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Fantasy Character Registration

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/225361d6cf17dd0ab25090c37b4d8ffe.jpg.62b4001b8a3cb79d99be5de58a137ef9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133144" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/225361d6cf17dd0ab25090c37b4d8ffe.jpg.62b4001b8a3cb79d99be5de58a137ef9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Daniel Binars

Nickname(If Applies):





Looks 18



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:


What Year of high school you're in:


What kind of being you are:



"Bad Touch"

Dabi's entire body is venomous, and can kill normal people with just one touch. To ensure he doesn't hurt anyone, he smokes very heavy cigarettes to keep people away and doesn't let anyone touch any part of him, even if its his clothes.


-Fluffy Toy Animals

-Video Games


-Manga and Manhwa (Korean manga)


-Wheelchairs (deathly afraid)


At first glance, Danny looks like an asshole junkie, but that's not even close. He loves cuddly things, and is often found at stuffed animal stores, buying new ones for his place. Mention anime or video games, and he'll instantly take a liking to you. He's quite the optimist and loves to cheer people up.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o03p1omevW1ulaty9o1_1280.png.4a5d876993ae2fb33d7c8956cf7e7eb9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133143" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_o03p1omevW1ulaty9o1_1280.png.4a5d876993ae2fb33d7c8956cf7e7eb9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Danny doesn't remember much of what happened before being brought back to life, just a blurry smile from someone he loved dearly. Upon waking up, he was detained in a quarantine chamber. The people behind his resurrection claimed that the cause of his untimely demise came from the venom that now flowed through his veins. His blood had been removed due to how badly it was tainted with the poisonous stuff, so this was the necessary compromise they had to make. With time, Dabi learned how to manage his new condition, and could finally go back out into the world. As one final test, they have enrolled him in this school to see how well he could actually integrate with others.


None yet.



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Ballerina said:
(I realized that the face claim I've been using for Isabella was actually one of Nona's so I decided to change it. Let me know if any of these face claims are already taken :3)
Updated Isabella Face-claims:


Krul Tepes- Owari no Seraph


Akazawa Izumi- Another


Cthuga- Haiyore Nyaruko-san


Itsuka Kotori- Date A Live


Aria Holmes Kanzaki- Aria the Scarlet Ammo
ik this is a little late but Krul tepes and Itsuka Kotori are being used. x3
LunaCrosby said:
ik this is a little late but Krul tepes and Itsuka Kotori are being used. x3
Thanks for pointing that out! It's better than not having known at all, I'm working my way around to reading all the character sheets to get a good idea of the face claims already in use so far. I'll find replacements sometime next week. :3
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Ballerina said:
Thanks for pointing that out! It's better than not having known at all, I'm working my way around to reading all the character sheets to get a good idea of the face claims already in use so far. I'll find replacements sometime next week. :3
yeah, it'll probably be a while for that, theres a LOT of character sheets xDD



Gavrielle Reinhardt

Nickname(If Applies):

Gav, Gavvie





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:

Enhanced human


Gavrielle has personal powers that were born from both her innate abilities as an enhanced human and those learned while being on an elite military squadron.

  • Enhanced Swordsmanship: Gavrielle wields a sword like it's second nature. She never goes anywhere without it. Her sword, Blazefire Saber, can turn into a gun as well.
  • Enhanced Shieldmanship: While not as proficient as using a sword, Gavrielle is very skilled at using a shield in combat as well.
  • Enhanced Condition: Gavrielle's body was already enhanced simply from her genetics, but joining the military and training to be the best of the best in the elite squad pushed her body to become even better.
  • Summoning: Gavrielle can summon her Eidolan, Odin, to help her fight in battle.
  • Apathy: When the situation calls for it, Gavrielle can completely mask any emotion or simply not allow her body to feel emotion at all. This is only a temporary ability, and she doesn't need to use it all that often.

Both Gavrielle and her sister are proficient in Paradigm shifting (passed down from their parents), and their powers change slightly based on which Paradigm they're currently in.

Commando: The commando mode is mainly used for physical attacks. Her strength is increased and she is primed for attacking with her sword.

Ravager: The ravager mode mainly deals with elemental combat for the purposes of wearing down the enemy. In this mode, Gavrielle can mix elemental manipulation with physical combat, combining both to deliver devastating strikes.

Sentinel: The sentinel mode is used when a strong defense is needed. Gavrielle can provoke enemies into focusing on herself, while maintaining a near impenetrable and perfect defensive stance. This is good for directing the enemies attention away from those who might need some time to heal. Gavrielle can also using this mode to take damage and then counter with her own attack.

Saboteur: The saboteur mode deals with debuffing the enemy and making them weaker and more vulnerable to attack. This can include lowering attack and defense, as well as adding negative status effects such as poison or slow (decreasing movement, attack, and reaction speed).

Synergist: The synergist mode is the opposite of the saboteur mode. This mode deals with buffing allies, giving them boosts that help them during a fight. This can include increasing attack and defense, as well as adding elemental attributes to allies attacks.

Medic: The medic role is one meant for healing. Gavrielle can heal the health and injuries of herself and allies, as well as getting rid of any negative status effects that may have been inflicted.

Other Appearances:



  • Lena
  • Protecting others
  • Doing whatever she can if she thinks it's the right choice
  • Her knife


  • Idiots
  • Not being able to protect her family
  • weakness
  • Those who look down on others


Gavrielle is an ice princess of sorts. One look at her and you can tell she's a fighter-type, of sorts. She prefers to be by herself, and doesn't /seem/ to have any close ties to anybody special. She takes her work very seriously, never letting her focus from a job falter. She will, however, put her sister before her everything. She won't talk about her personal life. She has an attachment to a knife she's had since before she joined the military. Gavrielle tends to adapt to whatever the situation calls for. She's very goal-oriented, not allowing distraction to stop her from focusing on her target / goal. She puts those close to her before everything, and her loyalty to them is unmatched. Gavrielle has a hard time connecting to other people. She has a cold demeanor on the outside, despite wanting the best for people. She prefers to work alone, thinking that she's better off on her own.


Gavrielle was born into a normal household, with her parents and her younger sister. They were a good family, close to one another. Gavrielle was the isolated bookworm while her sister, Lena, was the social butterfly. But, Gavrielle doted on Lena, being very protective of her. Lena didn't mind, as it meant she could get close to her sister, who didn't let anyone inside her walls but her. Everything changed when her parents died. It was a sudden death, really - a hit and run accident. The culprit never turned them self in, and it saddened Lena greatly, as the family was very close. And so, this hardened Gavrielle, changing her. She started becoming more aggressive, completely closing herself off to everyone, including Lena. Now that she was the only one that could possibly take care of Lena, Gavrielle knew she had to grow stronger. So she decided to join the military. The only problem was her age, but being the child of two enhanced humans has it's advantages. She was able to prove herself amongst men and women twice her age, and by the time she was 17 she had made it to become a member of an elite squadron, becoming a very skilled soldier in the process. But things have died down and she decided to go back and get an education, along with her sister Lena.



Anything else:

Gavrielle's summon is her Eidolan, Odin. Odin has two forms: a humanoid one, with a shield and dual-bladed spear that can split into two separate swords; and a horse one, where Gavrielle can wield the swords and ride him around to fight. Along with being extremely strong, Odin can also uses the element of electricity to fight with as well.


Her weapon is a gunblade, named Blazefire Saber.


Her knife:

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xXLittleLokiXx said:

Name: Dei-Loki Seamus Laufeyson (Or Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois. (Ah-Leesh)

Nickname: Little Loki

Title: Prince/Shadow Demigod. On top of that, he is also known as a Shadow Warden.

Age: 14 (As far as Midgardian years go. Though, his size makes him look 10).

Gender: Male

Height: 4'6"

Accent: Sounds like a mix between Irish and Scottish.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Dating: Dominic Kusland

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, slowly teetering more towards evil.

Where you live: His current living area is unknown to most. But, he actually lives in an alternate dimension called Engranussia. His current living situation is within the palace of Falador, Fórrelden with the parents that adopted him, his half brother, his uncle, his mate, as well as the servants and guards.

Highschool grade: Freshman Year.

What kind of being you are: Shadow Wolf/Wolf Child, and a Demigod. (And, as said above, a Shadow Warden.)

Powers/gifts: Due to being a Shadow creature, Dei-Loki has the ability to work with shadows. This is included but not limited to; Traveling through them, casting darkness in certain areas, being able to hide within them...

He also possesses the ability to use magic, as his biological mother was a witch, and his biological father is the God of Mischief - Loki. His magic colour is green, and occasionally a black/purple colour.

Now, on top of all of that, he also possesses the mark of corruption, which is a mark given by absorbing an object of great power - the Shadow Octahedron. The mark is seen on his chest, and when he grows angry or upset, it sprouts black veins that travel up the left side of his neck and face - changing the white of his left eye to black. This black substance is known as the corruption; and, like the name, it is slowly corrupting his mind and body. This cannot be stopped, as the mark cannot be removed. Proof that the corruption is taking over is that, on the palm side of his hands, the ends of his fingers are pitch black. This covers up his fingerprints. The top of his palm also is pitch black, the bottom slowly seeming to become that way, as well. The corruption is also the cause of him having a black, tattoo-like patch around his right eye.

To keep most of his powers at bay, he wears enchanted gloves.

Likes: + Ferrets

+ Dragons

+ Family

+ Science

+ Creating/Causing Mischief

+ Messing around with his magic

+ Caramel candies

Dislikes: - Water

- Being called short

- Clowns

- Mannequins

- Puppets

- Dolls

- Wool socks and sheets. Any product made with the wool of a sheep, mainly.

- His biological mother. He took a vow that he'd kill her due to all of the suffering she caused both him and his older brother Akumu.

Personality: Mischievous, and a bit of a loner. He isn't much of a people person.


Bio: (This is a VERY cut down version of his bio, as the full one is pretty long. If you'd like to know his full history, it's on my profile page.)

Dei-Loki was adopted by both King Adrian Alaois and Queen Zuzana Alaois when he was 4. They adopted both him and his brother after Loki asked them to, claiming the two came from an abusive family. And, boy... Was he correct.

Now that he's 14, both Adrian and Zuzana figured being exposed to outsiders to gain an education would be a good thing - much to the young lad's dismay. Unfortunately, Dominic is off training during these hours, so he won't be attending. At least... Not at the moment.​
Yoshiro said:

View attachment 295987


Daniel Binars

Nickname(If Applies):





Looks 18



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live:


What Year of high school you're in:


What kind of being you are:



"Bad Touch"

Dabi's entire body is venomous, and can kill normal people with just one touch. To ensure he doesn't hurt anyone, he smokes very heavy cigarettes to keep people away and doesn't let anyone touch any part of him, even if its his clothes.


-Fluffy Toy Animals

-Video Games


-Manga and Manhwa (Korean manga)


-Wheelchairs (deathly afraid)


At first glance, Danny looks like an asshole junkie, but that's not even close. He loves cuddly things, and is often found at stuffed animal stores, buying new ones for his place. Mention anime or video games, and he'll instantly take a liking to you. He's quite the optimist and loves to cheer people up.


View attachment 295986


Danny doesn't remember much of what happened before being brought back to life, just a blurry smile from someone he loved dearly. Upon waking up, he was detained in a quarantine chamber. The people behind his resurrection claimed that the cause of his untimely demise came from the venom that now flowed through his veins. His blood had been removed due to how badly it was tainted with the poisonous stuff, so this was the necessary compromise they had to make. With time, Dabi learned how to manage his new condition, and could finally go back out into the world. As one final test, they have enrolled him in this school to see how well he could actually integrate with others.


None yet.
Lumina said:
We don't think like that; when we think there's no hope left we keep looking until we find some. We live to make the impossible, possible - that is our focus.
Lightning Farron

  • latest


    Gavrielle Reinhardt

    Nickname(If Applies):

    Gav, Gavvie





    Sexual Orientation:


    Good or Evil or Neutral:


    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


    What Year of highschool your in:


    What kind of being you are:

    Enhanced human

The point is, I have people I can count on; I'll make it through
Serah Farron

  • latest


    Lena Reinhardt

    Nickname(If Applies):






    Sexual Orientation:


    Good or Evil or Neutral:


    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


    What Year of highschool your in:


    What kind of being you are:

    Enhanced human


iiCupcakeCraver said:
Name: Blaire Quinnley Blackwell

Nickname(If Applies): Quinn ( Prefers )

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Tries to be good but comes across as evil.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Specialized Dorm Room: Made of complete metal.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior Year

What kind of being you are: Superhuman

Powers/gifts: Fire. Anything with fire.


-Spicy foods, though she can't have them


-Reading ( Only on her metal laptop. She would singe a real one )

-Her goggles

-Warm, comforting, things. Though she can't have them often



-Her abilities ( Can't control them )

-People too cocky about their own powers

-People too cocky about their own appearance

-Large crowds

-Small spaces




-Her Dorm

Personality: Quinn is very sick in the head and comes across as mad or insane. She is extremely poetic and tends to speak deep words that make you think. She is an introvert, and spends most of her time alone. She always wears her specialized gloves over her hands and cool clothes. If her body temperature rises to high, she will burst into flames. She loves the forest but as there are many things to set fire to, she wears many thin layers to keep her body temperature normal and to keep from burning the woods down.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) Medium length, choppy hair. Roots go from an ashen grey to a deep black at ends, resembling coals. Eyes are bright yellow and rather large-ish. Her skin in damaged and pale and covered in scars, along with her scalp. A long scar runs across her nose. A few markings and tattoos are etched into her skin. Her teeth are razor sharp, each tooth pointed into what looks like shark teeth. Her hands and feet are small and dainty. She is pretty thin without many curves. She always wears her gloves and a weird assortment of clothing.

Bio: Her mother and father had one child, but they were unable to produce another due to health complications with her mother. Thus, she was an only child. The child ( a girl ), at 4, set the lovely cottage into flames, causing everyone to die. All except the little girl were burnt to a crisp, but she was immune to the fire. Researchers took her away. They poked and prodded and basically tortured her to find out why and how she could control the flames, but after 3 years, they had found no information. It was strange. One researcher grew found of her and had sneaked her into an empty operating room. He sharpened each of her teeth, determined to modify her even more of her to keep her as a pet. But the other researchers found him. In the midst of the fight, she had gotten a few nasty slashes from needles which gave her scars. She was rescued...sort of. She set the hospital in flames, killing everyone. She ran and had been on the run until she was old enough to participate in the High School for people...sort of like her. She has never fit in like the rest and has never been popular. Most of her time she is alone.

Dating/lover/crush: Not yet.

Anything else: She has Synesthesia. Theme Song:

iiCupcakeCraver said:
but honestly any of these in this mix haha.
Sorry, but you'll need a photo. It helps for those who can't really picture a character from a description. Thanks. You could use your profile pic, it seems to fit the character in my opinion.



Name: Blaire Quinnley Blackwell

Nickname(If Applies): Quinn ( Prefers )

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Tries to be good but comes across as evil.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Specialized Dorm Room: Made of complete metal.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior Year

What kind of being you are: Superhuman

Powers/gifts: Fire. Anything with fire. Anything she touches singes and burns, but then returns to normal. If her emotions are extreme, the ends of her hair flicker with fire. If her body temperature raises to high, her body catches fire and her skin burns.


-Spicy foods, though she can't have them


-Reading ( Only on her metal laptop. She would singe a real one )

-Her goggles

-Warm, comforting, things. Though she can't have them often



-Her abilities ( Can't control them )

-People too cocky about their own powers

-People too cocky about their own appearance

-Large crowds

-Small spaces




-Her Dorm

Personality: Quinn is very sick in the head and comes across as mad or insane. She is extremely poetic and tends to speak deep words that make you think. She is an introvert, and spends most of her time alone. She always wears her specialized gloves over her hands and cool clothes. If her body temperature rises to high, she will burst into flames. She loves the forest but as there are many things to set fire to, she wears many thin layers to keep her body temperature normal and to keep from burning the woods down.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) Medium length, choppy hair. Roots go from an ashen grey to a deep black at ends, resembling coals. Eyes are bright yellow and rather large-ish. Her skin in damaged and burnt and pale and covered in scars, along with her scalp. A long scar runs across her nose. A few markings and tattoos are etched into her skin. Her teeth are razor sharp, each tooth pointed into what looks like shark teeth. Her hands and feet are small and dainty. She is pretty thin without many curves. She always wears her gloves and a weird assortment of clothing.

Bio: Her mother and father had one child, but they were unable to produce another due to health complications with her mother. Thus, she was an only child. The child ( a girl ), at 4, set the lovely cottage into flames, causing everyone to die. All except the little girl were burnt to a crisp, but she was immune to the fire. Researchers took her away. They poked and prodded and basically tortured her to find out why and how she could control the flames, but after 3 years, they had found no information. It was strange. One researcher grew found of her and had sneaked her into an empty operating room. He sharpened each of her teeth, determined to modify her even more of her to keep her as a pet. But the other researchers found him. In the midst of the fight, she had gotten a few nasty slashes from needles which gave her scars. She was rescued...sort of. She set the hospital in flames, killing everyone. She ran and had been on the run until she was old enough to participate in the High School for people...sort of like her. She has never fit in like the rest and has never been popular. Most of her time she is alone.

Dating/lover/crush: Not yet. ;)

Anything else: She has Synesthesia. Theme Song: This one, but honestly any of these in this mix haha.She is terrified of killing someone, and has never fallen in love in fear she will hurt them if she touches them.

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Name: Ponzi


Gender: Male

Age: 102 (Shares the appearance of a 19 year old)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Affiliation: Chaotic Neutral

Home: Lives in an apartment room in Boston.

School Year: Freshman

Type of Being: Trickster Deity


-Enhanced Conditions: Like all deities, Ponzi has amazing superhuman capabilities. These include enhanced strength, speed, awareness, and durability.

-Semi-Immortality: Although he is a very young deity, Ponzi is capable of living Much longer than a normal human. However, because he is not a Sanctum, Ponzi does not have perfect immortality; he will eventually die from old age.

-Teleportation: Poniz is able to teleport great distances, in which he uses to get all the way from Boston to school.

-Illusion Manipulation: Ponzi can shape, form, and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.

-Shapeshifting: Ponzi has the ability to shapeshift into any animal he so desires, but cannot shapeshift into other people.


  • His very nature makes him unable to stay away from trouble.
  • Wisdom isn't his strong suit.
  • Although powerful, Ponzi perfers to keep away from physical combat, perfering to outsmarting his opponent by using tricks to win.
  • Ponzi is capable of being killed by stronger Deities and enchanted wooden steaks.

Likes: Mischief, eating, traveling, classical music, pranks, partying and games.

Hates: Learning, reading, wooden steaks, people who "don't know how to have fun", and humans.

Personality: Ponzi is someone who's entirely self-serving, self-absorbed, and selfish; he does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him in some way. Although he can be open to listening to others and can deal with higher authorities, Ponzi is usually out doing his own thing, whether it be making myschief or pulling elabrate pranks. He also has a habit of making enemies with others, through either his arrogant and selfish additude or through his pranks. But deep beneath Ponzi's personality, lies a great amount of self-hatred. Although he never talks about his self-hatred, he is open with showing his great envy towards normal humans, since he's jealous how humans are capable of living and dies with those they love in their short lifespans. Despite Ponzi's envy towards humanity (which may be linked to his self-hatred) he claims that he also loves humanity at the same time, although is definition of "love" is different from what others may think. What he "loves" about humanity is their unpredictable nature, in which he enjoys using his powers to put people in confusing or chaotic positions just to get a kick out of it.

Apperence: http://data1.whicdn.com/images/105396913/large.jpg

Bio: Ponzi knows little about his early life, other than that he was found as a bady somewhere in Norway. Eventually though, he found his way in an orphanage, in which Ponzi was made fun of and bullied for his admormal capabilities. Not only that, the Ponzi eventually became the last child in the orphanage, sine no one wanted to adopt him. So then Ponzi chose to run away and discover the truth behind his powers. One day though, after crossing paths with an old gipsy who said that she help Ponzi, revealed to him that he was of deity origin. It took Ponzi years to finally accept who he was, and after some time, he finally did. Other then that, Ponzi keeps much of his life a secret, as well as the reasoning behind his envy towards humanity. In fact, he claims the only reason he started attending to high school was because it was on his "bucket list".

Other Facts:

-Ponzi is deathly afraid of wooden steaks, in which he transforms into a small animal and hides.

-His favorite animal to shapeshift into is a yellow Python.

-He dreams of growing up with white hair and a goatee.

-Ponzi claims to have a bucket list, although he never going in detail about it.

(It took a while to make this, but I hope it's good enough!)
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DestinyGuy3712 said:
Name: Ponzi

Gender: Male

Age: 102 (Shares the appearance of a 19 year old)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Affiliation: Chaotic Neutral

Home: Lives in an apartment room in Boston.

School Year: Freshman

Type of Being: Trickster Deity


-Enhanced Conditions: Like all deities, Ponzi has amazing superhuman capabilities. These include enhanced strength, speed, awareness, and durability.

-Immortality: Although he is a very young deity, Ponzi is capable of living for all of eternity, unless killed of corse.

-Teleportation: Poniz is able to teleport great distances, in which he uses to get all the way from Boston to school.

-Illusion Manipulation: Ponzi can shape, form, and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.

-Probability Manipulation: Ponzi can manipulate probability of an even to happen to a certain degree, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. However, he can only use this ability to create good or bad luck.

-Shapeshifting: Ponzi has the ability to shapeshift into any animal he so desires, but cannot shapeshift into other people.


  • His very nature makes him unable to stay away from trouble.
  • Wisdom isn't his strong suit.
  • Although powerful, Ponzi perfers to keep away from physical combat, perfering to outsmarting his opponent by using tricks to win.
  • Ponzi is capable of being killed by stronger Deities and enchanted wooden steaks.

Likes: Mischief, eating, traveling, classical music, pranks, partying and games.

Hates: Learning, reading, wooden steaks, people who "don't know how to have fun", and humans.

Personality: Ponzi is someone who's entirely self-serving, self-absorbed, and selfish; he does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him in some way. Although he can be open to listening to others and can deal with higher authorities, Ponzi is usually out doing his own thing, whether it be making myschief or pulling elabrate pranks. He also has a habit of making enemies with others, through either his arrogant and selfish additude or through his pranks. But deep beneath Ponzi's personality, lies a great amount of self-hatred. Although he never talks about his self-hatred, he is open with showing his great envy towards normal humans, since he's jealous how humans are capable of living and dies with those they love in their short lifespans. Despite Ponzi's envy towards humanity (which may be linked to his self-hatred) he claims that he also loves humanity at the same time, although is definition of "love" is different from what others may think. What he "loves" about humanity is their unpredictable nature, in which he enjoys using his powers to put people in confusing or chaotic positions just to get a kick out of it.

Apperence: http://data1.whicdn.com/images/105396913/large.jpg

Bio: Ponzi knows little about his early life, other than that he was found as a bady somewhere in Norway. Eventually though, he found his way in an orphanage, in which Ponzi was made fun of and bullied for his admormal capabilities. Not only that, the Ponzi eventually became the last child in the orphanage, sine no one wanted to adopt him. So then Ponzi chose to run away and discover the truth behind his powers. One day though, after crossing paths with an old gipsy who said that she help Ponzi, revealed to him that he was of deity origin. It took Ponzi years to finally accept who he was, and after some time, he finally did. Other then that, Ponzi keeps much of his life a secret, as well as the reasoning behind his envy towards humanity. In fact, he claims the only reason he started attending to high school was because it was on his "bucket list".

Other Facts:

-Ponzi is deathly afraid of wooden steaks, in which he transforms into a small animal and hides.

-His favorite animal to shapeshift into is a yellow Python.

-He dreams of growing up with white hair and a goatee.

-Ponzi claims to have a bucket list, although he never going in detail about it.

(It took a while to make this, but I hope it's good enough!)
He can't have Probability Manipulation. Other than that, your character looks fine. Once you edit that power out, he's accepted.
DestinyGuy3712 said:
Name: Ponzi

Gender: Male

Age: 102 (Shares the appearance of a 19 year old)

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Affiliation: Chaotic Neutral

Home: Lives in an apartment room in Boston.

School Year: Freshman

Type of Being: Trickster Deity


-Enhanced Conditions: Like all deities, Ponzi has amazing superhuman capabilities. These include enhanced strength, speed, awareness, and durability.

-Immortality: Although he is a very young deity, Ponzi is capable of living for all of eternity, unless killed of corse.

-Teleportation: Poniz is able to teleport great distances, in which he uses to get all the way from Boston to school.

-Illusion Manipulation: Ponzi can shape, form, and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are.

-Shapeshifting: Ponzi has the ability to shapeshift into any animal he so desires, but cannot shapeshift into other people.


  • His very nature makes him unable to stay away from trouble.
  • Wisdom isn't his strong suit.
  • Although powerful, Ponzi perfers to keep away from physical combat, perfering to outsmarting his opponent by using tricks to win.
  • Ponzi is capable of being killed by stronger Deities and enchanted wooden steaks.

Likes: Mischief, eating, traveling, classical music, pranks, partying and games.

Hates: Learning, reading, wooden steaks, people who "don't know how to have fun", and humans.

Personality: Ponzi is someone who's entirely self-serving, self-absorbed, and selfish; he does whatever he likes as long as it pleases him in some way. Although he can be open to listening to others and can deal with higher authorities, Ponzi is usually out doing his own thing, whether it be making myschief or pulling elabrate pranks. He also has a habit of making enemies with others, through either his arrogant and selfish additude or through his pranks. But deep beneath Ponzi's personality, lies a great amount of self-hatred. Although he never talks about his self-hatred, he is open with showing his great envy towards normal humans, since he's jealous how humans are capable of living and dies with those they love in their short lifespans. Despite Ponzi's envy towards humanity (which may be linked to his self-hatred) he claims that he also loves humanity at the same time, although is definition of "love" is different from what others may think. What he "loves" about humanity is their unpredictable nature, in which he enjoys using his powers to put people in confusing or chaotic positions just to get a kick out of it.

Apperence: http://data1.whicdn.com/images/105396913/large.jpg

Bio: Ponzi knows little about his early life, other than that he was found as a bady somewhere in Norway. Eventually though, he found his way in an orphanage, in which Ponzi was made fun of and bullied for his admormal capabilities. Not only that, the Ponzi eventually became the last child in the orphanage, sine no one wanted to adopt him. So then Ponzi chose to run away and discover the truth behind his powers. One day though, after crossing paths with an old gipsy who said that she help Ponzi, revealed to him that he was of deity origin. It took Ponzi years to finally accept who he was, and after some time, he finally did. Other then that, Ponzi keeps much of his life a secret, as well as the reasoning behind his envy towards humanity. In fact, he claims the only reason he started attending to high school was because it was on his "bucket list".

Other Facts:

-Ponzi is deathly afraid of wooden steaks, in which he transforms into a small animal and hides.

-His favorite animal to shapeshift into is a yellow Python.

-He dreams of growing up with white hair and a goatee.

-Ponzi claims to have a bucket list, although he never going in detail about it.

(It took a while to make this, but I hope it's good enough!)
Accepted :}
DestinyGuy3712 said:
Nice! :D
When would it be an appropriate time to introduce my character in the RP?
Whenever you're ready, just post your character's intro~
DestinyGuy3712 said:
Nice! :D
When would it be an appropriate time to introduce my character in the RP?
Oh wait, your character can't have immortality. He can have semi-immortality, because in the RP, only Sanctums can live forever. Every other being, including deities, eventually die of old age.
Sure thing! I already have some ideas for my intro :D

EDIT: Oh wait, Deities can die!? I mean, I've read the lore section, but I guess I missed that. I'll fix it.
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Indubitably! I'm pretty greatful that your're pointing out my errors, I don't wanna jump into an RP with my character having any mistakes that make him unfair xD
iiCupcakeCraver said:



Name: Blaire Quinnley Blackwell

Nickname(If Applies): Quinn ( Prefers )

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Tries to be good but comes across as evil.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Specialized Dorm Room: Made of complete metal.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior Year

What kind of being you are: Superhuman

Powers/gifts: Fire. Anything with fire. Anything she touches singes and burns, but then returns to normal. If her emotions are extreme, the ends of her hair flicker with fire. If her body temperature raises to high, her body catches fire and her skin burns.


-Spicy foods, though she can't have them


-Reading ( Only on her metal laptop. She would singe a real one )

-Her goggles

-Warm, comforting, things. Though she can't have them often



-Her abilities ( Can't control them )

-People too cocky about their own powers

-People too cocky about their own appearance

-Large crowds

-Small spaces




-Her Dorm

Personality: Quinn is very sick in the head and comes across as mad or insane. She is extremely poetic and tends to speak deep words that make you think. She is an introvert, and spends most of her time alone. She always wears her specialized gloves over her hands and cool clothes. If her body temperature rises to high, she will burst into flames. She loves the forest but as there are many things to set fire to, she wears many thin layers to keep her body temperature normal and to keep from burning the woods down.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) Medium length, choppy hair. Roots go from an ashen grey to a deep black at ends, resembling coals. Eyes are bright yellow and rather large-ish. Her skin in damaged and burnt and pale and covered in scars, along with her scalp. A long scar runs across her nose. A few markings and tattoos are etched into her skin. Her teeth are razor sharp, each tooth pointed into what looks like shark teeth. Her hands and feet are small and dainty. She is pretty thin without many curves. She always wears her gloves and a weird assortment of clothing.

Bio: Her mother and father had one child, but they were unable to produce another due to health complications with her mother. Thus, she was an only child. The child ( a girl ), at 4, set the lovely cottage into flames, causing everyone to die. All except the little girl were burnt to a crisp, but she was immune to the fire. Researchers took her away. They poked and prodded and basically tortured her to find out why and how she could control the flames, but after 3 years, they had found no information. It was strange. One researcher grew found of her and had sneaked her into an empty operating room. He sharpened each of her teeth, determined to modify her even more of her to keep her as a pet. But the other researchers found him. In the midst of the fight, she had gotten a few nasty slashes from needles which gave her scars. She was rescued...sort of. She set the hospital in flames, killing everyone. She ran and had been on the run until she was old enough to participate in the High School for people...sort of like her. She has never fit in like the rest and has never been popular. Most of her time she is alone.

Dating/lover/crush: Not yet. ;)

Anything else: She has Synesthesia. Theme Song: This one, but honestly any of these in this mix haha.She is terrified of killing someone, and has never fallen in love in fear she will hurt them if she touches them.

Is this better? :3
iiCupcakeCraver said:



Name: Blaire Quinnley Blackwell

Nickname(If Applies): Quinn ( Prefers )

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Tries to be good but comes across as evil.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Specialized Dorm Room: Made of complete metal.

What Year of highschool your in: Junior Year

What kind of being you are: Superhuman

Powers/gifts: Fire. Anything with fire. Anything she touches singes and burns, but then returns to normal. If her emotions are extreme, the ends of her hair flicker with fire. If her body temperature raises to high, her body catches fire and her skin burns.


-Spicy foods, though she can't have them


-Reading ( Only on her metal laptop. She would singe a real one )

-Her goggles

-Warm, comforting, things. Though she can't have them often



-Her abilities ( Can't control them )

-People too cocky about their own powers

-People too cocky about their own appearance

-Large crowds

-Small spaces




-Her Dorm

Personality: Quinn is very sick in the head and comes across as mad or insane. She is extremely poetic and tends to speak deep words that make you think. She is an introvert, and spends most of her time alone. She always wears her specialized gloves over her hands and cool clothes. If her body temperature rises to high, she will burst into flames. She loves the forest but as there are many things to set fire to, she wears many thin layers to keep her body temperature normal and to keep from burning the woods down.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) Medium length, choppy hair. Roots go from an ashen grey to a deep black at ends, resembling coals. Eyes are bright yellow and rather large-ish. Her skin in damaged and burnt and pale and covered in scars, along with her scalp. A long scar runs across her nose. A few markings and tattoos are etched into her skin. Her teeth are razor sharp, each tooth pointed into what looks like shark teeth. Her hands and feet are small and dainty. She is pretty thin without many curves. She always wears her gloves and a weird assortment of clothing.

Bio: Her mother and father had one child, but they were unable to produce another due to health complications with her mother. Thus, she was an only child. The child ( a girl ), at 4, set the lovely cottage into flames, causing everyone to die. All except the little girl were burnt to a crisp, but she was immune to the fire. Researchers took her away. They poked and prodded and basically tortured her to find out why and how she could control the flames, but after 3 years, they had found no information. It was strange. One researcher grew found of her and had sneaked her into an empty operating room. He sharpened each of her teeth, determined to modify her even more of her to keep her as a pet. But the other researchers found him. In the midst of the fight, she had gotten a few nasty slashes from needles which gave her scars. She was rescued...sort of. She set the hospital in flames, killing everyone. She ran and had been on the run until she was old enough to participate in the High School for people...sort of like her. She has never fit in like the rest and has never been popular. Most of her time she is alone.

Dating/lover/crush: Not yet. ;)

Anything else: She has Synesthesia. Theme Song: This one, but honestly any of these in this mix haha.She is terrified of killing someone, and has never fallen in love in fear she will hurt them if she touches them.




Isuzu Inara

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


What Year of highschool your in:


What kind of being you are:



Isuzu has two main abilities, "Enhancement" and "Transmutation".

  • Enhancement: Isuzu has the ability to enhance anything, in every sense of the word. This can apply to physical aspects as well as less tangible ones. This can be used from something like enhancing the size of a bug to be the size of a bus to enhancing the sound on a speaker to three times it's volume, or even enhancing a person's stats (attack, defense, speed, etc.). She likes to mess with people using this ability. Isuzu can also revert anything she's enhanced back to it's original state.
  • Transmutation: Along with enhancements, Isuzu also has the ability to transmute substances from one material to another, or change the structure of something using it's pre-existing mass. Like a human version of the fabled philosophers stone (turning lead to gold), but she can convert any substance she can touch into anything she desires. For example, if Isuzu was being shot at, she could turn the bullets into paper airplanes. Or, if she came across a metal wall barring her path, she could turn it into a door that she could walk through, and turn it back into the solid wall once she's walked through. However, some things are harder to transmute than others and can sometimes take a lot of focus and energy to do, so she doesn't use it all the time. It doesn't work on living beings, though.

Isuzu is also proficient in combat using a variety of weapons, from her fists to a bat that shoots missiles to a bladed staff that can split into three segments..

Other Appearances:



  • Having fun
  • Doing what she wants
  • Good food, good friends, good music
  • When things don't go to shit


  • When things go to shit
  • Bad food, bad friends, bad music
  • Not being able to do what she wants
  • Being bored
  • Also bell peppers


Isuzu is pretty normal for a girl. She likes kind of going with the flow, but that doesn't mean she can't get excited. For as chill as she can be, she can get excited and passionate about something at the drop of a hat, which has earned her a strange glance or two or five. She's pretty happy, but isn't afraid to show a bit of sass, hiding a sharp tongue and teasing attitude underneath her kind smile. At times, she can be quite the flirt as well. That being said, she can be serious when the time comes for it, but for the most part she's pretty easy-going. Isuzu loves a good adventure and a good mystery, a good drink, and occasionally a good fight.


Isuzu had humble beginnings as a child. Growing up in a lovely home, with a great family with really big family get-togethers. This led her to gain a loud and excited personality, but her family taught her good values and when and how to restrain herself from going out of control. She thought she was a normal girl, who had a bit of trouble making friends due to her personality, but when she started elementary school strange things seemed to happen. When she'd touch something, either it would get bigger or it'd change composition. Of course, she thought it was a fluke at first, but the older she got the more it happened, and eventually she found that she could control when and how it happened. So when she was old enough, her parents thought it best to enroll her in a school where she could use her powers in a good way, and she was sent off to FHS.


None, though she seems pretty interested in the idea.

Anything Else:

She is cousins with Elyse Glenn, though she is unaware of what happened to Elyse as a kid.

In her taller older-looking form, she prefers to go by Inara. She also only uses her lance, called the Bladed Lance, in that form.


Sometimes when she wants to fight, she dons a special uniform suited for battle, inspired by military attire. She affectionately calls it her Fight Club Uniform.

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Lumina said:
When prayers turn into promises, not even fate can stand in their way.
Oerba Yun Fang

  • latest


    Isuzu Inara

    Nickname(If Applies):






    Sexual Orientation:


    Good or Evil or Neutral:


    Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):


    What Year of highschool your in:


    What kind of being you are:


(@Wicked Jester I figured you might be interested in seeing this xD )

<div class="ipsSpoiler" data-ipsspoiler="">

<div class="ipsSpoiler_header">



<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents">


Age: 17



Gender: Male



Sexual Orientation: Bisexual



Good or Evil or Neutral: Lawful Evil



Where you live: Dorm, with Roy



What Year of highschool you're in: 12th grade



What kind of being you are: Human with several fox genes






<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-14_9-1-58.jpeg.2436f7ca0e472978e62924511f8abd2f.jpeg" data-fileid="134431" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="upload_2016-6-14_9-1-58.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="134431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-14_9-1-58.jpeg.2436f7ca0e472978e62924511f8abd2f.jpeg" /></a>





<div title="Found 1 error in text">







Application exploded. Attempting to restore it. May take a long time.




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.6f6d170aa53e491410467d84dc6dee06.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.6f6d170aa53e491410467d84dc6dee06.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kura Acelynn

Nickname(If Applies): Ace

Age: 17

Gender: Femals

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 2nd

What kind of being you are: Wizard

Powers/gifts: abylities.




Likes: food, practicing magic, gangs ( at times.

Dislikes: Getting jumped scared, tv, sitting around for 2 long. insects

Personality: Kura is a very quite girl her parents sent her off to fantasy highschool so they can get kura off their hands for a while. Kura is sometimes called kira for her name and people may confuse it with kira. when you get to know kura, kura is energetic girl sometimes calm but also very loud.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Kura used to live in a cabin with her family before she was sent to Fantasy highschool. When kura was little kura always got into some sort of fight. Now kura hopes to make mew freinds.

Dating/lover/crush: n/a

Anything else: kura is weak to heat and light. Kura can also be a hand full.



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