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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Character Registration


Name: Rael “Royal” Agneau

Nickname(If Applies): Royal, Reel, or Lamb (hates that one)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Blessed Human


Total Body Control: Rael can control literally everything about his body, from manipulating his blood and bones, to causing his cells to regenerate at an extreme rate, to transforming his body parts, or even growing new ones such as wings, tails, or horns.

Wound transference: Rael can transfer any physical wound another has onto himself, healing them instantly.

Untouchable Shields: Rael can create thin force field like shield plates, that literally cannot be touched. Its not that they can’t be broken, its just that everything would effectively “slide” off. Imagine trying to hold a wet eel and you might get a rudimentary idea of the shields.

Portals: You ever play one of the games in the portal series? Rael is pretty much a human portal gun, and can create up to four pairs of portals, that link up to one another.

Excited blood: The more Rael uses his abilities, the more a certain part of him gets excited, although he’s so innocent he doesn’t know what it means…

Likes: cake, animals, playing games, making others happy

Dislikes: Bullies, and scary things.

Personality: Rael has an extremely bubbly, happy and innocent personality. He always sees the best in people, and takes almost everything they say to be fairly literal, but doesn’t have much knowledge of certain subjects, and is always curious about stuff he doesn’t know.

Bio: Rael had an extremely normal life, his parents may have been a bit overprotective, keeping him so innocent and what not, but in general nothing bad ever really happened to Rael, so he can’t complain. Recently Rael received an offer to come study overseas, so that’s why he’s here without his parents… what where you expecting some dark back story and him still being so innocent?

Dating/lover/crush: n/a

Anything else: not really…
WeirdPrincess said:

Base form


Second Form




Nickname(If Applies):

None unless given





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



Enslavement Kiss


Life-Force Absorption

Kiss of Death

Mental Inducement/Mental Manipulation

Desire Inducement

-Claw Retraction

-Enhanced Bite

-Prehensile Tail

Pheromone Manipulation

Sexual Inducement

Sexual Instinct

Wing Manifestation




-Boring places

+Being sexual (Venus has no filter)

-People interrupting her or getting in her way


Venus is rather... lewd and sexual. She won't so much as hide her sexual actions towards anyone and comes on to anyone. Though she does have more of a liking towards someone and holds back on showing herself to other people. Venus likes to insert her "Love Nectar" into assorted drinks and foods if she's able to. She's just that sexual


Doesn't talk about it



Anything else:

@Fukushima Akira
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]
Name: Rael “Royal” Agneau

Nickname(If Applies): Royal, Reel, or Lamb (hates that one)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Blessed Human


Total Body Control: Rael can control literally everything about his body, from manipulating his blood and bones, to causing his cells to regenerate at an extreme rate, to transforming his body parts, or even growing new ones such as wings, tails, or horns.

Wound transference: Rael can transfer any physical wound another has onto himself, healing them instantly.

Untouchable Shields: Rael can create thin force field like shield plates, that literally cannot be touched. Its not that they can’t be broken, its just that everything would effectively “slide” off. Imagine trying to hold a wet eel and you might get a rudimentary idea of the shields.

Portals: You ever play one of the games in the portal series? Rael is pretty much a human portal gun, and can create up to four pairs of portals, that link up to one another.

Excited blood: The more Rael uses his abilities, the more a certain part of him gets excited, although he’s so innocent he doesn’t know what it means…

Likes: cake, animals, playing games, making others happy

Dislikes: Bullies, and scary things.

Personality: Rael has an extremely bubbly, happy and innocent personality. He always sees the best in people, and takes almost everything they say to be fairly literal, but doesn’t have much knowledge of certain subjects, and is always curious about stuff he doesn’t know.

Bio: Rael had an extremely normal life, his parents may have been a bit overprotective, keeping him so innocent and what not, but in general nothing bad ever really happened to Rael, so he can’t complain. Recently Rael received an offer to come study overseas, so that’s why he’s here without his parents… what where you expecting some dark back story and him still being so innocent?

Dating/lover/crush: n/a

Anything else: not really…

[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]No, I didn't know you'd already picked Nero, so I guess his character is denied until he gets a new appearance.

Ohhh okay xD
WellItsLoki said:
Kyo Takano

Age: 17





Third Year



Sound Manipulation (No hypnotic and or Major suggestion)

Sonic Healing- The user can heal themselves or others by using sound by utilizing high frequency sound waves to shelter the body, revitalizing it to its max by manipulating the molecules and nerves via vibration to induce regeneration.

Accelerated Flight through the control of sound waves.

Sonokinetic Constructs - the ability to construct weapons amongst many other useful things though the manipulation of sound.

Likes: Music, Simplistic things, Animals, Art.

Dislikes: Not being able to express himself. Long drawn out conversations only to reach a point that could have been agreed upon in one sentence. Lack of color and expression.

Personality: Very cheerful to a point where its almost scary. Yet there a days he wont even look up and it almost seems as he has a purple yew of despair and pain. Outgoing and very witty somewhat sarcastic at points but driven because of his dark past.


At a young age he was forced to pick up a hobby because his parents where never around so he took up singing and playing guitar. He never got the finest things in life and is often found is some what cheap street clothes. His past gets even darker in his teens when he found out his parents where both drug dealers. After a major arrest he was left to live in the house they lived in Semi happily alone while they sat in jail. So now hes just trying to educate himself to move on from his past. He seems to never speak of his parents or his past or even his real name he always calls himself "Indigo" alot of people believe that is because of his blue hair.

No love life right now
Name: Isabella lavenza

Nickname(If Applies):


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



None yup I'm making another human character


Romantic things

Any phisical contact (will be explained


Being left alone

Personality: Isabella is a kind hearted and carring girl that loves to be around people and help in any way she can which often leads to unwanted accidents

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.219ba3ca0b02e4d8c4b3425d71db887c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83737" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpg.219ba3ca0b02e4d8c4b3425d71db887c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(She's blind)

Bio: Isabella's life has been hard because she was born without sight but despite that she's tried to live as normal of a life as possible


None yet

Anything else:

@Fukushima Akira



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Yoshiro said:
Name: "It's Jason, don't make me repeat it."
Age: "Old enough to be your great great grandfather seventeen times over." (Appears 17)

Gender: "Sheesh, you must be older than I thought. I'm a guy."

Sexual Orientation: "Whatever you want me to be."

Good or Evil or Neutral: "Does it really matter?" (Neutral, for now)

Where you live: "In a nearby neighborhood, why?"

What Year of highschool your in: "I'm a senior, not that it changes anything about how I feel about school."

What kind of being you are: "I'm a demon, plain and simple."



View attachment 189078

Jason's demon arm is one of his more powerful abilities. With it, he can utilize most demon magic, but at the cost of stamina. By unlocking its true power, he can use his DEMON FORM


View attachment 189077

Jason embraces his inner demon, his body growing feathers black as night. In this form, he is able to freely use the demonic arts taught to him by his father. He gains a very high regeneration factor, his power is increased by 200%, and he is unable to feel pain. That doesn't mean he's invulnerable, just that his nerves are cut off. If he sustains too much damage, he goes into DARK MODE


View attachment 188571

This form only activates if Jason's body is extremely damaged. Darkness pours out of his body, and covers it in a sentient armor-like skin. In this mode, he is unable to use most of his powers, but his physical strength goes up by 500%. His regular sword is replaced with the demon katana Masamune


View attachment 189082

This is Jason's sword, given to him by his mother on his sixth birthday. Other than that, its just a regular sword.


View attachment 189083

This demonic sword is only available to Jason when he's in Dark Mode. It's much stronger than his normal sword, and is filled with all of Jason's hate and anger.

Likes: "Sleeping is number one!"

Dislikes: "People. I hate people and crowds."

Personality: Jason is a psychopath, plain and simple. He revels in the pain and agony of others, and enjoys a good fight, However, he's quite lazy, and tends to sleep more often than he kills.


View attachment 189084

Bio: Jason was born to a human prostitute and a high general of hell, Beelzebub. While he was growing up, the other demons would incessantly bully him for being different, since he didn't have horns like them, or have wings. Jason then spent his time training with a sword, so he could protect himself from them. The only person who treated him kindly was his mother, who he loved with all his heart. "Remember, you are son to Beelzebub, and you are stronger than you know. But don't let that power change you. You are also my son, and I know you'll make great things happen. Never forget that I love you." Jason never forgot those words. But, his mother died on his seventh birthday, causing him to snap. He slaughtered the bullies, and anyone else who had insulted him. His father inducted him into the demonic army and from there, his powers grew. As heir to his father's place, he will stop at nothing to make his mother proud, even at the cost of his humanity.

Dating/lover/crush: "Tch, you think anyone would ever love someone like me? You must be crazy."

Mia Marie Lovittz

Age || 17

Gender || Female

Affiliation || Neutral

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Creature || Succubus

Grade || Junior

|| Human form ||


|| Magical form ||


Personality || Mia is somewhat like a child in many ways. She's very curious, very stubborn, and pouts when she doesn't get her way. When she is really upset, she may stomp her foot and flail her arms. Her moods are very flippant too. One moment she can be really happy and excited and then next angry or sad. Inside, she's fragile and sensitive but prefers to cover that side of her up with either anger or laughter. She can come off as egotistical and arrogant but her self esteem is actually very low. She has a hard time talking about her feelings and other feelings. So if her friend is upset, she'll try and help them but it may be very awkward despite her meaning well. She can be kind to others and, when the time calls for it, mature. Mia does like making friends and does enjoy others company even if she won't admit it.

|| Likes ||

- Caffeinated Drinks

- Games

- Candy

- Music

- Winning

- Dancing

|| Dislikes ||

- Vegetables

- Mosquitoes

- Cooking

- Drawing

- Reading

- Being Wrong

|| Fears ||

- Being Hated/Ridiculed

- Swimming

no slide

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Vinnie Adlynn



Age || 17

Gender || Male

Height - 6'11" || Weight - 134 lbs.

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Birthday || April 2nd

Nationality || Italian

Race || Neko

Home || Dorms


Personality || Vinnie is self willed in his actions. He acts mostly on personal regard rather than on what others may want or expect of him. He does not respect authority and prefers do act on his own without rules. He loves to do things that usually couple with an adrenaline rush and high spirits. Vinnie will not waste his time on things that bore him or have no benefit. Half the time he is extremely lazy and lounges about and the other half he is up and about and up to no good. There is hardly ever an in between and it only really depends on how he is feeling. With that said, he is a kind kitty and doesn't like to harm others. He is curious and will often ask a lot of questions or explor and research something if it interests him.

|| Likes ||

- Exploring

- Secrets

- Delicious foods

- Movies

- Drawing

|| Dislikes ||

- Rules

- Authority

- Punishment

- Hunger

- Boredom

|| Fears ||

- Confined Spaces

- Water

no slide

They're a little different because they're copy and pastes. I hope I am not missing anything
Mayyflower said:
Alois Trancy

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Trancy Manor

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Human/Demon (I guess)

Powers/gifts: (W.I.P)

-Most of his abilities are unknown

-Dark magic

-Forgotten magic



-Being loved


-Being left alone

-Being told what to do


Alois is a generally cheerful but sadistic individual. His emotions can alternate unpredictably from enthusiasm to anger. He also loses interest in things fairly quickly. Alois often uses harsh and impolite language such as "bloody" or other expletives, regardless of who he is speaking to.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

View attachment 189364


"It's none of your business!"


"What a foolish question"
Appearance is taken
Stamper said:

Mia Marie Lovittz

Age || 17

Gender || Female

Affiliation || Neutral

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Creature || Succubus

Grade || Junior

|| Human form ||


|| Magical form ||


Personality || Mia is somewhat like a child in many ways. She's very curious, very stubborn, and pouts when she doesn't get her way. When she is really upset, she may stomp her foot and flail her arms. Her moods are very flippant too. One moment she can be really happy and excited and then next angry or sad. Inside, she's fragile and sensitive but prefers to cover that side of her up with either anger or laughter. She can come off as egotistical and arrogant but her self esteem is actually very low. She has a hard time talking about her feelings and other feelings. So if her friend is upset, she'll try and help them but it may be very awkward despite her meaning well. She can be kind to others and, when the time calls for it, mature. Mia does like making friends and does enjoy others company even if she won't admit it.

|| Likes ||

- Caffeinated Drinks

- Games

- Candy

- Music

- Winning

- Dancing

|| Dislikes ||

- Vegetables

- Mosquitoes

- Cooking

- Drawing

- Reading

- Being Wrong

|| Fears ||

- Being Hated/Ridiculed

- Swimming

no slide

Stamper said:

Vinnie Adlynn



Age || 17

Gender || Male

Height - 6'11" || Weight - 134 lbs.

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Birthday || April 2nd

Nationality || Italian

Race || Neko

Home || Dorms


Personality || Vinnie is self willed in his actions. He acts mostly on personal regard rather than on what others may want or expect of him. He does not respect authority and prefers do act on his own without rules. He loves to do things that usually couple with an adrenaline rush and high spirits. Vinnie will not waste his time on things that bore him or have no benefit. Half the time he is extremely lazy and lounges about and the other half he is up and about and up to no good. There is hardly ever an in between and it only really depends on how he is feeling. With that said, he is a kind kitty and doesn't like to harm others. He is curious and will often ask a lot of questions or explor and research something if it interests him.

|| Likes ||

- Exploring

- Secrets

- Delicious foods

- Movies

- Drawing

|| Dislikes ||

- Rules

- Authority

- Punishment

- Hunger

- Boredom

|| Fears ||

- Confined Spaces

- Water

no slide

They're a little different because they're copy and pastes. I hope I am not missing anything
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]A future character.

(Whose future character, and how is that even fair)
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]It's a character that is coming, with it's appearance already picked.

(yep okay totally fair, but it's fine .-.)

...?Azusa Glave Murasame?...

Nickname(If Applies):



Unknown. Seemingly 20



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Mansion (Human Realm) Palace (Aion)

What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Retired Time and Space Administrator


Space Manipulation, Temporal/Spatial Distortion

While being a Retired Time and Space Administrator, and a Dimensional, Azusa can freely manipulate and distort Space (oh and its been so long that he forgot how to use Time Manipulation. He's been living since like...2000 BC or something...)

Nasod Dynamos, Completed Nasod Armor, Plasma, Dynamo Factory,

Seemingly to get all of his weapons from Nasods. Thats just pretty much it. The Dynamo Factory is really just another dimension (or his own personal Treasury Bank) that produces tons and tons of drones powered by Plasma and Ancient and also Advanced Nasod technology







Complicated. Seemingly Broken

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c58c21035_ElswordTiTAlt.png.dec20993ec5587b286034b1a59174771.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c58c21035_ElswordTiTAlt.png.dec20993ec5587b286034b1a59174771.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Many Variations of Base

Diabolic Armor

Administrator Coat/Mask


''I think you ask too many questions...''



Anything else:




  • Elsword TiT Alt.png
    Elsword TiT Alt.png
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.5318e4fb2d1ea756e206d45a7c4b4c7b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.5318e4fb2d1ea756e206d45a7c4b4c7b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Asami Fujimiya

Nickname: "I've never had one...no one has ever given me a nickname.."

Age: 117...she heard about something called high school and decided to go for it since she looks 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): She is usually in the forest behind the school but has a dorm in the school. Dorm 221...so she lives in the school.

Year of highschool in: Senior

What kind of being: Kitsune

Powers/gifts: shapeshifter and can control or use thunder and fire power

Likes: Cleanliness, Food, playing tricks on others and theme parks

Dislikes: dirtiness and stupid beings

Personality: Asami bears many of the traits one might expect from a fox yokai; she is mysterious, beautiful, cunning, sly and possessed of a certain allure that those she meets often find difficult to resist. She does not appear to be wholly unaware of her attractiveness, and is quite pragmatic about employing both her looks and her charms when it suits her. One thing you might not expect is Asami's unusually strong sense of loyalty and honor.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9d2de1c7bdac2530d28bfa9503c2f426.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/image.jpeg.9d2de1c7bdac2530d28bfa9503c2f426.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Asami's over-the-top good looks earn her a bevy of admirers wherever she goes. She usually merely tolerates the attention, rejecting any deeper connection. Yokai age very slowly. Though she is actually a hundred years old, Asami appears to be in her late teens or early twenties. Her hair is a cream color. Her ears are large and fox-like, and she is able to manipulate them in a similar fashion. Her eyes are angled similarly to a fox's and she has a full, white tail. She is usually dressed in this old-fashioned japanese clothing. She is clumsy when she is tired. (When she turns into her fox form she looks like the one next to her.)

Bio: "Who do you think you are asking for such a personal question? You aren't worthy yet of knowing my past....if you'd like to know then you should get to know me first."

She doesn't like giving away her past since it holds so many memories bad and good.

Dating/lover/crush: "I used to have someone special but alas I must let him go for he has chosen what he wants. I hope to never fall in love again but it's really just nature....if I were to like someone he'd have to be someone similar to me so we can slowly get to know each other maybe mysterious...wait why am I telling you this?"

Anything else: "No..stop asking questions...here I'll sing you my favorite song..."





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HimeragiSeiker said:


Azusa Glave Mukami

Nickname(If Applies):



Unknown. Seemingly 20



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

Mansion (Human Realm) Palace (Aion)

What Year of highschool your in:

Does not Attend. Teacher

What kind of being you are:

?Retired Time and Space Administrator, Dimensional?


Time-Space Manipulation, Temporal/Spatial Distortion

While being a Retired Time and Space Administrator, and a Dimensional, Azusa can freely manipulate and distort Time and Space

Nasod Dynamos, Completed Nasod Armor, Plasma, Dynamo Factory,

Seemingly to get all of his weapons from Nasods. Thats just pretty much it. The Dynamo Factory is really just another dimension (or his own personal Treasury Bank) that produces tons and tons of drones powered by Plasma and Ancient and also Advanced Nasod technology






Complicated. Seemingly Broken

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


View attachment 189962

The Many Variations of Base

Diabolic Armor

Administrator Coat/Mask


''I think you ask too many questions...I rather be mysterious as possible. Leave my likings unknown...''


''I used to have a crush...but now I will let her go...She's already been taken from me...and I rather not do anything about it..''

Anything else:

''Stop asking anymore questions...or do you want to be destroyed...? If you want to know my voice...allow me to sing you a song...before I kill you...and Kill You Again''

Remove the time power.

Nanne said:
View attachment 190082 Name: Asami Fujimiya
Nickname: "I've never had one...no one has ever given me a nickname.."

Age: 117...she heard about something called high school and decided to go for it since she looks 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): She is usually in the forest behind the school but has a dorm in the school. Dorm 221...so she lives in the school.

Year of highschool in: Senior

What kind of being: Kitsune

Powers/gifts: shapeshifter and can control or use thunder and fire power

Likes: Cleanliness, Food, playing tricks on others and theme parks

Dislikes: dirtiness and stupid beings

Personality: Asami bears many of the traits one might expect from a fox yokai; she is mysterious, beautiful, cunning, sly and possessed of a certain allure that those she meets often find difficult to resist. She does not appear to be wholly unaware of her attractiveness, and is quite pragmatic about employing both her looks and her charms when it suits her. One thing you might not expect is Asami's unusually strong sense of loyalty and honor.

Appearance: View attachment 190085

Asami's over-the-top good looks earn her a bevy of admirers wherever she goes. She usually merely tolerates the attention, rejecting any deeper connection. Yokai age very slowly. Though she is actually a hundred years old, Asami appears to be in her late teens or early twenties. Her hair is a cream color. Her ears are large and fox-like, and she is able to manipulate them in a similar fashion. Her eyes are angled similarly to a fox's and she has a full, white tail. She is usually dressed in this old-fashioned japanese clothing. She is clumsy when she is tired. (When she turns into her fox form she looks like the one next to her.)

Bio: "Who do you think you are asking for such a personal question? You aren't worthy yet of knowing my past....if you'd like to know then you should get to know me first."

She doesn't like giving away her past since it holds so many memories bad and good.

Dating/lover/crush: "I used to have someone special but alas I must let him go for he has chosen what he wants. I hope to never fall in love again but it's really just nature....if I were to like someone he'd have to be someone similar to me so we can slowly get to know each other maybe mysterious...wait why am I telling you this?"

Anything else: "No..stop asking questions...here I'll sing you my favorite song..."


[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Remove the time power.

...*sigh* alright fine...il remove the time thing...(but he'll just have only a tiny ounce of the time power. (its basically the time power which he just makes him look like a kid or something...but sure fine il remove it...)
HimeragiSeiker said:
...*sigh* alright fine...il remove the time thing...(but he'll just have only a tiny ounce of the time power. (its basically the time power which he just makes him look like a kid or something...but sure fine il remove it...)
Okay. After that, you're accepted.

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