HP: 56
Spells per day(1st:2nd)/remaining(1st:2nd): 4:3
Spells available: Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sounds, Open/Close, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Gravity Bow, Shield, Summon Monster 1, Mage Armor, Ice Slick
Active effects: Mage Armor, Shield, Draconic Claws
Spells per day(1st:2nd)/remaining(1st:2nd): 4:3
Spells available: Daze, Detect Magic, Ghost Sounds, Open/Close, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Gravity Bow, Shield, Summon Monster 1, Mage Armor, Ice Slick
Active effects: Mage Armor, Shield, Draconic Claws
Beyond all hope, Otiorin found he had moved with the grace and guile of a sylvan shadow, through the roaring, snarling melee around him. Many times he had come close to a blow from one werewolf or another, but fate had placed another betwixt he and death. His hurried movements brought him, after what felt like an eternity, to the place where the fallen effigy lay. The tiny crystal bird was resting on the ground, the fine chain it was hung from coincidentally gathered in an empty spearman's gauntlet, as though the bearer had cast off both gauntlet and necklace. With hasty movements, the Half-elf snatched up the item and drew it close to his chest. Time slowed around him as he held it in his hands, the sounds of battle became slurred and drawn out, like a drunkard's daze. A flare of avarice burnt in Otiorin's chest as he caught a glimpse of the perfectly formed hawk, but it was snuffed as he glanced up to see a she-Elf borne down by one of her fellows, great bleeding rents in her furry hide, but still fighting furiously. This was his purpose here, this was why he had left Waterwind. Unheeding of the danger it presented, Otiorin rose to his feet amongst the scrambling fighters and raised the amulet high above his head.
"Corellon Larethian!", he called out in faultless Elven, "Creator of the Elves, First of the Seldarine, Protector of Life, hear me! I am but a lowly sinner, unworthy of your attention but I beseech you, turn your gaze unto these most egregiously cursed of your children. They, the Wild Elves, who are homeless, kinless and afflicted by the blight of wereform, deserve your devoted care, your boundless love, your infinite mercy! Hear my call and grant aid unto them, lest they obliterate themselves utterly!"