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Fantasy Character Registration

Ballerina said:


Eileen Fisher





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

One Eighth God


Enhanced Reading- This power allows her to read at a abnormally fast and unrealistic speed while retaining all the information. She can quickly analyze large amounts of information and read a large book within seconds. Usually after reading she get's headaches that vary in severity depending on the amount of information she consumed. However, she does not forever remember all that she has read word for word, so it can become difficult to remember something that she had read five years ago.

Bibliokinesis- The power allows her to manipulate books, manuscript pages, text paper, basically anything that is written and fictional. She has access to media that doesn't even exist as long as is mentioned in another media or imagined to exist. Eileen is able to multiply, generate, liquify, and compress books to her liking. She's also able to repair damaged texts and move books at any speed wherever she pleases.

Literary Animation- She can project narrative stories into reality by reading.

Dimensional Storage- Able to trap people/objects into fictional books.

Linguistic Intuition- Able to read fiction in every language.[/font]



Eileen is extremely introverted and socially awkward due to her socially isolated upbringing. Words usually don't come out of her mouth as easily as they do for others. She is considerably intelligent for someone her age, but doesn't really show off how smart she is. The sight of a male or someone who is abnormally extroverted causes her to freeze up. Eileen falls into the dorkier side of the spectrum since she has a few strange obsessions over several famous authors of books she loves. Given that most of her powers involve books, she's a huge bookworm, mostly so that she can grow even wiser, but also just because she enjoys reading. She cares very deeply about those who grow very close to her, like her sister and feels the need to protect them.


She was born on a rainy Monday to her mother, the daughter of the muse of Epic Poetry. Her father was not there when she was born, in fact he ran away the moment he found out that her mom was pregnant. He was never really there to witness any of Eileen's major milestones in her life, like her first words or steps. The once empty spot in their family of three was soon filled by her younger half sister, Margo, who was born only 3 years after she was. She used to attend school, her sister did too, but for some odd reason the two girls seemed to memorize materials at an abnormally fast rate, making school too easy for them. When the teachers told her mother about this dilemma, she immediately recognized that the two had inherited their supposedly deceased grandmother's powers. Eileen was immediately pulled out of the 4th grade along with her sister who was about to enter first grade. The two have been homeschooled ever since and it has worked out fairly well. Her mother was still able to balance a full time job and teaching the girls since they practically taught themselves. The house was filled with books, their local library looked like a undersupplied when compared to the house. Many years have flew by, the two sisters rarely left home, leaving the two with extremely limited social skills like the teacher warned, but it never mattered then, they just assumed it would be acquired over the time that they had plenty of.

Two months before Eileen's 17th birthday, her mother was diagnosed with cancer. At first it wasn't necessarily too hard to get by, her mother was still mobile and able to supply income to the Fisher household. However after about half year, the cancer had gotten progressively worse, leaving Eileen in charge of taking care of her mother. She took on the tasks of cooking meals for the family while Margo would make sure everything was still tidy. Disease always seems to affect the victims head, her once sweet and caring mother quickly grew bitter during her final months. This bitterness rubbed off on the two girls as well, the last time that they spent with their mother, was consumed by arguing and name-calling. The day before her 18th birthday, her mother died, it was tragic, but also a relief. The death led Aileen in charge of the Fisher 'household'. She decided to enroll both of them into the school to find supporting friends and to get their minds off their mothers recent death.


None as of right now

Anything else:


Pretty BBCode by the way.
Roman said:
Pretty BBCode by the way.
Thanks it took me a day or so to figure out how becoming worked but it's so worth it since now all my character sheets can be bootiful. Mind if I add another face claim?
Ballerina said:
Thanks it took me a day or so to figure out how becoming worked but it's so worth it since now all my character sheets can be bootiful. Mind if I add another face claim?
Go ahead, I'll tell you if someone is using it.

Lumina said:
I'm gonna have to agree with you on that. It's very visually appealing!
Agreed! I like the color scheme too. Red and pink~
Roman said:
Go ahead, I'll tell you if someone is using it.
Agreed! I like the color scheme too. Red and pink~
Yeah! I just get excited to see other people using BBCode too xD
Lumina said:
I'm gonna have to agree with you on that. It's very visually appealing!
Thanks! I also really like the way you format your CSs. They don't feel cluttered like a lot of other BB coded CSs can be.
Last edited by a moderator:
Ballerina said:
Thanks! I also really like the way you format your CSs. They don't feel cluttered like a lot of other BB coded CSs can be.
Ah, thank you! I was trying to come up with ways to separate the info without getting too messy, and that just kind of came of it. I'm always trying to improve myself, so I appreciate that people like my work!
The scars that you can't see are the hardest to heal.
Nai Tomori


  • tumblr_nsf34cb2xh1ta7pubo1_500.gif

    Nickname -

    Masu, Sumi, Ms. Ishida (at school)

    Alias -

    Human Girl

    Being -

    Special Human

    Age -


    Gender -


    Sexual Orientation -


    Morality -


    Residency -

    Orphanage, but now with Akane and Aselia.

    Grade/Year -


So much for your theory. You should know that a weapon doesn't make the man.
Future Trunks

Alejandro ISHIDA

  • tumblr_nq9f5fUfww1r1d32zo1_500.png

    Nickname -


    Mr. Ishida (Teachers)

    More to come...

    Alias -

    Ice Dragon

    Being -

    Special Human.... Very Special.

    Age -


    Gender -


    Sexual Orientation -


    Morality -


    Residency -


    Grade/Year -


Last edited by a moderator:
Name: Fricka

Surname: Fnich

Nickname: No Nickname

Age: 16

Gender: F

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 1'st

What kind of being you are: Human Form

Powers/gifts (Before being enchanced by Serine)

-Healing powers-

-Can lift small things with her mind-

Powers/Gifts (After being enchanted by Serine

--Knowledge on magic

--Enchanced telekinesis--

--Much more skilled in healing than before--

--Ability to teleport

--Ability to revert curse from other person, but it'll tire her out tremendously. Able to use it once--

--Able to levitate in the air--

--If threatened, she'll be able to spawn up mysterious guns, which'll fire energy blasts at the opponents. (
borrowed from Undertale, don't judge me :( )

Likes: Swimming, playing chess.

Dislikes: Rude people, jogging.

Personality: Kind, shy, can be easily scared



Bio: Fricka has been born from her mother, and after few years, her powers started to appear. After she reached 16 years old, she started to look for a highschool where they would teach her how to use her powers for good.

Dating/lover/crush: She has a small crush on Nai

Anything else: Not really.

#Update number two


Family Symbol


Nickname -


Alias -

The Ice King

Head of the Ishida Family

Being -


Age -


Gender -


Sexual Orientation -


Morality -


Residency -


Grade/Year -

Doesn't Attend Anymore

Powers/Gifts -

Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique

This is a genjutsu that reveals the fears that dwell inside people's hearts. Everyone has an image of the one thing they wouldn't want to ever see. This genjutsu is a technique that draws forth such an image from within the heart and has one mistake it for reality. First, an imaginary circle of leaves will spin around and envelop the target, falling away shortly after. After a short period, the illusion will begin. This is to make the illusion more convincing, since the user will likely have moved before the illusion sets in. If the mental image is a gruesome one, the shock will be accordingly great.

Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique

This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. In addition, they can start another attack.

Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall

The user creates a solid wall of earth as a form of defense. Chakra is either converted to earth within the body and then spat out to form the wall or the user can manipulate pre-existing earth to form the wall. The earth then instantly rises up and takes form. The barrier itself is also coated with chakra, making its strength incomparable to that of a normal mud wall. Because of the earth's special characteristics, the wall is highly resistant against, for instance, fire and water.

Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique

This technique changes earth into fine sand by channelling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy. One can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach. It also appears that after digging, the ground can be returned to its original state, leaving no trace of where the user entered the earth.

Earth Release: Multiple Earth-Style Wall

Like the parent technique, it creates a reinforced wall of earth to be used as a defensive mechanism. Using a pre-existing source of earth however, it allows the user to create multiple walls of earth, further fortifying their defense, so that even while the outer walls are destroyed the inner ones are still left intact.

Eight Gates

The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body.

The state of having all Eight Gates open is known as "Eight Gates Released Formation" (八門遁甲の陣, Hachimon Tonkō no Jin; English TV "Eight Inner Gates Formation"). Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers greater than a Kage, but they will die because of the damage done to their body. Due to the immense amount of chakra flooding the body all at once, drastic changes can occur upon the user's body. The most common of these changes are the darkening of the skin, eruption of veins around the temples, the eyes turning completely white.

  • The Gate of Opening (開門, Kaimon), located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so 100% of their strength can be used whereas normally, a person can only use 20% of their muscles' strength to keep them from disintegrating. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus.
  • The Gate of Healing (休門, Kyūmon; English TV "The Gate of Rest"), located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body.
  • The Gate of Life (生門, Seimon), located on the spinal cord. Allows the user to use the Reverse Lotus. The increased blood flow turns the skin red.
  • The Gate of Pain (傷門, Shōmon), located on the spinal cord. Increases the user's speed and power. May cause muscle tissue to tear on use.
  • The Gate of Limit (杜門, Tomon; English TV "The Gate of Closing"), located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power.
  • The Gate of View (景門, Keimon; English TV "The Gate of Joy"), located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user.
  • The Gate of Wonder (驚門, Kyōmon; English TV "The Gate of Shock"), located below the stomach. Further increases the user's speed and power. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, blue in the anime, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a chakra coating. Unfortunately, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches them.
  • The Gate of Death (死門, Shimon), located at the heart. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy. It makes the heart pump at maximum power and exceeds the power of every other gate.

Evil Sealing Method

This technique is used to suppress technique-induced marks on a person.

This seal requires a high number of hand seals to be performed and consumes large amount of chakra from the user. Preparation for this technique requires two concentric circles with kunai placed in intervals along the circumference, in addition to a number of characters written in blood that radiate out from the centre of the cursed seal.

Eye Mind Reading

This technique looks upon a target and weaves a sign with their eye, gathering information without them noticing. The user is even able to perform this on themself to restore or remove information in their own mind. This can also be used on a target that is currently reading the user's mind.

Genjutsu: Sharingan

Genjutsu: Sharingan is simply the generic use of genjutsu as employed by Sharingan wielders. By establishing direct eye contact with the intended opponents, the user can lock them within a genjutsu of their choosing in order to achieve various effects. These effects range from inducing instantaneous, but temporary, paralysis or unconsciousness in an opponent to forcefully extracting any valuable information that they possess or controlling their actions.


Kamui allows the user to transfer anything to another dimension. Once a target is sent to this dimension, it is unable to escape. This technique, when used through Obito's right eye, is also able to make the user "intangible" by transporting portions of their body to the same pocket dimension.

Lightning Beast Running Technique

By manipulating lightning chakra into their hand, the user can make the lightning expand to create the form of a hound. The hound remains connected to the user's hand, allowing them to control it during its attack.

Lightning Cutter

The Lightning Cutter is an enhanced and concentrated form of the Chidori with the same effects and drawbacks. The Chidori appears as simply a mass of white electrical chakra in the user's hand, while the Lightning Cutter is more focused (and blue in the anime).

Lightning Release Shadow Clone

This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform techniques and interact with the environment due to it having physical substance; and also evenly distributes the user's chakra to each clone. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever it is touching.

Lightning Transmission

Using the aid of a clone, the two Roman each perform the Lightning Cutter technique on opposite hands. Connecting their techniques together, they form a chain of lightning between themselves that is able to slice through objects such as tailed beasts' chakra arms with great ease. Roman was also able to wrap the lightning around a target, thus effectively restraining its movements, as shown against the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique

This technique is essentially a massive version of the Shadow Clone Technique. Instead of a few clones, it creates a few hundred clones (or a number of equal grandeur).

One Thousand Years of Death

A very simple technique with an overly dramatic name, One Thousand Years of Death is little more than inserting one's index and middle fingers (similar to the Tiger hand seal) into the opponent's bottom, causing constipation, pain and/or embarrassment. It has no effect on unconscious targets.

Peregrine Falcon Drop

The user grabs a falling opponent by their ankles, wraps his legs around their waist, and drives them head first into the ground, similar to the Front Lotus.


The Rasengan is a powerful A-rank techniqu. The Rasengan is a very useful, powerful, versatile, and difficult technique to learn and master.

Shadow Clone Technique

Similar to the basic Clone Technique, this technique creates copies of the user. However, these clones are corporeal instead of illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force. The clones can also disperse on their own or be dispelled by the user of the technique. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the actual person even by dōjutsu because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra as the original, and aren't made from any other substance like water clones are for example.

Silent Killing

As the name suggests, this technique is simply a very quiet method of killing an opponent, usually from behind with a blade. Additionally, because the user moves silently, it cannot be defended against, because the attack cannot be anticipated. The user will often slit their opponent's throat, preventing any cry that might give them away.

Strong Fist

The purpose of which is to cause external damage and break bones. This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent and is generally used only by extremely physically powerful and dominating shinobi.

Summoning Technique (Ninken)

The Summoning Technique is a space–time ninjutsu that allows the summoner to transport animals or people across long distances instantly via blood.

Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique

A high-grade tracking-offensive ninjutsu where one calls upon ninken with a summoning, so they can tail the target from underground and assault it simultaneously with their fangs.

After the user marks an opponent with his or her blood, they roll out a scroll and smear their blood across it. Afterwards they place it between their hands and make the seals before slamming the scroll into the ground. The ninken are summoned there and travel through the ground following the scent of the blood. When the target is found, they erupt from the ground and hold down the opponent with their mouths.

Water Clone Technique

The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones out of water that have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water.

Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique

This technique extends water over a large scale, surges and rises up to several dozens of meters high. Then it streams down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilization is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. This is a considerably advanced ninjutsu, and activating this technique requires a fair amount of chakra. The water can also be produced from the mouth.

Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique

The Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique shapes a large amount of water into a giant, powerful dragon, which hits the opponent with formidable might, dealing physical damage. The ideal place to use it is near a body of water, but if the user's skill allows it, it is possible to use it even in a place where there is none. The amount of water used will be in proportion with the user's skill.

Water Release: Water Formation Wall

This defensive technique creates a wall of water around the user. Enemy attacks are completely intercepted by a fence of water blown out from the mouth, and is raised from below with tremendous might. The water is blown out in the form of a circle around the user, and it makes for a defence without openings. It is also possible for the user to control the amount of water and duration at will. The wall's strength and resistance change following the quantity of chakra poured down into the water, so a skilful shinobi will be able to build a sturdy one. Furthermore, because the field of vision is maintained even while defending one can easily go on to the next move, which is a great advantage. The wall can also be formed from a pre-existing water source.

Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique

The user shapes water into the form of a large shark and thrusting their hand forward, sends it hurtling towards the opponent at high-speeds, resulting in a powerful impact. The user can also ride inside the water shark to dramatically increase their swimming speed.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Roman is a very proficient hand-to-hand combatant, possessing masterful skill in using it as his primary means of attack. He is equally lethal using punches and kicks, and is highly unpredictable. His fighting technique is incredibly destructive, using his speed and reflexes to quickly take out his opponents. He is skilled enough to hold his own against stronger opponents for short amounts of time.

Expert Swordsman: Although he usually prefers hand-to-hand combat, Roman is also able to fight effectively with his Zanpakutō. He could hold his own against Han, who at the time was using Bankai and his Hollow mask, when he only had one arm.

Pesquisa: Roman is able to detect targets from a considerable distance.

Hierro: Roman has the passive ability known as Hierro. Roman's Hierro is strong enough to effortlessly block the sharp edge of a released Shikai blade with his bare hand, later showing the density of his skin by being able to grab Han's Bankai blade, blocking it with his bare hand and receiving no damage. Roman was able to survive a point blank Getsuga Tenshō (though emerging with grievous injuries).

Enhanced Strength: Roman is able to push back Han with little effort. He can throw Han a considerable distance using his own sword that he had grabbed hold of during an attack. His kicks are strong enough to send an opponent flying and destroy several buildings in the surrounding area.

Enhanced Durability: Roman has proven himself to be a very durable fighter, as he took a Bankai enhanced Getsuga Tenshō from Han and only sustained a scar on his chest. Later, despite having only one arm, he was able to take 2 direct hits from Han's in his Hollow enhanced state and emerged with only minor injuries and continued fighting.

Great Spiritual Power: Roman possesses a great deal of spiritual energy. His Reiatsu is blue

Highly Perceptive Combatant: Roman was able to discern from simple observation, during his first fight with Han, that his Bankai enhanced Getsuga Tenshō was damaging his body. He also notes that Han was capable of 2 to 3 more of those attacks at best.

Cero: Roman is capable of firing a red Cero from the palm of his hand as well as his fist. He can fire it at point-blank range to increase its lethality, to the point that he incinerates the top half of a person after regaining his arm and strength. He uses it at point-blank range again on an enemy, incinerating them.


Roman uses Gran Rey Cero.

  • Gran Rey Cero: As an Espada, he is able to use this Espada-exclusive Cero variant, which produces a much larger and more powerful version of the normal Cero.

Descorrer (解空 (デスコレール), Desukorēru; Japanese for "Loosed Void", Spanish for "Drawing Back/Opening")

Sonído Master: Roman is very proficient in the use of Sonído. Even in his unreleased state, he is able to keep up with Han while in Bankai. Initially, Roman could even surprise and overwhelm Han with his speed.


Pantera (豹王 (パンテラ), Pantera; Spanish for "Panther", Japanese for "Panther King"): His Zanpakutō's tsuba resembles a rigid, crooked "S," while the sheath and handle are light blue.[105]

  • Resurrección: His release command for his Zanpakutō is "Grind" (軋れ,kishire), referring to grinding one's teeth. To release his Zanpakutō, he holds it up, like the start of a low sweep stroke, with his right hand. The sword glows light blue as he puts his left hand up to it. He then rakes his hand along the length of the blade with a swift motion, while calling out its release command, which in turn releases a torrent of spiritual power that creates tremendous gusts of wind in the immediate vicinity. Roman's appearance changes drastically to something more feline and predatory. His teeth become jagged and sharp, his hands turn into black claws and his feet become black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail that's longer than his body. His hair becomes very long and flowing, and the markings around his eyes enlarge and extend to the tips of his ears, which become swept back and cat-like. He loses his distinctive jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of a headgear upon his brow covering his forehead. His clothing changes to become form-fitting white segmented armor, similar to his original Adjuchas-Hollow form. He has blades protruding from his forearms and his calves.

Resurrección Special Ability: His abilities while released include:

  • Enhanced Hierro: Roman's Hierro receives an augmentation, allowing him to withstand a point-blank Getsuga Tenshō from Han with his mask on without receiving any physical damage.
  • Enhanced Speed & Agility: Complimenting his already impressive speed and power, Roman's released state increases his speed drastically, giving him animalistic agility and movement to match his feline form.
  • Enhanced Strength: His strikes pack enough power to accidentally destroy large skyscraper-sized pillars or the hardest of materials.
  • Sonic Wave: When in his released form, he can roar loudly enough to create sonic waves in the air and surrounding area, which are powerful enough to throw off his opponents.
  • Garra de la Pantera (豹鉤 (ガラ・デ・ラ・パンテラ, Gara de ra Pantera; Spanish for "Claw of the Panther", Japanese for "Panther Hook(s)/Barb(s)"): Acutely shaped bombs fired at high speed from his elbow, five of which can be fired at once. They have a devastating effect. One round can destroy a

Blue Aura: As the head of the Ishida Family, Roman possesses the Blue Aura. When exerted, the Aura has the defensive potential to protect Roman and his allies against a direct attack.

  • Illusion Breaking: Roman's Aura is able to effortlessly break and disintegrate all and the most powerful illusions to date. it
  • Force Field: Roman can manifest his aura into force fields where he can use it as stepping stones to get into a higher places or as a barrier to protect himself and his surrounding.


Sirius (天狼, Tenrō): Roman wields a saber in combat. The handle is golden colored with a streak of blue near the tip, which is adorned with a sphere that emits a green light when Roman is about to unsheathe the weapon. The button appears to be connected to the sheathe; once it emits the light, the lock on the hilt is released. The sheathe is dark blue and contains several golden colored straps over it.


[tab=On the path of life.]Likes/Dislikes -[/tab][tab=On the path of life.][/tab][tab=On the path of life.]








+Going out and doing something fun

-Boring people


-Very bland colors

-Meaningless fights

Bio -

Roman was born of a Sanctum mother and human father. This resulted in him having his powers and being a pretty strong being. His father though, never knew of his mother's true identity, nor did he know of his son's powers. It was one the things she kept hidden from her husband until the inevitable happened. Akane was KIA during a mission back in her home, Euphoria. Roman and her husband were notified through a letter sent to their home, leaving them both devastated by the news. As a result, Roman and his father both trained in the ways of the ninja. Roman learned about his abilities and to his father's surprised, he let Roman stay in the school for further training.

After graduating the academy, Roman was assigned to a squad of four. It consisted of himself, his sensei, Kaori(@Tobi Neafearn). They easily completed their missions, utilizing their abilities and skills to do so. One mission went completely wrong though. One of his friends were trapped under a giant boulder after thir rescue of Kaori, crushing half of his body and supposedly killing him. Not long after, Kaori used Roman to take her own life, leaving him in a grieving state for a long time and even scarring him.

After losing both his team members, he went and joined a blacks ops group where he was assigned the tougher missions. With the use of his friend's Sharingan(Tengan), the missions weren't too difficult all the time. A few years later and Roman would quit and go on to better his own skills by returning to school. He then met the first girl he's ever had a relationship with and they got married after they graduated. Soon came two children, Assana, and Miyuki... Unfortunately it came to a brutal end when she was slaughtered in the backyard of their home. Years later, he'd meet his next love, Mal. They are now married with two children, Alejandro and Misaki.

He is also the head of his family. After his father's death, it was decided that he would be the best choice. His mother has also returned to life.

More to be added....

Personality -

Roman is a really calm a relaxed person. He likes to talk and play, spending time with his friends and all that... When he's angry, then you should leave him alone. He will and won't hesitate to kill.

Relationship Status -

Married with two children.

Married to Mal ( @LunaCrosby )

Secondary Appearances/Forms -



Sirius (天狼, Tenrō): Roman wields a saber in combat. The handle is golden colored with a streak of blue near the tip, which is adorned with a sphere that emits a green light when Roman is about to unsheathe the weapon. The button appears to be connected to the sheathe; once it emits the light, the lock on the hilt is released. The sheathe is dark blue and contains several golden colored straps over it.


[tab=On the path of life.]Likes/Dislikes -








+Going out and doing something fun

-Boring people


-Very bland colors

-Meaningless fights

Bio -

Roman was born of a Sanctum mother and human father. This resulted in him having his powers and being a pretty strong being. His father though, never knew of his mother's true identity, nor did he know of his son's powers. It was one the things she kept hidden from her husband until the inevitable happened. Akane was KIA during a mission back in her home, Euphoria. Roman and her husband were notified through a letter sent to their home, leaving them both devastated by the news. As a result, Roman and his father both trained in the ways of the ninja. Roman learned about his abilities and to his father's surprised, he let Roman stay in the school for further training.

After graduating the academy, Roman was assigned to a squad of four. It consisted of himself, his sensei, Kaori(@Tobi Neafearn). They easily completed their missions, utilizing their abilities and skills to do so. One mission went completely wrong though. One of his friends were trapped under a giant boulder after thir rescue of Kaori, crushing half of his body and supposedly killing him. Not long after, Kaori used Roman to take her own life, leaving him in a grieving state for a long time and even scarring him.

After losing both his team members, he went and joined a blacks ops group where he was assigned the tougher missions. With the use of his friend's Sharingan(Tengan), the missions weren't too difficult all the time. A few years later and Roman would quit and go on to better his own skills by returning to school. He then met the first girl he's ever had a relationship with and they got married after they graduated. Soon came two children, Assana, and Miyuki... Unfortunately it came to a brutal end when she was slaughtered in the backyard of their home. Years later, he'd meet his next love, Mal. They are now married with two children, Alejandro and Misaki.

He is also the head of his family. After his father's death, it was decided that he would be the best choice. His mother has also returned to life.

More to be added....

Personality -

Roman is a really calm a relaxed person. He likes to talk and play, spending time with his friends and all that... When he's angry, then you should leave him alone. He will and won't hesitate to kill.

Relationship Status -

Married with two children.

Married to Mal ( @LunaCrosby )

Secondary Appearances/Forms -







Theme Song -

N/A at the moment


Last edited by a moderator:
HimeragiSeiker said:


...?Tokashimi (Toka) Ishida?...

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Lives with Akane, Aselia, and her older sister Masumi

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Special Human / Henir Newbie


Henir Cube

Power and gifts from the cube that Aselia had given her as a present. Once she opens it she well obtain the powers inside the cube.

Element Control / Small Space Distortion

Element Control is self-explanatory. Where she can ignite fire, freeze water, call a blizzard, inflict poison, petrify, and summon any element at her command. Small space distortion only allows her to teleport and use some of the skills Aselia can use


Her mothers

Her siblings



Mean people


Being yelled at angrily

Being mistreated


A very fragile and innocent girl who would want to avoid any form of combat

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


She was adopted by Akane and Aselia along with Masumi. She doesn't remember anything before the orphanage



Anything else:

Nothing yet
Name: Faust Windfallow

Nicknames: Plague Doctor, Masked Freak


Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: None

Standing: Neutral

Where he lives: The Necromancer known as "Faust" has no "permanent" residential area. There have been reports of a black cloaked figure, walking towards the direction of a Manor which belonged to the late Faust Windfallow. But most who pursue him after dark are usually unsuccessful, losing him withing the thick fog. To this day, none who managed to enter the manor has been reported to ever return.

Year: 6th year

Being: Reanimated corpse

Powers: Faust's family has a long history with the art of Necromancy. Faust cannot transform but he is known to summon a giant skeletal dragon known as the "Dragonlich" when situations are seriously dire. He wields a large scythe, made of pure silver which he named "Guillotine" and he uses it with great efficiency and power. He also owns a black revolver with trimmings depicting that of roses which he had named "Black Rose". It should be noted that he is a terrible marksman.

Personality: Faust is somewhat... Dismal. Mostly looking to the worst side of things. He has a burning hatred for those who serve a "Righteous God" and will go as far as killing him/her. If her meets such god, he will not hesitate to draw Guillotine, forgetting about everything but vengeance. Other than that, it is very rare to see him start a fight. Although he does not mind a duel or even some drunken bar fight.




Death (both in dying and the Reaper)

Intelligent Necrotic Creatures (He finds them rather pleasant to chat to)


Those who fear a death. "Life is a terrible disease. Death, is it's cure. It is understandable for one to fear the disease but fear for the cure is ignorance."

Those who use Necrotic Creatures as mindless slaves

Greedy "bastards" who want his belongings for reasons related to profit.


(sorry, couldn't get an anime plague doctor)

Bio: There was once a giant plague outbreak in a country known as Germany. It swept across the country, killing many. Among the dead, was Faust Windfallow. Faust, 17 years old lay in his manor, taking his last breaths. Plague doctors, priests, surgeons, miracle workers... NONE could save him now. But instead of fearing of the eternal darkness to come, Faust embraced it. Life, to him was torture. An terrible disease. And death, was it's cure. But alas, for the gods had forsaken him! For decades later, he awoke in his manor. In the exact place of his death. He was brought back, by a dark art. Necromancy... Faust heard a beating noise. He looked down. He was now nothing, but a skeleton... His ribcage had a gaping hole, revealing a warm and still beating heart. His lungs were still intact and somewhat functional. He looked at his hands. They were nothing but bones. He somehow forced himself up, and looked into a mirror. His head bore sickly pale skin nose down. Nose up was nothing but a gleaming white skull... He explored his manor, memories of old flashing through him. He soon came across an armory. Donning a silver plague mask, black leather battle armor and a black cloak, he and his scythe, Guillotine are out for a quest for vengeance. He will not rest until he had exacted vengeance upon those who had forsaken him...

Dating/Lover/Crush: None

Other: It should be noted that the Plague Mask is capable of speaking and it has a somewhat, cheerful personality. Faust also seems to be quite experienced with surgery.
MrEvilMexican said:
Name: Faust Windfallow
Nicknames: Plague Doctor, Masked Freak


Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: None

Standing: Neutral

Where he lives: The Necromancer known as "Faust" has no "permanent" residential area. There have been reports of a black cloaked figure, walking towards the direction of a Manor which belonged to the late Faust Windfallow. But most who pursue him after dark are usually unsuccessful, losing him withing the thick fog. To this day, none who managed to enter the manor has been reported to ever return.

Year: 6th year

Being: Reanimated corpse

Powers: Faust's family has a long history with the art of Necromancy. Faust cannot transform but he is known to summon a giant skeletal dragon known as the "Dragonlich" when situations are seriously dire. He wields a large scythe, made of pure silver which he named "Guillotine" and he uses it with great efficiency and power. He also owns a black revolver with trimmings depicting that of roses which he had named "Black Rose". It should be noted that he is a terrible marksman.

Personality: Faust is somewhat... Dismal. Mostly looking to the worst side of things. He has a burning hatred for those who serve a "Righteous God" and will go as far as killing him/her. If her meets such god, he will not hesitate to draw Guillotine, forgetting about everything but vengeance. Other than that, it is very rare to see him start a fight. Although he does not mind a duel or even some drunken bar fight.




Death (both in dying and the Reaper)

Intelligent Necrotic Creatures (He finds them rather pleasant to chat to)


Those who fear a death. "Life is a terrible disease. Death, is it's cure. It is understandable for one to fear the disease but fear for the cure is ignorance."

Those who use Necrotic Creatures as mindless slaves

Greedy "bastards" who want his belongings for reasons related to profit.


(sorry, couldn't get an anime plague doctor)

Bio: There was once a giant plague outbreak in a country known as Germany. It swept across the country, killing many. Among the dead, was Faust Windfallow. Faust, 17 years old lay in his manor, taking his last breaths. Plague doctors, priests, surgeons, miracle workers... NONE could save him now. But instead of fearing of the eternal darkness to come, Faust embraced it. Life, to him was torture. An terrible disease. And death, was it's cure. But alas, for the gods had forsaken him! For decades later, he awoke in his manor. In the exact place of his death. He was brought back, by a dark art. Necromancy... Faust heard a beating noise. He looked down. He was now nothing, but a skeleton... His ribcage had a gaping hole, revealing a warm and still beating heart. His lungs were still intact and somewhat functional. He looked at his hands. They were nothing but bones. He somehow forced himself up, and looked into a mirror. His head bore sickly pale skin nose down. Nose up was nothing but a gleaming white skull... He explored his manor, memories of old flashing through him. He soon came across an armory. Donning a silver plague mask, black leather battle armor and a black cloak, he and his scythe, Guillotine are out for a quest for vengeance. He will not rest until he had exacted vengeance upon those who had forsaken him...

Dating/Lover/Crush: None

Other: It should be noted that the Plague Mask is capable of speaking and it has a somewhat, cheerful personality. Faust also seems to be quite experienced with surgery.
Name: Ophidia

Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:

Good or Evil or Neutral:
Whatever side Quoire is in...

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)
Where Quoire lives

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are:
Cyborg (modified by Quoire)


Enhanced Abilities and Attributes

Poison Mastery

Immune to Every type of

Assassination Expert

Reptile Communication and Taming




Sweet foods


Seeing Quoire in a bad situation

Very Bitter foods

Loyal to Quoire,Silent,Formal,Worrisome,sometimes a prankster,and a bit of a Workaholic.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Ophidia is also a test subject of Quoire's Parents, she's been tested to thousands of poison which shorten her lifespan but after Quoire's rebellion against his parents he freed Ophidia but she was dying and he only thought of a solution to save her life, turn her into a cyborg and let her adapt from thousands of poison inside her body. After he saved Ophidia's life, Ophidia stayed by Quoire's side and has been loyal to him ever since.


Anything else:
She's not the only cyborg Quoire modified and Ophidia sees Quoire as her little brother.

Quoire let her do anything she wants but stops her if needed.
WeirdisFun said:
Name: Ophidia
Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:

Good or Evil or Neutral:
Whatever side Quoire is in...

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)
Where Quoire lives

What Year of highschool your in:

What kind of being you are:
Cyborg (modified by Quoire)


Enhanced Abilities and Attributes

Poison Mastery

Immune to Every type of

Assassination Expert

Reptile Communication and Taming




Sweet foods


Seeing Quoire in a bad situation

Very Bitter foods

Loyal to Quoire,Silent,Formal,Worrisome,sometimes a prankster,and a bit of a Workaholic.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Ophidia is also a test subject of Quoire's Parents, she's been tested to thousands of poison which shorten her lifespan but after Quoire's rebellion against his parents he freed Ophidia but she was dying and he only thought of a solution to save her life, turn her into a cyborg and let her adapt from thousands of poison inside her body. After he saved Ophidia's life, Ophidia stayed by Quoire's side and has been loyal to him ever since.


Anything else:
She's not the only cyborg Quoire modified and Ophidia sees Quoire as her little brother.

Quoire let her do anything she wants but stops her if needed.



Duncan Fire





Sexual Orientation:


Highschool Year::






  • Electrokinesis: This is the power to control energy in the environment. Due to the complexity and difficulties in controlling this element. It is extremely aggressive and lethal in comparison with the other four elements, as it is pure energy capable of destroying a physical body and reduce it to ashes in seconds.
  • Pyrokinesis :This is the power to control flames, embers, or any object with a temperature considerably higher. The manipulation of fire is one of the most used and basic in the use of magic. However, it requires concentration, as loss of control of whoever uses this power can lead to mass destruction and death.

  • Aerokinesis: Thisis the power to control gusts of wind, tornadoes, etc. The manipulation of air is the second most used and basic in the use of magic. Despite not being widely used as an element attack unlike the other elements, air is both the weakest and the most powerful at once. It requires concentration to comply with the desired goal. Air is associated with emotions such as freedom, harmony, wholeness
  • Necromancy. (Undeveloped)


Duncan has crimson red hair covering the majority of his head, with a healthy patch of black located on the front, left half of his head. Both his ears are pierced, one ear being decorated by a long, gold earring, and the other decorated with a silver straight stick. Duncan has "marks" on his chest and a single crest on his right cheek, a few inches away from his nose. The "mark" is across his chest, in somewhat of a cross pattern. With a single scar crossing diagonally from his left shoulder, across his chest, stopping over the lower right side of his stomach. Duncan also has a lovely light shade of hinted grey as the color of his irises. Duncan also has a mark on his right hand. Duncan is slim and tall, having a built upper body and well rounded form.


Duncan is a mischievous and he can sport a scary aura that makes many wary of him. However, his innate nature is to protect, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance, shown evident with his father. A gifted demon who is intelligent, athletic, and good-hearted, Duncan nevertheless has a difficult time thinking of himself or any other one of his family members as anything but a monster. He struggles both with his desires for seclusion and his equally strong desire to be wanted. Because of all this, Duncan can be very closed off, as well as being difficult to understand or get close to, especially since he has a habit of not expressing his true feelings. He hides his true feelings behind a cold, composed personality. He has a lot of attitude, and is not at all impressed or easily controlled by higher class.He often acts as if he doesn’t care about anything in order to hide all the scars and pain inside him that have nowhere to go. When not about his studies or class, he can usually be found in the branches of a tree.


Duncan has a conplicated past. When he was first born, his future had already been determined for him. Both mother and father having equivalent ideals for him. While growing up, Duncan lost his mother, and was only left with his father, one of which would soon terribly shake his world. His father struck into his head numerous ideals, ones of which he could never find an escape. His life revolved around pleasing his father, for if he disapproved, he was punished.Duncan had been secluded from a school environment, until his father decided he would finally be allowed into the world of "humans" as Duncan had interpreted. Though secretly, his father refused to allow him to be around such beings, in fear they would change him, and instead enlisted him to attend Lakoria highschool, where he would indulge in more useful communication with similar creatures.

Pyrokinesis[/URL] :This is the power to control flames, embers, or any object with a temperature considerably higher. The manipulation of fire is one of the most used and basic in the use of magic. However, it requires concentration, as loss of control of whoever uses this power can lead to mass destruction and death.

Aerokinesis: Thisis the power to control gusts of wind, tornadoes, etc. The manipulation of air is the second most used and basic in the use of magic. Despite not being widely used as an element attack unlike the other elements, air is both the weakest and the most powerful at once. It requires concentration to comply with the desired goal. Air is associated with emotions such as freedom, harmony, wholeness

[*]Necromancy. (Undeveloped)



Duncan has crimson red hair covering the majority of his head, with a healthy patch of black located on the front, left half of his head. Both his ears are pierced, one ear being decorated by a long, gold earring, and the other decorated with a silver straight stick. Duncan has "marks" on his chest and a single crest on his right cheek, a few inches away from his nose. The "mark" is across his chest, in somewhat of a cross pattern. With a single scar crossing diagonally from his left shoulder, across his chest, stopping over the lower right side of his stomach. Duncan also has a lovely light shade of hinted grey as the color of his irises. Duncan also has a mark on his right hand. Duncan is slim and tall, having a built upper body and well rounded form.


Duncan is a mischievous and he can sport a scary aura that makes many wary of him. However, his innate nature is to protect, and his cold attitude towards those he loves is likely to push them away and keep everyone at a distance, shown evident with his father. A gifted demon who is intelligent, athletic, and good-hearted, Duncan nevertheless has a difficult time thinking of himself or any other one of his family members as anything but a monster. He struggles both with his desires for seclusion and his equally strong desire to be wanted. Because of all this, Duncan can be very closed off, as well as being difficult to understand or get close to, especially since he has a habit of not expressing his true feelings. He hides his true feelings behind a cold, composed personality. He has a lot of attitude, and is not at all impressed or easily controlled by higher class.He often acts as if he doesn’t care about anything in order to hide all the scars and pain inside him that have nowhere to go. When not about his studies or class, he can usually be found in the branches of a tree.


Duncan has a conplicated past. When he was first born, his future had already been determined for him. Both mother and father having equivalent ideals for him. While growing up, Duncan lost his mother, and was only left with his father, one of which would soon terribly shake his world. His father struck into his head numerous ideals, ones of which he could never find an escape. His life revolved around pleasing his father, for if he disapproved, he was punished.Duncan had been secluded from a school environment, until his father decided he would finally be allowed into the world of "humans" as Duncan had interpreted. Though secretly, his father refused to allow him to be around such beings, in fear they would change him, and instead enlisted him to attend Lakoria highschool, where he would indulge in more useful communication with similar creatures.


Character CS Revamp: Himeragi Seiker


...?Himeragi Seiker?...

Nickname(If Applies):

Hime-Chan, Hime, Himmy, Nine





Sexual Orientation:

Bisexual but mostly Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

A Really big Mansion...

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Spiritual and Terror Intoner



Her songs as an Intoner are buff-based powers. This means she can sing a certain song which can make her allies have an advantaged while the enemy is at a disadvantage. She can also just summon a rune which does the singing for her in her voice. She can even sing songs to spiritually damage or help others or sing songs to fuel terror into others that will eventually break them


A light-weight cross-shaped blaster that can be summoned and can also shield her from any attack and also used for offensive ranged attacks. It has 4 modes, Chain-gun mode: where Abbadon fires off bullets rapidly, Sniper mode: where Abbadon can be charged up to fire a long ranged piercing attack that can reach as far as Himeragi wants it to reach. Cannon-Destroyer: where Abbadon is able to fire rockets and missiles and it can also fire off bullets like a shot gun with a strong force. Abbadon's strongest form, Castle Mode: where Abbadon fires up to mid air to make a runic wall as Spirit Spears come out from it and home into Himeragi's opponents. There is a defensive mode for it. Like it being a small shield. For its size, it could withstand any damage. Abbadon can only be wielded by Himeragi or else if someone holds it, it will be really heavy as Himeragi can carry it with ease. It can be fired from 2 ends as well (which means the front and the back of Abbadon)

Gun Blades/Gun Katanas

Himeragi is able to summon Gun Blades/Katanas at will which they are very durable and contain the sharpest blade and strongest blade ever. Stronger than an average katana. Her gun blades/katanas use spiritual and terror magic and infused into a sharp arrow which is the same bullets used in Abbadon. It can be charged to shoot a somewhat piercing bullet but it's semi-automatic which means she couldnt fire rapidly. Unless she pulls the trigger rapidly...



Just a rifle that uses the same ammo from Abbadon and the Gun Blades/Katanas but with an even further range and piercing tip able to pierce through a tank.



Pretty straight-forward, she summons then and throws them. Sometimes a 10 dozen appear from behind her and are flung at her not hitting her as they go for you. Some of her Kunai can explode, or create smoke for escape

Gauntlets/Armored Boots

Common and brutal weapon are her gauntlets and boots. They pretty much make her stronger as she also can scratch you and beat you down. Also kick you down too. If she uses the heels of her boots, it can slice a tree cleanly

Spirit Spears

And even sometimes she can just summon Spirit Spears with angel and demon magic infused in them

Spirit/Terror Energy

Energy used to make these kinds of weaponry. She can definitely make other things like a bow and arrow or a sword. Or just making a monster to attack for her. Her spirit/terror energy always seem to usually take form of butterflies


Depends on what she uses. You can tell which one she uses by her eyes. If both of her eyes are red, she is using the terror form in which she is enraged, losing complete control and going berserk while looking like a demon. If both of her eyes are blue, she is using the spirit form in which still makes her look like a demon. But at least, she is able to keep her sanity. Now there is a transformation that her eyes are the same which is not really the strongest...but still makes her look like a demon.


Kuroh (Of course)

Her Friends

Assana, Miyuki

Ice cream

Cute things

Her little sister Neo





Dirty/Smelly places


She has a lively personality and is very kind and caring. She is also very active, fit and strong.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b476c0d_HimeragiSeiker(Kanpani1).png.295a71c4a61f3e01cd12bc812413c798.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b476c0d_HimeragiSeiker(Kanpani1).png.295a71c4a61f3e01cd12bc812413c798.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b47bd80_HimeragiSeikerDemon.png.3e163bfb4cd5cd80d870be24a9b6c97e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123792" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b47bd80_HimeragiSeikerDemon.png.3e163bfb4cd5cd80d870be24a9b6c97e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Spiritual Transformation

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b44c08b_ElswordDiablaAltarofEvil.png.4ef911cd8896f5c78f4a6d46b551a63a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c9b44c08b_ElswordDiablaAltarofEvil.png.4ef911cd8896f5c78f4a6d46b551a63a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Terror Transformation


She died one time out of sickness, and then she was reborn as Intoner...



Anything else:

Worked as a maid at a maid cafe and a maid for Assana and Miyuki

She somehow liked taking care of the children in her household

Her kick is able to break steel and even a prison wall

Mother of Kuroh's children

She has complete heterochromia



  • Elsword Diabla Altar of Evil.png
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    Himeragi Seiker (Kanpani1).png
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Name: James McMillan

Nickname: None :(

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight Male

Standing: Good

Area of Residence: The “Wild West” (Formerly), The Male Dorm (currently)

Year of High School: 5th

Being: Genetically and mechanically enhanced human

Powers: James at an early age was diagnosed with several fatal diseases including HIV. Doctors all said he wouldn’t live over 10 years. At the age of 4, his family received an offer. They were to give James over to a human enhancing program and if the program succeeded, James would return; stronger, faster, and more powerful than any modern soldier. McMillan has millions of nano-bots circulating throughout his blood, repairing any damage done to his body at an extreme rate. They also give him inhuman speed, strength and concentration. The program has also extended his life span drastically.




-Gunslinger contests

-Exploding heads with his revolver


-Evil “Little Squeakers”

-Annoying people

-Vampires (yuck)

-Werewolves (Eeew, they do nothing but drool 24/7)

Personality: Sarcastic, somewhat relaxed all the time but he is dead serious when his friend’s life is on the line.


Bio: Part time mercenary, part time vanguard; full time badass. He’s James McMillan from the Wild West! As a child, McMillan was diagnosed with HIV AIDS. They all said he wouldn’t live over 10 years. But McMillan proved them false. He pulled through until the age of 4, when the American Government took notice. They offered his parents a deal. They were to give McMillan to a soldier enhancing program and if the program was successful, McMillan would return, stronger, faster, and more powerful than any living soldier. But they lied. The program succeeded but the government lied. They planned to use him in as a weapon in a war that they planned to start. McMillan, due to his augmentation overheard the conversation. In a fit of rage, he grabbed a scalpel, killing the guards guarding his room. Using a single revolver and rifle, he killed every last person in the facility, except for the president, wounding him. He returned to Texas, a wanted man. He fled his home land in order to hide from the American armed forces. He is often followed by two renegade American Special Forces operatives. “We live in a world that is kill or be killed.”

Extra Info: McMillan wields a Bolt Action high power rifle, twin revolvers and an automatic rifle. He also has a simple machete and a few grenades.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gunslinger2_1024x1024.jpg.42b959db13c1a959e8af677089b13cbb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="123848" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Gunslinger2_1024x1024.jpg.42b959db13c1a959e8af677089b13cbb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Gunslinger2_1024x1024.jpg
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MrEvilMexican said:
Name: James McMillan
Nickname: None :(

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight Male

Standing: Good

Area of Residence: The “Wild West” (Formerly), The Male Dorm (currently)

Year of High School: 5th

Being: Genetically and mechanically enhanced human

Powers: James at an early age was diagnosed with several fatal diseases including HIV. Doctors all said he wouldn’t live over 10 years. At the age of 4, his family received an offer. They were to give James over to a human enhancing program and if the program succeeded, James would return; stronger, faster, and more powerful than any modern soldier. McMillan has millions of nano-bots circulating throughout his blood, repairing any damage done to his body at an extreme rate. They also give him inhuman speed, strength and concentration. The program has also extended his life span drastically.




-Gunslinger contests

-Exploding heads with his revolver


-Evil “Little Squeakers”

-Annoying people

-Vampires (yuck)

-Werewolves (Eeew, they do nothing but drool 24/7)

Personality: Sarcastic, somewhat relaxed all the time but he is dead serious when his friend’s life is on the line.


Bio: Part time mercenary, part time vanguard; full time badass. He’s James McMillan from the Wild West! As a child, McMillan was diagnosed with HIV AIDS. They all said he wouldn’t live over 10 years. But McMillan proved them false. He pulled through until the age of 4, when the American Government took notice. They offered his parents a deal. They were to give McMillan to a soldier enhancing program and if the program was successful, McMillan would return, stronger, faster, and more powerful than any living soldier. But they lied. The program succeeded but the government lied. They planned to use him in as a weapon in a war that they planned to start. McMillan, due to his augmentation overheard the conversation. In a fit of rage, he grabbed a scalpel, killing the guards guarding his room. Using a single revolver and rifle, he killed every last person in the facility, except for the president, wounding him. He returned to Texas, a wanted man. He fled his home land in order to hide from the American armed forces. He is often followed by two renegade American Special Forces operatives. “We live in a world that is kill or be killed.”

Extra Info: McMillan wields a Bolt Action high power rifle, twin revolvers and an automatic rifle. He also has a simple machete and a few grenades.

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