Luna raises an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of the small figure, her mind already set to release some deadly spells if it turns out that this is an attack of some sort. But from the comments of the person, she slowly eases back on her guard. A gnome or halfling. At first glance, in a dark chamber like this, either one could easily pass for a human child. Which one do we have here? And what is the story behind it?
She says, "Ok, you are not a human child. Would you please tell us who you are and how it is that you came falling from the roof of the cave literally into the arms of our comrade? Oh, I'm Luna Calllen, by the way. Well met, and all that."
She says, "Ok, you are not a human child. Would you please tell us who you are and how it is that you came falling from the roof of the cave literally into the arms of our comrade? Oh, I'm Luna Calllen, by the way. Well met, and all that."
Level: 13
Class: Wizard
Hit Points: 74 +1d6
Action Points: 11 / 10
Diamond of Fate: 1
Armor Class: 18 - 24 Mage Armor II. +2 from Ring of Force Shield
Touch AC: 14 Flat Footed: 22
Initiative Bonus: 2
Fortitude Save: +6
Reflex Save: +7
Will Save: +16
Base Attack: +6 / +1
Melee: +4 / -1
Ranged: +8 / +3
Extended Mage Armor II active for the next 26 hours
Spells memorized:
Cantrips (4): Mage Hand, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1 (7): Magic Missile x4, Shield x2, Unseen Servant
2 (7): Web x2, Protection From Arrows x2, Glitterdust x2, Scorching Ray
3 (6): Haste x2, Fireball x2, Slow, Lightning Bolt
4 (5): Empowered Scorching Ray x3, Ball Lightning x2
5 (5): Cone of Cold x2, Empowered Fireball x2
6 (4): Chain Lightning
7 (2): Prismatic Spray, Mage Sword
+7 damage to all Evoker spells
Class: Wizard
Hit Points: 74 +1d6
Action Points: 11 / 10
Diamond of Fate: 1
Armor Class: 18 - 24 Mage Armor II. +2 from Ring of Force Shield
Touch AC: 14 Flat Footed: 22
Initiative Bonus: 2
Fortitude Save: +6
Reflex Save: +7
Will Save: +16
Base Attack: +6 / +1
Melee: +4 / -1
Ranged: +8 / +3
Extended Mage Armor II active for the next 26 hours
Spells memorized:
Cantrips (4): Mage Hand, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
1 (7): Magic Missile x4, Shield x2, Unseen Servant
2 (7): Web x2, Protection From Arrows x2, Glitterdust x2, Scorching Ray
3 (6): Haste x2, Fireball x2, Slow, Lightning Bolt
4 (5): Empowered Scorching Ray x3, Ball Lightning x2
5 (5): Cone of Cold x2, Empowered Fireball x2
6 (4): Chain Lightning
7 (2): Prismatic Spray, Mage Sword
+7 damage to all Evoker spells