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Chapter Sixteen: On the Road Again!

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"I say that Bilal's lucky he's already dead, and he'd better stay that way if he knows what's good for him," Kaerri begins, but then the unusually sour expression flees from her face and she grins, much more like her usual self. "I'm with Oreleth -- I'll happily take you both along! And for sure let's help if we can."

She glances at the others, and adds, "And, well, if you want more information on that Dragonslayer you mentioned... I think I can answer whatever questions you've got."
As the Wayward Wagon finally touched down outside the fine domicile of his good drinking friend and compatriot, Otiorin hopped down from the back of the team hippogryph he’d taken to riding once the wagon was firmly in hand again. Gladness filled his heart to see Stewart looking hale and hearty, his beloved Beatrice on his arm, and he ran over to shake his hand, foregoing the urge to throw his arms around the Wanderers’ ex-steward.
“Hail and well-met, Stewart the Learned, purveyor of fine wines end good company! Long have been my travails and dark my days since last we met, but joyous am I to bask in the light of our friendship renewed!”

He entered the comfortable home, taking care to hang his new harness with the beautiful weapons on proud display from the cloak rack in the hall and was about to present Stewart with the skin of mead when the older man's words stole the happiness from his face. Bilal had been making the Lady Beatrice's condition worse to keep Stewart in his begrudging employment. The Half-elf felt a dark shadow pass over his heart. I hope that Hydra got nothing worse than indigestion from the sickness that existed within that bloated goat-fondler's body*, he thought to himself as he remembered that fateful night when he and his fellows ended the brutal regime of the corpulent merchant along with his life.

"Well, of course you will ride with us.", he replied, shaking away the night-black thoughts that clouded his head, "And, the Gods willing, we shall find that which you seek. You have been slaves to Bilal the Bastard long enough, we would be monsters indeed to leave you thus. Come with us and be free of the curse of Bilal the Bellyfiller!"
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus

“Hail and well-met, Stewart the Learned, purveyor of fine wines end good company! Long have been my travails and dark my days since last we met, but joyous am I to bask in the light of our friendship renewed!”

Stewart's grin is coupled with an expression of relief at the sight of Otiorin hale, healthy, and here. "That... makes two of us!"

"Well, of course you will ride with us.", he replied, shaking away the night-black thoughts that clouded his head, "And, the Gods willing, we shall find that which you seek. You have been slaves to Bilal the Bastard long enough, we would be monsters indeed to leave you thus. Come with us and be free of the curse of Bilal the Bellyfiller!"

Beatrice decides as she taps a finger against her chin. "That may be most fitting title that man has yet received."

"I say that Bilal's lucky he's already dead, and he'd better stay that way if he knows what's good for him," Kaerri begins, but then the unusually sour expression flees from her face and she grins, much more like her usual self. "I'm with Oreleth -- I'll happily take you both along! And for sure let's help if we can."

She glances at the others, and adds, "And, well, if you want more information on that Dragonslayer you mentioned... I think I can answer whatever questions you've got."

At the sound of Kaerri's compassion and surety, Stewart can't help but do a double-take. "I... gamble that you can!"

Oreleth is not one to succumb to emotional outbursts, but the plight of Lady Beatrice is enough to bring tears to her eyes. Such love and compassion for one another is a rare thing. She dabs at her eyes for a moment, then says, "What kind of monsters would we be if we were to say no to such a request? It is tragic! Tell me, is there nothing besides this rare herb that might be able to cure this ailment?"

Stewart and Beatrice shake their heads as if they were one person put into two bodies. Beatrice folds her arms. "No, Oreleth. Not in all of Highwind or in what few towns remain nearby."

Bria takes that moment to chime in, her brown eyes gazing heavenward as she ponders. "If you'll accept the free aid of someone who wasn't born anywhere near Highwind or its towns, I'd like to sit down with you to some tea and share our experiences? There are mysteries in the world waiting for the curious and the lucky, and should it come to pass that we prove to have sufficient amount of both traits, we can not only aid you but perhaps others with your condition will have reason to hope? There must be some goodness we can create together."

"You must be Bria," Beatrice nods with certainty.

"Dats Bria all right. An' Oreleth over dere iz our newly-appointed leader. So if she sez you an' Stewie-face iz comin' along, den dat's what's gonna happen!"

"'Stewie-face'?" Beatrice can't help but grin. Hers is a grin that contains only amusement. She turns her head to Stewart not to look at him, but to hear his response should he choose to give one.

"And that, my fair damsel, is the gladiator, Powerpaw."

Beatrice's ears follow his voice. "You sound large and lethal."

"I iz what I iz." Powerpaw presents, "Dis here's me Mom! Mamapaw da Druidess of Beastly Bast an' da Forest Goddess chick."

Mamapaw plants her paws on her hips. "That's Mielikki, son, and she is no chick! Blessings upon your line, yesterday, today's, and tomorrows, Lady Beatrice."

Powerpaw waves a paw as Beatrice curtsies and continues to listen with eagerness. "My likki, yer likki, as long as she's helpin' us lick da bad guys, she's all right wif me!"

Beatrice responds. "And yours, Follower of the Forest Maiden. There is one final concern before we join you. Take note of the carousing going on on the other side of that wall?" Beatrice remains quiet long enough for the many rough and rowdy voices to let their presence known. Whomever it is, they are definitely having a good time! Beatrice stares at the wall and takes on a look of deep respect as she speaks. "In the next room is an old friend of the family's that has done a profound job in keeping me safe against those who would see me harmed. It is because of him that Stewart never needed worry about me while we were apart. I... would have him with us for those reasons and more, if one more would not be a bother to you young folk?"

Art by Peritwinkle
Character sheet
Hit Points: 99/99
Armor Class: 27
Touch Armor Class: 17
Shadow Illusion: 3/3
Shadow Call: 2/2
Shadow Jump distance: 80/80 feet
Defensive Roll: 1/1
Rogue Talent Resiliency: 1/1
Stinger -- uses of Slow remaining: 3/3
Charm of Bastet -- uses of Cat's Grace remaining: 1/1
Action Points: 14
Kaerri glances at Oreleth. "I wouldn't think it'd be a bother," she said. "And it could be handy to have someone guarding the wagon for us when we aren't with it. If your friend would be willing, that is. Sounds like he's done right by you, so I'd think he'd do right by us if 'us' includes you as well." She listens to the sounds coming through the wall. "Er, how many is he? Or does he just have a partyful with him right now?"
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus (Tag!)

She listens to the sounds coming through the wall. "Er, how many is he? Or does he just have a partyful with him right now?"

Beatrice turns her ear towards the sounds and a little smile rises from her lips. "Just one."

Stewart reaches for two bottles of wine and begins pouring glasses. He does not seem perturbed in the least by the rowdy clamoring. "One of him is equal to many others as you shall soon discover."

Stewart hands one glass to his lady while casually strolling past the great sliding door that separates the two rooms. The door drifts open and you are immediately assaulted by the sounds of Dwarves! Singing, cheering, playing, swinging, kicking, stumbling, grunting, and sticking... Dwarves!

In this large hall dominated by a huge wooden table and many chairs, some twenty proudly-bearded sons and daughters from under the distant mountain-country of Morgandir are carrying on in a most unusual fashion, even for Dwarves!

At the center of their attention is a gigantic green ball about the size of Powerpaw. The humongous ball is rolling around the floor, suddenly changing direction at odd intervals. There are Dwarves stuck to it, smacking at it, or bellowing helplessly and laughing all the while. What few Dwarves have escaped this fate are drinking and playing wild music from instruments, mainly fiddles, pipes, and drums.

There is a collective gasp from the throng as they notice the door has been swept wide open with your entire group's attention on them. A sudden shout in Dwarvish follows!


With that whooping cry, all action and music come to an immediate halt! Bearded mouths hang open. Silence reigns. Embarrassed-looking Dwarves hang from the sticky ball and look about as helpless as flies in a spider's web.

"Oh!" A voice says coming from the ball. "Were we making too much noise? A thousand pardons! We were just having a ball!"

A large reptilian hand grows forth from the ball and sprinkles some kind of liquid over the top of the ball's surface. Gravity does the rest. Dwarves fall off the ball and humiliated thumps rubbing their shoulders and rear ends.

Stewart offers each of you a glass of wine and replies to the ball with a grin. "The Wayward Wanderers have seen through the scroll and accepted! We are to join their company! We are now discussing your coming along, and this is your moment to make their acquaintance."

"Some first impression I've made!" the ball whines.

The dwarves right themselves and stagger out of the way and a very unusual transformation takes place right before your eyes.

The ball rolls forward as if by magic, but it is not magic at all, but the creation of momentum. Underneath the ball sprouts a giant pair of clawed feet. Carefully-manicured fingernails appear on huge hands. Gently, underneath what appears to be a huge shell, a kindly-looking aged head of a turtle appears from the very top, appearing both regal and full of wisdom. Then you see what was a great green ball was actually the shell of a large humanoid-turtle the entire time. This creature and the ball are one and the same!

Stewart and Beatrice turn to you. Beatrice speaks with old admiration, "Please allow me to introduce Auri the Insatiable, the most steadfast protector a lady could ever ask for."

"How do you do?" Auri bows. As he does, you see that he is covered in a number of pockets and satchels along his waist and legs with a couple on his wrists. In one hand, he holds a dragon-headed cane that is lit with some mysterious small fire in its eye. All in all, he appears unassuming and harmless, and very wide and round-shaped, especially in his belly!

Bria gasps in recognition and surprise and rushes up to him. "Endless One! What are you doing out here?"

"Bria!" Auri exclaims as they embrace like old friends. "Why, looking for you!"

"You have found me!" Bria cries out in joy. "Please come and meet everyone!" Hand in claw, Bria leads Auri to meet you!

What do the Wayward Wanderers do?
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Oreleth blinks a few times in confusion that slowly changes to a series of giggles as she looks at the giant turtle. Of all the things that I may have expected, this was not even on the list! Still, Dendarian would have her by the ears if she did not show proper manners, so she takes a step forward and offers up a courteous bow. "Greetings and well met, good Auri. I am Oreleth Soumral, the leader of this motley band of adventurers. If you have been welcomed into the home of good Stewart and his lovely lady Beatrice, then you can consider yourself among true friends with the Wayward Wanderers."

She offers up a smile as she is finally forced to ask, "If I may, and I mean no disrespect, but just what exactly are you, Auri? In my travels, I have never encountered a being quite like you before."
Luna lets out an excited squeak. "Oh, Great Boccob! This is truly a marvel! Oh! Where are my manners? I should introduce myself! I am Luna Calllen of Sommerset." She gathers up her robes for a curtsey, one fit for any good friend of Stewart and his lady love. "Um, just curious, though, are the dwarves included in the joining the Wanderers? If so, we'll have to come up with some sleeping arrangements for all of you."
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(Per our conversation in Adventurers' Table)

Sherwood Sherwood
Sparkle cannot help but stare and gawk. "Bahamut's scales, Pyri! Do you know what he is?" Sparkle's mental tone heavily implies that the lady dragoness whose years are far greater than Luna's own is at a complete loss.

Luna takes a good long moment to study and ponder the Felane-sized, completely round, turtle-person. In moments, has come to a firm conclusion; Luna has no Sharseyan idea what this creature is nor in all of her studies in the Summerset libraries and Boccob's own "Knowledge College" has she heard of any creatures remotely like him. As far as Luna is concerned, this fellow, like the Felane, may be something completely new to Averlund!
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Luna slowly shakes her head, sending the thought back to Sparkle, No, I have no clue as to what this being is, even after all the times I have spent researching in the great libraries of the magic school. This is a new find for us both!
Otiorin Taletreader

Again Otiorin stands in bemused enjoyment of his beloved Bria's seemingly endless friendship with all creatures great and small from across the vast and trackless world they lived in. This tortoise creature (Otiorin had experience of tortoises, several Grey Elves kept them as pets for their longevity, but none of turtles) seemed to him to be at once aged and youthful, flamboyant and humble.
"Otiorin Taletreader," he spoke up, adding his introduction to those being offered by his comrades, "of Waterwind and the world. The pleasure of meeting a friend of my dear Bria is all mine."
He offered a polite bow to Auri.

Art by Peritwinkle
Character sheet
Hit Points: 99/99
Armor Class: 27
Touch Armor Class: 17
Shadow Illusion: 3/3
Shadow Call: 2/2
Shadow Jump distance: 80/80 feet
Defensive Roll: 1/1
Rogue Talent Resiliency: 1/1
Stinger -- uses of Slow remaining: 3/3
Charm of Bastet -- uses of Cat's Grace remaining: 1/1
Action Points: 14
Singing, cheering, playing, swinging, kicking, stumbling, grunting, and sticking... Dwarves!
Dwarves, Kaerri might have expected. "Rough and rowdy" described more than one of those she'd met, after all. Actually, it was a fair description of most of the dwarves she'd met, if truth be told -- but then most of the ones she'd known had been adventurer sorts. In any case, she wasn't a bit surprised to find them here. The person in their midst, though! Giant, intelligent turtles had been far outside of her experience before today, and that intrigued her immensely. Brown eyes sparkling with curiosity, she leaned in and added her introduction to the rest. "Kaerri Rainshadow. And if you don't mind me tossing a couple more questions into the mix -- d'you speak aquatic? Bria, how come you call him 'Endless One'? Is that for everyone to use or just you?"
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus (Tag!)

(Part 1 of 2)

As you converse, the embarrassed Dwarven company sees that you appear quite occupied and take the opportunity to give you all some much-need privacy by way of closing the portal between your two rooms! Music resumes from behind the wall, just loud enough so that your conversation cannot easily be overheard.

She offers up a smile as she is finally forced to ask, "If I may, and I mean no disrespect, but just what exactly are you, Auri? In my travels, I have never encountered a being quite like you before."

Bria of the Ko smiles to Oreleth and Auri. The peaceful healer makes no attempt to disguise a touch of mirth at the Wood Elf's question, for Bria seems to expect an equal amount of surprise from the old creatures eyes as they behold Oreleth. The Ko monk is not disappointed.

"I would ask you the same question!" Auri peers and gawks at Oreleth, examining her as if she were something important and precious. Which, of course, she is. "It is an unusual pleasure to meet all of you. But fair is fair and you asked first." He turns his wrinkled head, kind eyes, and grinning beak toward Bria. "Healer Bria? Just what am I?"

Bria blushes a little, her words coming easily. "Great sir, you are the Endless One, our ancient master to whom we Ko owe... well... everything!" Bria places her other hand upon his armored claw. "Without your guidance and the help of you and your people, we would have never made it here to Averlund!"

"Indeed, but does that explain what I am?"

"Um, these are dear friends of mine. How much am I allowed to tell them?"

Auri ponders this and nods. "A good point!" Then he turns to you. "I will try to keep things simple. It is best that you simply refer to me as one of the 'Turtle People.' Masters of the elements and land sea, we are the longest-lived race in our lands. The other Peoples call us the wisest and the least intrusive." Auri slowly twirls his cane before planting it down with a thump. "We Turtle People have a variety of natural abilities and skills which we combine to defend ourselves when the need arises. Bria?" He turns. "Please perform the Turtle Roll Throw on me."

"Yes, sir." A highly-unusual display of the martial arts follows.

This time there is no surprise on Bria's part. They disengage and face each other just outside of striking range. Bria folds her hands together, one hand over one fist, and lightly bows. Towering over her with his massive body, Auri returns thus gesture and stands prepared each in their own fighting stances.

With a finger-strike to Auri's eyes, Bria feints. "Hai!" What happens next is a blur of motion and skill-filled action. Bria seems to fly across the floor as she sets her shoulder into his body, performs a very swift push-pull technique in order to begin momentum, and then she violently yet harmlessly rolls Auri onto his back. In what feels like a split-second, the large Turtle Person has gone from standing upright in fighting stance to being flat on his back with little Bria standing beside his exposed head, ready to follow up.

At Mark 4:29, the Senpu Enjin technique.
"Virtua Fighter 4 (Vanilla) - Pai Chan Movelist"

From the floor, you hear her master exclaim, "Superb! A perfect Turtle Roll Throw! Now, Oreleth and party, would you imagine if someone of my girth and roundness performed that technique on someone of your size?"

"Waitaminnit!" Powerpaw asks Bria while pointing at Auri. "I let you practice dat technique on me! You tellin' me ol' Turtle-face here taught you how ta move like dat?"

"Uh-huh!" Bria beams. "Master? Would you?"

Auri nods once and Bria moves a few steps away. With a practiced "push-pull" technique of his own, Auri rolls himself to standing position with surprising alacrity and excellent form. This display almost defies the laws of the natural world for a creature his size and weight and mass (not to mention age) to right himself from a prone position so smoothly and in about half the time it would take a young healthy human to stand up. The very technique is worthy of rogues.

Lady Beatrice continues to listen and smile. "And that is just one of the many surprises he has up his sleeve!"

"Oh, it is nothing," Auri shakes his downturned head with a small grin. "I am sure these young people before us do things like that all the time. Thank you, Bria!" He bows and smiles.

Bria looks as if she couldn't be more pleased. "My pleasure, master!"
As a skilled fighter, Oreleth is quite impressed with the raw maneuverability of Auri and Bria. She gives a brief round of applause for the demonstration of Bria and Auri. " Very nicely done."
"I would ask you the same question!" Auri peers and gawks at Oreleth, examining her as if she were something important and precious. Which, of course, she is. "It is an unusual pleasure to meet all of you. But fair is fair and you asked first."
She blinks a few times, wondering as to just where this fellow was from that he's never encountered a wood elf before. "Well, good sir, I am a wood elf, trained as an archer and I dabble in some magic use that I can use through my arrows. If you need any other information about me, feel free to ask."
(Part 2 of 2)

"Um, just curious, though, are the dwarves included in the joining the Wanderers? If so, we'll have to come up with some sleeping arrangements for all of you."

Stewart sighs in relief as he answers. "Thankfully, no! Most of these delightful bunch are in the employ of Ben and Misha and must remain here in Highwind."

"Otiorin Taletreader," he spoke up, adding his introduction to those being offered by his comrades, "of Waterwind and the world. The pleasure of meeting a friend of my dear Bria is all mine."
He offered a polite bow to Auri.

Auri's jaw drops as he takes hesitant steps toward Otiorin. He holds out his claw to shake Otiorin's hand in the method of Averlundians everywhere. His grip clearly possesses physical strength beyond that of humans or elves but the gentleness in his clasp is that of someone who does not wish any harm at all to the man before him, accidental or otherwise. "Otiorin Taletreader is it? Are you... half-elven?" Auri gasps. "I thought your intrepid people vanished from all of Sharseya!"

Bria joins Otiorin's side, grasping his arm in a side-hug and kissing him warmly on the cheek. "Otiorin is my love-mate, sir!" She beams.

"You have a love-mate not of the Ko? What will your older sister think?"

"Bella will wish he had a brother! Hee hee!" Auri and Bria share a knowing laugh.

Brown eyes sparkling with curiosity, she leaned in and added her introduction to the rest. "Kaerri Rainshadow. And if you don't mind me tossing a couple more questions into the mix -- d'you speak aquatic? Bria, how come you call him 'Endless One'? Is that for everyone to use or just you?"

"First," Auri makes a show of reaching down the floor as if picking up something and returning it to his face, "I must replace my jaw from hitting the floor once again. Another half-elf?! Oh, but wait - you asked first, Kaerri Rainshadow." Auri grins at Wave and then at the Wood-elven half-elf. "Gloo'awoo, hiki... pa al'e."

"As the deep is dark, little... forest mouse."

Bria pushes her long brown hair back and leans against Otiorin as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do so. "I really should learn that language and culture sometime; the sea is so pretty and full of wonders." Her eyes look off into the distance as she tries to think of how best to answer the questions brought before her. "The 'Turtle People' are old, old, old. Auri is from a time so far back as to challenge the timelessness of even the Elves of Waterwind."

Stewart gasps. "But they can live for well over 1,000 years!"

Bria turns to Auri who nods before she replies to Stewart. "So can each of the Turtle People. That's why we Ko call him the Endless One. Auri is old even among his own people. We think he is even older than the Ko. As for it's use?" She looks to the Endless One for answer.

Auri shrugs, apparently seeing the matter of his title as nothing to worry over. "It is a term of respect the Ko created for me. If you wish to use it, and in doing so show respect for me, who am I to turn you down?" He goes on a little further. "If all creatures respected each other, Sharseya would be a lighter and happier place."
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus (Taaag!)

Of the Wayward Wanderers, during the martial display, Oreleth, Mamapaw, and Powerpaw fail to notice anything beyond the already-unusual experience of watching a Ko monk "roll" a minotaur-sized Turtle Person onto his back through incredible use of momentum and martial skill. A handful of their fellows, however, see all this and more.

It just so happens that Otiorin, Kaerri Rainshadow, and Luna are watching the right places at the right time. They see the most discreet of transactions as, during the roll itself, Auri passes off some tiny item from his big claw into Bria's much-smaller hand. Bria's eyes grow wide as she seems to feel the item unexpectedly get placed into her grasp, and by the time she is righted to standing position, her face is devoid of any emotion save readiness.

Cap'n, however, made this roll with a Natural 20!

Otiorin is convinced the item Bria received is no larger than the palm of his hand and is currently deftly tucked into Bria's left sleeve - a fine display of Palming from a non-Rogue if there ever was one. And besides... who would think Bria capable of deception?

Auri shrugs, apparently seeing the matter of his title as nothing to worry over. "It is a term of respect the Ko created for me. If you wish to use it, and in doing so show respect for me, who am I to turn you down?" He goes on a little further. "If all creatures respected each other, Sharseya would be a lighter and happier place."

Stewart replies, "Oh, if only it were so."

Bria returns to Otiorin's side with a very happy smile on her cheery face. "Perhaps it will be so one day? Such dreams are always worth striving for!"
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus (Tag and surprise!)

All of the Wayward Wanderers get to enjoy one little more important detail. Bria, never one for masking her feelings when in the company of the deserving (that's you), seems to ponder something briefly. Then her soft brown eyes seem to illuminate as an idea forms. Cheerfully, the peaceful healer slips behind Otiorin and wraps her arms around his manly chest. "Here, you beautiful man! A little something I'd like you to keep with you. It's Wood Elfish, but I don't know much else about it." Bria presents to her cherished love-mate small, hardy, and weathered wooden disk about the size of an adult man's palm with the carving of a great oak upon its front and back. Otiorin's rogue and half-elf senses bring the faint but unmistakable scent of the bark of an oak tree.

One glance at the wooden disk tells everyone with Elven blood that the disk is of Wood Elven make, an item bearing the holy symbol of Rillifane Rallathil, one of the ancient and good-hearted gods worshipped by Wood Elves and Gray Elves alike, though mostly the former. Legends say (automatically known to anyone with 3 or more Ranks in Religion or with Elfish heritage) that Rillifane the Leaflord is either a green-skinned elf or a great tree whose size is so astounding that his roots mingle with every other plant in the world. According to his clerics, "Rillifane is primarily concerned that all creatures have the opportunity to act out their roles in nature without abusing them. Rillifane's cleris are deadly enemies of those who hunt for sport and those who harm trees maliciously or unnecessarily."

(This item has been added to Otiorin's Magical Gear.)

Bria winks at Auri who replies with a shy nod and a brief grin.

Stewart explains to Beatrice what has taken place (he apparently did not see where the token came from). They share a moment of appreciation and then Beatrice makes her way to the hall where the company of Dwarves from Morgandir is trying not to be bothersome. "It is decided!" You hear her say. "We will be joining the Wayward Wanderers on their journeys. I leave my home in your good hands and I expect you to keep up with your side of our bargain."

The Dwarves reassure her that they will. "Could we help you with your things, then?" One asks. In moments, Beatrice begins pointing out the things she and Stewart will need to take with them while Auri follows her along to be her eyes.

Stewart sighs a deep sigh of relief and turns of all of you. The older fellow looks glad at your acceptance of he, his lady, and their great shell-covered friend. Stewart asks you. "There must be some adventure you are all raring to partake upon. We will be ready in short order." Stewart asks in his typically gentlemanly manner, "What else do you mean to do before you away from Highwind to wherever we are bound? Or does our latest adventure together begin inside The Windy City?"
Luna claps her hands together in joy. "Oh, good! I am so glad that is decided! I can't wait to have you with us." She looks around at the group and ponders, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I do seem to recall that it has been some time since I have done any training, and I feel that I am ready to learn a few new things before we hit the road for any other adventures. Sightseeing in this fine city does sound fun, but if we were to take up Oscar on his offer to train us with the crystal ball we have in the Wagon, I might just be able to learn a new spell or two and add them to my book! Anyone else interested in joining me?"
Oreleth nods slowly. "Mmmm, yes. Being the best we can be before setting out on our next adventure is a wise thing to do. I think, however, that we should do this someplace else than in this fine home or in the street out front. Find a good, open place in which to practice our spells. I still am trying to succeed in getting a Fireball spell that I can cast through one of my arrows. That would be a good trick to be able to do, don't you think?"

She turns to the others and says, "Shall we roll our sleeves up and see what we can do to aid in getting Stewart, Lady Beatrice and Auri moved properly into the Grand Wagon? Idle hands and all that."
Bria blushes a little, her words coming easily. "Great sir, you are the Endless One, our ancient master to whom we Ko owe... well... everything!" Bria places her other hand upon his armored claw. "Without your guidance and the help of you and your people, we would have never made it here to Averlund!"
That gets an unusual look of surprise from Kaerri, though she quickly resumes her normal half-amused expression. Not that she was any expert on the Ko, but she'd met a few, and nary a one had mentioned giant turtles!

"Bella will wish he had a brother! Hee hee!" Auri and Bria share a knowing laugh.
Now Otiorin's fellow half-elf looked at him with a speculative expression, rather as if she were wondering if he had a brother.

"First," Auri makes a show of reaching down the floor as if picking up something and returning it to his face, "I must replace my jaw from hitting the floor once again. Another half-elf?! Oh, but wait - you asked first, Kaerri Rainshadow." Auri grins at Wave and then at the Wood-elven half-elf. "Gloo'awoo, hiki... pa al'e."
Kaerri grins back. "I like 'forest mouse.' You can call me that any time." She adds a few words in Aquatic.
"Half wood elf as I am."

Bria pushes her long brown hair back and leans against Otiorin as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do so. "I really should learn that language and culture sometime; the sea is so pretty and full of wonders."
"Anytime you like," Kaerri offered. "I've got this expert right here to answer any questions." She taps her trident gently on the floor.

Auri shrugs, apparently seeing the matter of his title as nothing to worry over. "It is a term of respect the Ko created for me. If you wish to use it, and in doing so show respect for me, who am I to turn you down?"
"I'm more like to use it with irony than awe," Kaerri confesses. "But any friend of Bria's gets respect from me, I just show it different. As for what to do next..."

She looks at the others. "Last I heard we were still waiting for Shalin to finish doing his thing to help us with going after Loviatar's bridge, and I don't s'pose that's changed overnight. And in the meantime, y'all were thinking of helping the nice kobolds with their problem, yeah? Not that being as well trained as we can manage aforehand won't help with both, of course." She puts a hand in her pocket, then pulls it out again quickly with a look of surprise. In her hand is now a small scroll in the green and white of Highwind's livery. "Oh, whoops, forgot about this. Came with the one talking about the hippogriffs* and what with learning about them and Oscar and all -- well, anyway. I'll take a quick look if you don't mind and then jump into the helping with you." Suiting action to word, she finds an out-of-the-way bit of wall to lean against and opens the scroll.

*Chapter 15
Any words the Rogue had to say about his beloved’s sleight of hand were lost when he beheld the simple wooden disk in his hand. That it was of Wood Elven origin was unmistakable, and that it belonged to the Leaflord was obvious by the presence of his sacred mark. But it's purpose? He could feel magic pulsing through it. It made the skin of his hand prickle, but not in an unpleasant way. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensation, seeking to learn the secrets of the disk's power.
While Otiorin is able to enjoy the feel of wood that comes from Elfish lands, he is not yet able to discern how to operate the token dedicated to Rillifane Rallathil.
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus (Tag!)

(Part 1 of 2)

From beside Otiorin, Bria explains, "It's one of Quall's Feather Tokens. The Endless One wants you to have it. My guess is that a Wood Elf discovered the design and created it in the likeness of the trees in the Forest Eternal." Bria discreetly points to Oreleth. "Perhaps she knows? Or maybe ask the Endless One? He'll know for sure!"

* * *​

"Lazy Days" by Enya (because it's stuck in my head, I love the song, and I like sharing things I love with terrific people like you.) =)

Oreleth nods slowly. "Mmmm, yes. Being the best we can be before setting out on our next adventure is a wise thing to do. I think, however, that we should do this someplace else than in this fine home or in the street out front. Find a good, open place in which to practice our spells. I still am trying to succeed in getting a Fireball spell that I can cast through one of my arrows. That would be a good trick to be able to do, don't you think?"

She turns to the others and says, "Shall we roll our sleeves up and see what we can do to aid in getting Stewart, Lady Beatrice and Auri moved properly into the Grand Wagon? Idle hands and all that."

Hearing this, Stewart steps forward with a raised hand of caution for Oreleth. "May I heartily recommend one of the city's many training halls? Unless you've property of your own here, I can think of no better place to loose magic. Arcane magic, besides that the bards use, is seen with some suspicion in Highwind! One too many Wizards and Sorcerers creating scenes with deadly results, I am afraid."

As the party leader hath spoken, graying Stewart and sightless Beatrice gratefully accept the Wayward Wanderers assistance to help while the Dwarven company in the next room begin to clean up after themselves and get the lady's cottage back up to tip-top condition. Many of the Dwarves give Auri a pat, bow, or handshake. It is clear that the mountain people will miss the old turtle and their memories of his company will be long and fond. They do their best to stay out of the way of you and yours.

When Powerpaw notices this, the young and impressionable Felane's interest in the Turtle Person increases. In no time at all, Powerpaw with his usual directness, strikes up a conversation with "Auri the Insatiable" as the Dwarves call him. Some it goes like this:

"Hay, Turtle-face! Bria iz treatin' you like you iz some kinda Ko grandpa or sumthin'. You some kinda guru or sumthin'?"

Auri's reply is easygoing. "I have been many things during my path of life, each a learning stage. As will you as time goes on, I imagine. Why do you ask?"

"Well, we'z adventurers! Ain't an old guy like you da least bit worried about takin' Lady Beatrice given our line'a work? We're gonna be busy!"

Auri just nods. "I have been what you call an adventurer too! I have learned much in those years and consider myself very lucky to still be alive!"

Bria hears this and pauses in mid-stride, stopped still by surprise. "Endless One, you... were an adventurer too? On top of everything else?"

"Oh, it was only a stage, dear Bria. Nothing like the roads and paths you and your fellows here have likely traveled."

"Well, hay!" Powerpaw points to his muscled chest with a claw. "You sed you wuz here 'cause you wuz lookin' fer Bria! Well now ya found her! Knowin' you Ko an' all yer secret-keepin', I ain't about ta ask why - yanno, outta respect an' all - but still, dis Kitty-face iz curious! If Bria here tinks you iz da cat's meow, mebbe you kin teach us kiddos a lesson or two, huh?"

"Fuzzy Goof..."

Auri cannot help but interrupt Bria. "He allows you to call him 'Fuzzy Goof?'"

"Yep, yep!" Bria gives a quick smile. "Fuzzy Goof, Master Auri and I are Ko. There are rules we follow. One doesn't just stride up and ask for teaching."

"Oh, but he just did!" Auri says at the same time Powerpaw says, "But I just dids!"

The three of them exchange a chuckle. Auri gives a little wave. "What is it you think I might pass along to you, young warrior?"

"I wanna learn how ta be a better adventurer!"

Bria and Auri exchange silent and meaningful looks. Auri tilts his head. Bria gives a brief and vigorous nod. Auri smiles. "Well, then! That is all you had to say! I will help you!"

"All right!" Powerpaw cheers.
(Part 2 of 2)
She puts a hand in her pocket, then pulls it out again quickly with a look of surprise. In her hand is now a small scroll in the green and white of Highwind's livery. "Oh, whoops, forgot about this. Came with the one talking about the hippogriffs* and what with learning about them and Oscar and all -- well, anyway. I'll take a quick look if you don't mind and then jump into the helping with you." Suiting action to word, she finds an out-of-the-way bit of wall to lean against and opens the scroll.

This is the scroll of green and white you were given by Lady Bellcastle and her husband, Kenny:

As Kaerri pulls the contents of the scroll-case out into the afternoon sunlight, another small scroll joins it - this one with the regal white and green colors of Highwind's own livery. Meanwhile, a very large, very wide human clad in Saint Cuthbert's own livery over a gleaming suit of full plate mail so magical it shines with enchantment, comes walking from the Church-fortress of Saint Cuthbert. He seems intent on you.

Upon opening the scroll (finally!), Kaerri discovers large-lettered, easy-to-understand instructions on how to operate the crystal ball Oscar of Highwind bestowed upon you. Typically speaking, only those trained in the use of magic and spells can operate a crystal ball (they need not roll). Everyone else hardly has a clue. So, in moments, Kaerri finds herself reading and digesting these carefully-written instructions:

(Dungeon Master note to all: If you are using Dark Mode, the following spoiler will be bright and I don't know how to darken it! Be ready!)

"Dear Wayward Wanderers,

Do follow these steps to activate and utilize this crystal ball. It is linked to another that I keep in my favorite study.

1. Clean the surface of the crystal ball with only water and a soft cloth, preferably one that will not scratch glass.
2. Place the crystal ball directly on a flat, safe surface that ensures no rolling around or this could lead to the damaging or destruction of the crystal ball. If you lack such a surface, I recommend you have a base made for the ball at any carpentry shoppe in Highwind.
3. In the Common tongue, speak clearly and at conversational volume directly into the crystal ball. Ask for Sage Oscar of Highwind. Someone will eventually hear and receive you.
4. Upon being received, identify yourself and your purpose, preferably in a civil fashion. I shall thence be summoned.

-Oscar of Highwind

* * *​

About an hour after this exchange, during which Powerpaw can be seen staying close to the Endless One as they chat and work, Stewart and Beatrice's things have been moved inside the Grand Pool. Beatrice and Stewart's eventually head to Stewart's old room beside what was once Bilal the Rich's in the left-most wing. Once there, you hear a small but feminine commotion and out comes Lady Beatrice and she is not happy with Stewart.

"My love! Call that a bed, do you?"

Stewart stammers. "Well... it is what Master, er, Bilal allowed me to sleep on."

"Well! As Otiorin Taletreader here has dubbed him, Bilal the Belly-filler is dead and every rule and consequence he has put on you is dead with him! Get that creaking pile of tinder out of here post-haste! We shall use... my bed! It will fit in here, won't it?"

You find out! It takes your Wizard (thanks, Luna!), her Familiar (thanks, Sparkle!), Powerpaw, Mamapaw, and Auri (thank you all!) to throw out Stewart's old bed onto the street before their cottage for pickup in the morning and replace that splinter-filled fire-trap with Lady Beatrice's oh-so-comfortable-looking feather-bed complete with golden posts, overhang, and snow-white sheets of the softest silk. This takes another hour of your time. But the fun does not end there!

Once Lady Beatrice makes her way through Stewart's room, stepping on papers she cannot see and assaulted by smells of a dusty room lacking an outside window, she quickly comes to realize the rest of the place is just a mess. It takes the Wayward Wanderers, Auri, and the entire company of twenty-plus Dwarves staying in and around Lady Beatrice's cottage another six hours under Stewart and Beatrice's direction to move everything out of Stewart's old room, clean the place to a high-born's standards, organize it thoroughly, and then replace everything inside with the furniture and contents of Lady Beatrice's own bedroom which must be moved from the cottage into The Wayward Wagon, down the hall, and into Stewart's old room!

It is here you also discover that Mamapaw the Druidess has the magical power to call forth the assistance of a small (and I mean teeny!) little storm elemental! This is "Dizzy," she tells you. The little lightning-filled dervish can apparently do no harm. However, its abilities to make dust and dirt vanish, provide little bits of water for aid in cleaning, and chase after a retreating harmless spider while zapping it with its bright little lightning bolts, all the while freshening up the place and making it smell of recent rain is nothing short of amazing, if time-consuming (it is only about the size of your hand, fingers outstretched, and it follows Mamapaw around for about an hour at a time).

It becomes clear to you all that you are not meeting up with Nitwit the Kobold and leaving Highwind tonight, but tomorrow morning when you'll all be trained and better for it.

Finally, finally, you are done moving! Congratulations! It is sundown, and you are all fatigued but you have earned yet again the utmost appreciation from Stewart and Beatrice! Meanwhile, the Dwarven company from Morgandir have said their farewells and retired in Lady Beatrice's cottage where even they are in need of a good rest. Collected and resting as you are in the Grand Pool room, someone in your fellowship decides it's a good idea that you all retire to the bar together where the drinks and appetizer-style noms are plentiful.

Stewart, mind-weary but able, remarks that he will go fetch the crystal ball you use to communicate with Oscar of Highwind and meet you in the bar. By bringing it there, he thinks you'll be able to chat with furry ol' Oscar in comfort before your training begins (it's probably best that the training takes place in the Grand Pool as it's the roomiest place in the mystical wagon). That is, until Kaerri reminds him that she has it on her person. Stewart, fully trusting the Wayward Wanderer's latest addition to their ranks, has no problem with Kaerri continuing to hang onto it as Oscar's Crystal Ball is in far safer hands with her than it is with him.

Cane in hand, Lady Beatrice is the first to go to the bar, remarking that she is curious to discover if she can accurately remember her way there and perhaps begin serving refreshments to you in thanks.

The good lady is not gone for two whole minutes when all of you in Grand Pool room hear a mighty trio of slavering roars and monstrous cries suddenly erupt from the bar immediately followed by Beatrice's own terrified shriek!


Bria shoots up in alarm. Powerpaw clambers to his feet while Mamapaw shoots him a look of "what on Sharseya is that?"

"Beatrice!" Stewart leaps to his feet and is running in the direction of the bar before he seems to know he's doing it.

What do the Wayward Wanderers do?
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Art by Peritwinkle
Character sheet
Hit Points: 99/99
Armor Class: 27
Touch Armor Class: 17
Shadow Illusion: 3/3
Shadow Call: 2/2
Shadow Jump distance: 80/80 feet
Defensive Roll: 1/1
Rogue Talent Resiliency: 1/1
Stinger -- uses of Slow remaining: 3/3
Charm of Bastet -- uses of Cat's Grace remaining: 1/1
Action Points: 14

Upon reading the scroll, Kaerri shrugs and grins to herself, runs her eyes over it once more, then tucks it away again and goes to help everyone with the moving. It can wait for now.

Stewart, mind-weary but able, remarks that he will go fetch the crystal ball you use to communicate with Oscar of Highwind and meet you in the bar. By bringing it there, he thinks you'll be able to chat with furry ol' Oscar in comfort before your training begins (it's probably best that the training takes place in the Grand Pool as it's the roomiest place in the mystical wagon). That is, until Kaerri reminds him that she has it on her person. Stewart, fully trusting the Wayward Wanderer's latest addition to their ranks, has no problem with Kaerri continuing to hang onto it as Oscar's Crystal Ball is in far safer hands with her than it is with him.
When Oscar remarks that he's off to fetch said crystal ball, Kaerri waves a hand at him to interrupt. "I've got it still," she advises him and anyone else in the room. "Hadn't gotten around to setting it down yet. Oh, and there's a scroll with directions of use for those of us who didn't go to magic-user school." Since Stewart indictates that he's fine with her continuing to hold the crystal ball, the shadowdancer doesn't bring it out just yet.

The good lady is not gone for two whole minutes when all of you in Grand Pool room hear a mighty trio of slavering roars and monstrous cries suddenly erupt from the bar immediately followed by Beatrice's own terrified shriek!

"What in the wide, wondrous ocean...?" Kaerri exclaims even as she, too, runs for the bar. She has her suspicions, though. A trio of roars? Could a certain set of innocent-looking chests be to blame?
Luna lets out a startled yelp, and suddenly remembers the three 'tame' mimics. "It must be Snarfy and his friends having come across Lady Beatrice! Quickly, before they decide to snack on her!" She jumps up and sets off at a run to do just that.
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