- Dice
It's a crazy world where superstitious nonsense needs to be considered - because it's probably more on point than anything the scanners could pick up. Great. Just great. Something that doesn't belong. On a ship that doesn't belong here, either. Ylva's hand begins to search her pockets. Not the right moment to chew gum, really. But it always helps with the nerves. And her thoughts.
"Well - that's one cheery insight right there. Can't say I quite get what it means, yet - but I really feel like boarding that ship, now."
A bit of chewing. A bit of thinking. "At least we know. Not much, but we'll be careful." Maybe we'll get lucky and whatever-it-is doesn't sit right on the Ice-9." Like that'd happen. Sometimes feels like mankind's recent history is a long list of worst-case scenarios that happened. Well, maybe one gets biased after seeing the ruins of civilization out there. At least, the Broadsword happened, right? As a harbinger of a dark future to come, but hey - at least, it made the trip.
"So... just a question for the tankers. Since we've got the four tanks, and that's mostly it, right? Never been in one. Always been best in a Logan. So - best to group up with someone who knows them well, or better to share one with someone who doesn't know how it works? Like, Toph and me? Got no clue. Just really shouldn't be in a tank on my own, right?"
"Oh, and Elinor - no worries. The sooner they get their thing there airworthy, the better, right? And like you said, might even save our asses later on. It's just... sudden, that's all. For you as well, of course..." She'll be missed. In those last few days, there's often been a voice of reason to calm the waves. It'll certainly be missed.
"Well - that's one cheery insight right there. Can't say I quite get what it means, yet - but I really feel like boarding that ship, now."
A bit of chewing. A bit of thinking. "At least we know. Not much, but we'll be careful." Maybe we'll get lucky and whatever-it-is doesn't sit right on the Ice-9." Like that'd happen. Sometimes feels like mankind's recent history is a long list of worst-case scenarios that happened. Well, maybe one gets biased after seeing the ruins of civilization out there. At least, the Broadsword happened, right? As a harbinger of a dark future to come, but hey - at least, it made the trip.
"So... just a question for the tankers. Since we've got the four tanks, and that's mostly it, right? Never been in one. Always been best in a Logan. So - best to group up with someone who knows them well, or better to share one with someone who doesn't know how it works? Like, Toph and me? Got no clue. Just really shouldn't be in a tank on my own, right?"
"Oh, and Elinor - no worries. The sooner they get their thing there airworthy, the better, right? And like you said, might even save our asses later on. It's just... sudden, that's all. For you as well, of course..." She'll be missed. In those last few days, there's often been a voice of reason to calm the waves. It'll certainly be missed.