Princess Psychie
Oreleth settles into a seat as she sets her mind to recount the events of the exploration into the caves. "There was a large group of giants in there, fourteen of them to be precise. The lead giant seemed to be able to sniff out Kaerri from her magic trident that she carries, and offered up a challenge to us through her. If we were to face off against four of the storm giants and win, this boss giant would agree to free all the kobolds. But, if we were to lose, we would have to agree to be their slaves, forfeiting our freedom and belongings to the giants, doing the bidding of the boss baddie."
She pauses, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "It may be possible for us to have pulled off this duel, but we learned later from these little guys that the four giants we were supposed to face would have strapped some of their captives to their bodies, making it impossible for us to attack them without running the risk of killing the very beings we were sent here to help. That would have made things really dicey, and I'm thinking it was a good thing that instead of fighting, Kaerri grabbed the captives and we ran for the hills."
"I wish we could have done more, and if there was a way to face off against them in smaller numbers, we would have been able to wipe them out. But against their massed force there was just no way for us to be able to take them on and win. Some battles are just best avoided."
Oreleth then looks to the rescued kobolds with a smile, saying, "Is there anyone hurt that is in need of a healer? If so, speak up and we will see what can be done for you. Then we can make some arrangements to feed you and get you to a safe place to rest."
She pauses, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "It may be possible for us to have pulled off this duel, but we learned later from these little guys that the four giants we were supposed to face would have strapped some of their captives to their bodies, making it impossible for us to attack them without running the risk of killing the very beings we were sent here to help. That would have made things really dicey, and I'm thinking it was a good thing that instead of fighting, Kaerri grabbed the captives and we ran for the hills."
"I wish we could have done more, and if there was a way to face off against them in smaller numbers, we would have been able to wipe them out. But against their massed force there was just no way for us to be able to take them on and win. Some battles are just best avoided."
Oreleth then looks to the rescued kobolds with a smile, saying, "Is there anyone hurt that is in need of a healer? If so, speak up and we will see what can be done for you. Then we can make some arrangements to feed you and get you to a safe place to rest."