A small, fidgety creature peeks his head in and you immediately recognize Nitwit the Kobold. His shortbow over his shoulder and spear in hand, the red-scaled draconian takes a few timid steps in, aporoaching Luna the moment he sees her.Luna will go ahead and rise, pulling her bare feet from the pool and walking over to the door with curiosity building up inside her. Not expecting any trouble here in the city, she goes ahead and opens up the door. "Yes? Can I help you?"
His squeaky unconfident voice carries through the Grand Pool instantly alerting the party of the race and identity of your new visitor.
"Hayuhhh... Miz Luna, wazn't it? Hai everybody!" Nitwit waves up to all of you!
"Heya shrimp!" Powerpaw waves back along with Mamapaw and Bria.
Nitwit begins to pantomime, his little hands and claws forming imaginary pictures.
"Hai again! I got a message froms a... Mister Oscar of Highwind? You know, uh, small, furry, sagey guy? He told me to tell you that there were a buncha armory, ugly boulderheads led by somethin' bigger? Comin' down from the north toward our village? Somethin' about 'time being of the 'incense?' Uhh, or maybe was it 'sextants?' An' I waz wonderin'-- Ooooh!"
Nitwit's tiny eyes seemed to grow in size as he gets a good look the majesty of the Grand Pool room. "Did you guys build alla this? Wooow!" The kobold gawks. "You could fit my whole tribe in here!"