animals


Confined spaces, slow talkers


Although he's a serious guy when it comes to the greater good, he's pretty jocular in school and around friends. He can be pretty flirtatious and social, but he isn't very loyal, nor does he trust too many people (due his rough past). However, he is a fun person to be around, and he can make people laugh at the spur of the moment. He can be sarcastic, and loves to feign laziness, even though he truly has a determined persona. He likes impressing others and showing off too, but the most important thing for him is to defend the innocent, because no one was there to defend for him when he was captured and experimented on.




As a kid, his parents were drug addicts, so he grew up in an abusive and broken home. He finally got taken to a foster home, but it wasn't much better there. One day, a group of men came to take some of the unwanted kids away for money, and they gave Griffin to them. He was experimented on with several others, but only he survived. He broke out, which was incredibly easy because he had super strength after the tests, and he had been on the run ever since, until he came across this high school. He has been here ever since.

Every so often, he goes out into the human world and saves lives in any way he can. In a way, it helps him not think about himself as a monster, like his mother and other foster kids used to call him, and instead as a hero. However, he still has a hard time making strong connections, even if he has many friends because of his appealing personality. He's working on it though.


No one currently

Anything else

He loves to pretend he can talk to animals too, and he's very fond of birds.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *


Eleanor Hashimoto

Nickname (if applies)






Sexual Orientation




Living Arrangements


School Year

2nd Year




Telepathy, and she is a dynamo genius (has an IQ of 167 [which her powers helped her with])


Math/Physics, Supernatural beings, reading, staying up late, candy, adventure, music (classical, japanese, folk rock, and other less popular genres), spontaneous journeys


Pessimists, opportunists with no morale, loud chewers


She doesn't really care what others think about her, unless it will affect one of her experiments or fun times. She is determined and intense, highly mentally driven to get what she wants done. She is rather obsessive, dramatic, and compulsive, which is why not many people can become friends with her. However, once you get to know her better, she is an empathetic, eccentric being who loves talking about her feelings and yours. Although she is very emotional, she doesn't like admitting her feelings and comes off as quiet in class, even though she can be extremely excited and passionate in her zone.




As a kid, her parents were caring, kind people who took care of her, but a tragedy occurred when a high speed collision killed her parents as well as her younger brother. Ever since that day, she has been utterly obsessed with the supernatural, because she believed that she obtained her powers from a "demon" that day of the car crash, instead of dying herself. She is a bit of a nut, but at least she has a hobby. So, she ran away from her grandmother's place (where she lived for a few months before getting bored), and with the help of her powers, found supernatural beings, and soon the fantasy high school she's in now. Even though she's surrounded by demons and angels and hybrids alike, she is still obsessed with them and their powers. On occasion, she goes and travels around by train, messing with humans and finding fantastical beings, telling them about the school (and actually recruiting students).


Nothing yet

Anything else

She is bipolar, so her emotions can turn tables out of the blue

Name: I-040 Evan "ECHO" Jackson

Nickname(If Applies): ECHO

Age: 5 (Appears 16)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Grade 10

What kind of being you are: Android


Likes: Technology, Science, Winning, Making Friends (although he may not be very good at it)

Dislikes: Assholes (Correction: People that are assholes to him personally)

Personality: Evan has a more INTP, analytical personality. He doesn't like large crowds and is generally keeps to himself. However, he is not a very soft spoken person. Evan makes it his mission in life to attempt to educate the world around him of what he believes to be correct. One of his many faults can be correcting people on technicalities to the point of being outright annoying, although he has no malicious intentions. Other ways along the lines of his personality is his dry sense of humor. He can be quite sarcastic and sometimes a bit of a jackass if he becomes bored; which, he usually is.



Bio: Evan was created as a later model in I-Project; a transcendent race created by ANDROMADA. Evan, along with all I-Project entities, are humanoid androids that look nearly or completely indistinguishable from normal humans. However, they all possess special powers and abilities in one way or another. As the 40th model created, Evan has the ability to manipulate matter at an atomic level and manipulate technology to create whatever he wants. Evan has a supreme intellect over any sentient person in the universe. Only an omniscient being will ever beat him at a game of chess.

It had been a long time in his short life of experiencing nothing but war, but recently had the option to go to a world of his choice to live for a limited time. He chose to live five years at a human world designated Earth. Once his time's up, he will forcefully be returned to the I-Faction domain and be returned to his life of battle and strategy. In the time space he's allotted, he hopes to learn what a normal life looks like.

Given his nickname, Evan created the ECHO Device; a laser weapon of absolute destruction. It has nothing to do with sound, but the weapon is so powerful that it annihilates reality, the space-time fabric, and every dimension in its path on an infinite scale. It required his power of nucleokinesis just to make it fire. Of course, he doesn't have personal access to this weapon at the moment. It is currently under possession of I-Faction to fight Crio.

"...because shooting twice is just silly."

Dating/lover/crush: None at present time.

Anything else:

Theme Song:



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Name: Graham

Nickname(If Applies): Doesn't care for nicknames.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) In an attic somewhere on the school grounds

What Year of highschool your in: 10th grade

What kind of being you are: Human...


  • Sensory distortion (Can control what anybody, or even everybody feels, sees, smells, tastes, and hears.)He can even conjure seemingly solid things at his disposal, that act as if they were real.
  • Aura, similar to mana but slightly different. Aura gives the person a naturally regenerating shield, which also accelerates rate of healing and can be used to perform greater tasks than would be normally be possible for Graham.This is an innate power given to him by his soul which was awakened through experimentation.

Likes: Interesting or unconventional people, learning new things, logic,

Dislikes: Scientists, not knowing, anything that is nonsensical (is annoyed by it)

Personality: He knows he is crazy, or at least unconventional. That's because he goes about things logically, so instead of lashing out on those who wronged him, he will enlighten them. And by enlighten, they will learn the error of their ways, and learn that there is always another way. He will occasionally talk to himself, and although he can be quite talkative, will be eerily silent for long stretches of time when nervous or deep in thought. May annoy people as a test of friendship, or just mess around to keep himself entertained, though only plays with those he is comfortable with. He is a perfectionist who is always thinking of any potential problems, their solutions, and wondering why it came to be. Despite his openness to learn, he tends to keep to himself by allowing only those who interest him to notice him. Otherwise, he masks his presence with his sensory distortion to make it seem as if no one was there, where no one can see, smell, hear, or even feel him.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Mbd43HuV_Aw/VqeDicbSKRI/AAAAAAAAE8Q/1EwSlaMZydY/w700-h933/o6w7.png

Bio: Born to an eccentric family, he enjoyed a relatively calm life until at age six his father 'accidentally' lashed out at him after getting mad at him for not performing well enough for him. Being so young, he was hence escorted to the emergency room, (while his father did not regret anything, he did need his son for his plans) , and eventually regained his consciousness as well as his health. Before Graham was sent back home though, Graham had remembered his fathers pure rage and left the hospital and his father behind, for he was afraid... because ever since he was born he had no real mom and he never saw much of Dad, whom always pushed him to be perfect. So he walked the streets, and walked, and walked. He saw the terrors of the world, including scientists experimenting on him after his ability was recognized, where they unlocked his aura, which allowed him to survive the torment on his brain (age 9). At that point he was rather insane, some would even call him mad, for he broke out of the science lab and left to a nearby forest, conjuring equipment from his aura to supply his basic needs (weapon, ammo, stuff that can be found only in cities) And he trained himself to be able to face the world, ready for anything.

Dating/lover/crush: Unlikely to ever have or want one

Anything else: He uses whatever he has at his disposal, which makes him rather flexible in most situations due to his ability to conjure just about anything. He has become so adept at his sensory distortion that he can even make others do what he wants.
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Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


Name: Chler Luckey

Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, with tendency to girls

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm nr 42

What Year of highschool your in: Freshgirl

What kind of being you are: Humanoid



--Really good with nature magic f.e: can make trees grow out of the ground really niftly, can also bring those down with ease. She's also able to tamper with the ground, but it tires her out really easily



--Telepathy, still hard for her to do--

Likes: PE, swimming, walks, forest, playing football

Dislikes: Fighting, doing nothing, math, physics

Personality: Chler is a sociable, calm girl, who doesn't get pissed off really easily. You would have to visibly abuse her, or assault her for her to go mad. She has a caring personality, but can be shy at times. She'd make her boyfriend's/girlfriend's life a living heaven if she could make out with one.

Bio: W.I.P (To be discovered)

Dating/lover/crush: Not now

Anything else: Nope

Name: Devin



Shirt:red and black plaid shirt


Shoes:black and red



eyecolor:light brown

Hair color/type:Black,soft and long



Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


Sexual oriantation:heteralsexual






Good or Evil or Neutral:good

Year of school:Freshman

power origins/bio:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

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Temmeh said:
Name: Devin


Shirt:red and black plaid shirt


Shoes:black and red



eyecolor:light brown

Hair color/type:Black,soft and long



Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


Sexual oriantation:heteralsexual






Good or Evil or Neutral:good

Year of school:Freshman

power origins/bio:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

Temmeh, Today at 11:55 AM
(I suggest you @Roman , since he is one of the ones who accepts the chara's here)
Temmeh said:
Name: Devin


Shirt:red and black plaid shirt


Shoes:black and red



eyecolor:light brown

Hair color/type:Black,soft and long



Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


Sexual oriantation:heteralsexual






Good or Evil or Neutral:good

Year of school:Freshman

power origins/bio:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

May I suggest that you try finding a good picture or faceclaim for this character? I can help you find one if you need help.
Ballerina said:
May I suggest that you try finding a good picture or faceclaim for this character? I can help you find one if you need help.
yes please. it would be much appreciated
Temmeh said:
yes please. it would be much appreciated
It will be another day or so before I can really search due to IRL stuff, but would you mind if there are slight alterations in his appearance? It's going to be hard to find an exact copy of who your describing. I'll PM you the pictures when I find them. :33
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Name: I-040 Evan "ECHO" Jackson
Nickname(If Applies): ECHO

Age: 5 (Appears 16)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Grade 10

What kind of being you are: Android


Likes: Technology, Science, Winning, Making Friends (although he may not be very good at it)

Dislikes: Assholes (Correction: People that are assholes to him personally)

Personality: Evan has a more INTP, analytical personality. He doesn't like large crowds and is generally keeps to himself. However, he is not a very soft spoken person. Evan makes it his mission in life to attempt to educate the world around him of what he believes to be correct. One of his many faults can be correcting people on technicalities to the point of being outright annoying, although he has no malicious intentions. Other ways along the lines of his personality is his dry sense of humor. He can be quite sarcastic and sometimes a bit of a jackass if he becomes bored; which, he usually is.



Bio: Evan was created as a later model in I-Project; a transcendent race created by ANDROMADA. Evan, along with all I-Project entities, are humanoid androids that look nearly or completely indistinguishable from normal humans. However, they all possess special powers and abilities in one way or another. As the 40th model created, Evan has the ability to manipulate matter at an atomic level and manipulate technology to create whatever he wants. Evan has a supreme intellect over any sentient person in the universe. Only an omniscient being will ever beat him at a game of chess.

It had been a long time in his short life of experiencing nothing but war, but recently had the option to go to a world of his choice to live for a limited time. He chose to live five years at a human world designated Earth. Once his time's up, he will forcefully be returned to the I-Faction domain and be returned to his life of battle and strategy. In the time space he's allotted, he hopes to learn what a normal life looks like.

Given his nickname, Evan created the ECHO Device; a laser weapon of absolute destruction. It has nothing to do with sound, but the weapon is so powerful that it annihilates reality, the space-time fabric, and every dimension in its path on an infinite scale. It required his power of nucleokinesis just to make it fire. Of course, he doesn't have personal access to this weapon at the moment. It is currently under possession of I-Faction to fight Crio.

"...because shooting twice is just silly."

Dating/lover/crush: None at present time.

Anything else:

Theme Song:



UnknownRawrs said:
Name: Graham
Nickname(If Applies): Doesn't care for nicknames.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) In an attic somewhere on the school grounds

What Year of highschool your in: 10th grade

What kind of being you are: Human...


  • Sensory distortion (Can control what anybody, or even everybody feels, sees, smells, tastes, and hears.)He can even conjure seemingly solid things at his disposal, that act as if they were real.
  • Aura, similar to mana but slightly different. Aura gives the person a naturally regenerating shield, which also accelerates rate of healing and can be used to perform greater tasks than would be normally be possible for Graham.This is an innate power given to him by his soul which was awakened through experimentation.

Likes: Interesting or unconventional people, learning new things, logic,

Dislikes: Scientists, not knowing, anything that is nonsensical (is annoyed by it)

Personality: He knows he is crazy, or at least unconventional. That's because he goes about things logically, so instead of lashing out on those who wronged him, he will enlighten them. And by enlighten, they will learn the error of their ways, and learn that there is always another way. He will occasionally talk to himself, and although he can be quite talkative, will be eerily silent for long stretches of time when nervous or deep in thought. May annoy people as a test of friendship, or just mess around to keep himself entertained, though only plays with those he is comfortable with. He is a perfectionist who is always thinking of any potential problems, their solutions, and wondering why it came to be. Despite his openness to learn, he tends to keep to himself by allowing only those who interest him to notice him. Otherwise, he masks his presence with his sensory distortion to make it seem as if no one was there, where no one can see, smell, hear, or even feel him.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Mbd43HuV_Aw/VqeDicbSKRI/AAAAAAAAE8Q/1EwSlaMZydY/w700-h933/o6w7.png

Bio: Born to an eccentric family, he enjoyed a relatively calm life until at age six his father 'accidentally' lashed out at him after getting mad at him for not performing well enough for him. Being so young, he was hence escorted to the emergency room, (while his father did not regret anything, he did need his son for his plans) , and eventually regained his consciousness as well as his health. Before Graham was sent back home though, Graham had remembered his fathers pure rage and left the hospital and his father behind, for he was afraid... because ever since he was born he had no real mom and he never saw much of Dad, whom always pushed him to be perfect. So he walked the streets, and walked, and walked. He saw the terrors of the world, including scientists experimenting on him after his ability was recognized, where they unlocked his aura, which allowed him to survive the torment on his brain (age 9). At that point he was rather insane, some would even call him mad, for he broke out of the science lab and left to a nearby forest, conjuring equipment from his aura to supply his basic needs (weapon, ammo, stuff that can be found only in cities) And he trained himself to be able to face the world, ready for anything.

Dating/lover/crush: Unlikely to ever have or want one

Anything else: He uses whatever he has at his disposal, which makes him rather flexible in most situations due to his ability to conjure just about anything. He has become so adept at his sensory distortion that he can even make others do what he wants.
JJKab said:
Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Name: Chler Luckey

Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, with tendency to girls

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm nr 42

What Year of highschool your in: Freshgirl

What kind of being you are: Humanoid



--Really good with nature magic f.e: can make trees grow out of the ground really niftly, can also bring those down with ease. She's also able to tamper with the ground, but it tires her out really easily



--Telepathy, still hard for her to do--

Likes: PE, swimming, walks, forest, playing football

Dislikes: Fighting, doing nothing, math, physics

Personality: Chler is a sociable, calm girl, who doesn't get pissed off really easily. You would have to visibly abuse her, or assault her for her to go mad. She has a caring personality, but can be shy at times. She'd make her boyfriend's/girlfriend's life a living heaven if she could make out with one.

Bio: W.I.P (To be discovered)

Dating/lover/crush: Not now

Anything else: Nope


Temmeh said:
Name: Devin


Shirt:red and black plaid shirt


Shoes:black and red



eyecolor:light brown

Hair color/type:Black,soft and long



Weakness:Water and lightning

strengths:The sun gives him a bit more power


Sexual oriantation:heteralsexual






Good or Evil or Neutral:good

Year of school:Freshman

power origins/bio:Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out!Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding. Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.

Devin bio:Devin parents was in the war during the fight between the dragons,pyromancers, and Titans,Thaumaturge.Before his parents went out to the war his parents handed him the book of pyomancy.A sacred book that been in there family for generations.After the war Devin found that his parents died in the war and became homeless and confused of his powers and didn´t know his full potential.

Extra:Also Devin wears sunglasses everywhere he goes and he also carries his family fire book with him at all times.He don't need the book to cast spells but keeps it with him in case he forgets a spell or wants to learn a new one.The book contain information about different creatures and different spells.The book also has a curse on it so if someone touch the book without his permission it will burn you REALLY REALLY badly no matter what.Devin uses rhymes to cast some spells

Picture please.
Name: Clair Mayoni

Nickname: none


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, and messes with almost all girls she meets.

Where you live: house

What Year of highschool your in: Senior


Dislikes: People getting in the way.

Personality: Seductive, Playful, Gets bored easily, Partying.

Power: Power to control plants, which may not seem tough but it really is.


@HimeragiSeiker :3 dont mind the sword and sheild xD
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MintPanda said:
Name: Clair Mayoni
Nickname: none


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, and messes with almost all girls she meets.

Where you live: house

What Year of highschool your in: Senior


Dislikes: People getting in the way.

Personality: Seductive, Playful, Gets bored easily, Partying.


@HimeragiSeiker :3 dont mind the sword and sheild xD
Gonna need powers. At least one.
MintPanda said:
Name: Clair Mayoni
Nickname: none


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, and messes with almost all girls she meets.

Where you live: house

What Year of highschool your in: Senior


Dislikes: People getting in the way.

Personality: Seductive, Playful, Gets bored easily, Partying.

Power: Power to control plants, which may not seem tough but it really is.


@HimeragiSeiker :3 dont mind the sword and sheild xD
MintPanda said:
Name: Clair Mayoni
Nickname: none


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, and messes with almost all girls she meets.

Where you live: house

What Year of highschool your in: Senior


Dislikes: People getting in the way.

Personality: Seductive, Playful, Gets bored easily, Partying.

Power: Power to control plants, which may not seem tough but it really is.


@HimeragiSeiker :3 dont mind the sword and sheild xD
but im wondering what kind of being she is xD plus i like the sword and shield so i think il mind it
okay xD what types of being's are there?

HimeragiSeiker said:
but im wondering what kind of being she is xD plus i like the sword and shield so i think il mind it

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