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Chapter Two: Bilal's Menagerie

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Powerpaw's whiskers twitch as he tilts his head in mild confusion to Luna. "Okies! I saves da... what's a civilian? Oh, mebbe you tell me laters. C'mon, Bria! Let's go kill some hyena-faces!" Powerpaw stashes his maul, and hauls tail along on all fours, his paws closing the distance with every furious bound. Bria chases after him. The two of them race through the battlefield at a very fast pace together.

"Um, if it's all the same to you, Fuzzy Warrior, I'll let you do the killing!"

"Oh... rights! Moar!"

Meanwhile, the gnolls about the wagon shriek and shout at the human caravan staff, their axes raised above the cowering heads of their would-be victims. These people are weaponless and without the skill to defend themselves and the gnolls are loving every minute of it. Their torment continues as they hack at any visible limb. They mock and delight at the fear they are causing. But creatures who cause fear often have a fear or two of their own...

Powerpaw makes his presence known on the battlefield...

Maul at the ready, the feline beast runs full speed until he reaches the scene. He then unleashes his maul and strikes the earth with a tremendous roar. 'MOOOOAARR!"

A hush comes from all those that hear him. Gnolls and humans alike pause and turn to the source, some almost as if they don't want to. And there at them comes Powerpaw, fangs bared, blood-red eyes wide, glaring at his foes like a ravenous tiger before a feast. He raises his savage voice and looks about like a monstrous gladiator from some far-off arena, addressing some crowd only he can see. His claws make slow, rending motions while he displays his horrible maul to them.

"Doez it go in da kneeeeeee? Noooooo!"

"Doez it go in da ding-ding? Nooooooo!"


And his maniacal charge at them is the stuff of nightmares!

And somehow the gnolls treat it all like a joke! Instead of fleeing, they see him charging and charge back, believing in their greater numbers. And soon, Powerpaw is nearly surrounded by hacking, snarling gnolls. The humans see their break and run from Powerpaw faster than they would have fled their captors. Meanwhile and close by, Bria does her best not to attract notice while keeping her eye on her teammate.

As for Powerpaw, he couldn't be happier! Instead of running away, they attack? Many an opponent has underestimated him for his strange, often silly-sounding voice. But ten at once? With his maul in hand? "MOOOOAR!" he roars as they meet in a clash of steel and fury.

Five of the gnolls attack him at once, while the other five reach him and throw axes at him or cheer on their comrades. Soon, they will have him surrounded.

Bria shakes her head softly says to no one in particular. "Oh dear. They really should have run."



Powerpaw parries and moves like a fellow used to fighting multiple opponents, and though the foul gnolls outnumber him, they cannot match him for skill. He turns in ways that puts his armor to best effect, whirling his maul about in a defensive posture until he is able to launch an attack of his own.

For all of the blades against him, the gnolls, two of whom are flanking Powerpaw, damage him but once.

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Luna takes a moment to look over the battlefield and sees the mass of gnolls attacking the remaining members of Grimdells Guardians. Eighteen on six. Lets see if I can even up the odds a bit. She maneuvers through the fight to get the best angle on the swarming mass, planning on aiming her next Fireball to catch as many as of the gnolls as she can. With a wave of her hand, she unleashes her next blast of flame into the melee.

Current memorized spells:

Cantrips: Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Detect Magic

Level 1: Shield, Gravity Bow, Burning Hands

Level 2: Mirror Image, Scorching Ray x3

Level 3: Displacement

Force Missiles x6
Even as Luna's hands twisted in arcane gestures and her voice wove the distinctive words to conjure another fireball into existence, Otiorin raised his bow and sighted up on the largest beast of the group. As he drew the string back, the mystical energies of his own spell swirled around the arrow shaft like a pale blue mist and set the slender arrow head ablaze as if it were wreathed in Saint Elmo's Fire. He took a breath and time slowed, he saw his foe even as he lunged forward to snatch at one of the exhausted Guardians' wrists to drag him from the faltering formation. A tunnel of pure focus linked Otiorin's arrow and his target's left eye. Then he loosed his shot.

With his bow raised and an arrow nocked, Wolf scans the battlefield. The caravan was far from the blissful, careless state they first found it in. They found things chaotic after escaping from the cage wagon, but right now it was damn near a proper inferno. Wolf hadn't seen so much destruction in a long time. As his aim happens upon the sight of Luna casting another fireball, he lowers the bow. The girl seemed to have things well under control, as always. And Powerpaw was on track as well. That beast was a force to be reckoned with.

Instead, the ranger focuses on studying the surroundings, looking beyond foe and ally, beyond tactics and opportunities. He tries to locate where the party's own horses might be, particularly concerned about his mare, Althena.

The great pack of gnolls howl a chilling chorus together as they menace the squad of Grimdell's Guardians, tearing at limbs and swinging their axes ferociously. This squad is in trouble and they seem to know it. Still, they fight with their training foremost in mind. Two of them begin shouting for help. One reaches for a bone horn on the ground. He picks it up, places it to his lips, and is about to sound off.

Yet not far from the mayhem, Luna weaves her magic and a pea-sized bit of fire speeds from her hand. Her Fireball flies unerringly at the edge of the combat and erupts, lighting up the night even more spectacularly than her first. "FFFWWHAM!" As the blaze and bright light of the spell reaches high into the sky, small body parts belonging to about five gnolls reach with it, spiraling and trailing smoke in all directions. Men and gnolls turn and shield themselves from the sudden wave of heat, yet one gnoll sprouts a shaft from his body as Otiorin adds sharply to its misery.

"Thank the Saint you're here!" The Guardian with the bone horn shouts to you. Then he swiftly parries an axe blow and puts two feet of good steel into a gnoll's stomach.

Meanwhile, Wolf takes in his surroundings with practiced eyes and skill. His watchfulness for the party's horses is rewarded as he spots two of the Wardens' many horses, his own and Luna's roan. Althena is down with many red wounds upon her and a gnoll hand axe in her side. Wolf can tell that she is still breathing, but his experience with animals tells him she is possibly in shock. Luna's roan is currently healthy and in possession of one of Grimdell's Guardians, who is using the steed to quickly carry one of his mates to whatever safety he can find.

As for the rest of the Wardens' horses, they are definitely not in Wolf's realm of perception, which means one of two things - they are not alive, or they are on other parts of the battlefield. Wolf finds two other light riding horses that he does not recognize, but they have departed, their bodies in pieces painful to look upon, thanks to the combined might of the Gharzik and Korag gnoll tribes.
Kitrin charges forth once more, rather disappointed in the gnolls' reactions to Powerpaw. Swifter than a halfling in chainmail should, she races at the group Luna and Otiorin are attacking (the cowards attacking the horses being too far to reach and attack this turn, as she's asked of the GM). With a thought to group tactics, and hoping more fireballs are on the way, she flings herself and her flail into the close melee of Guardians and gnolls rather than the more open fighting. A shrill, high-pitched squeal erupts from herself, and possibly from her chosen target, as she whirls the spiked ball around the gnoll's ankles, entangling them in the chain and yanking hard.

Kitrin's gnoll goes from snarling and swinging at a wounded mercenary to flat on his back staring up at the stars faster than a hobbit can devour a muffin. There is a curious look on that hyena face - one that seems to say, "What in the hell just happened, and how did I wind up flat on my backside like this?!" His fellows laugh at him until they see the well-armed and armored fighting halfing now in melee with them. Seeing the look in her eyes, their laughter suddenly stops cold.

[I]Meanwhile, back at the cage-wagon...[/I]

...Bronze, Whittle, Bonny, and Stewart appear to be in relative safety, all things considered. After the first of Luna's Fireball spells, the area around that particular wagon became kind of quiet. Bronze sees both of the Meadowsweets taking the opportunity to suddenly verbally tear into Stewart. With one on either side of him, and both of them standing tall (for hobbits), Bonny and Whittle take turns stabbing accusing fingers into Stewart's belly.

"How dare you take a mother and father of seven beautiful children, and try to feed them to a ravenous monster?!" "How can you work with a villain like Bilal the Rich? Don't you have any conscience at all?" "We're good hobbits, and decent people, unlike yourself!" "How would you like to be locked up in a state like that?" "You're lucky our man Otiorin didn't have at you when he did!" "Aye! Or Miss Luna for that matter! She was about to gut you like a fish!" This goes on and on and Stewart, despite his height, seems to shrink at every comment until he seems smaller than either of the Meadowsweets. "And worst of all, you cruel devil - you left us in that wagon with no food! We poor hobbits hadn't eaten for hoooooooours!!" "How could you?!"

Unable to take it any longer, Stewart openly weeps.

[I]At Bria and Powerpaw's battle...[/I]

...Bria flinches at nearly the same time Powerpaw takes the gnoll's battle axe in the thigh. Now, it is well-known to adventurers throughout Sharseya that clerics, especially in the experience of the Wardens' adventuring, must touch the individuals they wish to cast their cure spells upon. Bria of the Ko remains where she is, some thirty feet away from Powerpaw and the pack of gnolls upon him. She summons up the positive energy from deep within herself and focuses it upon her friend, casting quickly and nearly effortlessly.

"Asteallo verris!"

Her voice is firm as she aims her blessing upon him. Powerpaw's wound mostly closes from the pure healing magic flowing from the brown-haired young woman.

Powerpaw senses that very familiar feeling of pleasant warmth and relaxation upon the injury, that just a moment ago was bleeding. Filled as he is with killing lust, he ceases parrying with his massive maul. With a roar, he sends it full force against the gnoll that struck him.



The strike connects violently and Powerpaw uses the momentum of the blow to strike another. Among warriors, this technique is known as Cleave.



The body of the first gnoll, his face smashed in, has yet to hit the ground when Powerpaw successfully strikes the gawking gnoll beside him. He expertly uses that momentum to carry him to the third gnoll and beyond to all targets within his 10 foot reach, until he misses. Great warriors call this technique, Great Cleave.



The second gnoll is struck so hard he flies off of his feet and lands in a twisted heap. "MOOOOAR!" Powerpaw roars as he continues the Great Cleave.


The third gnoll collapses in a whimpering heap, his chest cavity crushed in. The fiend's battle axe falls to the ground along with what was once its owner.

"MOOOAR!" "REEOWR!!" "EAT DIS!" "GRAAAAAAWRRRR!" A fourth, a fifth, a sixth, and finally a seventh gnoll all fall to Powerpaw's terrible onslaught, leaving three of the original ten to gape and cringe before him. Powerpaw, his fur raised and his chest heaving, hisses and spits as he regards the others. His claws, horns, and fangs are bloody. And he is chewing something. He spits that something at their feet.

The gnolls see this thing. They shriek, turn, and bolt as quickly as they can for the safety of the woods. Unfortunately, Bria happens to be in their way.

Bria, eyes wide, prepares to accept their attack, but they run right past her, within striking range of her walking stick. She lets them go.

Powerpaw tears after them, his hammer high and ready to run them down. "Wait!" Bria waves to him. "They're not a threat anymore! We have to deal with the threats, remember?"

Powerpaw spits out one last chunk of bloody gnoll flesh and slowly nods to Bria. "Oh yeah... If you tink dat was somethin's, just wait until we gets Bilal..." Then he looks about with ears and whiskers raised. "Moar?"

"This way!' And the two friends race back toward the Wardens.
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The gnolls in group 2 seem caught off-guard at your arrival, and they growl and bark having to suddenly fight a battle on two fronts with the numbers not so much in their favor. One larger gnoll with a gleaming battle axe and black-paint about his muzzle snarls out orders. At his command, the gnoll groups split up.

Two of them wearing blood-red paint upon their bodies swing their axes down upon Kitrin with all of their might. Six more of them run around Kitrin and at Luna, Otiorin, and Wolf. With high-pitched canine howls, they hurl throwing axes at you while attempting to quickly close the distance with their battle axes.

The rest continue their previous tactics on the struggling Guardians. Their axes cleave into the warriors' armor and in some cases, the flesh and bone beneath. Three of the guardians cry out from their wounds, but continue to fight as hard as they can.

The gnoll that Kitrin tripped staggers to his feet to rejoin the fight. This leaves the evil fellow wide open to attack.







One of the gnoll's throwing axes strikes Otiorin's left bicep painfully. The rest of the attacks either miss you or otherwise fail to penetrate your defenses.

Kitrin's flail cracks the rising gnoll right in the ribs, wounding him.

Another gnoll hurls a throwing axe viciously. Not only does it completely miss Wolf, it nearly embeds itself in another gnoll's backside... =)
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Kitrin grins ferociously as she whips her shield up to block both attacking gnolls. Laughing, she turns her attention to the fallen gnoll trying to regain his feet. Cheerfully she sends her flail's spiked head flying at his face to knock him back down where he belongs - on the ground!


Between Luna's Shield and her Mage Armor spell, she is able to defend herself against the attacking gnolls, but is now faced with a pair of the snarling creatures right in front of her. Moving backwards to open up some space between her and the targets of her magic, she calls out, "Stay strong and work together! Don't let them cut you off from the group! Burning Hands!" With that, she raises up her hands and lets forth a spray of flame to engulf the two gnolls right in front of her.

Current memorized spells:

Cantrips: Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Detect Magic

Level 1: Shield, Gravity Bow

Level 2: Mirror Image, Scorching Ray x3

Level 3: Displacement

Force Missiles x6
Otiorin swore colorfully in Elven as the axe took a chunk out of his forearm. This would seriously affect his marksmanship. Also the two dog-faced raiders closing with him were going to make his day worse. He wistfully dropped his bow at his feet and drew his shortsword, bringing it up in a defensive posture. Oh Gods, I don't normally fight like this.

As the Gnolls closed, he raised his free hand and wove the mystical energies of his soul into a reinforcing shell around his body.

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Wolf's heart clenched at the sight of his horse wounded. He was already readying an arrow to loosen in that general direction when a hurled battleaxe flew well past his head. Frowning, he spots a dozen gnolls heading his way. Then he looks towards the horses, and back again towards the approaching gnolls. Luna and Otiorin were ahead of him, and could probably hold them off for a few moments. Powerpaw was also doubling back. The ranger made his choice.

Two arrows flew at two gnolls among those harassing the horses, driven by anger.


The charging mass of gnolls rush you with bloodthirsty eyes and drooling maws.

"Sccreeeeeam for me," the one closest to Luna barks. "Ssccreeeaaam!" Yet it is his turn to scream when Luna unleashes the fire from her spirit against him and his fellow. They try to roll aside, but they are too late. Their smoldering, stinking corpses land at Luna's feet.

Otiorin's tunnel of focus prevails as the arrow he let fly strikes a wounded gnoll in the neck, and he falls with a sickening, surprised gurgle. The two gnolls cackle and bring their battle axes and shields to bear, and they will reach Otiorin in moments.

Pecker lets out a cry from above that sounds like a cheer. Both of Wolf's arrows find their marks in the cowardly gnolls attacking the horses, however, the two gnolls dashing towards Wolf will be soon swinging upon him.
Kitrin laughs, taunting the injured gnoll. "Yer gettin' beat by a little girl! Ha!" Though concerned about her party and the gnolls running at them, she sees Powerpaw and Bria running up and hopes they'll take care of the ranged-combat folks for her. Meanwhile, her job is to keep the three on her from getting...bored. Hehehe... Her first swing aims that spiky steel ball right at the face of the injured gnoll. As he falls, she uses the momentum to whack a different foe and keep its attention on her.




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Kitrin's swing on the humiliated gnoll is nothing short of spectacular! She hits him so hard his eyes bulge out of their sockets. He face-plants in the bloody dirt and moves no more. Kitrin's second attack gets inside the gnoll's defense - they tend to raise their axe-arms high before a downward strike - and the small fighter takes advantage of his sloppy technique by delivering a painful blow to the gnoll's side.

"Urgh!" he croaks. "How little hobbit hit so damn haaaaard?"

[I]Meanwhile, at the cage-wagon...[/I]

Stewart sobs and looks longingly at his ring finger. "I'm so terribly sorry... I would have never done it except..."

"There, there, love," Whittle pats the crouching Stewart on his shoulder. "You're clearly feeling bad about what you've done. Like a decent chap! Have a piece of pie now with us, won't you?"

"Aye, sit and watch the battle with us!" Bonny hands Bronze a drink and taps it with his own in toast. "Our side is the side to be on, you know! We're going to win against those sorry gnolls! See those balls of fire? That expert archery? And how about our fellow hobbit? That's our girl! Look how the gnolls fall before her! Whittle, my blossom, let's give her a name!"

"Good idea! I know, love! Let's call her... Killer Kittenpaw! There! That's who she is!" The hobbits keep clapping and cheering as they watch the fight from the cover with continued enthusiasm.

Stewart, on the other hand, eats his pie and watches with Bronze for any approaching threats. Like a sensible person. Then he regards the tasty dessert and asks, "Wherefore did you get all of this food?"

[I]Bria and Powerpaw run together...[/I]

...and find the battle between your party and group 2 at better odds than when they left it.

"Luna!' Bria quickly looks around, causing her beautiful hair and robes to spin with her. Then she cups her hands and calls. "The servants are safe! Where should we go next?"
Two of the six gnolls attacking the horses stop their attacks and start whining for help. This gets the attention of the other four, who notice the arrows now sticking out of them. They pause to look around for an archer. Finding none, they point and laugh at their fellows, making gnoll-jokes at their misery.

At the battle for the squad of Grimdell's Guardians...

...the mercenaries continue to fight defensively. They move to cover two of their fallen comrades. A shout goes up from their number. "Patch them up! We will cover you!" Then there are four mercenaries stabbing and slicing against the gnolls. One of the foul monsters shrieks and goes down under the swords of the Guardians who use teamwork to fell him.

The gnolls upon the Guardians cease their separation tactics and do their best to kill the mercenaries. Blow after blow rains down on the weary men, but their many, many hours of solid training with good gear protect them from every blow, this round. The sound of steel ringing upon steel and hearty shouts and cries carry far across the fiery, blood-soaked battlefield.

The gnolls attacking the Wardens do so fearfully now, yet mercilessly. A pair of them swing their axes down upon Kitrin.


And their fear of her saps their strength and accuracy. Their blows are weak and without skill.

Of the two gnolls racing toward Wolf, one yips and points at Luna. The other changes direction and attacks the powerful fire mage. Look out! Sparkle hisses.


The snarling gnoll's axe bounds off of the invisible protection of Luna's Mage Armor spell, much to the distaste of the evil canine.

Wolf's attacker makes a poor attempt at feint with his shield followed by a mighty swing upon the ranger.


And Wolf is able to dodge back from the gnoll's attempt at disembowelment.

Finally, the pair of gnolls upon Otiorin shrink back as he casts his magic, but press on when they see no fire erupting from him. They move and flank Otiorin, gaining a combat advantage to strike him.


And Otiorin's Shield spell saves him from further damage! The gnoll's battle axe reflects off of the magical barrier, causing the creature to growl and spit curses at the half-elf.
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The axe-blade hissed across his magical defenses with a sound like fingernails down a blackboard, throwing the Gnoll off-balance by the sudden resistance. Otiorin used the creature's momentary imbalance to thrust his blade toward an area between the thick fur protecting the Gnoll's neck and the armor protecting its chest.

Attacking with shortsword, using 'Weapon Finesse' Rogue Combat Trick, for a +8 to the Attack roll
Suddenly faced with an enemy at melee range, Wolf quickly decides to drop his bow and pull out his dagger, making an attempt on the gnoll's life that way.


Wolf drops his bow and unsheathes his dagger with incredible quickness - a little too much quickness. Wolf's dagger flies out of his hand, bounces off the gnoll's chest, up into the air, where Wolf is able to catch the blade again.

The gnoll looks at Wolf, completely baffled. "What da hell whuzz dat, weakling?!"

Otiorin's gnolls snarl and bite...

... until Otiorin's blade causes a vicious cut along one gnoll's collar bone and chest. It cries out in terror at the sight of its own blood while its fellow barks in anger.
Luna calls out to Bria and Powerpaw. "Support the Guardians! They are being hard pressed and have wounded! Wardens! We have them on the ropes! Continue to hold strong and we will break them!" She turns her attention to the gnoll that just tried to split her skull open with its axe. "Attacking a lady! How rude! You need a lesson in manners! Force Missile!"

Current memorized spells:

Cantrips: Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Detect Magic

Level 1: Shield, Gravity Bow

Level 2: Mirror Image, Scorching Ray x3

Level 3: Displacement

Force Missiles x5
Kitrin turns her attention to the foe giving orders. Cut off the head, and the body'll follow! The sound of steel-on-steel rings loudly through the melee as she claps her flail-handle against the metal fittings of her shield. "Oy, loudmouth! Yer minions aren't doing so well against me - why'n't you give it a try? Are you such a poor fighter you can't take one little hobbit? Or are you just too cowardly to face me and have to hide behind all these other weaklings?" She levels her gaze* across the battlefield to meet the eyes of the gnoll leader, leaving him no doubt of who she's talking to.

*Actually, she has to look up, but you get the idea.

"What's that?" The leader growls. "Bodily waste that can speak? Go back to your midnight meal, hobbit. There are real warriors before me to devour! Ha ha haaaa!"

His host joins him in laughter, and suddenly, the gnolls facing you and the Guardians are not as scared as they were.
Luna's Force Missile spell flies unerringly into the gnoll's body, blasting the wretched beast off of its feet. It lies on the ground moaning and expiring, unable to fight.

Bria and Powerpaw move as one.

"O.K., Luna!" Bria rushes around the various combatants, careful not to catch an axe or dagger by mistake. The Ko monk runs swiftly past Otiorin and shouts, "Oh, Otiorin! I'll take care of that as soon as I can!" Yet to the half-elf, there is no way she could have seen the wound on his left arm as she passes him on his right side at great speed.

Then Bria sees the downed Guardians. One stirs, but the other does not. His fellow, to whom he bears a resemblance, works furiously to revive him, but there is a great look of fear and worry on his face. The massive battle axe wound in the fallen man's stomach provides plenty of reason for that worry. "God, Hathir!" he cries. "Don't leave us! Stay with us! Please, brother!"

Bria gasps at the sight, but does not recoil from it. Instead, she moves without hesitation. Her fingers weave graceful mystical lines in the air of shining gold and blue. Her voice, normally soft and humble can be heard clearly over the din of battle.

"Asteallo verris lasai ris!"

The mystic symbols swiftly reach toward the fellow and disappear into nothingness. And a scant moment later, the fallen man suddenly opens his eyes and roars! "You cowardly bastards! I'll kill you all!" His fellows cannot help but spare a glance or openly speak words of astonishment as the fellow rises, halberd in hand, and death in his eyes. "Grimdell's Guardians!" he shouts, "we fight as one!" And that is all it takes to turn the Guardians into a flashing wall of steel against the gnolls.

"Ooh, I love it when she doez dat..." Powerpaw quickly takes in the situation at the front line of the battle. He hefts his maul and sprints toward the fighting line beside Kitrin. This time, there is no attempt at intimidation - the great furry warrior, now covered from face to toe in the blood of his previous foes, hisses and swings his maul at one of Kitrin's two foes. "MOOOARRRR!"

Some of the rest of the gnolls see him coming. They whine and whimper.


The gnoll raises his heavy steel shield just in time. The force of Powerpaw's blow sends the smaller canine reeling, but he is otherwise unharmed.
The leader of the gnolls in the second group takes a deep breath and lets out a terrifying howl. "AWWWOOOOOOO!" One needs not speak Gnoll to understand a call like that one. The gnolls in the third group in their chain shirts and black-painted muzzles disengage from the horses and run right at the Wardens, save for the two wounded who draw throwing axes and fight from the rear. The leader points at Luna and barks harshly...

You think he might have said something like, "Kill that damned wizard now!"

And suddenly Luna and Sparkle are in trouble! They are attacked by everyone in the third group. From about forty to fifty feet away, the two wounded gnolls charge up and pause just long enough to send throwing axes at her. The other four hustle with shields and battle axes, eager for her blood. And in moments, Luna has four gnolls in melee with her. Two are flanking her.

At the same time, Otiorin and Wolf both sense movement in the woods off of the Road of Kings. Only their keen senses and skills discover this. Something stirs there now, perhaps in reply to the call, and more than a few are the bushes and shrubs that rustle and creak. And both of you are certain that it is not the night wind that moves them.


And it is good that gnolls lack skill...
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