Chapter One: Predator and Prey [Anathema Ascendant]

Trinity smirks at the creature foolish enough to strike at her now. Still the small victory was hollow, she was pretty banged up. She throws back her hair and takes a step back. "Aww what's wrong, is the touch of Oblivion too much for you," she taunts sliding her weapon before her in defensively. "Come on, I'm sure you like the taste of my blood. Come at me again." Without warning she quickly falls into a charge, racing at it with a cry. She slams her weapon into the creature before bounding back her eyes gleefuly watching while in the back of her mind the throbbing pain of its attacks were felt.


OOC: 1 Attack (Speed 5): Trinity rolls 10 dice to Attack 10,1,3,8,9, 9,6,7,2,1 (6 successes)

Also, a little lost on our Tick placement Oo

Currently sitting at:

DV 3(5-2 right?) (She'll likely use Flickering Wisp Tech if its attacks break her much diminished DVs)

WP 6/7 | Essence 8/16 and 22/22 | Soak 5B/6L

-0 [x] | -1 [x] [x] [x] [x] | -2 [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] | -4 [ ] | I [ ] | D [ ] [ ]

With ease and a familiarity that came from having done so frequently, Hisou no Tsurugi was drawn out of its sheath as Romanatali's mount, Amalthea, leapt over a small shrubbery. Besides her, in her peripheral vision, the fire aspect could sense more than see her fey companions as they kept up with her. In the distance, sounds of fighting could be heard.



15/05/2010 21:16:53 - Romanatali

Rolled Dice: 7

Target Number: 7

Number of Successes: 2

Name of the roll: Join Battle

Drawing forth the daiklave! Will it bring forth promised victory or doom?

Tepet Romanatali Stats

Combat Defense Values                   Mental Defense Value
Dodge DV       04 +2 (2motes)           Dodge DV            07
Parry DV MA    03 +2 (2motes)           Parry DV            02
Parry DV Melee 08 +2 (2motes)           Soak   16L / 13B / 15A
HL : -0[ ] -1[ ][ ][ ][ ] -2[ ][ ][ ][ ] -4[ ] Incap[ ] Dead[ ]
Essence pool personal 14/16, peripheral 22/22, Willpower 7/7
Anima Flare : 00
Charms ~
OOC: For the sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume everyone can make it to the scene on a dash, aka, 3 ticks after their successes would indicate they've joined battle. Thus, Leoria, Arishat, Izumi, BS Soldier 1&5, BS Soldier 4 will be close enough to join the fight on tick 8, if they decide to close via dash, etc, etc. Keep in mind you don't have to dash, but can instead choose to use buff charms, etc.
[OOC:]The Prophet's going to take a bit longer about things- he'll ready his Razor Claws before arriving. Should I assume he's got enough move to turn up after five ticks of movement, or will it take a bit longer than that?[/OOC]
Arishat orders her soldiers to surround the fight. (They'll all dash to the fight as their ticks come up and take guard actions once there, unless furthers orders contradict this.)

Moving herself up as well to see what or who is actually battling here, The giant wolf spider, Arishat, waits on the periphery for the moment.
MorkaisChosen said:
[OOC:]The Prophet's going to take a bit longer about things- he'll ready his Razor Claws before arriving. Should I assume he's got enough move to turn up after five ticks of movement, or will it take a bit longer than that?[/OOC]
OOC: You can flurry drawing/readying your weapons and dashing as a -3 DV, Speed 5 action, or have them separate, as a Speed 5, -1 DV action and a Speed 3, -2 DV action respectively.

The sound of a charging horse was the only warning the chimerae and abyssal had before a rider-less Shimata charged past the two.

Instinct at the sight of a hideous monstrosity confronting a young maiden (surrounded by a aura blacker than night) took over Romanatali as she leapt from her mount, jade weaponry swinging as her fiery anima ignited around her when the fire aspect landed upon the moon mad anathema horror.

Blazing with azure-white flames that burned as hot as the southern deserts, nay hotter, Romanatali certainly made an impressive figure as if out of a tale of heroes. Especially given the blaze that had momentarily formed around the chimerae from her charms.

"Have no fear, young maiden. It is I,
! Here to save the day."

Whether this was a good thing for an abyssal death knight to hear is debatable. Especially given the fire aspect's reputation in the various tales told of her. Of her quelling various evils and dangers.

Which oddly enough, the abyssal might qualify as... being an anathema and all that. But let's hope that the Midnight can convince the fire aspect that she isn't EVIL! and wants to help protect Creation.



What, you didn't think the reputation 4 popped out of nowhere, did you? Tick 9 since Izumi and Leoria are sort of also on horsies with me.

Also, Knightfall, any stunt die?


- jump on to the lunar! vs dodge DV of 6 ^_^

Dex + Athletics + stunt = 9d10.hits(7) → [10,1,6,8,10,4,2,8,5] = (6)

Excellency 3d10.hits(7) → [7,4,5] = (1)

- Flurry! of 3 attacks (speed 4)

First Attack - attack pool 16 + stunt die 1 + excellency 4- 3 verses chimerae DV - onslaught 0

18d10.hits(7) → [1,5,2,6,2,6,10,1,3,9,9,6,5,7,6,8,3,7] = (7)

Second Attack - attack pool 16 + stunt die 1 + excellency 4 - 4 verses chimerae DV - onslaught 1

17d10.hits(7) → [8,1,6,8,4,10,1,1,10,7,8,4,8,3,9,2,2] = (10)

Third Attack - attack pool 16 + stunt die 1 + excellency 4 - 5 verses chimerae DV - onslaught 2

16d10.hits(7) → [5,1,9,2,4,6,1,8,9,9,7,7,2,2,8,6] = (7)

Damage in die

First Attack - 10L + 4L + extra successes (7 - (DV-0)) - soak = ???

Second Attack - 10L + 4L + extra successes (10 - (DV-1)) - soak = ???

Third Attack - 10L + 4L + extra successes (7 - (DV-2)) - soak = ???

Jump and stand on the chimera - 3L per tick (from anima power while on chimerae) - soak = ping 3L

Anima Flux - 1L per tick (while within 3 feet of chimerae) - soak = ping 1L

Mote spending = 13 peripheral

- 6 peripheral motes for 1st melee excellency! +4 die to each attack

- 3 peripheral mote for dragon graced weapon! +4L in fiery burn damage to target

- 2 peripheral motes for Auspicious First Meeting! Good first impressions

regain 2 motes

- 2 peripheral motes for athletics excellency! +3 die to athletics

Anima ability is ON

- contact with Romanatali does Essence 3L die of damage! like "normal" flames

Anima flix is ON

- being within essence 3 feet of Romanatali does 1L die of damage per tick, hardness prevents damage

Tepet Romanatali Stats

Combat Defense Values                   Mental Defense Value
Dodge DV       04 +2 (2motes)           Dodge DV            07
Parry DV MA    03 +2 (2motes)           Parry DV            02
Parry DV Melee 08 +2 (2motes)           Soak   16L / 13B / 15A
HL : -0[ ] -1[ ][ ][ ][ ] -2[ ][ ][ ][ ] -4[ ] Incap[ ] Dead[ ]
Essence pool personal 16/16, peripheral 11/22, Willpower 7/7
Anima Flare : 13+ (anima ability is ON)
Charms ~
Auspicious First Meeting - commit 2
OOC: Stunt level one. Also, strangely, the fact that her anima is "azure white" is possibly more Wyld than anything I've done with the moon mad so far. :lol:
The strange and queer creatures that are the lady adventurer's companions appear in her wake with inhuman speed and grace, their steeds as close to alien perfection as their own foreign shape, even as the fearsome monster witness the swirling intoxicating fear sticking to the feline knight's form as if a yellow fog, that perfectly smooth and black mask forming on her face with but a thought as her claws slide into place as if on her whim.

The image of fear itself, incarnating itself in a fell and blasphemous predator that hunted now with swift precision, even as the lady leaped toward their foe, the Mare of Promised Victory made it next to the chimera before she could even land her first blow, but Leoria had already thrown herself into the air, spinning with in her deadly dance of life and death as she cut deeply into the flesh of the quicksilver chimera. With claws of peerless gossamer steel cutting deeply into flesh and bone, she uses that pull to pull herself up vertical as if gravity had no pull on her so that she may dig her other set of claws deeply into the area where his heart should rightfully be. She knew no mercy as the Knight of Spade for her visage was fear and glory and nothing else could hold a candle to it. Even the fierce flames of her ally were easily avoided, danced around with barely a sweat broken at the very edge of their licking heat.

And just as the lady Romanatali lay waste to their common foe, threatening to burn her despite her eerie agility, she throws herself away, slidding in a defensive position as she screams with the glee of the god-monster "Come! Let us taste blood together!" she taunts the insane chimera mercilessly, the wyld forever singing inside her wicked soul calling out to the wyld tainted beast's own broken mind.

Izumi herself kept her place on her mist steed, her gaze watching over the battlefield with the distant elegance and domineering presence of one who held unquestionable authority over heaven and earth itself. Soon however she perceived that twisted little Anathema and that did intrigue her, after a fashion, even as she wore the elemental visage of nothing but a minor servant of Creation "Hail, fair maiden." she spoke with inhuman charisma that commanded the woman's attention as surely as the sun travelled the sky "It appears that my companions will care for your troubles. Does one such as you have a name to be called by?" she inquires with unrestrained interest "I would have you converse with me." she speaks it as a request yet somehow it felt as irresistible as an order told from greatest authority.

The confidence she displayed that those who stood by her side would be victorious was something to behold.


2-die stunt!


Flurry! (Speed 5)

Attack #1

Dexterity 7 + Martial Arts 7 + Accuracy 4 - Flurry 2 = 16 dice

16d10 → [10,2,2,3,5,7,6,5,7,9,10,10,7,6,10,1] = 12 successes

2d10 → [8,9] = 2 successes

Total Successes: 14

Attack #2

Dexterity 7 + Martial Arts 7 + Accuracy 4 - Flurry 3 = 15 dice (Foe takes onslaught penalty of 1 on DV)

15d10 → [2,1,2,8,3,4,9,8,5,6,8,8,6,10,1] = 7 successes

2d10 → [9,9] = 2 successes

Total Successes: 9
With a roar of confusion, surprise, and rage, the predator is quickly turned to prey, and, for whatever reason, though it attempts to evade the cataphract's glinting claws, its body does not flow beneath the onslaught, instead taking terrible, rending wounds from the raksha's savage assault, quicksilver blood leaking from the gaping wounds in its flesh. And yet still the beast survives even these terrible wounds, either of which might have felled even the mightiest of mortal warriors alone.

As it wheels about, a whirl of red jade greets it, but this time it brooks no such opposition, defiance gleaming in its bestial eyes as its form flows about the first two strikes, shifting beneath Romantali's feet, though the final and third cut finds purchase, a feral howl of fury spilling from its lips as its silver blood stains the Dynast's blade.

Rearing and wheeling, realizing the battle lost, the creature attempts to bound away from its foes, bucking to throw the blazing Dynast from its back.

OOC: Dashing away 11 yards per tick from the thick of the fight for a total of 33 yards if you don't all kill it by tick 13. Romantali needs to make an Athletics+Dexterity check at Difficulty 3 to stay on top of the Chimera.

Anyone can tell you that it's not a good idea to stand on unstable ground, much less a runaway beast. But when the beast happens to be a flaming monstrosity that is attempting to dash into a dark forest... that isn't what one would call an idea situation.

Not when one is a Dragonblooded attempting to make an impression. And thus Tepet Romanatali found herself reaching down to dodge a tree brunch, to grab hold of scruff of the chimerae's black scaled neck.

"Whoah!" The voice filled with a noble's right to command shouted at the insane creature beneath as she attempted to steer it about with her hand on its neck and whacking in on its rear with the flat of her blade.

That she was also attempting desperately NOT to fall off by clinching with all of her willpower is just coincidence. Really.



stunt die?

Athletics roll 9d10.hits(7) → [5,8,10,4,8,2,1,6,8] = (5)

Anima ability is ON

- contact with Romanatali does Essence 3L die of damage! like "normal" flames

Anima flix is ON

- being within essence 3 feet of Romanatali does 1L die of damage per tick, hardness prevents damage

Tepet Romanatali Stats

Combat Defense Values                   Mental Defense Value
Dodge DV       04 +2 (2motes)           Dodge DV            07
Parry DV MA    03 +2 (2motes)           Parry DV            02
Parry DV Melee 08 +2 (2motes)           Soak   16L / 13B / 15A
HL : -0[ ] -1[ ][ ][ ][ ] -2[ ][ ][ ][ ] -4[ ] Incap[ ] Dead[ ]
Essence pool personal 16/16, peripheral 11/22, Willpower 7/7
Anima Flare : 13+ (anima ability is ON)
Charms ~
Auspicious First Meeting - commit 2
Trinity is severly taken aback. Not only does the tables turn on her current enemy but that table is turned by one of the Dragonblooded. Or... well she thought the strange firey woman had to be one. But the strange alluring creature with her spoke volumes of the situation. It was now well beyond her control. As much hatred as she had for the Dragonblooded her very existance now hinged on several factors. At least it wasn't kill on sight. Trinity considered for a brief moment the words of the woman, the soft, alluring, trusting words that she had come to associate with things that were not all that trusting, but she answered anyway, she saw no reason not to after all.

"I am called Trinity," Trinity responds lowering her weapon slightly but keeping a wary if not defensive measure to her, letting those that were assailing the retreating beast to assail it and her to focus on the one not doing the assailing.


(OOC: Guard action if not socially in combat talky action?)

Currently sitting at:

DV 4

WP 6/7 | Essence 8/16 and 22/22 | Soak 5B/6L

-0 [x] | -1 [x] [x] [x] [x] | -2 [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] | -4 [ ] | I [ ] | D [ ] [ ]
"Unusual choice of name that one, then again I've heard whispered rumors about what comes of names when one kneels at the altar to which you've sworn yourself unconditionally, alluring Trinity." she lightly brings a finger to her lips, as if tormented by some sort of unexpected amusement. It would appear that her inhuman beauty is not only matched but perhaps defeated by her great wisdom. Few in Creation could speak even the most vague details of what is sacrificed to the Black Exaltation.

Izumi lightly caresses the underside of Kitty's chin, the pretty white feline still sitting on her shoulder as ever she does "Still, let us not be rude, and so we return your civility, dark chosen." her lips curl into a soothing smile that revitalizes and invigorates those who witness it, as if her mere presence could sway the course of fate itself.

Weird elemental that one, there could be no doubt yet still she showed no outward sign of any fey nature "This humble servant to the Lady Adventurer is known as the Lady of Snow, but please feel free to speak of her with her given name, which would be Izumi." she moves around so that she is sitting sideways on her mist steed, her legs crossed with womanly elegance unmatched.

"So then, would you speak to me of your purpose in this place?" her request appears fully innocuous, though better judgement may caution otherwise, it is an almost irrepressible urge to confide in one of such noble bearing.

Trinity frowned slightly and tilted her head with a curious then cautious look. What did this one know of the things she was assured only the Lords of the Underworld and their masters were privy of? "Lady of the Snow, my purpose was simply to destroy that which hunts the listeners of the one called the Prophet. For his teachings, strange as I have heard, speak only to strengthen those oppressed. I also came to meet with this Prophet to hear with my own ears his words and warn him as well of the creature. Of course, little did I know that I fell prey to the very thing I hunted." Though Trinity had to admit, the crazy act of leaping onto the Creature that she was fighting and declaring oneself there to save the day was somewhat amusing, if only slightly to one who knew that she should not be swayed so easily into traps. "Now, you hint at knowing of what I am, how? Are you perhaps one of my former mistress's minions." Likely not, with the blantant one calling herself a Dynast, but there were things Trinity didn't know about.
[OOC:]I'm assuming two things here: first, that it's time for the Prophet to turn up, and second, that there's very little chance of him catching that there Chimera on account of having an appallingly poor movement speed.[/OOC]

The Prophet Bound in Thorns

The dull clanking sound of heavy armour- with perhaps the merest hint of a deathly moan at each step he takes? - heralds the arrival of the Prophet Bound in Thorns. His tattered black cloak whips around in the light wind, allowing the others a glimpse of the black spikes and plates of his soulsteel armour, and four wicked blades jut from each of his hands. He takes in the assembled throng with a brief glance, slowing his pace for a moment, then disregards- for now- his fellow Midnight Caste and the apparent elemental talking to her. His attention is fixed on the monstrous, fleeing form of the Chimera- surely the beast that hunts his flock? - and the mismatched warriors attacking it.

Slowing his pace slightly to fill his lungs with the cool night air, he speaks- not shouts, speaks, yet with a quiet authority that carries through the night air to the bestial ears of the monster- and an undercurrent of righteous anger that could, at any moment, rise to the surface. "You have hunted the sheep. Would you now flee from the shepherd?"

As he speaks, he charges his words with the inescapable Essence of Oblivion, the black disc of his Caste Mark breaking open on his forehead.

I know a Presence-based social attack would normally take four minutes and I've got no way to reduce that, but on the off-chance that you decide to let this work, I'll roll some DICE! And that's a use of the Second Presence Excellency for six peripheral motes, giving three extra successes. To be perfectly clear: it's entirely reasonable to rule that this won't work. Anyway. The roll: [URL=""]The Prophet Bound in Thorns rolled the following in his 8 dice:[/URL] 10, 7, 8, 9, 2, 7, 5, 4 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 6 successes. With my three Second Excellency successes, that gives a total of [B]9 successes.[/B] Which may not be allowed to do anything. :oops: [CODE]Defences: Dodge: 2 Parry: 3 (unarmed)/4 (Razor Claws) Dodge MDV: 7 Parry MDV: 4 Soak: 14/16/20 A/L/B Health levels: -0 [ ][ ][ ] -1 [ ][ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -4 [ ] Incap. [ ] Essence: Personal 18/18 Peripheral 26/44 Willpower: 6 Essence spent: 6[/CODE]
She giggles softly at the inquiry, brushing a hand to her lips again, something that could be described as a nervous tick in a lesser being, but in her case it was something else entirely "Knowledge is what I trade in. I do not pretend to know all there is to know, but you are hardly the first of your nature we've encountered on our travels. I have taken pains to inform myself of what I could from their own mouths, and I am confident that lies were not the order of the day at that time." she speaks mysteriously but plainly of her own curiosity.

"Still, I assure you that your former Mistress, whoever she might be, has nothing to do with us. Though I am admitedly a bit pale, I assure you that is only an expression of my nature as a snow elemental." she pretended at being something that she is not, truly a national pastime in Rakshastan.

However the creature who soon made their presence known could hardly be ignored, especially as they fit the description of the one of whom they followed the trail so very neatly. She could have no certainty that they were the object of their search, but still she had little doubts. For now however, she grew somewhat quiet as he spoke with such authority that the poor fool managed to steal her attention away from Trinity and onto themselves.

Now, they had to deal with the full bearing of the fair Izumi's wicked curiosity "You! Sweeping black Lord who speaks of sheeps and sheperds, speak your name if you would take pride in it." she demands calmly but firmly.
The Prophet Bound in Thorns

The darkly majestic figure does not pause as he pursues the foe, merely throwing a glance, a cold half-smile, and a few words over his shoulder at the Lady of Snow.

"I gave up my name years ago. I am known as the Prophet Bound in Thorns."

Honesty seems the order of the day here, given the obvious nature of the other Abyssal, thus the Prophet feels no reticence about giving his title so openly- or, indeed, showing his Caste mark.

The scent of burning meat, the sound of a hound yipping in agony, accompanying the smacking of a daiklave to the hind of the chimerae (the flat of the blade).

The force that Romanatali held on with as she struggled to get the wyld beast to turn would be astounding if one were mortal. But she was more. She was Chosen and Exalted of and by the Dragons. She was one of the countless scions of the Scarlet Throne and the Empress who ruled the Realm from upon it with the mandate of the Elemental Dragons.

"Heel!" And thus did her heritage as a dragonblooded manifest herself as that single word was backed by the absolute confidence that IT would obey her. Such was the right of a dynast to command an animal. And carried along the sensation and notion that it WILL obey her. One that even an insane mindless beast such as the one that Tali rode upon could and would understand.

After all, if it obeyed... the fiery pain might stop, and it would survive. And didn't those beings that others called Chimerae like to live? To survive at any cost?



stunt die? Also, hitting at the chimerae's motivation "survive at all cost" with the stunt.

Dexterity + Ride = 7d10.hits(7) → [10,7,9,6,9,8,10] = (8)

Stunt die = 1d10.hits(7) → [7] = (1)

For a total of 9 suxx verses the chimerae's MDV or whatever it's using to resist.

ST also retroactively change intro stunt die to 2, so more motes...

(23:02:44) Knightfall: The fiery explosion was cool, and on its own warranted a level 1, but standing on it, anima flux and raging fires or no, was stunt level 2. >_<
(23:02:51) Knightfall: If you like, you can retroactively claim the motes from that
Anima ability is ON

- contact with Romanatali does Essence 3L die of damage! like "normal" flames

Anima flix is ON

- being within essence 3 feet of Romanatali does 1L die of damage per tick, hardness prevents damage

Tepet Romanatali Stats

Combat Defense Values                   Mental Defense Value
Dodge DV       04 +2 (2motes)           Dodge DV            07
Parry DV MA    03 +2 (2motes)           Parry DV            02
Parry DV Melee 08 +2 (2motes)           Soak   16L / 13B / 15A
HL : -0[ ] -1[ ][ ][ ][ ] -2[ ][ ][ ][ ] -4[ ] Incap[ ] Dead[ ]
Essence pool personal 16/16, peripheral 15/22, Willpower 7/7
Anima Flare : 13+ (anima ability is ON)
Charms ~
Auspicious First Meeting - commit 2

Emerging from the brush nearby is a young woman draped in a silky, sheer, hooded, white tunic, lacy, thigh-high stockings, and little else. Her vibrant red hair peeks out the front of her hood, but it can also be seen through the sheer fabric of her outfit as a scarlet shadow flowing down her back and chest. Her hands are adorned with gloves that make her fingers appear long, spindly, claw-like, and generally unnatural. Both her hood and the trees above cast shadows across her face, but in the glimpses that can be caught, her features and complexion are faultless (just like the rest of her.) The shadows over her eyes, though, never seem to lift; their darkness is deep and haunting.

Springing forth from the foliage, she gives chase in the direction of the chimera, hot on the heels of the male deathknight. An alien voice echoes from the girl's form with a chilling, whisper-like quality, saying, "Follow." and, one by one, the bestial warriors abandon their positions on the perimeter and take up positions in her wake instead.


1m to shift, 1m for Subtle Silver Declaration

Move action
At the Prophet's words, the beast wheels about, unable to deny his challenge, but, unable to buck the Dynast on its back, instead shifts tactics, and, indeed, its own form, its form twisting and melting, bones breaking and shifting and jutting beneath Romanatali's feet as its body becomes more compact-- too small for her to continue standing on-- instead shifting into the form of some kind of bird of prey, though the Wyld energies that have consumed the beast make what breed all but unidentifiable. Sweeping itself up into the air, beyond the reach of the blades of its foes, the creature's form shifts again, a dim, silver radiance pouring from it as it returns to its 'true' form, that which they saw before, though now massive batlike wings blot out the evening sky above as it roars in defiance of its foes, clearly preparing to swoop down on the one it has hunted for so long.

OOC: The beast's flurried action is Speed 5, for reference.
The Prophet Bound in Thorns

The Prophet makes an imposing sight as he readies himself, crouching slightly with his arms lowered and his soulsteel claws angled slightly upwards, ready for a raking slash as the beast attacks. No time for words now- all his attention is focused on his foe, he waits, a still, silent figure brimming with the promise of impending violence.

Aim action. Will keep aiming until the beastie comes for me, at which point I STRIKE! Current DV is a shockingly poor 3, assuming the attack's blockable; 1 otherwise. [CODE]Defences: Dodge: 2 Parry: 3 (unarmed)/4 (Razor Claws) Dodge MDV: 7 Parry MDV: 4 Soak: 14/16/20 A/L/B Health levels: -0 [ ][ ][ ] -1 [ ][ ][ ][ ] -2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] -4 [ ] Incap. [ ] Essence: Personal 18/18 Peripheral 26/44 Willpower: 6 Essence spent: 6[/CODE]
Suddenly there comes anguish and wrath unlike anything else they've ever seen, Leoria screaming her great anger at being denied her rightful triumph, but that wouldn't last as the Mare of Promised Victory swooped back next to her from the distance, leaping into the air mid-stride as Leoria joined her by climbing on top of her gracefully, the powerful steed's gossamer wings lifting them off the ground as the fearsome creature charges toward the mighty wyld beast.

Leoria's claws gleam in the sunlight even as she cackles her glee, promising nothing but swift death to her foes who dared to challenge her. Soon there is the clear flash of their meeting and the sickening sound of severed flesh. The promise of a long agony was at hand and the swift reaper clad in the thin garnment of gossamer felt her narrative accomplished.

Defeat still completely alien as ever.

But she did not relent yet, only growing bolder at the sound of breaking bones and the rending of flesh, even as mercurial nature flowed around her blade, desperately attempting to avoid the inevitable. The feline predator's movements growing so fast and precise as to be almost imperceptible, she gave herself no pause as her mount flew around the beast, her own claws lashing at the wretched scum.

Such vain attachment to a worthless and miserable existence.

"Now perish!" declares the Goddess of Strife and so does the fell beast follow naturally toward that path. The will and story of the Knight of Spade would not be denied.

Izumi herself appeared somewhat intrigued by the newcomer, that strange lady with the voice as chittering spiders. But there wasn't much to be said at the moment, not with this stupid chimera making such a ruckus. So she diverted her attention to it, idly awaiting her knight to do her sacred duty and slay the monster deigned unworthy of existence by her Lady.


Scratch Scratch Scratch!!

Dexterity 7 + Martial Arts 7 + Accuracy 4 - Flurry 3 = 15 dice

15d10 → [7,8,3,5,8,6,2,7,3,6,8,9,5,7,5] = 7 successes

Dexterity 7 + Martial Arts 7 + Accuracy 4 - Flurry 4 = 14 dice

14d10 → [7,5,6,10,5,9,4,5,8,7,2,9,7,8] = 9 successes

Dexterity 7 + Martial Arts 7 + Accuracy 4 - Flurry 4 = 13 dice

13d10 → [1,3,8,5,1,9,1,4,7,9,10,10,6] = 8 successes
Desperately, fighting for its very survival, the beast's form flows about the attack, gnashing, fang-filled mouths bursting from its flesh, screaming and roaring and howling and snarling, though there may be something akin to fear, or even dread in its eyes.

However, pushed to the very limits of its will, the chimera has nothing left to give to defy the deadly Raksha warrior's next blow. The gossamer claws cleave through its flesh with startling speed and strength, its last cry of defiance dying in its throat as her claws close about its heart and rip it free from the monstrous carcass. The wings holding it in the air waver, for a moment, before vanishing in a burst of silvery moonlight, dancing up to the heavens, as the massive corpse of the dead Lunar hurtles to the ground, landing with a sickening crunch.

The Prophet Bound in Thorns

Rising warily from his crouch, the Prophet walks over to the bestial corpse- warily, watching the assembled throng, particularly the deadly warrior that finally slew the monster. He murmurs a few quiet words- too quiet to hear with the unaided mortal ear; a short prayer to the Neverborn asking that its soul be taken swiftly to Oblivion, where it may no longer oppress the living or the dead, a prayer without the usual kneeling stance. Supplication, as always, takes second place to distrust.

The Midnight watched with admiration and awe as the creatures of the Lady of Snow destroyed the hateful creature. She turns her gaze to the Prophet. So this was the one that drew people with his words, this was the being that mixed ideals and philosphies? Then the question lay, did he leave his Master as assuredly as she had left her Mistress? Which lead her to look to the arrayed warriors in far better shape than herself. She frowned, narrowed her eyes slightly, and gripped the hilt of her weapon tighter readying herself.

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