"Might join in later, once the prep's done." Ylva's response lacks a certain enthusiasm - most of her responses would, right now - but it's a response, at least. A shrug. "Not like they gave us much to work with, like you said. And the Captain recommended rest. Meant to hit the gym, and read up on a few things. Should be plenty enough time left, after that." That is unless command decides that it's a good idea to let people properly prepare for the tasks ahead. Sure, there's probably a reason for the secretiveness, and all, but it feels unnecessary, for now. Or is it just her? Mario seems to share parts of the sentiment, at least. Oh well - nothing to do about it, right? Not like Sharp's in the mood to share more, evidently. Best she can do is to prepare what she can, even if it isn't much; and see what comes after that.