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Chapter Eight: Reflections and The Highest Mountain

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The names "Little Cub and Chomper" bring no recognition to the Sage of the Forest. She shakes her head in confusion. "I am not understanding..." She points to Luna and then to Wolf, "Ah! You mean... she is the 'cub' and you like to 'chomp' her, yes?" She clasps her hands. Her hopeful expression follows.

Upon hearing this, Powerpaw bursts into chuckling and tries to cover his face. Melshaef grimaces.
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Leonard Wolf - The Ranger

Shape: Human

1st lvl spell: Delay Poison

1st lvl spell: Entangle

2nd lvl spell: Wind Wall

The sage's reply left Wolf wide-eyed and stunned. He glanced between her, Luna, and the Felanes in obvious discomfort, fumbling for something to say. "N-not quite. I mean, yes but that's..." As the realization of what he just said hit him, his jaw dropped. "N-No, wait. No! That's not what I meant. How can - N-Never mind! You don't know them. I was just wondering. Ach..."

The ranger stared at Luna, fearful of her reaction to all this.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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Luna turns bright red at the comment made by the Sage. She opens up her mouth to say something, anything, but only a agonized croak comes out, embarrassing her even further. Oh, my God! Is it that obvious that Wolf and I have been together last night?
Having mistaken Wolf's question, the the Sage of the Forest's appears just as surprised and embarrassed as Wolf and Luna. Blushing beautifully, she gasps and folds her hands over her chest. "Please to forgive me! My Common is especially very bad when I get excited!"

"Who is the Cub and Chomper?"
Leonard Wolf - The Ranger

Shape: Human

1st lvl spell: Delay Poison

1st lvl spell: Entangle

2nd lvl spell: Wind Wall

Wolf let out a defeated sigh. "Just... Someone." he replied. "Another ranger - possibly - that I'd met while scouting out the Formorians. It was only a brief encounter, and how we learned that Melshaef's Tree ended up with Mother Leaf, in Earthhome." The ranger faced Sabrefang with a perplexed frown. "I did tell you, right?"
Melshaef nods firmly to Wolf. "Indeed you did, Wolf. I, for one, would be surprised if my tree were already in the hands of Mother Leaf. Earthhome, being Mielikki's primary temple in Highwind, is over a week away by horse. If you met Little Cub and Chomper less than a couple of days ago, it is doubtful they have made that entire trek in so short a time. Still, the two of them are full of surprises."

The Sage of the Forest listens, then raises her hand. "Excuse me. Do you mean to say that this Little Cub and Chomper have the Melshaef's Tree?"

Melshaef's furry tail swishes as she thinks a moment. She looks to Wolf again. "You met them, but you did not see my tree with them. Remind me. Were they going after it or had they already found it? If they have my tree... and the Sage's father went after it directly..." The Felane Druidess turns northward with a look of mild but growing worry.

Powerpaw does not take his eyes off of Havoc or the Grugach when he motions to Bren. "Hay, Bren-face? What iz we doin'? Reunitin' my mom wif her peeps or goin' after dis elfy-lady's dad? Should we splits up an' doez both? Or somethin' totally different?" Powerpaw smacks his open paw with the head of his enchanted club.

Melshaef speaks again. "If we do split up, I must make returning the ten soulstones Glider braved himself for to my people. This is my duty as a druidess. It is also my wish to have Vardadraug and the Daughters of Summertime along with me at that time, if I may."

The Sage of the Forest turns to Melshaef. "The Daughters of Summertime? You are traveling with woodland faeries?"

Without warning, three tiny blonde-haired heads become visible from inside Vardadraug's fur. "Here we are!" "Bright morning's tidings to you, faithful bard!" "Your deeds have long been known to us! The forest whispers your name!"

"Oh!" The Sage hops in joy. "So wonderful!"

Still, many eyes among the aforementioned turn toward Bren looking for sensible and practical direction, or barring that, some wisdom to caress and ease their own worries.
Luna looks somewhat back to normal, but she doesn't meet the gaze of anyone there quite yet. "I would advise against splitting up the group. The last time we had all gone our separate ways was a near disaster that was, by Boccob's own luck, turned into a success by freeing Glider from the mental imprisonment he suffered with no deaths on our own side. It is your call, Bren, and I will of course abide by your decision." Her thoughts go to the near death experience she faced by the implantation and subsequent removal of the strange object into her throat by the Dire Wolf, and how helpless she felt by not being able to cast her spells. A brief shudder runs through her body at the memory. "Can we not take care of both items of interest, one after another? How time sensitive are the two?"
The Sage almost shrieks in dismay. "But my Poppa may be in danger at this very moment!"

Melshaef's reply is cooler but no less fervent. "The families of the people these ten soulstones belong to are just on the other side of that Gate portal! In addition, my people need my presence and guidance now! They do not even know I survived my capture!"

The Sage and Melshaef exchange troubled and unsure looks.

Just then, Powerpaw raises the Wayfarer's Cudgel and roars, "Yeah! An' I iz long overduez fer some face-smackin'! Dere are bad guyz out dere ta kill! RAWR!" When both the Sage of the Forest and Melshaef turn to him with their impatient and incredulous stares, Powerpaw's ears and tail lower along with the mighty club. He seems a little smaller for a moment as he looks back at them uncertainly.

"Uh, moar?" he squeaks, kitten-like.
Brendoran, human fighter/ranger

Standard AC: 27

Fort save: +12

Ref save: +8

Will save: +4

Current action points: 9

Current HP: 87/87

Status effects: none

Powerpaw's tower shield +1

(-2 to attack rolls)

Spell: Speak with Animals

Dannigan said:
"How can this be?" the Sage replies. It is then that her eyes fall upon Bren and Vardadraug. "Ah! It is Vardadraug and Bren!" Moving gracefully and effortlessly as a feather in the wind, she gives Bren a powerful hug and Vardadraug soon after.
Vardadraug licks her hand with a wagging tail. Far-traveled songstress, it has been too long since these ears enjoyed your melodies!

"My voice longs to share them with you, beautiful Exalted Wolf! You are like a furry knight!"

She turns to Bren as if caught between the emotions of surprise and great trouble. "Wow! So nice to see the Bren so soon!"
The sight of this new arrival is so unexpected Bren laughs outright. "Kath'!" He returns her hug as he would for the daughter of any dear friend, as indeed she is. "So soon? It's been some time, by human standards!"
Dannigan said:
The Sage gasps softly. "Now I see clearly. Bren, Poppa is in danger! Poppa could not find the Melshaef with his crystal ball, so Oscar tell him to look for her tree. Poppa found her tree. Thinking it safe with Melshaef and the refugees, he teleport to it. Alone... But when Havoc and I arrive here by Gate, Royin refugees say Melshaef's Tree was not with them! They have to leave Melshaef's Tree behind. With Formorian Giants! So horrible!"
Bren frowns, thinking. In trying to put together all of the information suddenly flowing in, he misses most of the interaction between Luna, Wolf, and the young sage, but he soon returns his attention outward.
Dannigan said:
The Sage almost shrieks in dismay. "But my Poppa may be in danger at this very moment!"
Melshaef's reply is cooler but no less fervent. "The families of the people these ten soulstones belong to are just on the other side of that Gate portal! In addition, my people need my presence and guidance now! They do not even know I survived my capture!"

The Sage and Melshaef exchange troubled and unsure looks.
Bren holds up a hand to get everyone to stop. "Thank you, Luna, for your support. Let's all calm down and see what the choice really is. Kath', you say the Royin refugees are on the other side of Havoc's Gate, yes? You mentioned Oscar. Am I correct in thinking that other side is in Highwind?" He turns to Melshaef/Saberfang. "If so, your people are safe and being looked after as well as any could hope for. Mother Leaf will surely care for them until you arrive, whenever that may be. And have you not also a duty to your Tree? Which is the more immediate concern: the soulstones of those who wait, which may safely be entrusted to Kath' if you so desire? Or Melshaef's Tree, hunted by a tribe of Fomorian giants?"
Leaving the druidess to come to her own conclusions, Bren looks at the rest of his party. "Luna is right that splitting up is rarely the best option. However, Shalin -- Kath's father -- is one of my dearest friends, and I cannot abandon him now, knowing the danger he is in. Even if all I can do is bear witness to whatever happens, I owe him too much to simply leave. I cannot and will not order you into such peril, but I wish you will come with me."

He smiles and spreads his hands. "So, this is what I suggest. Kath' and the grugach return through the Gate, bearing the soulstones to safety if that is what Lady Saberfang chooses, or Lady Saberfang herself if she prefers that instead. Vardadraug, I think you should take the Daughters of Summertime with Kath' as well, for safety's sake. I and whomever wishes to accompany me will seek out Shalin and Melshaef's Tree, and do what we may to rescue them."
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Location: Off the trail, about twenty minutes walking-time west from the The Road of Kings (5 days north of Summerset)

Travel time to Highwind: On day 5 of 14.

Sunday, September 21st, 1118. Time: 10:25 a.m.

Weather: The air is calm yet the forest is unusually dark for this time of day.

Kaerri said:
Bren holds up a hand to get everyone to stop. "Thank you, Luna, for your support. Let's all calm down and see what the choice really is. Kath', you say the Royin refugees are on the other side of Havoc's Gate, yes? You mentioned Oscar. Am I correct in thinking that other side is in Highwind?"
"Oh," says Kath, the grey elf Sage of the Forest of the Grugach, "if only it were so! No, dear Bren. Havoc's Gate leads to refugee camp perhaps a mile away from where we stand now. It seems that they were trying to flee Highwind War altogether by traveling south. Perhaps they try to make new living in Summerset?"

Melshaef shakes her head. "No. My people have no desire to join the Golden City in the Valley, but nor can they make it to Highwind where the war rages. They are lost and trying to find a new home, hence my tree being planted in these strange parts." Her whiskers and ears droop. "We had hoped to start anew here..."

Kaerri said:
He turns to Melshaef/Saberfang. "If so, your people are safe and being looked after as well as any could hope for. Mother Leaf will surely care for them until you arrive, whenever that may be. And have you not also a duty to your Tree? Which is the more immediate concern: the soulstones of those who wait, which may safely be entrusted to Kath' if you so desire? Or Melshaef's Tree, hunted by a tribe of Fomorian giants?"
Melshaef rubs her paws together in thought. "If a tribe of these Formorian giants are indeed about my tree, then I fear for your friend! Brendoran, we have seen the size of the footsteps those giants make and have a first-hand account of only two them able to wreck the forest. What chance have we against those odds? And this is Kath's... father, Shalin, is it?"

Kath nods.

Melshaef continues. "If indeed Little Cub and Chomper made it to my tree and have it, then I have little worries there." She notices a bit of dirt on her paw and licks it clean. "Still, you make an excellent point concerning Kath and Havoc being able to take the soulstones to my people. But what then?"

"Simple!" Kath explains. "Oscar say is O.K. to Gate refugees straight to Highwind! Then they will no longer be refugees, but citizens of the Highwind! So nice!"

Melshaef whirls and faces Kath. "Bright Bastet! This Gate spell can take that many people?"

"Aye! Magic is very wonderful!" Kath claps joyously while Havoc nods with his maw hanging open. "But what about Poppa? Havoc? You can speak with him yet?"

Havoc turns and looks in a north-easterly direction. "No. But Havoc... sense Shalin-sai. He is... there..." He aims a massive claw off into the distance.

"By Hanali's eyes! Enough to Gate to him?"

"Ayeyaiyaiyai..." Havoc nods.

Kath folds her hands and presses them to her cheek. "So nice you are Poppa's familiar. Bren! We can give you Gate to Poppa! Who should go?"

Powerpaw licks his fangs and bangs on his spiked shield. "Yah, guys! Let's get ready ta smack some faces! Hay, Luna-face! You wanna blast some bad guys?!"

Melshaef raises her paw. "Brendoran has the right of it - we have two destinations - to my people and to Shalin's rescue. Who will go and to where?"

"I wanna goes wif Bren! Besides, takin' on giants is a tall order! Get it? Hoo hoo!"

After a brief conversation with the Daughters of Summertime, Vardadraug sends. I offer to take the soulstones. I would also escort the Daughters to join the refugees to their mutual safety. I have followed in Mielikki's gentle footsteps for many a winter and I would provide aid her people with their hour of need.

Kath speaks with charged confidence. "Havoc and I would return to the refugees and see them safely to Highwind with the Vardadraug! If anyone can help my Poppa, it is Bren and his friends!"

Melshaef looks first to Kath but then to Vardadraug. "I would provide the soulstones of the fallen to Vardadraug along with my instructions for my people, and then follow Bren and my son to rescue his friend. Bountiful Bastet and Marvelous Mielikki know that young boys need a mother to look out for them..."

It is that moment that the Voice of the Wood, ever in his black-furred werewolf form, trods toward Kath and the rest of you with his own people right behind him. They show no sign of physical injury and all the sign of readiness. "We have been listening and we Grugach would aid you. We are Corellon's Children of the Wild and we are angry. Formorians, you say? We cannot abide giant-kind in these treasured woods!" Behind him, the host of Grugach growl and howl and ready their various weapons.

Many eyes turn to the Wayfaring Wanderers for their answers.
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Even with her arcane ability, Luna is suitably impressed with the power of the Gate spell. Someday, I will have the ability to cast such spells, but not yet. But I do look forward to that day.

"Bren, I would be a poor friend to let you go into the fray against giants and not stand at your side, and I would hazard a guess that the entire band of Wanderers will join in, too. It will give me a chance to flex my magical mojo now that Glider helped us to train ourselves to our current skill. Let those giants learn the penalty for crossing a Wizard of the Callen line!"

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Read Magic

1 - Shield, Magic Missile x2, Unseen Servant, Ear Piercing Scream

2 - Scorching Ray x3, Protection From Arrows

3 - Haste, Fireball, Displacement, Lightning Bolt

4 - Ball Lightning x2, Shout

Extended Mage Armor in effect until 1 am
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Leonard Wolf - The Ranger

Shape: Human

1st lvl spell: Delay Poison

1st lvl spell: Entangle

2nd lvl spell: Wind Wall

Wolf patiently listened until the discussion quieted down and expectant looks were finally thrown his way. "You have my bow." he nodded towards Bren. "And sword." he added with a corner smile. "And... Well, teeth. Claws. You know. I'm with you."

Having said that, the ranger looked upon Luna. He didn't say anything to her, but he didn't have to. In fact, that one warm, firm look contained more affection and reassurance than he could ever put in words. At least not on such a short notice.
Brendoran, human fighter/ranger

Standard AC: 27

Fort save: +12

Ref save: +8

Will save: +4

Current action points: 9

Current HP: 87/87

Status effects: none

Powerpaw's tower shield +1

(-2 to attack rolls)

Spell: Speak with Animals

Bren's eyes soften at his companions' offers of support and care. "Thank you, my friends. It appears we have decided, then. Havoc will create a Gate to Shalin for we who are going on that mission, after which he will take Kath', Vardadraug, and the faeries to the refugees and thence to Highwind. Vardadraug will also be bearing the soulstones of Lady Saberfang's fallen and her messages to her people." He looks to the grugach and nods. "It would be foolish to turn down such help, but on this mission we must trust that we will be guarding each other's backs, not attacking them. Let us all save our ire for the giants!"

Bren hasn't forgotten about the wagon and the rest of our merry band, but he believes that if the rescue is successful, his friend should be able to return the party to this spot or even to the wagon itself. If it isn't successful, well, we'll probably have a lot more to worry about than that!
HP: 56

Spells per day(1st:2nd)/remaining(1st:2nd): 4:3

Spells available: Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sounds, Open/Close, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Gravity Bow, Shield, Summon Monster 1, Mage Armor, Ice Slick

Active effects: Mage Armor, Shield, Draconic Claws

Otiorin observed all that went on between his fellow Wayfarers, The Sage and the Grugach from the edge of the conversation. Now, more than ever before, he yearned to be close to Bria again, but the talk seemed to be that they would be going further away from her and those who remained back at the Grand Wagon. He wanted to vote to return, but the earnest nature of The Sage's plea pulled at his heart.

"Aye.", he said quietly, once a lull in the discussion occurred, "Onward to aid this Shalin fellow, then on to Highwind with the allies we left behind us."
The following scene, while focused around Otiorin, is easily heard by the other Wayfaring Wanderers. Any of your characters can interact or not as you please.

(OOC Note: I just like the peaceful flow of this song. It's not here for the lyrics, but for the peace and beauty of the tune. Its mood provided me the feel I wanted for this post. =) )

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Now, more than ever before, he yearned to be close to Bria again, but the talk seemed to be that they would be going further away from her and those who remained back at the Grand Wagon.

Otiorin notices a comforting feeling of coolness. It comes unexpectedly from his hip where the Moonlit Edge is sheathed and resting. Call it an impulse if you will, but the notion of drawing the keen Gray Elven blade enters Otiorin's mind, if only for another chance to admire it for a moment. With his hand upon the ever-familiar handle, the enchanted blade slides forth from its home.

Along its frosty sheen, there is the familiar feeling of confidence an adventurer gets when the hand is enclosed upon some special and proven item as this. This is especially so as he gazes upon the beautiful steel along the flat of the blade. For one long moment, Otiorin can see a reflection from the Moonlit Edge...

...but for once, it is not his.

Otioirin sees Bria's face looking right back at him. Her brown hair moves as if touched by the wind. She smiles softly as if proud of him.

Then the vision fades. Its surface returns to its usual icy sheen and all feelings return to Otiorin's own. He stands there but a short distance from the age-old battlefield. He hears a melodic female voice close by.

Kath of the Gray Elves, Daughter of Shalin, the Sage of the Forest for the Grugach, stands watching. Her hands are folded and blue eyes are wide as she gazes upon the magical blade in Otiorin's hand with a reverence as if it were something sacred. She speaks in her mother tongue, though with that strange accent that no Gray Elf save her seems to use.

(OOC Note: Her Elvish is remarkably better than her Common. =) )

"By the warmth of Hanali's beating heart! This is the fabled, lost sword that so longs for its mate! Its gleam is as beautiful as the rainbows in twilight in the skies of the far Frozen Reaches, and twice as lonely."

Kath's eyes rise to meet Otorin's own. She speaks, nodding.

"The hour of our parting is before us. When we will meet again is known only to the stars. Before our paths split, my heart longs to share with you something important about this blade you have been gifted with."

"Your mother was as brave as your draconic sire to bestow her to you thusly, for alone in Waterwind, it will never find its mate. At least in your hands, it has a chance to be reunited with its loving flame, not on proud display on some ageless mantle or hidden away from the sun like a rogue's bounty."

She smiles, eyes gleaming in joy, with that ageless loveliness only the fey possess. "My heart sings to tell you that our people no longer hunt for the Moonlit Edge. While there is no time for me to give you the details, suffice it to say, the wise among our people believe the Moonlit Edge to have a soul of her own, and so, like any Elven-born soul, she deserves every chance for happiness at finding the Sunfire Blade. The wise have convened. They have said the swords deserve the chance to be together again as they once were. As they should be."

"Having decided this, no authority from Waterwind now desires to seek you out and return the Moonlit Edge to Waterwind. Nor is your wonderful mother in any further social dangers. She only wishes you all that a mother could."

"I just wanted to ask you before we walk our different roads - what will you do with them once you have reunited them?" Kath pauses and gives you a look of longing. "You too long to have them together again, do you not?"

As Kath waits for Otiorin's answer, she glances only once up to Havoc the Vorgore. The towering, flaming traveler of worlds stares easily into the morning sky. He seems to stare not at the clouds nor the sun nor anything so near, but to something beyond. His great black claws begin to point at things apparently only he can see. He speaks words in his native language and while you cannot understand them, you could swear by his tone and body language he is reciting something. Names, perhaps. But what he is counting and naming cannot be seen by your eyes at this time.

Long moments pass. A second Gate is forming much like the first. While the Grugach point and back away fearfully from this incredible magic, the Voice of the Wood murmurs something to them in Elvish. His phrase seems to strengthen them all. They gaze at the forming portal with a new eagerness.

Kaerri said:
He looks to the grugach and nods. "It would be foolish to turn down such help, but on this mission we
must trust that we will be guarding each other's backs, not attacking them. Let us all save our ire for the giants!"
The Voice of the Wood replies with a grim look. "Fear not, manling. Our word is bond as long as we are able to hold it. You may trust in us as you seem to trust in our Kyrasani."

It is then that Vardadraug and the Daughters of Summertime move to join Kath and Havoc for their journey back through the first Gate. Three little blonde heads pop out from their invisibility and wave the way happy little girls of any age do. "It has been quite the adventure with you, Wayfaring Wanderers!" "Please be careful with the Hunters of the Hinderlands! Their strength is only surpassed by their hideousness!" The third of the trio puts a tiny finger to her tiny lips and adds, "They do not throw at what they cannot see and they are far smarter than their Hill Giant cousins! Underestimate them not!"

Vardadraug pads up to Bren and brushes his furry head against his leg. How many adventures have we shared, Brendoran? Truly, of all the humans I have walked paths of shadow and danger with, yours is a special brand of bravery and wisdom that will see all through to the sun again! Please give the Silent Sorcerer my kindest regards; long has he risked blood, bone, and even soul in the name of the forest and its many dwellers.

Havoc gives a pleased rumble, for finally the Gate is made. You can step through it as you please.

As for what lies beyond, that can only be told in the pages ahead. =)
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HP: 56

Spells per day(1st:2nd)/remaining(1st:2nd): 4:3

Spells available: Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sounds, Open/Close, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Gravity Bow, Shield, Summon Monster 1, Mage Armor, Ice Slick

Active effects: Mage Armor, Shield, Draconic Claws

Following the strange impulse, Otiorin's heart jumped into his mouth at the sight of the woman he loved. And, despite the vision fading, he felt his resolve renewed within him. A smile played across his features and he turned as he heard the approach and words of Kath. Once she had said her piece, he responded.

"Aye, the knowledge that my mother faces no further reproach lifts my heart, and also that I am no longer sought by those in authority. What is my intent once I reunite Moonlit Edge with Sunfire Blade? I wish to create a further legend that will only enhance the legend of these two blades. I wish to add my name to the scroll of heroes who have wielded the blades in the name of all that is good and right. I intend to face the terrors of this world and vanquish them, so that younger generations shall not quail in fear at their passing. I want to make it so that the suffering of others will be a short-lived thing and I want to be the best person I can be."

He nodded, emphatically, speaking the words that had been in his heart for so long. Giving voice to them made his stand straighter, as if he were speaking sacred words before the altar of a god, offering obeisance to some great deity of goodness.

"But most of all, I want to be able to protect those I love.", he finished with a smile.
Brendoran, human fighter/ranger

Standard AC: 27

Fort save: +12

Ref save: +8

Will save: +4

Current action points: 9

Current HP: 87/87

Status effects: none

Powerpaw's tower shield +1

(-2 to attack rolls)

Spell: Speak with Animals

Bren nods to the Voice. "I will do so, and gladly."

At Vardadraug's approach, he smiles and lays a hand on the wolf's shoulder, as he would any humanoid friend. "I will pass on your message. Continue to care for those entrusted to you as I know you will, and may Mielikki guide us to a new meeting soon." His smile widens as he turns his attention to the Daughters of Summertime. "Thank you, friends, for your advice and for your gifts." Looking up at Havoc, he grins wryly. "Thank you for your help. If all goes well, Shalin will be with you soon." Waiting until Kath' and Otiorin seem finished, the big human speaks lastly to her, with a joking expression on his face, "Stay safe! I don't want to have to rescue you after rescuing your father."

The farewells finished, Bren faces the newly-cast Gate and squares his shoulders resolutely. "We don't know what we're going into, so everyone be prepared for a fight from the moment we arrive. Luna, please have Haste ready to go but don't cast until we're through. If it turns out we don't have to instantly join battle, I don't want your spell wasted. Everyone else, weapons and defenses ready." Suiting action to word, he draws his axe and shield, and steps forward to be the first one through as soon as everyone else is ready.
Luna nods. "Don't worry Bren. I have it lined up and ready to cast at the first sign of trouble. Sparkle, keep your eyes open. Your keen eyes frequently spot danger before anyone else does. That has saved us both on more than one occasion."
HP: 56

Spells per day(1st:2nd)/remaining(1st:2nd): 4:3

Spells available: Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sounds, Open/Close, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Gravity Bow, Shield, Summon Monster 1, Mage Armor, Ice Slick

Active effects: Mage Armor, Shield, Draconic Claws

His brief conversation with Kath ended, Otiorin turned to see his fellow Wanderers preparing to step forth and enter the Gate that yawned open before them.

He chuckled and nudged Luna with his elbow as she responded to Bren's warning.

"Then I'll just put out my own eyes and let Auntie Sparkle do all the observing.", he teased, a grin splitting his face.

He turned to look back toward the direction he reckoned the Grand Wagon to be.

"Stay safe, my friends, especially you, Bria. I don't want to come back safely to find you've wandered off into some other calamity that I'll have to rescue you from.", he said quietly.

Then he turned to the Grugach as they mustered for their own journey.

"I shall seek this villainous Half-elf, the harbinger of your downfall, and I shall do all in my power to bring them the justice they so rightly deserve. You have my word on that."
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]"Aye, the knowledge that my mother faces no further reproach lifts my heart, and also that I am no longer sought by those in authority. What is my intent once I reunite Moonlit Edge with Sunfire Blade? I wish to create a further legend that will only enhance the legend of these two blades. I wish to add my name to the scroll of heroes who have wielded the blades in the name of all that is good and right. I intend to face the terrors of this world and vanquish them, so that younger generations shall not quail in fear at their passing. I want to make it so that the suffering of others will be a short-lived thing and I want to be the best person I can be."

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]"But most of all, I want to be able to protect those I love.", he finished with a smile.

Hearing this, Kath gives a delighted cry. She looks about to all of the Wayfaring Wanderers as she says in the Common Tongue, "Otiorin Tale Treader, you speak of heroism! If you and your friends are holding true to this and become very worthy of your words, then I shall add song of your deeds to all who will hear them. For I am Talesinger, or as humans call us, Bard. To live and sing and share is my life! Talesingers spread the mighty songs and the stories of heroes of today and yesterday, like wonderful Bren and The Light in the Dark at the Adventurers' Guild in Highwind."

Powerpaw gawks in confusion. "Whoa-whoa-whoa... You sayin' Bren's last party hadda real song written about 'em?"

"Aye! Gander the Gnome Talesinger wrote it. I sing it with blissful pleasure!" Then she pauses and glances to Luna. "But you speak of Glider, no?"

Vardadraug's fluffy tail wags as he seems to smile as he addresses Kath. Worry not, energetic daughter of the Elves. I will tell you much of these heroes, these Wayfaring Wanderers, as we join the refugees of the Three Rings. Including Glider.

"Glider lives?!" Kath literally jumps up and down in excitement. "Oh, how my ears long to hear your words, Exalted Wolf! Poppa must learn this!" Vardadraug grins in reply and then he turns.

Vardadraug's eyes look up into Wolf's as he trots over and stands beside the ranger. I dearly hope that our life-trails entwine together again and soon. Mielikki has much need of the kind of wonder of courage that you possess, for there are many more evils than the Dire Wolf of Dalsus that threaten our kin and kind. If we do not meet again, I have greatly enjoyed our run together. You and Pecker are special people.

Havoc the Vorgore looms and gazes at all of you, especially Luna. He gestures to her and makes a remark to her in his own language. Kath looks up to him then back to Luna. She translates. "You. Magister. Firesoul. You said you Wizard of Callen? Inform my familiar, Shalin. Say Callen! He knows." They nod together to Luna.

Havoc then look across Hope's Descent. His look is distant and thoughtful as he absently paws the battlefield. Kath puts her hand upon his leg. His bright flames do not cause her the least bit of discomfort; they only to illuminate her. "Fierce Havoc," she says. "You miss Prince Chyphen of the Sky and his half-elfs, yes?"

Havoc nods and sighs. "Ayeyai... Chyphen die... too soon... but in much glory... He die like Vorgore should... in battle, killing enemies."

Melshaef and Powerpaw approach Kath and Havoc, their weapons aimed toward the second Gate. "Talesinger Kath?"


Melshaef bows and deeply so. "As a mother, I learned long ago that try as I might, I cannot be in two places at once. I thank both of you for delivering Vardadraug, the Daughters of Summertime, and the souls of the lost back to my people. I had thought that the name Melshaef would die today..." she sniffs, "but it seems the Goddess of the Forest has different plans for me for now. I thank you for your assistance."

Kath smiles. "It is no more than you are doing for me, kind Druidess."

Sherwood said:
"Sparkle, keep your eyes open. Your keen eyes frequently spot danger before anyone else does. That has saved us both on more than one occasion."
The Pseudo-dragon's ears twitch as she curls her sting-tail about her tiny body. I am ready for the dangers however unknown, Pyri. I do desire to meet this Shalin, for no arcanist I have ever read about or known has had one of the ever-raging and violent Vorgore for a familiar. Vorgore bow their heads to no one, no kingdom, no god, no pantheon. I am greatly looking forward to seeing with my own eyes what kind of magic user is worthy of a pairing of this unheard-of magnitude.

It is then that the Grugach approach the Wayfaring Wanderers all in their Elvish forms, all save the Voice of the Wood. These hardy, leather-clad sons and daughters of Corellon wear expressions of great purpose and anger as they glare at the second Gate, or more aptly, what lies beyond. Bows and red arrows at the ready, hands on curved steel, and quiet like an owl in flight, they creep with lightness that only Elves of the woodlands possess. Their wild hair and blazing green eyes look to one another with single, steely resolve.

"Hey, Voice-face!" Curious as any cat, Powerpaw calls over to the Voice of the Wood. "How come you isn't Elfie-lookin' like da rest of yer clan?"

The Voice of the Wood turns briefly to Powerpaw, putting aside his wrath against the giants for a moment. "I... The Betrayer and the Curse took my old body away from me during the hour of our betrayal when our last Sage of the Forest died. I am the only one among us who cannot transform back into the likeness Corellon blessed me with."

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Then he turned to the Grugach as they mustered for their own journey.
"I shall seek this villainous Half-elf, the harbinger of your downfall, and I shall do all in my power to bring them the justice they so rightly deserve. You have my word on that."

That gets an honest, good-hearted chuckle from the Voice of the Wood. "Not if we catch the Betrayer first, Tale Treader. Heh, heh, heh... Until then, we will make these orc-kissing Formorians pay for trespassing on this wood and its many wellsprings! They will return screaming to their own lands!"

And for the first time perhaps in all Sharseyan history, the Grugach line up behind a human, Bren, to guide them into battle.

"Make no mistake, Son of Man - our sole focus lies on the Formorians. Not their ogre pawns, not their ogre magi servants, but the giants themselves, for they are the root of the trouble. Long has it been since Grugach has fought Formorians and earned their hate. We will remind them why these lands and their like are not to be trampled upon."

He looks at Bren grimly. "Rescue your Gray Elvish friend in the meantime. Are we in agreement?"

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]"Stay safe, my friends, especially you, Bria. I don't want to come back safely to find you've wandered off into some other calamity that I'll have to rescue you from.", he said quietly.

Meanwhile, back at the Adventurers' Wagon with Bria, Stewart, Glider, the Meadowsweets, and the Killer Mimics, it's like this...

Ha ha ha! =) =) =)
Brendoran, human fighter/ranger

Standard AC: 27

Fort save: +12

Ref save: +8

Will save: +4

Current action points: 9

Current HP: 87/87

Status effects: none

Powerpaw's tower shield +1

(-2 to attack rolls)

Spell: Speak with Animals

Dannigan said:
"Whoa-whoa-whoa... You sayin' Bren's last party hadda real song written about 'em?"
"Aye! Gander the Gnome Talesinger wrote it. I sing it with blissful pleasure!"
Bren reddens slightly, but manages a calm tone as he says, "I'm sure the Wanderers will be equally famous in time. Maybe you can help with that, Kath!"
Dannigan said:
The Voice of the Wood turns briefly to Powerpaw, putting aside his wrath against the giants for a moment. "I... The Betrayer and the Curse took my old body away from me during the hour of our betrayal when our last Sage of the Forest died. I am the only one among us who cannot transform back into the likeness Corellon blessed me with."
Bren's expression softens in compassion, but he says nothing, not wanting to offend (some cultures find pity offensive, and he's not sure if the wild elves are one of them). Also, he really can't think of anything to say. But his eyes say it, all the same.
Dannigan said:
He looks at Bren grimly. "Rescue your Gray Elvish friend in the meantime. Are we in agreement?"
Bren nods firmly. "That we are. Mielikki see us all safely through this."
Dannigan said:
And for the first time perhaps in all Sharseyan history, the Grugach line up behind a human, Bren, to guide them into battle.
As Luna steels herself to go through the gate, she gives a bit if caution, "Everyone, my Haste spell only has a range of 45 feet, and works on only eight people. I will try to make sure that all of my comrades are in the area, along with as many of our new friends as I can."
Leonard Wolf - The Ranger

Shape: Human

1st lvl spell: Delay Poison

1st lvl spell: Entangle

2nd lvl spell: Wind Wall

Wolf kept close to Luna, walking on her left side and making the last few routine checks to his gear. He sent his farewells to those he'd be leaving behind with his eyes and encouraging nods. Then he fixed his attention on the Gate that loomed before them. "This is going to be some kind of something." he muttered, mostly to himself but loud enough to be heard.
Location: Off the Road of Kings, somewhere in Southern Shandra's Evergreen (9 days south of Highwind)

Travel time to Highwind: On day 5 of 14.

Sunday, September 21st, 1118. Time: 11:00 a.m.

Weather: The air in this forest is filled with an electric charge, though beyond things seem sunny and calm.

There, surrounded by the sunlit branches of Shandra's Evergreen, Vardadraug, the Daughters of Summertime, Kath Riversbane, and Havoc all wave a happy farewell to the Wayfaring Wanderers and Grugach as you proceed through the Gate spell.

(Incoming joke in spoiler)

Unfortunately, while looking behind you and waving goodbye, all of you miss the second Gate spell and instead step through the first Gate spell Havoc cast and...


Bren takes the first steps into the unknown, followed by the rest of you, and into the fiery, gleaming gateway you are borne swiftly away from Hope's Descent.  Walking through this Gate is like walking into a gigantic tunnel flowing with near-blinding magical energies and wild sigils writhing in fire, bright and dancing in ways that pull the body and imagination in unnatural ways.  For it is not a natural act for creatures such as yourselves, however unusual and gifted, to take step into portals such as these.  One moment, you are taking one step after another and the next you are speeding along like a runaway comet through the vastness of the starry beyond.

For the Wayfaring Wanderers, this is all something new, save for Bren who has done this before.  But do forgive the brave warrior if he forgot to mention that sometimes strange, very strange things can happen whilst being propelled along by the Gate spell.  This legendary dimension-crossing highway is not sometimes without its own original road-signs...  as you soon discover...  

(Mood Music.  David Gilmour's "Until We Sleep")

The Wayfaring Wanderers, from the smallest dragon to the largest Felane, suddenly take on powerful, irresistible visions that enter the mind fully and unbidden.  The visions are all-encompassing, drowning out every sense and ability with a magnitude unknown and unexperienced by most mortal beings (even other adventurers).  It is as if you are now suddenly travelling down a blurry highway in that special place you reach only when you sleep in your deepest of sleeps.

It is like Dreamland come alive with all of you dreaming the same dream together...

The first vision: All the world is cold and white and pulled incessantly by biting winds and frosty hills and lakes.  The terrible chill is so deep that it clutches the bones in your body with a vice-grip and nowhere is there relief to be found.  You see hands, a young human's hands, barely covered in black, rotting gloves.  Desperate fingers grasp ungiving iron bars from within an icy cage.  The cage is dragged along by enormous blue-skinned bipedal creatures, larger than minotaurs, stronger than ogres, cloaked with fur and clad in towering steel.  They pause in their trek and all things come to a halt.

Inside the cage, the young man, bearded and ragged, weeps heartbroken and alone.  He prays aloud for freedom and warmth.  He prays but no one seems to hear his plea.

There, just outside the cage, unseen by the young man, there stands a young woman of unearthly beauty with wild blonde locks and evergreen eyes filled with sorrow.  Her hands are upon his as if trying to keep them warm.  Beside her, a wolf and a hawk await her bidding.  With an outstretched hand, she points toward the warm horizon.  Both animals leap, one to the earth, one to the sky, and vanish, leaving the white-clad woman holding the hands of the battered and freezing young man.  

Then she too is gone and the young man is alone again as the trek through the harsh wastes continues...

The second vision: A majestic city topped with green and white flapping flags crowns a magnificent mountainside like some great beacon of hope to the homeless and light to the lightless.  Small dragons with riders swoop in formation about the realm with its glistening river and plentiful forests.  There, inside the city, minotaurs roam alongside dwarves and humans and hobbits and four-legged cat-like creatures (wemics) and centaurs, all of them mingling freely and with much civility.  

There, inside the city, high on rocky steps, apparently completely oblivious to the goings-ons of the city around him, sits a tall, lean man whose neck-length hair is dove-white with oncoming years.  He wears a fine green doublet over brown pants and high boots with a single silver necklace and ring as ornament.  He pantomimes.  His long fingers occasionally reach up to turn a page seen by no one but himself.  His bright gray eyes look from left to right, over and over, as if taking in difficult knowledge with a much-practiced ease and pace.  His lips move, mouthing words as if reading aloud, but he does not speak them.  People of the city pass him by.  They do not call out to him and they do not approach, but instead walk by in awe and wonder as if he were some living monument, some unusual rarity in the world.

But a pretty little someone among their number chooses to be different.

Bria, clad in her brown and white Ko battle robes appears out of the crowd, her long beautiful brown hair dancing in the wind.  She sits beside him, comfortable and slightly unsure, as if deciding how to get his attention.  Finally, she looks up, turning to face him with her ever-peaceful brown eyes.  She grins.  In her ever-soft and friendly voice, you hear Bria ask him a question.

"What are you reading today, Oscar?"

It is then that you find yourselves again on solid hilly earth, breathing Sharseyan air, surrounded by the vast armies of trees that make up Shandra's Evergreen...  

The dream is gone, lingering only in your minds like mist across a morning field.  The Gate is gone too.  The Grugach are already slipping into the cover of trees and shrubs, arrows and steel at the ready as they disappear like ghosts in a child's imagination.  

There is a tremendous electric feeling in the air around you as if a charged storm had just took its leave of the place.  You sense that each of you feels it.  Even the fur on Mamapaw and Powerpaw stands a little on edge as you survey your surroundings.  You see cracked trees here and there as the sunlight of the day illuminates the woods about you.  The faint trickle of a stream nearby reaches your ears, but it is the smell that first brings your attention to the unusual.

Around you, in various unhappy and twisted contortions, are some ten corpses of freshly-killed ogres.  Smoke drifts from their bodies.  They are blackened and burned and yet there is not a single sign of like damage upon the trees or greenery surrounding you.  These ogres, however, are quite a bit different than the ones you faced just days before when you freed Sabrefang the Druidess from Gerran's greedy clutches.  Unlike those brutes, these ogres are clad from head to toe in chain mail armor.  New-looking large-sized chain mail armor.  Unseen are the greatclubs these giant dolts are known to use.  In their stead are sharp-looking axes, greataxes, and flat mauls of fine and recent make, all large and heavy enough to cleave a soldier down in a single hate-filled blow.

It is then that Luna and Wolf realize that unlike their fellows, they are not standing upon solid hilly earth, but something nearly as strong and obdurate - the corpse of a recently-slain Formorian giant (his chest, in fact).  The Formorian is so large that you believe him to stand taller than the trees around you.  His gigantic sword and shield are clenched in his grasp.  Worst of all, the unexpected hideousness of his face even in death is frightful and terrible to behold.  

Off in the distance, in a beaming patch of sunlight, kneels a lone person.  Whether he kneels with the wings of devout worship or under the chains of heavy fatigue, you cannot tell.  His long blond hair streams down past his shoulders over a beautiful robe of gold and blue.  There is something humble and quiet about his manner.  With the aid of an ominous staff that crackles and glows with eldritch might beyond that of most other magical staves, he stands to his full height, his other hand wielding a dragon-mouthed rod of burning fire.  

His breathing is labored.  He has yet to appear to notice you.  But you know a Gray Elf when you see one.

Well...  Bren especially knows this particular Gray Elf...  =)
Leonard Wolf - The Ranger

Though he subconsciously took in his entire surroundings, the very first thing Wolf willfully responded to was, unsurprisingly, Luna.

"Luna! I think I saw -" the ranger started retelling, when he realized the situation. "Formorians! I mean, Highwind!" he shook his head left and right in disbelief, his brows up in a disapproving frown. "Ugh, this is just... Just... I mean, of all the places..."

The ranger then promptly and skillfully jumped off the dead giant's chest while holding out his hand to steady Luna so she could do the same. Only then did he pause to actually observe the surroundings proper.

Shape: Human ||| 1st lvl spell: Delay Poison | 1st lvl spell: Entangle | 2nd lvl spell: Wind Wall
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