Otiorin Taletreader
As the blessings of the two spell-casters settle over him, Oti felt like his own shadow would have had issues hearing or seeing him. He moved as swiftly and as silently as he could after Kaerri, using all four limbs at times to lighten the weight of his footfalls as he flitted in the Shadowdancer's wake. He moved up with her and, as she spoke to the captives, he reached out to grasp the tiny amulets the tribe all wore. Hopefully they would glow like Nitwit's had done, further reinforcing his comrade's words.
"Come with me if you want to live.", he murmured as he held the amulet up for them to see.
As the blessings of the two spell-casters settle over him, Oti felt like his own shadow would have had issues hearing or seeing him. He moved as swiftly and as silently as he could after Kaerri, using all four limbs at times to lighten the weight of his footfalls as he flitted in the Shadowdancer's wake. He moved up with her and, as she spoke to the captives, he reached out to grasp the tiny amulets the tribe all wore. Hopefully they would glow like Nitwit's had done, further reinforcing his comrade's words.
"Come with me if you want to live.", he murmured as he held the amulet up for them to see.