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Chapter Two: Bilal's Menagerie

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Otiorin's tactic works. The gnoll verbally fires back his own profanities and seems to start to lose what little discipline he has. "Let's see how you- urk!" And it costs him as Otiorin's sword halts both his opponent and that particular ugly train of thought.

Lesson quickly learned, Luna...

...uses the battlefield to her advantage by stepping back five feet and loosing an unimpeded volley of Force Missiles. "AGHK!" the gnoll cries as the bright bolts blast his body and he falls, tries to crawl away, and slowly slips on into the next life.

Wolf's arrows soar through the night...

...and one strikes true! That foul-faced gnoll staggers back with a shaft protruding from its skull and falls into the dirt, grasping feebly at the feathers as he expires. His fellow watches him fall and looks directly at Wolf with an expression of total dread. From somewhere above it all, Wolf hears the victory tweet from Pecker! "Ugly down! Ugly dead!"

Kitrin's words ring true...

...as the ferocious hobbit fighter lashes her punishing flail upon the gnoll leader with terrific accuracy. With real skill born from serious training, she puts the gnoll leader down and hard. His last words are, "Erythnul... take you..." before he fades under a pool of his own foul blood. Beside her, the mercenaries raise weary but soulful cheers to her victory! It is clear to Kitrin that, thanks to the Wardens' actions, these fighters are entering a morale high that, moments ago, they did not see happening. But, as any fighter worth her steel will tell you, Death is a fickle lady.

Bria keeps alert and level-headed...

...as she watches the scene play out before her. With no one wounded in that round, Bria ceases to watch and instead, she uses her next moment to bring healing to Otiorin. Her firm voice is filled with kindness as she glances to the Heavens and then to Otiorin. "Asteallo verris!"


Otiorin's wound is gone as if it had never been, and with it comes a soothing feeling like a gift from a gentle heart.
Then Powerpaw acts... And his intent draws a very sharp contrast to Bria's approach though they clearly share the same goal. "Get outta da way! You iz between us an' Bilal! An' he's gonna nom my hammer! INNN DAAA FAAACE!" Your hissing, fang-gnashing fighting cat lets loose yet again with Great Cleave against the now-three gnolls upon Luna. All about them his bloodied and irresistible maul comes a'crashing.




Powerpaw sends the first of the three gnolls straight to hell with a double-handed, perfectly-timed maul swing to the skull! "MOOOOOARR!" The gnoll's life ends with a sickening crunch as the maul makes such contact with his face as to send him flying off of his feet and over his fellows. This so happens to be the very gnoll that struck Luna so badly. He lands in a mangled heap and stirs no more as Powerpaw continues his ferocious Great Cleave.


His second blow barely gets past the gnoll's defense, but barely is good enough as the gnoll simply lowers his shield at the wrong time.


The damage from the blow crushes the gnoll's ribs in and sends him to the ground permanently.



The last gnoll in melee with Luna and Powerpaw turns at the wrong time and your furry warrior gets just what he needs to strike the gnoll. The power from his hammer sends the gnoll sprawling with a twisted neck. He gurgles, spits blood, and lies on the ground dying.

Powerpaw raises his hammer to the sky and shouts, "MOOOOOOOARR! GIMME MOOOARRR!" Then he turns to Luna and says with great excitement, "Did you see dat?! I smacked dat gnoll an' his face just GOOSHED! I loves it when I gets a goosh! Woohoohoo!"
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At this, the battle on your side of the Grand Caravan comes to a pause. The gnolls you were facing, one wounded by Wolf's arrow, the other wounded by Otiorin's blade, turn and flee for their lives. Their fates are up to you. If you are to strike them down, the time is now or never.

Meanwhile this squad of Grimdell's Guardians, while hacked and tattered, take down the last two gnolls they were fighting together, and then they stop for a moment to catch their collective breath. They won't be striking anyone else down for a short while. Several of them look at your team in true admiration and gratitude. The leader straightens up and gives your team a salute with his sword high. A moment later, his tired men follow him, giving the Wardens the very best respect they can muster. Then they stumble from exhaustion as the wagons crackle with little fires all about them.

The gnoll corpses litter the field, yet the fighting seems to continue as inhuman howls and savage curses come from the rear of the caravan column. There are cries from humans and gnolls and... something else. Something definitely greater in size than either does battle there. But for the moment, you have appeared to earn a brief respite from the dangers you sense about you.
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Bria practically skips along over to Powerpaw. Hands together, she beams up at him like a little ray of sunshine. "You did it again! I'd give you a big hug but you're all spattered in gnoll ick. How are you feeling?"

Breathing heavily, Powerpaw looks himself over and sees that Bria's words ring true - he has nasty gnoll gore all over his armor and hammer. Without really thinking about it, he begins licking his left paw and forearm to clean up the mess. "I'd hugs you too, but you iz right. As for how I iz feelin', I iz Happy Kitty! Lookit all da bad guys we killed!"

"Oh, I'd rather look at the living right now. Hee hee!"

"So what you tinks?"

"About what?"

"Da Grey? Blue? Uh... I forgot da color. Da Wardens! You tink dey will let us joins 'em?"

Bria looks about your team and seems to wonder the same thing. "I hope so. Otherwise our chances of getting to Highwind safely are certainly slimmer."

"You wanna go to Highwind?"

"Well," Bria holds her walking stick behind her back, "I really just wanted to find and save you, you Big Fuzzy. Now that that's done, I don't mind where we go. But you've never been to Highwind, and I think it's a great place full of all kinds of people! I'd hate for you to miss it somehow."

About this time, Stewart comes hustling up to your team. He is out of breath by the time he has gotten to you, and his eyes are wide as he surveys the fallen. "Ah, I don't believe what you've accomplished, but I am all the merrier for it. If you please, I... have a plan that will assist us in getting to Highwind, but I don't have time to explain it. Bilal is not too far away. While I recommend you take the fight to him, I do need one, perhaps two combat-capable people at most?" Stewart tries to provide a most sincere and reassuring smile.

"Will you trust me to do this?"
Stewart shrinks back, but his reply appears to be without fear. "Well, where would you be if you were a wealthy and successful entrepreneur? Protecting your investment, wouldn't you?" Stewart points off to the back of the caravan. "Bilal the Rich became so by pulling together one of the most unusual and awe-inspiring compliment of creatures Summerset has ever seen. That sound we are hearing beyond the men and the gnolls?"

The older fellow sighs, looking sad. "Bilal is... well, he's doing what he said he would do if it ever came to losing his fortune." Stewart looks Wolf in the eye. "You, my young stalwarts, are about to discover the truth behind the mystery of Bilal's Menagerie..."

"But time is not with us! The gnolls are planning something - Grimdell saw it too. Will one or two of you go with me? I dare not chance it alone."

Bria steps up. "I will go! Powerpaw? You'll be O.K.?"

Powerpaw looks off toward the fighting in the direction Stewart indicated and his eyes smolder volcanically. "Ohhh yah. Don't care what Bilal evil-face haz... I iz ready for hims and dat rod of hiz." And with that Powerpaw aims his hammer showing that he will not go with Stewart unless otherwise outvoted.
Kitrin glances around at her party. "Well, Otiorin's got to go after Bilal 'cause he's got the magic wand* thingie to take out his rod. How's about I go with Bria and Stewart an' see what the gnolls are up to while the rest of you deal out some justice?"

*It's not a wand, if I remember rightly, but Kitrin doesn't care.
For a few moments the ranger was absent-minded, pondering what interesting manner of beasts the merchant might have collected over the years. The dangerous kind, undoubtedly, and probably all the more interesting for it...

"I'll go, if you can promise to bring me within an arrow's range to your foul master."
he says, glancing questioningly over at Otiorin and Luna.
"I cannot meet such a promise. I am... or was... his servant; he was not mine. Bilal comes and goes as he pleases." Stewart points again toward the rear half of the Grand Caravan where the battle sounds. "All I can give you is my best guess - and that I have already freely given you!"

Stewart turns then to Kitrin and Bria. "With the two of you, all will be made a'right. Had I the time to fully explain, but listen! The howls of the gnoll tribes come closer!"

And Stewart is correct - their cries are nearer. Time is running out, but for whom in the end, only the gods may know.
Luna looks grim. "With the casualties that we have here and the added threat of more gnolls coming, I believe that the best use of my abilities will be to stay out here and use my Fireball scrolls to take down any charging groups of the foul creatures before they can do more damage. These things usually have a weak spine; give them a reason to run and they will take it. As much as I would like to be there for the showdown with Bilal the Slimy, I will be out here." She then turns to Powerpaw and Bria. "I can only speak for myself, but I do feel that we may owe you our lives. At least, I would be badly hurt right now if it were not for your healing magic, and Powerpaw, you big fuzzy lug, you came to my rescue against those nasty gnolls, making them go 'goosh'! Thank you both! And I do speak for us all when I say that you are both welcome to travel with us where ever we go. But, let us first get through this fight!" By this time, her Displacement will be wearing off, so Luna decides to prepare a few other spells. "Mirror Image! Gravity Bow!" She smiles as the magic takes hold of her and suddenly, there are three copies of Luna standing there, all armed with her handy crossbow. "There. Just in case the scrolls I have won't be enough, I can at least stay effective in the fight." Raising her voice, she calls out, "Alright! We have more company coming! Get the wounded and pull them back behind us, and all that can still fight, stand strong! If we falter, all of us will die from the blades of these creatures."

Current memorized spells:

Cantrips: Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Detect Magic

Level 1: Shield

Level 2: Scorching Ray x3

Level 3:

Force Missiles x3
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"I was asking if this plan of yours involves getting into his immediate vicinity." the ranger replied to Stewart.

Then he grins at Luna and her reflections, remarking: "I take it you don't need me, then?"
She smiles at her fellow Warden. "Go get 'em, tiger. Make sure that he learns his lesson in spades."
Since no one stopped the two gnolls who were fighting Otiorin and Wolf, they escape into the woods and vanish, swallowed by the night.

Three scenes unfold about the Grand Caravan...

[I]The first...[/I]

Bria and Powerpaw listen to Luna, look to each other, and nod virtually at the same time. "Thanks for your kind words, Luna!"

"Yah! An' tanks for havin' us alongs!"

Then they turn to each other. "Hooray! We have an adventuring party again!"

Meanwhile Stewart shakes his head to Wolf. "No. We are moving in the opposite direction from where I believe Bilal to be. If my plan works, it will make it easier for your fellows to take him. However, if Bilal lives through this..." Stewart slowly looks about the carnage and lets his sentence trail off.

The older fellow beckons Kitrin and Bria. "Hurry now! We must come full circle.." and he leads the two of you off to the head of the Grand Caravan to the very wagon you entered when you first met him.

Stewart climbs the staircase to the top and examines the eight great horses that pull the enormous wagon. They appear to be agitated and fearful, but unharmed. There appear to be no others around save for the corpses of the gnolls and some unlucky servants. Shaking his head in pity, Stewart pauses at the front door and turns to you. He looks worried. "Oh, how do I explain this? Ah... I am going to run inside as if the two of you are chasing me. Whatever happens, play along? I need you to distract the dancers. Can you fully take their attention? I will dispose of them and do what else needs be done."

"The dancers?" Bria glances at the front door.

"Yes, your holiness. The dancers. Sarissa, Meneen, and Phyria... their forms are not true at all. They too are all part of Bilal's Menagerie, and they know their parts well."

"And worry not," he adds with a shy grin, "I did not stick my neck out this far and this long to betray you a second time."

Stewart turns the doorknob and rushes in. Great wisps of purple smoke immediately drift in from inside about the doorway, seemingly devouring him. "Oh help!" You hear him cry as he continues to run. "They are coming after me, next! You must defend me!"

"From what?" A young woman's voice answers.

"Them! They have escaped the Beast!"

"The edibles? How did they- No matter! Wait, where are you going?"

"To safety!"

Bria turns to Kitrin. "Um, I guess that's our cue?"

...the second...

Luna finds herself nearly alone amid the smoke and the bloodstained ground. She can see the Meadowsweets beckoning the weary Grimdell's Guardians into their wagon and they come willingly, if slowly and stiffly. Sparkle then looks about, her serpentine neck twisting this way and that. "All right, Luna. We appear to have a short moment. Mind summarizing what happened since I got knocked out? I have no earthly idea what is going on!"

Whatever Luna's decision, she can now see gnolls in the woods, their beady, fiendish eyes glaring at her but not approaching. And as for the gnoll cries coming nearer, the closer they get, the more they bring their emotion with them - these gnolls are not baying war-cries; these are the cries of gnolls apparently doing everything they can for their very survival.

...and finally, the third.

Otiorin, Wolf, and Powerpaw move in the opposite direction of Kitrin and Bria - to the middle and rear of the Grand Caravan where fighting seems to be at its worst. As you step past a pair of once-beautiful wagons and steeds, you spot about half a dozen gnolls at first running straight at you. These are the gnolls Luna is hearing, but not seeing.

They are fully armed and armored but they are a mewling, cringing, frightened lot. They spot you and immediately turn tail away from you and toward the woods as fast as their legs can carry them. They are shouting words in their language. "Gahazak awool! Chogro awool!' It appears to be an order of some kind.

Yet they soon become the least of your worries. A horrific shape rises out of the carnage some eight feet in height bringing many hundreds of pounds of muscle and chitin to the battleground with it. It snaps and clacks along. Bits of fur and blood drip from its awful claws and mandibles. Yet it is not the source of the great bellowing you hear farther down the caravan.

This thing takes notice of the three of you and pauses.

Powerpaw grins at it, turns to Wolf and Otiorin and says, "Uhhh, mebbe we oughtta yell for Luna-face?"
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Luna begins to shout orders to the remaining defenders, gathering them up into a cohesive group instead of a chaotic milling bunch of walking wounded. In between her shouted orders, she does her best to catch Sparkle up on what happened, and how Powerpaw and Bria came to become members of their band.

Hearing the cries of confusion in the woods, the fire mage frowns. "We need to know what's going on out there. Sparkle, are you feeling up to a quick recon flight? If you are, stay hidden and report back what you see. It sounds like something is making a mess of the gnolls out there. I don't want to throw a Fireball out there until we know what we're dealing with."
Otiorin is pulled up short at the sight of the...the thing before them.

"Well, that's....certainly something.", he gaped, staring at the burly form of the Umber Hulk before them, "I doubt there's much I can do against that. After all, I'm the sneaky, stealthy one."

So saying, he turned and sprinted out, away from the light of the fires that lit the night sky. As soon as he was in full darkness, he angled around and started picking his way through cover, trying to outflank the beast and catch it unawares while it was busy with Wolf and Powerpaw. He glanced down at the sword in his hand, still streaked with Gnoll blood.

"And I don't think you'll be up for the task, either.", he said wistfully.

He quickly wiped the blade clean with a fistful of leaves and grass, sheathed it, then pulled a tightly wrapped bundle from his pack. He unbound it to reveal a beautifully worked shortsword, the scabbard inlaid with gold and small glistening gems and Elven script worked into the fine but rugged leather. He took a deep breath and drew the weapon. It came free of it's scabbard with a smooth hiss to reveal a blade of superlative workmanship, enough to cause a mortal smith to lay down his tools and stare in awe. It's edge seemed to glimmer in even the faint light of the stars, it's keenness distorting his vision as he looked along it.

It had been a gift from his mother, tightly bundled and wrapped by her own hands, and given to him with a warning, Use this only in direst times, my child. It's blade is sharper than a sunbeam, and deadlier than the depths of winter. But yet, it is a weapon of our people, and such things are normally forbidden to ones of your...inclination. Reveal it not to any of our kin, lest they take offence and take it from you. Remember that you are allowed only a few indulgences for your Elven origins, and forbidden many for your Human ones.

He grimaced at the memory, but set the scabbard back into his pack and continued flanking the beast.

Kitrin nods at Bria. "Right, then." She charges into the wagon, shrieking at the top of her high-pitched hobbity voice. "Come back here, you traitor! You aren't getting away so easily! You and all your foul company are MINE! I will have vengeance!" Her shield is at the ready, her flail high and threatening.
Bronze continues to tend to the wounded as best he can, even a drink of water, a clean bandage seems to be of some help. Hearing the awful noises outside he peeks around the corner of the wagon carefully to see what's amiss. With a look of "Oh great now what" he goes back into hiding in the makeshift first aid wagon. Looking at the Meadowsweets "Do either of you know anything about medicine? I'm at the limit of my knowledge." Still, bravely Bronze tends to the wounded with what knowledge he has. Also with the new danger he realizes that staying out of the fight might be difficult this time, so he loosens one of his own mystic creations and hopes he won't be needing it.
Just before Kitrin charges in...

...Bria bounces excitedly at Kitrin's performance. "What great acting! Um, I would add to it, but I don't want to mess it up! So... umm.... grr, grr, and all that!" And Bria follows Kitrin as they race into the great wagon. Once again find themselves before that fantastic pool-dominated room and the fine things that adorn it. But three finer things come slowly walking their way with swaying hips and smooth lips.

"Have you lost yourselves?" Sarissa pouts and looks beyond the two of you as if seeking another of your company.

"What a pity," the second dancer stretches her smooth limbs above her head. "Meneen, are you as hungry as I am?"

"Absolutely famished..." says the third as all of them lock their eyes upon you. "Time for a late night snack, my sisters..."

Kitrin knows it takes a certain sensitivity to live long as a fighter, and experienced fighters know well when someone or something with killing intent is near them. This is such a time for Kitrin. These three human-looking beauties wear little more than dancing outfits, and Kitrin is a practiced warrior, armed and well-armored with magical mail and shield at the ready.

And yet it is you and Bria whom the dancing girls approach with the dark look of murder on their sweet faces...

Sparkle quickly crawls up to Luna's shoulder...

...and effortlessly springs off of her familiar and into the sky! A fine idea, Luna. Sparkle chimes inside the wizard's mind, I will share the effort with Pecker and ask what he has seen too! Koshianth's silver scales, what is making that great moaning sound out there? It will take a little time for Sparkle to gain altitude and perform recon, and during that time, Luna, for perhaps the first time in many moons, is alone in the scene of adventure. For the few gnolls that come her way shriek and veer off on quick feet, mewling into the safety of the woods.

Yet Luna does notice that the gnolls are not retreating farther than the forest's edge. And yes, her eyes tell her true - The gnolls stay and lurk and watch you all. Wrapped in the deep cloak of the night, the now-silent hyena-faced cowards watch with eager faces... and wait...

Wolf, Otiorin, and Powerpaw...

...stare back at the hulking creature now crossing their path. As Otiorin acts, Powerpaw slowly replaces his maul and draws his heavy shield and one-handed hammer, all the while his blood-red eyes regard the creature without mirth. Powerpaw snarls, the death-lust in him rising. "If you iz between us an' Bilal, den you gotta go..."

The creature narrows its top two eyes while closing the bottom pair. Swiftly, and not stupidly, those eyes dart to Powerpaw, then Otiorin, then finally upon Wolf. And there they stay for a long moment.

Then those devilish mandibles clack while the thing makes sounds only its kind can make. And they are sounds that Wolf understands!

"Attack me and I will destroy you," the thing communicates to Wolf in the amazing speech of animals. "I will be free again. If you cannot understand me, then one of us dies tonight."

These chittering sounds only fuel Powerpaw's intent. To Wolf, it is obvious the big cat does not even realize the thing is attempting to communicate. Powerpaw crouches into a charging position as the thing watches you all now with all four eyes open and unblinking. And by this time, the darkness of the late hour cannot conceal the scars upon the creatures head, feelers, and antennae, some of which it is missing.

The thing turns to Powerpaw without taking its eyes off of Wolf or Otiorin. It braces, ready for battle.

Suddenly, it is Otiorin who hears something his two brave fellows do not. Perhaps due to his changed position on the battlefield, the half-elf hears a familiar voice. Yet never has he heard that voice so raised with impatience and irritation.

"Which way did it go?" Bilal the Rich screeches. "How hard can it be to track down a single Umber Hulk? I'll have its eyes for trying to escape me! Stewart! Damn your hide, where have you gone?" Bilal's voice is coming from perhaps one hundred feet away toward the rear of the Grand Caravan where still the sounds of men, gnolls, and something more combine into an awful symphony of life-ending chaos.
Otiorin's lips twisted into an expression of malicious glee. After all this, the bloated, money-grubbing monster was playing straight into his hands. He reached to his belt, into which he had wedged the cudgel and hefted it's weight in his left hand. Yes, he'd disarm the fat bastard of his wand and then jam the cudgel right where the sun didn't see. And then he'd twist it!

The Half-Elf ghosted on through the night, trusting to his night eyes and Elven ears to lead him to his prey. Besides, Wolf and Powerpaw could deal with that... whatever it was. Probably. Hopefully...
If any of the gnolls are close enough for a shot from her light crossbow, Luna would take the opportunity to try and thin their numbers by one or two. If not, she will hold her fire until such time as she gets some feedback from Sparkle to know what is going on in the woods.


I forgot the +2 from the crossbow itself, but even with that, I doubt that I hit anything.
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Luna's crossbow bolt flies through the air at a fleeing gnoll only to imbed itself into a thick tree. The gnoll lets out a startled "yipe!" realizing it is someone's target, despite its hurry into the woods.

Sparkle and Pecker see the battle from an entirely different (and enviable) view. There is a feeling of freedom from Sparkle, quite unlike the state she was in prior to the battle, but keen-eyed Sparkle does not take the time to relish in it. Luna... The gnolls... They have the entire caravan surrounded except for on the road. There is a terrible commotion going on at the rear of the caravan. I see three large and unusual creatures moving about. Oh, wait. That must be Powerpaw.

Luna... the Wardens and everyone in the caravan... you're being herded. The gnolls seem to want you to stay here while they kill as many of you as they can. But why?

I see more, but I am not close enough to fully understand. Do you want me to return to you or investigate?

Inside the luxurious grand wagon...

...Stewart swings the far left door wide and flies into the same series of rooms that Otiorin once found himself walking along. Then he is gone.

Bria shows no fear from behind Kitrin. She prepares herself as before for violent action with silence and a calm, alert mind.

The three dancers advance with Kitrin as their focus. They are but fifteen feet away from her approaching her shoulder-to-shoulder. "Foul company, are we?" sneers the one called Meneen, "Methinks the one who won't be getting away so easily is you."

Kitrin may act now before they do, if she wishes.

Otiorin keeps to what shadows there are...

...amid the fire-touched wagons and twisted, unhappy-looking corpses. However, fortune is not with him in that moment. As Otiorin moves smoothly from place to place, he sees more than a like number of gnolls as the Wardens faced upon their escape here. Dozens of the gangly beasts rush about in groups, hacking at whatever weak targets they can find. Grimdell and his host are fighting hard, but again are vastly outnumbered.

Two more of Bilal's ten wagons have their cell doors opened wide, and some of the gnolls are breaking for the woods on cowardly heels as Otiorin peers out from beside the corner of a wagon to see the gnolls' cause of fear. And it is not Bilal the Rich that sends them scurrying...

It stomps on four sure-footed legs, hissing and screeching, snapping at anything within reach. And yet the half-elf's eyes do see a collar on each neck and a strange dimness of the eyes, yet these in no way seem to alter the savagery of the beast, not thirty feet away from him.

The thing is chewing on several bodies, some gnoll, some human. And it is looking for more...
Kitrin narrows her eyes as the three approach without any of the fear that a normal, unarmed and unarmored person ought to have when confronted by a geared-up fighter. There must be a reason for their confidence, and it wouldn't do for Kitrin to assume otherwise. She adjusts her own approach accordingly, and her stance alters to one more cautious than she has yet displayed in today's battles.

Kitrin is activating her Combat Expertise feat, thinking that these creatures just might have a way of bypassing armor. At her skill level, her attack bonus is dropped by 2 and she gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

Attacks therefore have a total of +13.

Normal AC is now 27.

Touch AC is now 16.

Kitrin then skip-steps forwards and slightly to one side (away from the side she last saw Stewart, to turn the dancers further away from him), and swings her flail at the dancer on the end nearest her in her signature trip attempt.

What to do? What to do? Sparkle, you see three creatures, but only one is Powerpaw. What are the other two? Do they need me over there, or should I focus on the gnolls in the forest?
Realizing that he's more surprised than he should be, Wolf just stands there without a word for a few long moments. What an absolutely curious creature. How did I never hear of it before?

"Powerpaw, wait!" he says, raising an open palm facing the feline beast to halt what looked like an imminent charge. "I've no idea what this thing is, but it is wounded and may not necessarily want to fight. Hold yer horses for a minute, please."

Wolf then approaches the giant, closer and closer with unequipped weapons and hands raised in a gesture of peace, finally stopping at what he deems to be the closest possible respectable distance. "We do not have to fight." he says to it with bowed head, slowly at first, making sure it can understand him. "We've no desire to enslave you; in fact we were imprisoned here as well and are also escaping. There is no reason to throw ourselves at each other while our captor still draws breath - he is the only quarry this hunter is after tonight."

It took a certain degree of restraint for Wolf to say what he knew had to be said, and not bombard the animal with questions of curiosity, which would probably follow if there was time.
In the prison wagon, Whittle takes Bronze by the hand and walks him over to a young mercenary with a throwing axe cut on his chest. "We know a thing or two, love! Come on. This is how you do it." While the fighter's armor saved him from the worst of the hit, he is soon in decent care. Whittle and Bonabin continue to tenderly cleanse and wrap wounds with a farmers' care. "Imagine it's your own body you're caring for," the green-eyed hobbit lass nods to Bronze. "They'll be up in no time!"

One by one, the squad of Grimdell's Guardians rise, looking ready. They clap each other on the shoulders and continue to drink and munch on Bria's delicious fare of food, which is now finally almost depleted. They sit comfortably in the makeshift hay beds. One of the warriors, the fellow who's life Bria saved, approaches Bronze and grins with a fire in his eyes.

"Now we are ready to serve Grimdell again, thanks to you and yours! We will rejoin our brothers and if we are alive after it all, I will get you as drunk as any dwarf in Morgandir! Thank you, friend!"

The squad leader examines his men and orders them up, and up they come to attention. "Guardians, we have a contract to fulfill and Grimdell to keep alive. We are going to skirt the west side of the caravan and make our way south until we reach Grimdell, who is likely up to his teeth in gnoll corpses by now! Come! Grimdell's Guardians fight as one!"


The Guardians make their way out of the wagon with quiet alertness and expressions of gratitude and duty upon their lean features. The few servants that remain do just that - remain. Whittle then looks up to Bronze. "You certainly turned this wagon into just what we needed. Tell me - do you refurbish hobbit holes, love? We'll feed you good!"

Bonny puts his hands on his hips. "What's that? There's not a little thing wrong with our home!"

"Not ours, dearest! Missus Greenladle's! Her old hole has been a badger's den ever since she fell!"

"Well, when you put it that way..." and the two marrieds go on and on about things important to hobbits living in Highwind. Bronze appears free to act as he will.

Another hobbit has problems of her own...

...as the three sisters advance upon Kitrin and Bria. Setting herself in a defensive stance, Kitrin lashes out with her magical flail, snaring one's lower leg and sending her to the pristine wood floor with a thump. "Ohhh, you little harlot!"

Her sisters pause to laugh at her. "Sarissa, didn't that half-elf seem to desire you in a similar position?"

"That was different!"

"The result would have been the same."

"Quite right," Sarissa raises a hearty, hissing laughter. "I think it is time to lose these clumsy legs of ours, don't you?"


"Let us show our guests just what it means to defy our selected master!"

Sarissa throws Kitrin a maniacal look as her eyes transform into serpentine slits and her skin darkens, and her legs begin to shimmer an emerald sheen. Long fangs grow from her mouth. Her sisters fall to the floor beside her as their feet shrink, their legs close and tighten and become altogether inhuman. Their dainty hands reach for the golden earrings hanging from their ears and the gold takes on a new life - and purpose - forming into twin edges of shining steel.

All the while, the dancing girls laugh and cackle at Kitrin and Bria's reactions. "Ahhhahaaaa! Are we not part of Bilal's Menagerie?" they shriek together. "Little girls, your flesh belongs to us! Surrender and we will still kill you slowly! Sssssaaahh!"

The talented pair of Wardens find themselves facing a trio of creatures that looks like this:

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