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Fantasy Character Registration

HimeragiSeiker said:


Azusa Glave Mukami

Nickname(If Applies):



Unknown. Seemingly 20



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Mansion (Human Realm) Palace (Aion)

What Year of highschool your in:

Does not Attend. Teacher

What kind of being you are:

?Retired Time and Space Administrator, Dimensional?


Space Manipulation, Temporal/Spatial Distortion

While being a Retired Time and Space Administrator, and a Dimensional, Azusa can freely manipulate and distort Space (oh and its been so long that he forgot how to use Time Manipulation. He's been living since like...2000 BC or something...)

Nasod Dynamos, Completed Nasod Armor, Plasma, Dynamo Factory,

Seemingly to get all of his weapons from Nasods. Thats just pretty much it. The Dynamo Factory is really just another dimension (or his own personal Treasury Bank) that produces tons and tons of drones powered by Plasma and Ancient and also Advanced Nasod technology






Complicated. Seemingly Broken

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


View attachment 189962

The Many Variations of Base

Diabolic Armor

Administrator Coat/Mask


''I think you ask too many questions...I rather be mysterious as possible. Leave my likings unknown...''


''I used to have a crush...but now I will let her go...She's already been taken from me...and I rather not do anything about it..''

Anything else:

''Stop asking anymore questions...or do you want to be destroyed...? If you want to know my voice...allow me to sing you a song...before I kill you...and Kill You Again''


Name: Rika Hirayama

Nickname(If Applies): Ri or RiRi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Kitsune (part human, part fox)

Powers/gifts: Deceiving power- She can make herself change appearances to trick people (only lasts a few minutes)

Transform- Can turn into a fox at will

Likes: Tricking people, playing games of any sort, fish and sweets

Dislikes: People that are too serious, people that don't believe her/trust her, being alone

Personality: Being part fox she is extremely sly, like a fox. She enjoys tricking people and gathering information to use as blackmail. She is almost always smirking, smiling or grinning. She thinks everything is a game and enjoys messing around with people. She's an expert lier, so good that you can't tell the difference between her lies and the truth. But she's also extremely fun to be around and acts very childish.



Bio: "Eh~? I could tell you~ But how can you be sure that I'm not just lying~?".

Dating/lover/crush: None at the moment

Anything else: Voice


Character Update !



Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



- manipulation of fire

- flight

- reincarnation (when she dies, her body turns to ash and she is reborn from the ashes as a younger version of herself. Her personality and appearence changes every time that happens.)

- healing tears

- glitchy teleportation


+ sunshine

+ gardening

+ nice people

+ learning

+ sweet food

+ Asuka



- herself

- mean people

- darkness

- storms

- water


Lumina is extremely shy and meek. She lacks self esteem and confidence which has played a factor into her shyness. However she is a very kind soul to everyone and wants to give everyone a chance. Recently after certain events she's been afraid to open herself up to anybody, really only being herself around Asuka or Kenji. She has an eating disorder as well.




The form she took upon arriving to Ecrilia. Its the form that she uses when she wants to be distanced from people.





Discovered these forms while training.


This form came about under a time of extreme embarrassment.


Lumina doesn't remember anything before she was found by the only family she knew, an older man who lived in the forest. She was found nearly dead, with no memories, and he nursed her back to health, and in a sense, adopted the girl. Because of this lifestyle she was very sheltered from the world, with the man not knowing if there were any other supernatural creatures like herself. So when she was older and he found out about a school specifically for those who weren't quite... normal, he insisted she go despite her protests. But she went anyways, and now she's here. She hopes to go back and find him again one day.

Lumina went through a period of turmoil when Kenji left that changed her a bit during the months he was gone. Now that he's back, she's trying to work past the issues she developed.


Engaged to Kenji

Anything else:

Will find out!
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Name: Tamashi Satsugai

Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in: 2nd year

What kind of being you are: human

Powers/gifts: shadow manipulation

Likes: cool autumn days, Reading, spars, dogs, forests

Dislikes: Crowds, loud people, Arrogance, cats, and Cages

Personality: A young man who enjoys the rush of fighting at times but the tranquility of reading a nice book at other times, A boy that while usually a calm person can be easily provoked.

He is cautious about most problems in life unless it involves fighting, where he becomes a vicious man ready to slice you to bits

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred-will be added-


-Shadow Form-


Bio: Tomashi Satsugai is a young man born in an unknown place and has moved from place to place learning new skills from all over the country.

Fighting in the underground and against gangs when he was but an orphan nobody, he was taken away and experimented upon and given the ability to control the shadows of the world and people around him.

Due to his kidnapping he has a hard time trusting others as the experiments caused excruciating pain and had spent nearly three years of his life caged or chained away from the world.


-to be decided-

Anything else:

-can bind people with shadows

-can teleport to any visible shadows

-has a 5ft long scythe sealed in his arm

- can pierce enemies with shadow spikes

- Shadow form


(theme Song: A Dogs Life by: Miracle of Sound)

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Asuka Fukushima


Asuki, Suki, Suka, or Asu







Sexual Orientation




Where you live

House/I think Fukashima Estate




Base form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.aa97439533ccaabbd1f8d46d36af7219.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84756" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.aa97439533ccaabbd1f8d46d36af7219.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Flames of Judgment:

A type of purple flame that she uses to extinguish evil. Can create a large ball of fire to throw at enemies or fire a string of them with the same amount of power as the large fireball.


Can manifest food and other items

Electric Shock Wave:

Can make blue sparks come out of her hand and can create a staff out of it to shock enemies. If angered, she'll send shock waves towards her opponent and results in them knocking backwards.

Yellow Aura:

Asuka doesn't know how to use this power yet, all she knows is that she can create a star like staff with it. The powers of the staff are unknown as of now

Santen Kesshun ( or Three Sacred Links Shield):

is Asuka's defensive technique. It repels attacks by placing a shield between the enemy and Asuka. A 'shield' is raised between her and her enemy, and they repel the attack she receives. Because the barrier rejects negative events, it can also function as an airbag of sorts, allowing Asuka and anyone else nearby to survive a potentially lethal fall unharmed.

S?ten Kisshun (or Twin Sacred Return Shield):

is Asuka's "healing" technique. It surrounds something and returns it to the way it was before it was destroyed. It rejects, reverses, and reconstructs phenomena that have occurred, even phenomena that Asuka hasn't witnessed. When S?ten Kisshun is used, she can reject and reconstruct subjects that are covered in her shield. Her ability is to limit, reject, and negate any kind of event that has happened to her target. It is an ability that returns her target to its former state, no matter what has happened to them. Large amounts of foreign spiritual pressure around a wound makes her power to reject ineffective.

Koten Zanshun (or Solitary Sacred Cutting Shield):

is Asuka's offensive technique. It rejects the fusion of matter and splits it. The incantation summons Tsubaki, who has the ability to repel "both sides of the shield." He breaks through the enemy, puts up a shield inside, and repels the combined substance, splitting the enemy in two. While Tsubaki can cut through basically anything, Asuka's general dislike of combat and hesitance to use lethal force degrades the effectiveness of the technique, making him easy to counter and equally easy to injure.

Shiten K?shun (or Shield of Four Heavens' Resistance):

is one of Asuka's techniques. It combines Shun Shun Rikka's offensive and defensive properties. The incantation integrates Tsubaki into the center of her Santen Kesshun ability, creating a triangular shield which, at the very instant of receiving an attack, disperses the resultant force as a concentrated explosion which is automatically returned along the attack's opposing trajectory.

Having recently becoming a Sanctum, she doesn't know the full extent of her powers and only knows the basics of what she can do. There is still more to find out

Asuka is a friendly girl who likes to protect her friends. She fears of being alone and going back to that dark place where she was trapped. She cherishes her time with her friends and others, because she's never really around enough to officially bond with them. The witch world had always kept her busy, so she's spent most of her time away from Earth. Asuka finally took care of that problem that she was dreading and is now bubbly and happy to have come back to Earth.



+Food in General

-Being Alone


+Making friends

-Bad people

+Akira Fukushima

+Her children Hikari and Kioko

-Scary things



Asuka came to the high school to further her knowledge in things other then Sourcery. She rarely every talks about her past, it's much to touchy for her to explain so she likes to keep it to herself. Anyways, along the school years Asuka has said to have met wonderful people. Though she rarely ever see's one of them and doesn't have any type of knowledge as to what happened to the other. Upon her first day of Fantasy High, she was lucky to have met two nice people, one of them being her future husband ( though she didn't know it at the time. ) A lot of stuff has happened over the year, meeting new people, dating Akira, the Witch World, getting kidnapped, defeating an evil tyrant in the Witch World, coming back home to then run away as a little self trip ( which didn't work out so well seeing as how Asuka wanted to go back after one day ), she also ended up getting proposed to on the same day as the trip ( somehow she couldn't put two and two together when Akira was hinting at it and remained clueless until the end ), there's way to many things to list. Though in the end, Asuka was happy to have been married to Akira and now has two beautiful daughters named Kioko and Hikari. Though before that Akira turned her into a Sanctum and blah blah blah, let's not get into that! Anyways, that's all about Asuka. If theirs anything else you'd like to know, go ask her yourself. She's always happy to talk to other people.


Akira Fukushima

Anything else<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.png.63c8869a3dadbb94d4551d7e376b5cff.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.png.63c8869a3dadbb94d4551d7e376b5cff.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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CS Revamp: Seria Seighart


Seria (Cinder) Seighart

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Good - Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

?Goddess of Fire/Ignited Cataclysm God Eater?



Pretty self explanatory...

Dark Energy

Somehow able to obtain dark energy...Her dark energy is used for one purpose only. Destruction. Made by spacial rips and pure dark energy and her negative emotions


Obviously Fire. But many types of Fire. Dark, Light, Holy, Regular, Crimson, Azure, Toxic. Some of her fires can even heal or bring back to life


Include massive swords and a bow that are also duel blades

(Pst, you join the duel blades at their handles...)

But also Ignited Cataclysm Obsidian if she's in her God Eater form.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8edd9ac1_RWBYCinderFallBowandSwordConceptArt.jpg.bae076c493f1a326326c14ea46dae372.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116346" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8edd9ac1_RWBYCinderFallBowandSwordConceptArt.jpg.bae076c493f1a326326c14ea46dae372.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fire Goddess and Ignited God Eater

Out of reading a book a God Eater had given her, she now has an additional form, the God Eater form. This seals the powers she can use in her Goddess form. But she can use them if she can drain a magic like that of her Goddess Form. However, she can still use fire in both forms and also in human form. When in Goddess form, this will seal away all powers she has obtained in her God Eater form. Even though it may be a disadvantage, it's not really a disadvantage at all, for she's probably is more of a swordsman than magic user.


Now being able to drain power to copy them or use them to gain more power.

''The beings inside her''

Beings from inside her that she absorbed some type of goop which carry the souls of people who give her powers but also mess with her. It gives her new powers but in turn do random acts that these beings make her do


Cat Girls


Scented Candles



Ironically Forest Fires

Perverted Acts in Public


Serious when in her human-like form. But in her Goddess form, it depends on which version she used. Her 1st version seems like she would be carefree and casual. 2nd version seems a bit more formal. the 3rd version seems dark...

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Human Form(Original)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8edd5996_BraveFrontierSeriaIshgria.png.2ea27b93e1417ecb979a63a51f0954b1.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8edd5996_BraveFrontierSeriaIshgria.png.2ea27b93e1417ecb979a63a51f0954b1.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba5072c7_ElswordElesisClassroads.png.fb371fba189da1d82176b266adaa732c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba5072c7_ElswordElesisClassroads.png.fb371fba189da1d82176b266adaa732c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Note: She has 3 different versions. Lord Knight ver, Blaze ver, and Vengeful ver. All with their own personalities and advantages.

Modern Human Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba50da0b_RWBYCinderGirlsGeneration.png.41692efe6535d239e53233beb9cf1e95.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba50da0b_RWBYCinderGirlsGeneration.png.41692efe6535d239e53233beb9cf1e95.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ignited Cataclysm God Eater Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba511716_BraveFrontierRineth.jpg.6f4d103e9dafb8f36b5bb965e8fd2801.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cba511716_BraveFrontierRineth.jpg.6f4d103e9dafb8f36b5bb965e8fd2801.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Seria was alive for a long time. Even when demons started invading and demon slayers were a thing. At one battle however, she was told to hide because her squad ran into a very powerful demon unprepared. She was told to hide because she was too weak and the squad wanted her to. After her squad was completely killed, a power burst inside her which made her kill the demon. But she now holds an intense amount survivor's guilt.


Seria Cerise

Anything else:




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Name: Vilis

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Half fox half human

Powers/gifts: has the agility, intelligence and strength of a fox, but has the form of a human.

Likes: Silence, rabbits, and hoodies.

Dislikes: People

Personality: Withdrawn, shy and timid, but incredibly clever at short notice. Can lie very easily

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Vilis is a mistake. We was the 263rd try of giving a human form the abilities of a fox while still being in human form. That being said, he was born naturally but was taken in for the experiment at the age of seven, which left him with embarrassing fox ears and tail but extreme intellect and agility. All of his life he wore a hoodie in public to make people see a normal boy in a hoodie, leaving him withdrawn and shy. Now, as a Junior on high school, he's finally trying to talk to someone. He escapes from a conversation when it gets uncomfortable or awkward.

Dating/lover/crush: has a crush on Aion

Anything else: He has fox ears and a fox tail.
Neglection said:
Name: Vilis
Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Half fox half human

Powers/gifts: has the agility, intelligence and strength of a fox, but has the form of a human.

Likes: Silence, rabbits, and hoodies.

Dislikes: People

Personality: Withdrawn, shy and timid, but incredibly clever at short notice. Can lie very easily

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Vilis is a mistake. We was the 263rd try of giving a human form the abilities of a fox while still being in human form. That being said, he was born naturally but was taken in for the experiment at the age of seven, which left him with embarrassing fox ears and tail but extreme intellect and agility. All of his life he wore a hoodie in public to make people see a normal boy in a hoodie, leaving him withdrawn and shy. Now, as a Junior on high school, he's finally trying to talk to someone. He escapes from a conversation when it gets uncomfortable or awkward.

Dating/lover/crush: has a crush on Aion

Anything else: He has fox ears and a fox tail.
get an appearance xD like just post a picture up.
HimeragiSeiker said:
get an appearance xD like just post a picture up.
LOL da fok did the picture go? xD

Name: Vilis

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Half fox half human

Powers/gifts: has the agility, intelligence and strength of a fox, but has the form of a human.

Likes: Silence, rabbits, and hoodies.

Dislikes: People

Personality: Withdrawn, shy and timid, but incredibly clever at short notice. Can lie very easily


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Anime-Boy-With-Headphones-And-Hoodie.jpg.db181f82eac69debcfb4b1f6cb5212d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Anime-Boy-With-Headphones-And-Hoodie.jpg.db181f82eac69debcfb4b1f6cb5212d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Vilis is a mistake. We was the 263rd try of giving a human form the abilities of a fox while still being in human form. That being said, he was born naturally but was taken in for the experiment at the age of seven, which left him with embarrassing fox ears and tail but extreme intellect and agility. All of his life he wore a hoodie in public to make people see a normal boy in a hoodie, leaving him withdrawn and shy. Now, as a Junior on high school, he's finally trying to talk to someone. He escapes from a conversation when it gets uncomfortable or awkward.

Dating/lover/crush: has a crush on Aion

Anything else: He has fox ears and a fox tail.



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Neglection said:
LOL da fok did the picture go? xD
Name: Vilis

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Half fox half human

Powers/gifts: has the agility, intelligence and strength of a fox, but has the form of a human.

Likes: Silence, rabbits, and hoodies.

Dislikes: People

Personality: Withdrawn, shy and timid, but incredibly clever at short notice. Can lie very easily


View attachment 191304

Bio: Vilis is a mistake. We was the 263rd try of giving a human form the abilities of a fox while still being in human form. That being said, he was born naturally but was taken in for the experiment at the age of seven, which left him with embarrassing fox ears and tail but extreme intellect and agility. All of his life he wore a hoodie in public to make people see a normal boy in a hoodie, leaving him withdrawn and shy. Now, as a Junior on high school, he's finally trying to talk to someone. He escapes from a conversation when it gets uncomfortable or awkward.

Dating/lover/crush: has a crush on Aion

Anything else: He has fox ears and a fox tail.
there we go. now wait for @Fukushima Akira . or @Roman . someting..i cant accept CSs cuz im not allowed to xD

Neglection said:
Name: Vilis

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 3rd year

What kind of being you are: Half fox half human

Powers/gifts: has the agility, intelligence and strength of a fox, but has the form of a human.

Likes: Silence, rabbits, and hoodies.

Dislikes: People

Personality: Withdrawn, shy and timid, but incredibly clever at short notice. Can lie very easily


View attachment 191304

Bio: Vilis is a mistake. We was the 263rd try of giving a human form the abilities of a fox while still being in human form. That being said, he was born naturally but was taken in for the experiment at the age of seven, which left him with embarrassing fox ears and tail but extreme intellect and agility. All of his life he wore a hoodie in public to make people see a normal boy in a hoodie, leaving him withdrawn and shy. Now, as a Junior on high school, he's finally trying to talk to someone. He escapes from a conversation when it gets uncomfortable or awkward.

Dating/lover/crush: has a crush on Aion

Anything else: He has fox ears and a fox tail.
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Nickname(If Applies):(nope)


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): She lives with another.... ehh, person like herself

What Year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:Werewolf

Powers/gifts: Ability to turn in and out of werewolf, but if she stays out of werewolf form for too long, she will turn into a werewolf automatically and literally goes insane (she has to about once a day)

Likes:Apples (lol), blue eyes, and mermaids

Dislikes: angels and interaction with humans (and being called a little girl)

Personality:Shy except around other werewolves, but for the most part acts a bit older than her actual age and acts decades better than how old she LOOKS. If you get on her good side, expect to be protected like brethren, but if you get on her bad side, you should get to know agressiveness and harshness. But shy by default.

Appearance: Looks like the girl when in human form and like the werewolf when in werewolf form<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/wolf.jpg.90561754899e213c09e14aa78922e99a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/wolf.jpg.90561754899e213c09e14aa78922e99a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:When she was born, her parents called her "their little angel", as she was their only child. And this praise seemed to have a positive effect, as she grew up to be a decently respectable person and her parents repeatedly recieved praise from her teachers. She grew up most of her life not knowing she was a werewolf, as her parents and her doctors didn't either. But as a little girl, she was just that- a normal, young girl. Some boys teased her for looking so young, but she put a stop to that very quickly. While she was in the 6th grade, however, her whole life was turned upside-down.

She and her parents were on a train to go visit relatives when it mysteriously crashed. Selensya was left with shattered arms, one less hand, one less leg, the other leg broken, her spine snapped, her neck mangled. But she was alive. She was the only casualty on the entire train, except for her parents, who had their vital organs punctured. her parents died a month after the incident. Then, while she was recovering from her injuries and her parent's deaths, one of the doctors entered the room and locked it behind him. Selensya was curious to know why, so the doctor told her that she was a werewolf, and explained its limitations and powers. Selensya ended up living with him after she recovered.

She recovered from the incident 9 months later,and had to retake the grade, where she was the only one who had to retake the year. Students mocked her and teased her mercilessly, eventually to the point where once the police had to go to the school when a few older students ambushed her, tied her up, and left her at the top of a tall tree, then screamed rude names and phrases at her. One of the teachers noticed the shouts of the boys and the screams of Selensya and dialed 911. After the incident, people mocked her even more, to the point that if they started, the teachers would join in as well. She hid in the restroom, where girls would come in and gives her train tickets. The rest of the school joined in, and every day she received dozens of tickets, each haunting her memories from the trash can. After she managed to pass 6th grade through the mocking and teasing, she convinced her parents that how the students mocked her was indeed true, after her mother called the principal and asked him if it was all true.

She moved away with her parents to live closer to family, where everyone at her school was terribly confused at why this new girl was hiding from them and why she would flinch then walk faster if they asked her is she was ok. Eventually, someone from her sixth grade class shared how she was mocked all the time and how most of the students who mocked her had been bullies into mocking her. He admitted to being one of the people who started it all, but asked if Selensya would forgive him. She didn't. But at least people became more friendly towards her, even if she did jump whenever someone said something to her.

Dating/lover/crush: She was too scared to get to know anyone in her past years, but maybe someone will catch her eye this year...

Anything else:I tired my mind too much coming up with the Bio, thanks for asking though :P



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[QUOTE="The Arrival]Name:Selensya
Nickname(If Applies):(nope)


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): She lives with another.... ehh, person like herself

What Year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:Werewolf

Powers/gifts: Ability to turn in and out of werewolf, but if she stays out of werewolf form for too long, she will turn into a werewolf automatically and literally goes insane (she has to about once a day)

Likes:Apples (lol), blue eyes, and mermaids

Dislikes: angels and interaction with humans (and being called a little girl)

Personality:Shy except around other werewolves, but for the most part acts a bit older than her actual age and acts decades better than how old she LOOKS. If you get on her good side, expect to be protected like brethren, but if you get on her bad side, you should get to know agressiveness and harshness. But shy by default.

Appearance: Looks like the girl when in human form and like the werewolf when in werewolf formView attachment 191311

Bio:When she was born, her parents called her "their little angel", as she was their only child. And this praise seemed to have a positive effect, as she grew up to be a decently respectable person and her parents repeatedly recieved praise from her teachers. She grew up most of her life not knowing she was a werewolf, as her parents and her doctors didn't either. But as a little girl, she was just that- a normal, young girl. Some boys teased her for looking so young, but she put a stop to that very quickly. While she was in the 6th grade, however, her whole life was turned upside-down.

She and her parents were on a train to go visit relatives when it mysteriously crashed. Selensya was left with shattered arms, one less hand, one less leg, the other leg broken, her spine snapped, her neck mangled. But she was alive. She was the only casualty on the entire train, except for her parents, who had their vital organs punctured. her parents died a month after the incident. Then, while she was recovering from her injuries and her parent's deaths, one of the doctors entered the room and locked it behind him. Selensya was curious to know why, so the doctor told her that she was a werewolf, and explained its limitations and powers. Selensya ended up living with him after she recovered.

She recovered from the incident 9 months later,and had to retake the grade, where she was the only one who had to retake the year. Students mocked her and teased her mercilessly, eventually to the point where once the police had to go to the school when a few older students ambushed her, tied her up, and left her at the top of a tall tree, then screamed rude names and phrases at her. One of the teachers noticed the shouts of the boys and the screams of Selensya and dialed 911. After the incident, people mocked her even more, to the point that if they started, the teachers would join in as well. She hid in the restroom, where girls would come in and gives her train tickets. The rest of the school joined in, and every day she received dozens of tickets, each haunting her memories from the trash can. After she managed to pass 6th grade through the mocking and teasing, she convinced her parents that how the students mocked her was indeed true, after her mother called the principal and asked him if it was all true.

She moved away with her parents to live closer to family, where everyone at her school was terribly confused at why this new girl was hiding from them and why she would flinch then walk faster if they asked her is she was ok. Eventually, someone from her sixth grade class shared how she was mocked all the time and how most of the students who mocked her had been bullies into mocking her. He admitted to being one of the people who started it all, but asked if Selensya would forgive him. She didn't. But at least people became more friendly towards her, even if she did jump whenever someone said something to her.

Dating/lover/crush: She was too scared to get to know anyone in her past years, but maybe someone will catch her eye this year...

Anything else:I tired my mind too much coming up with the Bio, thanks for asking though :P

Name: Mako Wilson

Nickname: N/A but could have one in the future



Sexual Orientation: straight

good,bad or neutral: good

Where you live: dorm

what year of high school your in: junior

what kind of being you are: Human spellcloak

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/anima__bella__s_daggers_set_2_by_wen_m.jpg.d2b57e32675336b936adfbb948fa562a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/anima__bella__s_daggers_set_2_by_wen_m.jpg.d2b57e32675336b936adfbb948fa562a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/4qeeiyze.jpg.103ffc422c6ecbd4a9c6d1b31548d1cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/4qeeiyze.jpg.103ffc422c6ecbd4a9c6d1b31548d1cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers/gifts: Mako is excellent with two daggers because of the training he has had with them since he was a kid. He is very athletic, Flexible, and good at May Thai and Teak won do. He is able to cast elemental magic via his daggers and when strong enough without them. (earth, fire, dark light, ice, lightning daggers evolve into more powerful ones when he become strong enough. Charm one is not included.)

Likes: Dogs, cats, apples

Dislikes: Vampires, demons

Personality: Mako is the type of guy who can be nice to anyone no matter who or what they are. He can be shy at first but once he knows someone better he becomes very friendly. Mako thinks of fighting someone as a last resort.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/maxresdefault.jpg.8a8a48cd7519cbc138dd611aa14815c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85159" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/maxresdefault.jpg.8a8a48cd7519cbc138dd611aa14815c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mako is African American/Japanese. He has light brown skin and is somewhat tall, around 5'11. He weighs 135 pounds and has a skinny build. He has blue eyes with blue buzz cut like hair. He also has a birthmark of a star on his left side of his neck

Background: Mako was born a prince because of his father,King Alexander Wilson, and Queen Ameyla Wilson. He was trained in the use of daggers by his father since the age of seven. Because he was a prince he had many fake friends which caused Mako to feel a little untrustworthy around others. At the age of 15 Alexander told Mako that he should prepare to become king. But Mako decided to make a deal. When Mako came back from Adventuring he would claim the throne. On his 16th birthday his dad allowed him to leave the castle to seek out his adventuring needs. Extra: Has never had a girlfriend. Made sure no one knows he's a prince.

Weakness: Each time Mako switches to a different element he puts a strain on his body. He can only use one element at a time. He is a novice at magic.



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wiigamechamp said:
Name: Mako Wilson
Nickname: N/A but could have one in the future



Sexual Orientation: straight

good,bad or neutral: good

Where you live: dorm

what year of high school your in: junior

what kind of being you are: Human spellcloak

View attachment 191483

View attachment 191485

Powers/gifts: Mako is excellent with two daggers because of the training he has had with them since he was a kid. He is very athletic, Flexible, and good at May Thai and Teak won do. He is able to cast elemental magic via his daggers and when strong enough without them. (earth, fire, dark light, ice, lightning daggers evolve into more powerful ones when he become strong enough. Charm one is not included.)

Likes: Dogs, cats, apples

Dislikes: Vampires, demons

Personality: Mako is the type of guy who can be nice to anyone no matter who or what they are. He can be shy at first but once he knows someone better he becomes very friendly. Mako thinks of fighting someone as a last resort.


View attachment 191487

Mako is African American/Japanese. He has light brown skin and is somewhat tall, around 5'11. He weighs 135 pounds and has a skinny build. He has blue eyes with blue buzz cut like hair. He also has a birthmark of a star on his left side of his neck

Background: Mako was born a prince because of his father,King Alexander Wilson, and Queen Ameyla Wilson. He was trained in the use of daggers by his father since the age of seven. Because he was a prince he had many fake friends which caused Mako to feel a little untrustworthy around others. At the age of 15 Alexander told Mako that he should prepare to become king. But Mako decided to make a deal. When Mako came back from Adventuring he would claim the throne. On his 16th birthday his dad allowed him to leave the castle to seek out his adventuring needs. Extra: Has never had a girlfriend. Made sure no one knows he's a prince.

Weakness: Each time Mako switches to a different element he puts a strain on his body. He can only use one element at a time. He is a novice at magic.

Finally! We have an African-American/Japanese character! I was seriously thinking that no one would ever make one! Awesome!~
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Accepted.
Finally! We have an African-American/Japanese character! I was seriously thinking that no one would ever make one! Awesome!~

I have one xD
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Accepted.
Finally! We have an African-American/Japanese character! I was seriously thinking that no one would ever make one! Awesome!~

Aqua lad was the closest person I could find to my character's look. And is anyone up to rp
Roman said:
I have one xD

wiigamechamp said:
Aqua lad was the closest person I could find to my character's look. And is anyone up to rp
Nice. Head over to the RP and have your character interact with some free ones. You'd be better asking in the actual RP tab.
Name: Rogue

Nickname(If Applies):none, dont see how he could have one.


Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in:senior

What kind of being you are:

Shadow Dragon


*Shadow magic

*can turn into a dragon

*can make his skin as hard as scales

*when angry he gain's a few scales on his face and arm's

Likes: doesn't like nor dislike anything

Dislikes: doesn't dislike nor like anything

Personality: calm, usually seem's unamuzed, has a kind side he doesn't show often unless he care's about said person.


Bio: He's been around for a while, as well as being alone all that time it's made him hollow on the inside


Anything else: nope


Name: Brianna

Nickname(If Applies): Bri


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: Neko


*can morph into any kind of cat

*Can grow claws

Likes: everything

Dislikes: nothing

Personality:Outgoing, overly excited, get's happy easily, get's scared easily.


"Meow! Nya~"

Bio: Grew up with her friend Lia

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: nope


Name: Lia

Nickname(If Applies):I dunno

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: Neko


*can morph into any kind of cat

*Can grow claws

Likes: Being a perverted, messing with people.

Dislikes: meh, has to be something that she experienced that harmed her

Personality:Perverted, teases people, can get embarrassed easily.


Bio: Grew up with brianna

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: nope


Name: Frosch

Nickname(If Applies): Fro


Gender: I'm just gonna say girl...

Sexual Orientation: uhmm doesn't matter i guess

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) with Lia

What Year of highschool your in: doesn't attend

What kind of being you are:( can't say exceed because dragon made that a different species...) talking cat


*Can fly


Dislikes: Nothing

Personality:agree's with everything, has a tendancy to say her own name.


Bio: Was found as a tiny kitten by Lia

Dating/lover/crush: nope

Anything else: Lia's pet


Name: Lector

Nickname(If Applies): nope



Sexual Orientation: straight I guess

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) with Brianna

What Year of highschool your in: doesn't attend

What kind of being you are:Talking cat


*can fly


Dislikes: people he doesn't trust

Personality:arrogant, belittle's other's, only kind when Brianna is around (unless you manage to make him like you)


Bio: was found as a tiny kitten by Brianna

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else:nope

@Fukushima Akira


Haruo Fukushima

Nickname(If Applies):


O-kun (Only by his parents)



Adult Age:




Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

Fukushima Estate

What Year of highschool you're in:


What kind of being you are:




Haruo has the power to banish an object or being from a specific place. Haruo can banish an object or being from a specific place to either a certain place/area they choose or into the area the target is most connected, in case of summoned beings their home-plane.

Gravitational Singularity Generation:

Haruo can create exposed singularities, (centre of a hole) a situation where matter is forced to be compressed to a point (space-like singularity) and a situation where certain light rays come from a region with infinite curvature (time-like singularity).

Usually, this attack destroys any target made of energy or matter through a black or white hole. Through a black hole, it will destroy anything devouring the matter and energy, allowing the opponent to be ripped apart when they enter into a Gravitational Singularity and be erase to nothingness as body molecule, matter and energy will be absorbed causing instant death. Through a white hole, Haruo can let matter and light escape, releasing a blast of energy and matter allowing it to create exposures.

Sanctum Strength:

This seems to be the main function of Haruo's fighting style, as it grants him immense strength. He uses his strength to throw large objects, run on walls by digging his feet into them. It's been said that Haruo's punches are strong enough to destroy the earth, heaven and the stars.

Sanctum Speed:

Haruo's speed is said to be on par with Kenji, who is mentioned to be one of the fastest in all of Euphoria. He can travel at a speed that left his afterimages behind and if Haruo were to put his full strength behind his every step, the residential structures that aren't stable enough, would most likely be blown away. Haruo can also perform melee attacks at light speed.



Haruo's brain released a special form of power that affected the optic nerves, transforming his eyes into Tengan; for that reason the Tengan is described as an “eye that reflects the heart”. Upon having this, Haruo has two main features:

The Eye of Insight:

Haruo can see raw power, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by it's composition and source. He can see raw power through all obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's power flow, such as those caused by an external influence.

Haruo is also granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling him to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. In combat, this allows him to see fast-moving objects and offers some amount of predictive capabilities: he can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept.

Haruo is able to copy almost any power he can see, memorising techniques with near-perfect accuracy. He can then either perform that technique or modify it to suit his needs.

The Eye of Hypnotism:

Haruo can perform what is generically called hypnotism. While there are various manifestations and purposes of the ability, the better known one is to, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, Haruo can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as he wishes; this control is visually indicated by the Tengan's design appearing in the target's eye. Multiple targets can be taken control of in this way, though the more divided Haruo's attention is, the easier it is for targets to escape this control.

(The rest of his powers are unknown. Most of his powers listed here haven't been awakened as of yet. I'll update this as he develops.)



Happy People

His mother

His father

His elder brother and sisters

Interesting events and people



Sour sweets

Overly Serious People


Overly-confident, weak individuals


Haruo is a very unpredictable young man who likes to use his brute strength to solve everything and appreciates a good fight. He easily described himself as vulgar, savage and a hopeless hedonist, which makes sense as he can be fairly perverted. Be it a game or a simple cooking contest, he only participates in things that are deemed interesting to him. He enjoys challenges and will even participate in a game with a handicap so long as it makes the game more enjoyable.

Despite his outer appearance and frivolous personality, Haruo is surprisingly highly intelligent, showing an in-depth knowledge about a myriad of subjects, ranging from mythologies, scientific concepts to architectures. He mostly spends his time in a library reading when there are no classes or events happening, showing his studious nature. He is also shown to be a forgiving person so long as the guilty party is conscious of what they have done and show guilt while being forthright about it. Though, this might just be attributed to his hedonism and his lack of interest in anything not interesting.

Appearance (Anime Picture Preferred):

-Teenager- Aged 16:


-Adult- Aged 19:



Born to Asuka and Akira. Haruo was born pretty recently, yet due to Euphoria's aura, he aged quickly.



Anything else:



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LunaCrosby said:
Name: Rogue
Nickname(If Applies):none, dont see how he could have one.


Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in:senior

What kind of being you are:

Shadow Dragon


*Shadow magic

*can turn into a dragon

*can make his skin as hard as scales

*when angry he gain's a few scales on his face and arm's

Likes: doesn't like nor dislike anything

Dislikes: doesn't dislike nor like anything

Personality: calm, usually seem's unamuzed, has a kind side he doesn't show often unless he care's about said person.


Bio: He's been around for a while, as well as being alone all that time it's made him hollow on the inside


Anything else: nope


Name: Brianna

Nickname(If Applies): Bri


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: Neko


*can morph into any kind of cat

*Can grow claws

Likes: everything

Dislikes: nothing

Personality:Outgoing, overly excited, get's happy easily, get's scared easily.


"Meow! Nya~"

Bio: Grew up with her friend Lia

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: nope


Name: Lia

Nickname(If Applies):I dunno

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: senior

What kind of being you are: Neko


*can morph into any kind of cat

*Can grow claws

Likes: Being a perverted, messing with people.

Dislikes: meh, has to be something that she experienced that harmed her

Personality:Perverted, teases people, can get embarrassed easily.


Bio: Grew up with brianna

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else: nope


Name: Frosch

Nickname(If Applies): Fro


Gender: I'm just gonna say girl...

Sexual Orientation: uhmm doesn't matter i guess

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) with Lia

What Year of highschool your in: doesn't attend

What kind of being you are:( can't say exceed because dragon made that a different species...) talking cat


*Can fly


Dislikes: Nothing

Personality:agree's with everything, has a tendancy to say her own name.


Bio: Was found as a tiny kitten by Lia

Dating/lover/crush: nope

Anything else: Lia's pet


Name: Lector

Nickname(If Applies): nope



Sexual Orientation: straight I guess

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) with Brianna

What Year of highschool your in: doesn't attend

What kind of being you are:Talking cat


*can fly


Dislikes: people he doesn't trust

Personality:arrogant, belittle's other's, only kind when Brianna is around (unless you manage to make him like you)


Bio: was found as a tiny kitten by Brianna

Dating/lover/crush: none

Anything else:nope

@Fukushima Akira


Reina Suzako

Nickname(If Applies):

None unless given





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Moon Rabbit


Judge Master:

Reina's main gift that allows her to judge and referee during Gift Games. Reina can tap into the Little Garden Central Network through her eyes and ears and can determine if a game is rigged or if someone has cheated. The gift allows her to investigate a game, but there is a delay between her and the confirmation of the Central Network, leaving her defenseless and free to be attacked.

* Trial Jurisdiction:

An ability of a Judge to stop the game to hold a trial to determine the validity of the game.

Spear of Indra:

One of Reina's four gifts that were passed down to her from her race. The spear is a replica of the one owned by the Indra. Though despite this, it is an immensely powerful and feared gift, possessing an elemental affinity for lightning and blessed with the power to grant absolute victory if thrown. The spear can detonate into an enormous blast when thrown. However because of how powerful it is, it can only be used once per Gift Game. The Spear of Indra cannot be used with the Sun Armor as it is considered taboo.

Sun Armor:

An armor that shines like the sun and is said to be an ultimate defense, another gift passed down to Reina. When used from its card it can provide a powerful ray of light and negate Gifts that are weak towards the sun, such as Pest's gift. The true form is that of armor which is invulnerable to all attacks.

Mock Divinity Vajra:

Reina's third gift passed down from her clan. This weapon is mostly used for direct combat as it can fire powerful blasts of lightning.

Moon Shrine:

The fourth gift from Reina's clan. This Gift is a game board type and is able to transport players to the Chandral Mahal on the moon.

Enhanced Speed:

Reina is part of the Moon Rabbit race, and thus has their signature speed. Her speed is reliant on her legs as she cannot retain her mobility in mid air.

Enhanced Strength:

The power of a moon rabbit's legs are what gives them their impressive speed. Reina is able to kick anyone across the a state or two with ease.

Enhanced Hearing:

Reina's ears are said to be able to hear the decisions made by the Little Garden's Central Network, and are capable of hearing at great distances.



+Scaring people


-Mean guys





Reina is a very earnest and loyal woman, always trying her best to support her friends and community. She usually maintains an upbeat, cheerful attitude and rarely looses her cool in serious or strenuous situations. When being teased or humiliated by her friends, however, Reina is very easily excited and flustered. Due to being a moon rabbit, Reina is naturally compassionate and very selfless, willing to give herself up for the sake of her friends. However this is also her biggest flaw as this trait can be abused and used against her.

She does have her limits though, and when pushed far enough won't shy away from violence. Reina worrys quite a lot about the actions of her community members and various events. She also seems to underestimate people quite a bit. However she is not prideful enough to admit when she is wrong and will do so.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Younger appearance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9bf1d51eb1279ed68e106fe94706d294.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="85196" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9bf1d51eb1279ed68e106fe94706d294.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Preteen- 14


-Teen- 18



Reina prefers to not talk about her past, unless she is asked to by a friend.



Anything else:

Reina is the last Moon rabbit and her hair turns pink if embarrassed or she's ready to fight




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WeirdPrincess said:


Rini Suzako

Nickname(If Applies):

None unless given





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Moon Rabbit


Judge Master:
Rini's main gift that allows her to judge and referee during Gift Games. Rini can tap into the Little Garden Central Network through her eyes and ears and can determine if a game is rigged or if someone has cheated. The gift allows her to investigate a game, but there is a delay between her and the confirmation of the Central Network, leaving her defenseless and free to be attacked.

* Trial Jurisdiction: An ability of a Judge to stop the game to hold a trial to determine the validity of the game.

Spear of Indra:
One of Black Rabbit's four gifts that were passed down to her from her race. The spear is a replica of the one owned by the Indra. Though despite this, it is an immensely powerful and feared gift, possessing an elemental affinity for lightning and blessed with the power to grant absolute victory if thrown. The spear can detonate into an enormous blast when thrown. However because of how powerful it is, it can only be used once per Gift Game. The Spear of Indra cannot be used with the Sun Armor as it is considered taboo.

Sun Armor:
An armor that shines like the sun and is said to be an ultimate defense, another gift passed down to Rini. When used from its card it can provide a powerful ray of light and negate Gifts that are weak towards the sun, such as Pest's gift. The true form is that of armor which is invulnerable to all attacks.

Mock Divinity Vajra:
Rini's third gift passed down from her clan. This weapon is mostly used for direct combat as it can fire powerful blasts of lightning.

Moon Shrine:
The fourth gift from Black Rabbit's clan. This Gift is a game board type and is able to transport players to the Chandral Mahal on the moon.

Enhanced Speed:
Rini is part of the Moon Rabbit race, and thus has their signature speed. Her speed is reliant on her legs as she cannot retain her mobility in mid air.

Enhanced Strength:
The power of a moon rabbit's legs are what gives them their impressive speed. Rini is able to kick anyone across the a state or two with ease.

Enhanced Hearing:
Rini's ears are said to be able to hear the decisions made by the Little Garden's Central Network, and are capable of hearing at great distances.



+Scaring people


-Mean guys





Rini is a very earnest and loyal woman, always trying her best to support her friends and community. She usually maintains an upbeat, cheerful attitude and rarely looses her cool in serious or strenuous situations. When being teased or humiliated by her friends, however, Rini is very easily excited and flustered. Due to being a moon rabbit, Rini is naturally compassionate and very selfless, willing to give herself up for the sake of her friends. However this is also her biggest flaw as this trait can be abused and used against her.

She does have her limits though, and when pushed far enough won't shy away from violence. Rini worrys quite a lot about the actions of her community members and various events. She also seems to underestimate people quite a bit. However she is not prideful enough to admit when she is wrong and will do so.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Younger appearance

View attachment 191586

Teen- 16



Rini prefers to not talk about her past, unless she is asked to by a friend.



Anything else:

Rini is the last Moon rabbit and her hair turns pink if embarrassed or she's ready to fight



raidou sieghart

Nickname(If Applies)






Sexual Orientation


Good or Evil or Neutral


Where you live

in an appartement

What Year of highschool your in


What kind of being you are

archdemon-human-angel(based on mode)


-kekkai genkai:life trace-

bloodline who able to track other living thing power and copy it.


ability to use space crack

-swift mode-

allow him to unlock some ability that only can be used at the selected mode

<1st Darkness form:rage mode>


transform into lunatic duelist,allowing raidou to take control of the darkness as well as controlling gravitation,during this mode every attack has massive damage output,but in limited time.also,to active it raidou must feel angry or sad or any negative feeling on him.open some skill advance like:

rain darkness


,reaping soul,


full absorb




phase edge




evil shock




force death


chaotic spark


<2nd darkness form:archdemon lord>


2nd mode after rage mode,allow raidou to take full control of darkness,use the underworld power and his rage mode ability as well as new ability and pasive.can be actived after raidou corrupted in darkness.new ability:

dark buster


dark rush


evil blaster




chaos darkness[ultimate]






<human form>

the most normal form,not need to be actived,can chain combo and stuff.ability was:

demon aura


6th style:spinning slicer


7th style:phantom rush


8th style:flame slash


1st style:night dance


soul extinction[ultimate]


9th style:spearlance


10th style:explosion


2nd style:blood thirst


3nd style:flash blade


4nd style:wind slicer


5nd style:breaking soul


11th style:assault slash


12th style:soul crush


13th style:birth of blades[ultimate]


14th style:dual master


15th style:falling sword


16th style:sword shield


17th style:aimed sword


rune swords


XX style:unlimited blade


<1st light form:holy mode>

allow raidou to use the power of space and light as well as increased raidou defence.to active it raidou need to feel a strong positive emotion.this mode unlock:

holy blast


soul regen


light in darkness


chain desperado


light cutter


light nova


pillar of light


guilty break


space crack


space smash




gravity buster


lunatic slash


<2nd light form:divine guardian>'


"divine guardian is a legendary knight who protect the gate of valhalla from outside.one must possess the true light to regain the power of divine deity." able to sustain a greater damage allow raidou to maintain even the strongest impact.during this form,raidou unleash a light aura which will heal his comrade and give supporting power to them.to active it raidou must first experiance the death.several skill are unlocked in this form:

sanctuary sword


helping hand


light slash


half-moon slash


light chaser


divine protection


relic master


sacred slash


piercing light slash


light force[ultimate]


<final form:end mode>

"when the light and darkness become one,a new beginning will reach"

utilizing both form together,raidou unleash his strongest form.chaos mode allow him to unlock every skill on every mode as well as the power on it.to active it 2nd form of light and darkness must activated together.in this form there is also some special skill that actived:

black hole




dark zone


dark eruption




light zone


heaven's wrath



pretty much anything




-unreasonable thing-



With genius abilities, is cold and lazy. However, he is a responsible person during combat,he also very kind,even if he ignore you a bit.


divine guardian


Human form


archdemon lord



Raidou is a descendant of a family that able to use divne powers. His entire family was exterminated after being caught researching the forbidden secrets of chaos force. He was sold into slavery and while escaping,Raidou fell into an Ancient forest and became trapped alone, causing him to become mentally unstable. he slowly took what would have been his last few breaths. Just then, an archdemon figure appeared before him offered Raidou a contract, for rebirth and power, he would conquer the world and have revenge on the ones who caused his suffering, Raidou agreed, then blacked out.Raidou awoke in a rune field, with demon part attached to various parts of his body.Fortunately, there was a steady supply of food to sustain himself as well as a large number of books about the world. Raidou spent his time reading them and waited for the day he could escape. With his vast knowledge, Raidou eventually invented the Sky Dynamo and grandlord sword using the parts from broken down archangel found inside the forest. Using the weapon's power, he escaped from the collapsing forest. However, the isolation of being trapped alone for so long left Raidou insane along with an obsession to destroy the world.he blindly fights to destroy the world he once lived. That is until he found by a girl and taken to a village, where he received clothes and spent the night.who reminded him of his humanity.he then travel throught time and space to help people and find his true meaning of life.


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