Art by Peritwinkle
Character sheet
Hit Points: 99/99
Armor Class: 27
Touch Armor Class: 17
Shadow Illusion: 3/3
Shadow Call: 2/2
Shadow Jump distance: 80/80 feet
Defensive Roll: 1/1
Rogue Talent Resiliency: 1/1
Stinger -- uses of Slow remaining: 3/3
Charm of Bastet -- uses of Cat's Grace remaining: 1/1
Action Points: 14
"I've got a miniskirt," Kaerri replied thoughtfully. "But I haven't done much playing around with it, actually. Can I turn that into trousers? If not, then trousers and a top would be great." She grinned. "Well, top would be great either way." She thought for another couple minutes. "Well, I was trying to do one of those knots the nobles do. You know, where it's all coiled up and you can't see the ends, so it's practical, but looks really elegant. Maybe it should be braided first?" She half-turns to give Bria a wry, confused look. "I dunno. Do something neat with it that isn't terribly fancy, and I can pull my hood over it. The hairpin oughta keep it in place whatever you do, right?"Bria smiles at the compliment. "Well, I suppose that's why Kaerri should own a Ring of Warmth. I can sew glamoured clothes that can keep me warm! Which reminds me - Kaerri, do you want me to get started on making you a glamoured dress or outfit? I mean, Luna seems to love hers!" Bria pauses and takes out a worn hairbrush from her pack. Then she just about squeals as she gets to work preparing the half-elf's now-untangled hair. "Huh! There! Now what kind of style would you like it in? I'm loving this - there's sooo much you can do with all this hair now, Kaerri!"
Kaerri keeps her eyes on the hapless kobolds as she listens to the giants' talk. A broad grin spreads over her face -- she knew where those eight were! Not that she would be telling the giants, of course. Wave's alarm startles the smile right off. What -- no, doesn't sound like there's time. Right. She quickly but stealthily moves to the nearest wall. If there's anything to hide the trident behind, she does so; if not, she lays it flat along the corner of floor and cavern wall, then steps a few yards away uncertainly and invokes her "hide in plain sight" ability. This wasn't something she'd encountered before, and she isn't sure what the problem is nor how long she's supposed to "put Wave aside." Her best guess is that there's someone or something with the power to detect the trident and so spoil her sneaking. If that's so, then she oughtn't stand too near; but on the other hand she doesn't like leaving it to be found by whoever happens to come along.That is when the real pleading begins! Kaerri knows sounds of genuflecting when she hears them as huge armored knees fall to the earth and great hands pat the floor in repeated bids for mercy while their tongues wag on and on.
Then without warning, Wave sends urgent alarm-filled thoughts into Kaerri's mind. "Mine wielder! Give thought to putting me aside! Mine presence endangers thee!"
What does Kaerri Rainshadow do?