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Fantasy Character Registration

charleen said:
man im just full of unlucky character
There's still plenty of anime characters out there, but considering that there are over 100 characters (I think?), many of the popular ones have already been claimed. Is there any specific traits that your looking for, I would be more than happy to help you search for a character that hasn't been taken.
Ballerina said:
@charleen I can help you find another face claim, or if you want to find one yourself, check out Anime Character Database or Anime Planet, both are super helpful.
Or just Google "anime guy or anime girl... that's what I do.
Name: Sasha Baltal

Nickname(If Applies): Alcohol

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: G

Good or Evil or Neutral: N

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Human.

Powers/gifts: Emotional Manipulation/ Supression.

Likes: He loves listening to people about anything. Loves to snack on German foods, especially Springerle. ( A German Snack dunked in a drink.)

Dislikes: Doesn't like people with power who don't use it. Cant stand fish and isn't fond of dogs.

Personality: As an introvert, he never liked to talk to people.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Preferred) Here is a link, for it wont show otherwise. Image Link

Bio: When he was born, the muscles in his eyes were not connected properly, resulting in blindness. He learned Braille in Kindergarten and has moved on with his life as a person, until middle school, when his mother killed herself. Distraught, he took it out on people at school and found he could suppress and even manipulate people's emotions for people and objects.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A

Anything else: Blind
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Name: Sakuya Izayoi

Nickname(If Applies): (None)

Age: Looks 18, but is under a century old

Gender: F

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: 1st

What kind of being you are: Human

Powers/gifts: Stopping time, creating magical knives, ranged knife combat

Likes: Tea, her pocket-watch, loyal people, cooking.

Dislikes: Spicy foods.

Personality: She's easy-going, spacey, and formal. She tends to be a little disliking to regular humans, as she holds a grudge. She has moved on, but is willing to jump to conclusions if needed.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Working in a mansion with four others, she originally had been made fun of for her ability to control time. She has no memory of her parents, and only remembers her adoption from a vampire who offered assistance. Since then, she has learned to become a maid since childhood.

Dating/lover/crush: Nope, no one.

Anything else:
What I don't understand is why people are saying stuff like "Looks 18." But then goes to say 1st year of highschool. that's insane.
Pixlez said:
What I don't understand is why people are saying stuff like "Looks 18." But then goes to say 1st year of highschool. that's insane.
We have a 27 year old in his senior year... don't question it xD
Pixlez said:
What I don't understand is why people are saying stuff like "Looks 18." But then goes to say 1st year of highschool. that's insane.
Its not meant to make sense.
Roman said:
@Fukushima Akira, a drawing of the anime character or art that isn't from the anime itself is considered a regular generic anime character correct?
Lumina said:
They wouldn't be able to use any pictures or gifs, though their choice of picture for the character appearance looks like the exact art style of the show and they're using the character's actual name, so I'd say they're trying to use the official appearance. But that's just my opinion.
This. ^ It's only if the drawing looks nothing like the anime equivalent.
Pixlez said:
What I don't understand is why people are saying stuff like "Looks 18." But then goes to say 1st year of highschool. that's insane.
Fantasy High doesn't take the place of a regular highschool. You attend a normal highschool, then you attend Fantasy High. However parents usually just put their child in Fantasy High.
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Hey everyone! This is one of my favorite roleplays and it is one of the most popular games on Rpnation. One question though, is this just the registration page or is this the actual roleplay? Thanks for the help!
TheRoleplayingMaster said:
Hey everyone! This is one of my favorite roleplays and it is one of the most popular games on Rpnation. One question though, is this just the registration page or is this the actual roleplay? Thanks for the help!
This is the character application page :3
TheRoleplayingMaster said:
Hey everyone! This is one of my favorite roleplays and it is one of the most popular games on Rpnation. One question though, is this just the registration page or is this the actual roleplay? Thanks for the help!
(Buddy, I see you posted, even though there is no actual character Sheet here. Need any help?)
JJKab said:
(Buddy, I see you posted, even though there is no actual character Sheet here. Need any help?)
(He has a character sheet, It just hasn't been accepted)
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn](He has a character sheet, It just hasn't been accepted)

Oh, okay, I didn't see it, Carry on

TheRoleplayingMaster said:
Okay thanks! I've got it now
Name: [DATA EXPUNGED] Windfallow

Nickname(If Applies): Masquerade, The Virtuoso


Gender: UNKNOWN (presumed male)

Sexual Orientation: UNKNOWN

Good or Evil or Neutral: Evil

Where you live: UNKNOWN

What Year of highschool your in: 12th Grade

What kind of being you are: UNKNOWN



-Unlike Faust, "he" is very adept with firearms but is not skilled at all with a scythe. He carries one anyways. It is named "Executioner"

Likes: Death, murdering people, "art" (blood and death), Drama performances, the usual jokes and laughs

Dislikes: Those who do not appreciate "art"

Personality: Rather cheerful and jovial for a serial killer, enjoys drama performances

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/league-legends-champions-guide-jhin-virtuoso.jpg.5725a83ae8c1783fa34a37ac2aa46030.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/league-legends-champions-guide-jhin-virtuoso.jpg.5725a83ae8c1783fa34a37ac2aa46030.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> -The massive deformity on his shoulder is actually armour

Bio: Not much is known about the figure known only as Masquerade. Many have given him the title of "The Virtuoso." He is also a serial killer, not one because he enjoys the death of others, but instead, he sees death as "art." All his victims end up becoming "one with the nature." A prettier way of saying becoming a plant upon death. Masquerade even mourns the death of his victims, claiming they had made a "generous donation for the means art"

Dating/lover/crush: None as of yet

Anything else: It is confirmed that Faust is indeed the brother of Masquerade. Although the reason for Faust's exceptionally long life, it is unknown how Masquerade lived to this day.



  • league-legends-champions-guide-jhin-virtuoso.jpg
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Ashley Ven

Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:

I'm only 14... and you expect me to do that.

She's bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral:

D&D alignment- Chaotic Neutral

Where you live:


Don't put me with any roomates or I'll kill you.

What Year of highschool your in:

First year

What kind of being you are:

Call me what you want. I'm a monster.

She's kinda part snake if that makes sense.


She has an organ in the back of her neck, easily visible through her skin as a dark purple eyeball shaped...thing. Anyway, it produces and stores a very lethal toxin that can kill in 4 hours to 2 days depending on how much. This poison has a very dark purple hue and contains many toxic chemicals and ingredients such as Cyanide, Mercury, Arsenic, and many more to make it the color it is. The poison is released through Tox's fangs. The organ, producing 0.6 mL/ hour, can overfill and needs to be depleted, so Mamba normally lets it drip out while she's sleeping. Eating, sleeping, drinking, etc. can increase production. When the toxin doesn't have a host, it is heavily acidic. Recorded to melt 12 layers of aluminium foil and many layers of tile and stone. Traces of this substance are also found in her circulatory system so she literally bleeds this stuff.

Mamba is also immune to any chemical poison. This is limited to chemicals/elements only, so radiation and poisons that have to do with magic can affect her.

Mamba has fangs, sharp ones too. They inject the toxin into a host and it does the work to kill. She can control how much goes out. These fangs are more snakelike than a vampire and they can be hidden in her mouth.

Mamba also has a thin-ish, black, scaly, 2 foot long tail with a sharp edge. Only used for stabbing and slashing and revealing it to put fear into your eyes. She hides it in her pitch black jeans and it is barely noticeable when sheathed.

Yeah, your choice on if you really want to become friends with her. It could help or hurt you.


Being alone, reading, myself, hurting people sometimes


Myself sometimes, people who claim they're better than me, too much company


Oh boy, not this part.

Ashley is sweet she also won't hesitate to kill you if you offend her. She is very defensive of herself and her abilities to be kept a secret from everyone else, and only wants to be a normal human despite her being this way. She also likes to be feared by others that oppose her, even if she is only 5'2" tall. She has a very short fuse, and you won't like the bomb part. She is also on the "I don't care." side, often caring about herself more than others. More traits will reveal in the RP.



She has a split tongue and the things described above.


Well, she accidentally killed someone when she was young and she loved it. Not much is known about her past other than she was born like this. She had normal human parents, but somehow something went wrong. She went here by force to learn how to act as a team more and make better social skills.


Open, but don't count on it. There's a thick wall you need to drill through to become her friend and an even thicker one to make you her crush.

Anything else:

Theme: [media]

Just in case.

Name: Dei-Loki Seamus Laufeyson (Or Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois. (Ah-Leesh)

Nickname: Little Loki

Title: Prince/Shadow Demigod. On top of that, he is also known as a Shadow Warden.

Age: 14 (As far as Midgardian years go. Though, his size makes him look 10).

Gender: Male

Height: 4'6"

Accent: Sounds like a mix between Irish and Scottish.

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Dating: Dominic Kusland

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, slowly teetering more towards evil.

Where you live: His current living area is unknown to most. But, he actually lives in an alternate dimension called Engranussia. His current living situation is within the palace of Falador, Fórrelden with the parents that adopted him, his half brother, his uncle, his mate, as well as the servants and guards.

Highschool grade: Freshman Year.

What kind of being you are: Shadow Wolf/Wolf Child, and a Demigod. (And, as said above, a Shadow Warden.)

Powers/gifts: Due to being a Shadow creature, Dei-Loki has the ability to work with shadows. This is included but not limited to; Traveling through them, casting darkness in certain areas, being able to hide within them...

He also possesses the ability to use magic, as his biological mother was a witch, and his biological father is the God of Mischief - Loki. His magic colour is green, and occasionally a black/purple colour.

Now, on top of all of that, he also possesses the mark of corruption, which is a mark given by absorbing an object of great power - the Shadow Octahedron. The mark is seen on his chest, and when he grows angry or upset, it sprouts black veins that travel up the left side of his neck and face - changing the white of his left eye to black. This black substance is known as the corruption; and, like the name, it is slowly corrupting his mind and body. This cannot be stopped, as the mark cannot be removed. Proof that the corruption is taking over is that, on the palm side of his hands, the ends of his fingers are pitch black. This covers up his fingerprints. The top of his palm also is pitch black, the bottom slowly seeming to become that way, as well. The corruption is also the cause of him having a black, tattoo-like patch around his right eye.

To keep most of his powers at bay, he wears enchanted gloves.

Likes: + Ferrets

+ Dragons

+ Family

+ Science

+ Creating/Causing Mischief

+ Messing around with his magic

+ Caramel candies

Dislikes: - Water

- Being called short

- Clowns

- Mannequins

- Puppets

- Dolls

- Wool socks and sheets. Any product made with the wool of a sheep, mainly.

- His biological mother. He took a vow that he'd kill her due to all of the suffering she caused both him and his older brother Akumu.

Personality: Mischievous, and a bit of a loner. He isn't much of a people person.


Bio: (This is a VERY cut down version of his bio, as the full one is pretty long. If you'd like to know his full history, it's on my profile page.)

Dei-Loki was adopted by both King Adrian Alaois and Queen Zuzana Alaois when he was 4. They adopted both him and his brother after Loki asked them to, claiming the two came from an abusive family. And, boy... Was he correct.

Now that he's 14, both Adrian and Zuzana figured being exposed to outsiders to gain an education would be a good thing - much to the young lad's dismay. Unfortunately, Dominic is off training during these hours, so he won't be attending. At least... Not at the moment.​
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