Chapter 2: Of Protagonists and Plot Devices

THE LETTERWOMAN Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Bridgette blushed lightly when Maria kissed her, feeling the usual butterflies in her stomach that came with being with Maria. She felt her blush increase with Maria's touch, nodding lightly at Maria's words. That's right....they were family. And, like a certain cartoon character wisely said, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. Her smile widened slightly; she felt her blush increase. The girl smiled dorkily for a while, feeling happy that she wasn't alone, and let Maria lead her upstairs. At her question, Bridgette paused and shrugged, thinking of Chuck's reaction. How would Chuck react?, she wondered, running her fingers through her much longer, much messier-than-she-was-used-to hair. Maybe he would freak out. Maybe he wouldn't. And the question was, how to bring it up? Bridgette thought for a moment, then decided that having him figure it out himself would be best. Besides, she could hear an unfamiliar voice upstairs, and for all she knew it could be one of Bernkastel's many minions. Lackeys. Whatever she called them. She felt her eyes avert to the ground, but she made her decision, looking back at Maria. "I think it's best if he figures it out himself. I've known him for eighteen years.....he'll recognize me just by my actions," she said simply, opening the trapdoor that lead upstairs. Okay, now she had to act natural. As though she didn't know that she had been turned into a female. All she needed to do.....was be Bismarck. Finally, Bridgette fully emerged from the trapdoor, holding it open for Maria, just in time for her to see who Chuck had been talking to.

She seemed trustworthy enough, but as though she had been through a lot today. For a moment, Bridgette's eyes averted over to the tattoo on her cheek--the Roman numeral for the number six--then she looked over at Chuck. Okay, so it was a bit hard to act as though she was completely normal after having been genderbent by her wife. However, she could do this. She smiled politely at Tracey, the smile not completely reaching her rather tired brown eyes.
"....W-Welcome to the Rainy Traveller General Store," she said softly. Her voice shook slightly; she clasped her hands together, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I-I'm the owner of this place, Bisma--er, I mean, Bridgette--Saedor....I-I see you've become acquainted with my brother...." She glanced briefly at Chuck, then continued. " may I help you today....? I believe you mentioned something about a tour," Bridgette added in a mumble before unclasping her hands. The rocking stopped; she looked over to Chuck. Hopefully her brother had gotten the hint at this point, she thought nervously, fiddling with her hair. Darn it, long hair was hard to deal with. Not like her hair wasn't already long when she was Bismarck, but now it was at "I'm-not-used-to-this" level. She searched the shop for a hair tie, then eventually found one. Freeing it from its protective plastic wrapping, she used the hair tie to tie her hair back into a ponytail. Checking her reflection in the mirror with a sense of self-consciousness, she looked frankly surprised by how she looked. A pale, freckled face, with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes staring back at her. She was still wearing the same outfit she wore as a male; a white button-up shirt, a long turquoise vest, easy-to-move-around in pants. She looked something like some sort of a knight-in-training, especially with her dagger being held in her belt. There was a pause as the thought of Chuck possibly not getting the hint crossed her mind. She headed back to the counter, taking her copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them off of its usual spot. She flipped through the pages until she found the word phoenix, then allowed the word to glow. She smiled at Chuck, as if to say "it's me", then allowed the creature to slowly materialize from a cluster of golden letters before it flew onto her arm. But now she needed an excuse for the newcomer as to why she was suddenly summoning a bird made completely out of fire.

"Fair warning," she finally said smoothly. "We're underground, so it tends to get a tad dark sometimes."
Tracey Sykes
(Location: Hell City, Rainy Traveler General Store.)(Currently: Even more confused.)

All of this was a bit overwhelming, Tracey hasn’t had such a warm-welcoming in a couple of decades and being away from that horrendous dungeon and in the embraceable arms of such a nice person was absolute bliss, unfortunately departure was inevitable especially after causing such a scene in the heart of a Yakuza compound and leaving such an obvious trail including the blood-soaked gristle of her boots that had only washed off from the droplets of down pouring rain forming alongside the quiet road. If it were not for this forlorn circumstance she’d probably take him up on that offer of staying longer, alas even staying for a whole seemed as if she was out staying the warm welcome, after-all those Tora lackeys have methods of finding people on way or another and she couldn’t risk having such nice people suffering the same fate. Upon sitting on one of the comfortable chairs strewn about the place, an unfamiliar woman had seemingly came out of nowhere, perhaps this was one of the staff? Judging from the light-hearted smile pushing up those cute freckles that complimented her adorable eyes that gleamed with friendliness although she did appear to be visibly shaken but then again she did have that fatigue-look in her eye. “Hope I didn’t wake her up.” Tracey thought, feeling a bit guilty seeing the tired woman approach her before being handed another cozy greeting. Bridgette Saedor? Apparently she was the owner? Odd, didn’t the man mention his brother was managing this establishment? Guess it must’ve been some sort of mistake from being so nervous or Bridgette was actually a man, even with that being in mind it was quite surprising as if that was the case, Bridgette would probably be one or if not the most gorgeous looking man she’s ever came across. “Thank you for the hospitality, I can see now why Chuck is your brother! Both of you are very nice.” Tracey cheerfully replied as she fiddled her fingertips across her knees in a leisurely fashion as she looked back at Bridgette, inspecting her thoroughly with her eyes as they both continued their quaint conversation.

“Yes, i’m hoping that it’s not too much of a hassle but i was hoping that i’d be able to spend the night here? Just for a day of course then i’d be out of your hair, i’d be happy to help out in anyway I can if any of you need assistance.” With that being said, Tracey was ready to help out in anyway she could, even now if that were the case. As long as she could get a sturdy roof of her head that protected her from the unforgivable rain and was granted a place to sleep then she’d do the best she could. Something felt kinda off about her though, she couldn’t put her finger on it but she wasn’t all too good at being a woman especially when it came to maintaining long hair as she’d been messing with it for a couple of minutes now until she found something to tie it back into a nifty-looking pony tail that showed all of her facial features proudly with that outfit of hers that sparkled magnificently under the store’s lighting, to think that the last woman she was formerly acquainted with was good-looking! Tracey’s cheeks grew with a bit of color as she continued to stare and stare some more as she familiarized herself with those curves she had as she wandered across the store and behind the counter, still being watched with ‘dreamy’ eyes as the woman searched through several copies of books until finding one that had caught her eye. “Hopefully she’s a bit older than Chuck. . . And single.” Tracey looked up at the ceiling embarrassed, reflecting those thoughts she had swirling around her mind until an ungodly screeching sound graced her eardrums followed by a combustion of flame from a creature being summoned across from her. “What the hell?!" Surprised and shaken by such a feat, Tracey leaped out from the antique chair with her back firmly against the wall and hand gripping the hilt of her sheathed weapon. A Phoenix? How was that even possible? Tracey only calmed herself once she realized that the bird posed no threat after it made a soft-cooing noise. “Uh... “ She looked at Bridgette confused as ever almost as if she was in a trance from witnessing a fantasy creature being brought into the land of the living. “That’s um, a cool bird you’ve got there?” Baffled, Tracey followed behind, still looking at the fiery creature that clung onto Bridgette as if it were the bird’s mother. Looks as if things were getting a bit more interesting around here, not to mention unorthodox.
TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs
Chuck Saedor

The woman's cries slowly died down after his response, and he nodded to confirm the truth behind his words. He watched her sniffle and wipe away her tears, blinking and blushing when she thanked him.
"O-Oh...U-Uhm-" He began to stammer. Being in a gang and training to fight still hadn't improved his ability to properly accepting gratitude. His attitude towards himself just wasn't used to the idea of people actually being thankful for his actions. Heck, he even found it odd when his own brother praised him. But that was because Bismarck was busy running the store, watching his children, and managing a wife and some weird alternate reality dimension jumping whacko. so he usually didn't have time for that sort of thing. Long story short, Chuck sucked when it came to hearing the words 'Thank you'. But what he sucked at more was processing the woman coming close to him, leaning in...and kissing him on the forehead. His eyes widened and his glasses fogged up a little, the blush on his face turning his cheeks beet red. He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but nothing came out. A...A GIRL JUST KISSED HIM! Sure it was just on the forehead, but a girl still kissed him!

Struggling not to hide his face in his hands, he listened to the woman's words and sweat-dropped at the end, looking around the shop. We-Well...some help would be nice. He felt her hand rub his arm and stiffened, looking at it as if the rarest creature alive was sleeping on it. Be cool, Be cool, Be cool! When she removed it and apologized he let out a breath. "Th-That's O-Okay..." He stuttered. At the mention of her name, he nodded and smiled a little. I-It was a nice name, not juvenile at all. Usually the names in Hell City were either street names that either brought fear or anger and Names from foreign countries that meant something twisted or symbolic in a way. Which was another reason why the name 'Chuck' felt weird to him. He was broke from his thoughts by a yawn from Tracey, causing to jump. Right! H-He should probably show her the place so she'll know where the room is! He nodded. But first, he'd have to talk to Bi-

A female voice rang through the store.

Chuck blinked...and then turned, eyes wide when another woman, who had no knowledge of, simply waltzed from behind him and welcomed Tracey to the store. Wh-What?! Who was she?! Chuck's eyes widened when the woman told Tracey her name, but not before stuttering over her words. Chuck knew stutters better than anyone else! It sounded like she was about to say Bismarck, but...N-No. No, that can't be true. He gave her look with an expression of disbelief. Nope. This wasn't happening. Nope, Nope, Nope. As if the imposter could read his mind, she walked to the bookshelf and looked through the book after book after conversing with Tracey a little. She came back and Chuck backed away again, face going pale. Th-That was one of Bismarck's favorite-NO! Th-That was just a coincide-

She summoned a phoenix.

Chuck's brain...actually stopped working for a few moments. He could hear muffles coming from where Tracey was standing, but all he could do was look at his...'brother' with a blank stare. There...There was only one way to actually know. His body moved on its own as he got close to Bismarck, and he took out his revolver, shaking. Slowly, he extended the barrel...and poked him in the chest...he was met with a soft resistance resembling a pillow. He holstered the gun, reminding himself to boil it later.


His eye twitched and his pupils dilated.


He turned to where Maria was standing, narrowing his eyes.


There were plenty of times where Chuck was close to shooting someone. And there were times where he actually HAD shot someone. This moment? This moment right here? Added to the first list. And he felt as if the second list was about to get a new addition if he didn't get at least one answer out of these two.

TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit Mitchs98 Mitchs98 SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
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THE HERMIT SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

It took Bern a few seconds to realize she was staring. And when she did, she felt incredibly stupid. She, Frederika Bernkastel, leader of Devicto Mortis and the poster girl for what evil in Hell City meant, was blushing like a schoolgirl who had just heard a dirty joke. In other words, she looked very un-Bernkastel. Biting her lip, she snapped out of it, just in time for Masakazu to put his hand on her shoulder and ask her to be careful. It took a hell of a lot of self-control not to kiss him or stroke his hair. No, she had to be serious about this. After all, she was about to go into battle, and this was simply no time to act stupid. She blushed further, however, as his hand touched hers, if not briefly. The minute he broke away and began walking out was when she found the exact word that described that feeling.

A pause. She clutched the hand that he had touched, holding it close to her heart. Expressionless.

She looked back at his retreating figure.

"I love you."

Was it wrong that she said that so casually? Like she was just bringing up the weather? Bern thought about it, finally shaking her head and deciding to just let it be. She let herself fly back to the barracks, the redness in her cheeks still not disappearing, but her determination rising.

Heads turned. Bern noticed a couple people blushing.

Screw them. They weren't the one.

She raised her scythe above her head.

Cheers from the usual fans. Bern lowered her scythe.

"Today will be the end of the era of do-gooders and law-abiders tarnishing our city. Today will be the end of petty thievery gaining more attention than what we have put so much work into to prove that we, Devicto Mortis, are a superior gang. Together with our brothers in the Tora Syndicate, we will get rid of Llyria Harp once and for all--and in the process, we will unlock and use the secret of their leader. We will use the Saedor brothers to gain control of Hell City and anybody who gets in our way!" A cheer. Bern was now shouting. "Today is the day that we KILL Bismarck Saedor!" There was another triumphant cheer. Bernkastel flew out of the armory, followed by about thirty-five of her men. She had a determined glint in her eye.

They went upstairs, into the cool rain. Bern smiled, sitting on a tombstone as she waited for Mazzy. It was time.

Tick, tock, the Saedors' time was running out.
Damien Sykes (Location: Llyria Harp HQ)(With: Tracey, Bismarck, Chuck, Surprise.)
Minutes twinkled by as did the passing shower of rain-drops sprinkling down from the discolored troposphere that casted a sickening hellish red with tinges of purple streaks scattering across the skies, irradiating the calm environment with a sensation of restlessness, all of these signs were indicating a negative forthcoming of events that were bound to come. The day of the battle was upon Hell City, an all out skirmish between two rivaling factions and clashing personalities were about to go blade to blade, throwbacks of prior events including the days where his platoon had to scavenge a war torn battlefield to seek out enemies and survivors had been plaguing his mind, Damien couldn’t help but believe that someone was going to lose their life today as he stressfully pressed his back against the brick-layered wall of one of the neighboring buildings that shared the same block as The Rainy Traveler. He was beginning to feel contrite with his whole decision, siding with Bernkastel was unspeakable but then again it’s not like he had an alternative option in the matter considering the cards he had been dealt, what sick twisted bastard jeopardizes the lives of innocent children just to gain an advantage? That she-demon had another thing coming after he was done playing that childish game of hers. Looking on the bright-side of things he did make it to the location an hour before Masakazu did or so he thought, knowing him he’d probably take another damn bus to the place and kill half of the Saedors in the process just to get to Chuck and Bismarck, it wasn't even clear if he was doing it for the sake of pleasing Bernkastel or just doing it because he found entertainment in it, either way that sick bastard wasn’t going to lay a finger on anyone today if he had anything to say about it, that was if Bismarck would throw away his pride and accept defeat before either that mad whack job shows up or his equally as insane blushing bride-to-be. Inclining his head forward he lazily gazed upon the small pack of cigarettes in his right hand, it’d been years before he had even relinquished his taste buds, all because of a new year's resolution he’d had made him kick the stuff completely but seeing the worsening predicament he was in, the urge to have one felt as if it was caving its way into his body like a disease. A sigh drew from Damien’s lungs as he flicked away the pack of cigarettes into one near-full trash-bins a foot away from him. This wasn’t the time to be giving into an addiction, if he couldn’t rely on himself to cut away from a substance then what good was he when it came to negotiating with others? Although this wasn’t the happiest occasions he’d felt a bit more motivated as he walked away from the ugly-looking gutter and onto the sidewalk, even if he failed he was going to do all he could to make sure that those kids were safe, both of them had a future ahead of them, a bright one unlike his, he couldn’t let anyone mess that up. Seeing those double-doors that led into the false front of Llyria Harp was sobering, it was a bit different with the rough patch-up but all the events leading to now came in like reoccurring flashbacks as his fingers delicately brushed the metallic handle of one of the doors, his reflection shadowing his unnerved emotions with his eyes staring straight back into his soul like a piece of artwork put out on display. Taking but a moment to catch his breathe, Damien swung open the doors and entered but to his dismay he found a face that was all too familiar and it wasn’t the Saedors who had been looking back at him after his noisy entrance but that girl with the faded roman numeral tattoo located on her cheek, this couldn’t be happening, surely this was just a dream, he knew that she’d been lost in Hell City but she was this close to him and he didn’t even realize it?!

The atmosphere grew silent as did any movement from Damien and Tracey’s body, both of them were caught in a complete trance as they looked back at one another in disbelief, two siblings separated from one another for a decade, unknown to each if their own sibling was still alive in this wretched place. “No way.” She said, choking out the words in a shaky tone as she approached him, dreading each foot forward as if it had been weighed down by anchors before looking slightly upward at his shocked visage, she was still breathing but had cuts, scrapes, and even burn marks surrounding a few parts of her body, what happened to her? “Brother?” Tracey bit the bottom of her lip as the feelings began to pour out like waterfall, holding back tears was like trying to hold up the world above her head after she’d wrapped her arms around him and hugged him for dear life. “Damn it.” He thought as he looked up at the ceiling trying to keep his composure together as he comforted his sister by putting his open-hand on her back, keeping up with his manly appearance had never been harder in all of his life as she wept uncontrollably in his chest. “Glad to see you’re alright.” He couldn’t be happier but then again, out of all the bad circumstances for this to happen, right in enemy territory where his sister had been! His alliance with Bernkastel was now wearing thin like a rubber-band being stretched too far, Damien looked a Chuck and the freckle-faced woman over Tracey’s shoulder, he wasn’t sure if they were glad to see them or if they wanted to murder him after accidentally placing those children into unsafe hands. “Tracey, this is a very long story that needs explaining but, listen there’s a whole group of pissed off bad-guys showing up to this place, i’m not sure when they’ll get here but they’re coming and they’ve amassed an army including one guy that has one too many screws loose.” He expressed, politely backing away after the long-hug to approach both the female Bismarck and Chuck with Tracey beside him, confused as ever at what was happening. “Bernkastel is coming, I know this is difficult for you, being his brother and everything but you need to hand Bismarck and yourself over or at-least your brother. I can’t express how apologetic I am for putting these children in harm’s way but then again I had no other choice, if Mazzy had been in the same room as them while fighting, they surely would’ve been killed. Please, don’t make it harder than it has to be, I don’t want to see anyone hurt.” Explaining this would’ve been a lot easier if he’d had enough time but knowing he was on the clock he had to make this quick, there was no telling when a bat-shit crazy ghostie Mazzy was gonna show up, as if he had thought to soon a compilation of horrific screams broke out within the headquarters but they were far off from where all of them had been standing. Those were definitely members of Llyria Harp! “What was that?” Tracey asked, puzzled as she looked down into the cellar, eyes opening wider as she heard a bit of commotion which only ended in complete quietude until a group of five or six bodies flung out from the darkness and into the air, slingshotting through the air with a ghostly appearance of the mad man trailing through. “Bisssmaaarcck! WHERE ARE YOU?!” A roar echoed through Masakazu’s voice before his feet touched the ground with two bloodied blades clenched rather tightly in his slightly transparent image. This, wasn’t good at all. To think he was crazy before? Any idea of negotiations were thrown out the window, this psychopath was out for blood.

TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs (Anyone who is remotely associated with Llyria Harp or the battle.)​
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Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

That look on Chuck's face definitely told Bridgette that she and Maria had fucked up. Hardcore. The young woman looked nervously at Tracey, as she had introduced herself--okay, that girl was looking at her with heart eyes, holy crapola. Feeling self-conscious, she covered her face with her hair. Okay, she just needed to calm down. Maybe if she just took some deep breaths, then--she felt something touch her chest. It felt a little...odd, causing her hands to cover it defensively as her face reddened. "Ch-Chuck, calm do--"

The doors swung open. A man entered. Bridgette nearly sent the phoenix flying at him, when he hugged Miss Tracey. Okay, so he was possibly trustworthy, she thought, watching the exchange between them. Then the man turned to her and Chuck, warning them that Bernkastel was coming. Bridgette froze. She....was coming? But they weren't ready, and Chuck was likely to be targeted due to the fact that he wasn't disguised in any way, shape, or form. He was definitely going to have to be careful. Bridgette stood in front of Chuck, her expression growing determined as she stared at the stranger. Guess she should have expected another attack, but certainly not this soon. She glanced at Maria for a second, just as he finished, nodding at her. It was time.

Loud screams. Five or six bodies of their fellow members being tossed upstairs. And a familiar man slowly materializing. Bridgette immediately recognized the ghost; she stood her ground, staying right in front of Chuck as she pulled out her gun and pointed it at the flying Masakazu.
"Hidden in plain sight," she answered in response to his question.

A spray of bullets. Windows breaking. Bridgette stepped back, still using herself as a Chuck shield, as Bernkastel came flying in, followed by an army of about thirty or forty. She wouldn't be able to take all of those down alone. Thank goodness for the fact that their small gang had a ton of stamina.

Bernkastel floated above the gang, smiling down at them, especially when she saw Chuck.
"Why, hello~! It's so good to see you all here!" she chirped. Bridgette clenched her fists. "Especially you, Chuck, I was looking for you. Why don't you come with me?"

"Over my dead body," Bridgette snarled. Bern blinked.

"Who are you--his girlfriend?"

"No, I'm his bro--er, sister!"

"His sister?" the anti-Reaper tapped her chin. "I wasn't aware that Chuck and Bismarck Saedor had a sister. Well, then, Saedor sister, I have a feeling--" She swooped down towards Bridgette, swinging her scythe at her. Bridgette blocked it with her dagger. "--It will in fact be over your dead body!"

"Chuck, if this were any other situation--" Another scythe-attack. Bridgette blocked it again. "--I-I would tell you to--dammit--run--" She sent the phoenix on her shoulder flying towards the enemies behind them; soon the agonized screams of enemies getting burnt to death entered the fray. Several hands tried to grab at Chuck, but Bridgette determinedly didn't let them, shooting and stabbing as much as she could. "--But let's face it," she shouted over the commotion. "You're awesome! C-Can you give me a hand here? I don't think this is a one-man job--"
THE EXPLORER AND THE SCIENTIST@Solemn Jester Mitchs98 Mitchs98
Kathy was frozen.

As the robot spoke, she could feel her rage bubbling up. Like water just waiting to boil. Like a match drawing closer and closer to a piece of wood. Like some other fire analogy that could describe how much she just wanted to punch that stupid grin off of his face. This was not Yozaku. Yozaku wouldn't just sit there, mocking them, after Anita and Don got shot. That was not the man that she had grown to actually care about; merely, a skeleton of him.

But dammit, he looked just like him. That was what made her so angry. Hot tears fell down the girl's cheeks; she felt her fists clench as the robot kept talking and talking, telling her that he--the son of a bitch--had impregnated the very person who was capable of taking her soul away. She continued staring at Boomer, a placid look on her face. Every word felt like a stab in the heart, and soon she was clutching it angrily, shaking like a madwoman. What was she supposed to say? This was not Yozaku! This was a psychopathic robot who was bent on destroying the small piece of happiness that she finally had!

...No, she knew exactly what she had to do. The issue was actually doing it.

Kathy stared down the demon, feeling her heart ache. This was what heartbreak felt like, huh? She heard the sound of an explosion; Kathy winced, slumping to the floor in anguish. She was even more horrified as the robot shot a taser at Alisa. Sierra immediately flared up, glaring angrily at Boomer.

“You bitch!” she shouted. “Alisa, are you okay? I swear, I’ll punch that robo-jerk to bits--”

“Don’t.” Kathy stood up, wiping her tears away. Her foot pressed against Yozaku’s--that is, Boomer’s--chest. Why the hell was she even bothering to cry? This was not Yozaku. “Copper! I don’t know if you can hear me or if you’re bluffing or what, but listen to me!” she demanded. “You have NO RIGHT to call me your girlfriend if you can’t even fight one of Anita’s stupid robots! You hear me?! You have no. Fucking. Right!” And with that, she punched him in the face, grabbing him by the collar. “You have five minutes to get ahold of yourself before I blow you to bits, buddy. If you fail to succeed, I get to see what cy-jerks look like on the inside! DO YOU HEAR ME?!” There was a pause, then she let go of Boomer, stepping away from his grasp. “Well? I’m waiting.”

Boomer Yozaku

Boomer laughed as Alisa seemed to manage keeping consciousness. Truly she was a tough one. It was only fair to give her props, after all anti reaper or what the hell ever she was she was still a fleshy organic."Wow, the pun wasn't that bad was it? You really seemed stunned after it. Hahaha! Alrighty then, time ta put you out of your misery shall we?"

He said cracking Yozaku's fist the satisfying sound of his knuckles crying out in relief. He was in power, and it felt good. No longer being held back by that pesky Yozaku was truly liberating. He definitely would have to enslave mother and her boy toy Don if they ever managed to come back to life in some Bullshit plot manner as thanks.

He was preparing to dilvery a devastating Bitch slap to Alisa when he suddenly received one from an unexpected source. Of course it wasn't as unexpected as it could have been as she felt it suiting to give Yozaku a little peep talk. Boomer rolled his eyes,"Oh please, there is absolutely, positively, nothing you can do to-smack." Boomers eyes widened in suprise as a sudden punch graced Yozaku's face. He just stared up at her. His pupils staring into her eyes, almost seeming to clear, as if a fog was raising."K-kathy...You, you're still trying to save me...Even after all I've done."He said seemingly back to Yozaku, tears beginning to swell in his eyes. He held back sobs, suddenly wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug, but it didn't seem hostile."Why? Why would you do that for me? It's all my fault dammit. I don't deserve you!"He was embracing her completely now his face buried in her neck."I wasn't strong enough to stop him, have to go before he takes control again."He begged pleaded, his voice filled with pain."But before that, I just want you to know..I'm sorry.." He pressed his cybernetic arm against Kathy's face. Suddenly his cybernetic eye glowing with that familiar red light.

Boomer suddenly sent a million volts of electricity through his cybernetic arm and into Kathy. Not stopping until he was sure she was good and fried. The he pushed her away, standing up and smirking, wiping his crocadile tears away."I can't believe you fell for that. Although I must say it was very convincing. Good thing I can imitate Yozaku. Plus I may or may not have been saying show shit he's been yapping about in our head. Dude really needs a hobby, I mean I know it's pretty boring in there, but hell I found a way to spend my time. I plotted a way to escape, and take control... Although maybe it's better that he just bitches and moans..Yeah probably."Boomer nodded, kicking Kathy away and then stepping over here, and towards Alisa."Huh, it's such a shame you had to be so against Bern. I see why Yozaku likes you hehe."Boomer rubber his face where she had struck him."I like a loli with fight. Anyway if you're not completely friend from that I hope to see you some other time.Maybe on better terms."He told her before turning towards Alisa.He glared towards he menacingly, his blaster at the ready. Then he shot another blast at her, considering this blast missed he would suddenly charge at her sending a devastating electric punch to her pretty little face.

TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit Mitchs98 Mitchs98
Alisa Ann; Bearer of LifeAlisa looked to Sierra and gave her a small grin when asked if she was alright, nodding though she was clearly at the very least hurting from Boomers' attack. "I'll be fine.." She assured her, still able to at-least somewhat stay upright by support of her staff. She wasn't exactly a weakling without her summons, not at all, though she couldn't exactly go toe to toe with a lot of people..Boomer seemed to have rather straightforward tactics. Shock it until it couldn't move or simply hit it. Either way, it was a rather easy attack pattern to dodge. She watched the small scene between Kathy and Boomer closely, ready to assault Boomer if need be. She didn't trust him, not one bit, not even when he sounded and somewhat acted like Yozaku.

Her eyes widened as she saw his eye start glowing, "KATHY, NO, MOVE!" She shouted frantically though it was too late. She looked down at the body of her friend, the soul returning to her scythe once the bodies last breath was drawn, the body simply deforming into a small pile of dust, provided the attack was enough to slay her. "You bastard.." She growled at Boomer. "You..will pay for that." She stated, shakily rising as a little of her strength was returning to her. She just barely dodged his attacks, now flying a decent bit off the ground. She wouldn't be able to summon any of her spirits, not until more of her energy was regained...but like this, at the very least, she had air superiority on her side. "NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS YOU SHITTY TIN CAN IN A FLESH SUIT!" She shouted, bringing her scythe down, directly at Boomers head. She had had enough. First Anita, now Kathy...that was just it. The Anti-Reaper was out for blood at nearly all costs. The one thing she wouldn't risk was her life, at-least not entirely, if only for Sierra's sake.

Should she actually manage to kill Boomer...she would be able to get Yozaku back. The real Yozaku, not some worthless impression by a heartless machine.​

THE LETTERWOMAN Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs SidTheSkid SidTheSkid
Bridgette blushed lightly when Maria kissed her, feeling the usual butterflies in her stomach that came with being with Maria. She felt her blush increase with Maria's touch, nodding lightly at Maria's words. That's right....they were family. And, like a certain cartoon character wisely said, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. Her smile widened slightly; she felt her blush increase. The girl smiled dorkily for a while, feeling happy that she wasn't alone, and let Maria lead her upstairs. At her question, Bridgette paused and shrugged, thinking of Chuck's reaction. How would Chuck react?, she wondered, running her fingers through her much longer, much messier-than-she-was-used-to hair. Maybe he would freak out. Maybe he wouldn't. And the question was, how to bring it up? Bridgette thought for a moment, then decided that having him figure it out himself would be best. Besides, she could hear an unfamiliar voice upstairs, and for all she knew it could be one of Bernkastel's many minions. Lackeys. Whatever she called them. She felt her eyes avert to the ground, but she made her decision, looking back at Maria. "I think it's best if he figures it out himself. I've known him for eighteen years.....he'll recognize me just by my actions," she said simply, opening the trapdoor that lead upstairs. Okay, now she had to act natural. As though she didn't know that she had been turned into a female. All she needed to do.....was be Bismarck. Finally, Bridgette fully emerged from the trapdoor, holding it open for Maria, just in time for her to see who Chuck had been talking to.

She seemed trustworthy enough, but as though she had been through a lot today. For a moment, Bridgette's eyes averted over to the tattoo on her cheek--the Roman numeral for the number six--then she looked over at Chuck. Okay, so it was a bit hard to act as though she was completely normal after having been genderbent by her wife. However, she could do this. She smiled politely at Tracey, the smile not completely reaching her rather tired brown eyes.
"....W-Welcome to the Rainy Traveller General Store," she said softly. Her voice shook slightly; she clasped her hands together, rocking back and forth on her heels. "I-I'm the owner of this place, Bisma--er, I mean, Bridgette--Saedor....I-I see you've become acquainted with my brother...." She glanced briefly at Chuck, then continued. " may I help you today....? I believe you mentioned something about a tour," Bridgette added in a mumble before unclasping her hands. The rocking stopped; she looked over to Chuck. Hopefully her brother had gotten the hint at this point, she thought nervously, fiddling with her hair. Darn it, long hair was hard to deal with. Not like her hair wasn't already long when she was Bismarck, but now it was at "I'm-not-used-to-this" level. She searched the shop for a hair tie, then eventually found one. Freeing it from its protective plastic wrapping, she used the hair tie to tie her hair back into a ponytail. Checking her reflection in the mirror with a sense of self-consciousness, she looked frankly surprised by how she looked. A pale, freckled face, with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes staring back at her. She was still wearing the same outfit she wore as a male; a white button-up shirt, a long turquoise vest, easy-to-move-around in pants. She looked something like some sort of a knight-in-training, especially with her dagger being held in her belt. There was a pause as the thought of Chuck possibly not getting the hint crossed her mind. She headed back to the counter, taking her copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them off of its usual spot. She flipped through the pages until she found the word phoenix, then allowed the word to glow. She smiled at Chuck, as if to say "it's me", then allowed the creature to slowly materialize from a cluster of golden letters before it flew onto her arm. But now she needed an excuse for the newcomer as to why she was suddenly summoning a bird made completely out of fire.

"Fair warning," she finally said smoothly. "We're underground, so it tends to get a tad dark sometimes."

Tracey Sykes
(Location: Hell City, Rainy Traveler General Store.)(Currently: Even more confused.)

All of this was a bit overwhelming, Tracey hasn’t had such a warm-welcoming in a couple of decades and being away from that horrendous dungeon and in the embraceable arms of such a nice person was absolute bliss, unfortunately departure was inevitable especially after causing such a scene in the heart of a Yakuza compound and leaving such an obvious trail including the blood-soaked gristle of her boots that had only washed off from the droplets of down pouring rain forming alongside the quiet road. If it were not for this forlorn circumstance she’d probably take him up on that offer of staying longer, alas even staying for a whole seemed as if she was out staying the warm welcome, after-all those Tora lackeys have methods of finding people on way or another and she couldn’t risk having such nice people suffering the same fate. Upon sitting on one of the comfortable chairs strewn about the place, an unfamiliar woman had seemingly came out of nowhere, perhaps this was one of the staff? Judging from the light-hearted smile pushing up those cute freckles that complimented her adorable eyes that gleamed with friendliness although she did appear to be visibly shaken but then again she did have that fatigue-look in her eye. “Hope I didn’t wake her up.” Tracey thought, feeling a bit guilty seeing the tired woman approach her before being handed another cozy greeting. Bridgette Saedor? Apparently she was the owner? Odd, didn’t the man mention his brother was managing this establishment? Guess it must’ve been some sort of mistake from being so nervous or Bridgette was actually a man, even with that being in mind it was quite surprising as if that was the case, Bridgette would probably be one or if not the most gorgeous looking man she’s ever came across. “Thank you for the hospitality, I can see now why Chuck is your brother! Both of you are very nice.” Tracey cheerfully replied as she fiddled her fingertips across her knees in a leisurely fashion as she looked back at Bridgette, inspecting her thoroughly with her eyes as they both continued their quaint conversation.

“Yes, i’m hoping that it’s not too much of a hassle but i was hoping that i’d be able to spend the night here? Just for a day of course then i’d be out of your hair, i’d be happy to help out in anyway I can if any of you need assistance.” With that being said, Tracey was ready to help out in anyway she could, even now if that were the case. As long as she could get a sturdy roof of her head that protected her from the unforgivable rain and was granted a place to sleep then she’d do the best she could. Something felt kinda off about her though, she couldn’t put her finger on it but she wasn’t all too good at being a woman especially when it came to maintaining long hair as she’d been messing with it for a couple of minutes now until she found something to tie it back into a nifty-looking pony tail that showed all of her facial features proudly with that outfit of hers that sparkled magnificently under the store’s lighting, to think that the last woman she was formerly acquainted with was good-looking! Tracey’s cheeks grew with a bit of color as she continued to stare and stare some more as she familiarized herself with those curves she had as she wandered across the store and behind the counter, still being watched with ‘dreamy’ eyes as the woman searched through several copies of books until finding one that had caught her eye. “Hopefully she’s a bit older than Chuck. . . And single.” Tracey looked up at the ceiling embarrassed, reflecting those thoughts she had swirling around her mind until an ungodly screeching sound graced her eardrums followed by a combustion of flame from a creature being summoned across from her. “What the hell?!" Surprised and shaken by such a feat, Tracey leaped out from the antique chair with her back firmly against the wall and hand gripping the hilt of her sheathed weapon. A Phoenix? How was that even possible? Tracey only calmed herself once she realized that the bird posed no threat after it made a soft-cooing noise. “Uh... “ She looked at Bridgette confused as ever almost as if she was in a trance from witnessing a fantasy creature being brought into the land of the living. “That’s um, a cool bird you’ve got there?” Baffled, Tracey followed behind, still looking at the fiery creature that clung onto Bridgette as if it were the bird’s mother. Looks as if things were getting a bit more interesting around here, not to mention unorthodox.
TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs

Chuck Saedor

The woman's cries slowly died down after his response, and he nodded to confirm the truth behind his words. He watched her sniffle and wipe away her tears, blinking and blushing when she thanked him.
"O-Oh...U-Uhm-" He began to stammer. Being in a gang and training to fight still hadn't improved his ability to properly accepting gratitude. His attitude towards himself just wasn't used to the idea of people actually being thankful for his actions. Heck, he even found it odd when his own brother praised him. But that was because Bismarck was busy running the store, watching his children, and managing a wife and some weird alternate reality dimension jumping whacko. so he usually didn't have time for that sort of thing. Long story short, Chuck sucked when it came to hearing the words 'Thank you'. But what he sucked at more was processing the woman coming close to him, leaning in...and kissing him on the forehead. His eyes widened and his glasses fogged up a little, the blush on his face turning his cheeks beet red. He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but nothing came out. A...A GIRL JUST KISSED HIM! Sure it was just on the forehead, but a girl still kissed him!

Struggling not to hide his face in his hands, he listened to the woman's words and sweat-dropped at the end, looking around the shop. We-Well...some help would be nice. He felt her hand rub his arm and stiffened, looking at it as if the rarest creature alive was sleeping on it. Be cool, Be cool, Be cool! When she removed it and apologized he let out a breath. "Th-That's O-Okay..." He stuttered. At the mention of her name, he nodded and smiled a little. I-It was a nice name, not juvenile at all. Usually the names in Hell City were either street names that either brought fear or anger and Names from foreign countries that meant something twisted or symbolic in a way. Which was another reason why the name 'Chuck' felt weird to him. He was broke from his thoughts by a yawn from Tracey, causing to jump. Right! H-He should probably show her the place so she'll know where the room is! He nodded. But first, he'd have to talk to Bi-

A female voice rang through the store.

Chuck blinked...and then turned, eyes wide when another woman, who had no knowledge of, simply waltzed from behind him and welcomed Tracey to the store. Wh-What?! Who was she?! Chuck's eyes widened when the woman told Tracey her name, but not before stuttering over her words. Chuck knew stutters better than anyone else! It sounded like she was about to say Bismarck, but...N-No. No, that can't be true. He gave her look with an expression of disbelief. Nope. This wasn't happening. Nope, Nope, Nope. As if the imposter could read his mind, she walked to the bookshelf and looked through the book after book after conversing with Tracey a little. She came back and Chuck backed away again, face going pale. Th-That was one of Bismarck's favorite-NO! Th-That was just a coincide-

She summoned a phoenix.

Chuck's brain...actually stopped working for a few moments. He could hear muffles coming from where Tracey was standing, but all he could do was look at his...'brother' with a blank stare. There...There was only one way to actually know. His body moved on its own as he got close to Bismarck, and he took out his revolver, shaking. Slowly, he extended the barrel...and poked him in the chest...he was met with a soft resistance resembling a pillow. He holstered the gun, reminding himself to boil it later.


His eye twitched and his pupils dilated.


He turned to where Maria was standing, narrowing his eyes.


There were plenty of times where Chuck was close to shooting someone. And there were times where he actually HAD shot someone. This moment? This moment right here? Added to the first list. And he felt as if the second list was about to get a new addition if he didn't get at least one answer out of these two.

TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit Mitchs98 Mitchs98 SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

Damien Sykes (Location: Llyria Harp HQ)(With: Tracey, Bismarck, Chuck, Surprise.)
Minutes twinkled by as did the passing shower of rain-drops sprinkling down from the discolored troposphere that casted a sickening hellish red with tinges of purple streaks scattering across the skies, irradiating the calm environment with a sensation of restlessness, all of these signs were indicating a negative forthcoming of events that were bound to come. The day of the battle was upon Hell City, an all out skirmish between two rivaling factions and clashing personalities were about to go blade to blade, throwbacks of prior events including the days where his platoon had to scavenge a war torn battlefield to seek out enemies and survivors had been plaguing his mind, Damien couldn’t help but believe that someone was going to lose their life today as he stressfully pressed his back against the brick-layered wall of one of the neighboring buildings that shared the same block as The Rainy Traveler. He was beginning to feel contrite with his whole decision, siding with Bernkastel was unspeakable but then again it’s not like he had an alternative option in the matter considering the cards he had been dealt, what sick twisted bastard jeopardizes the lives of innocent children just to gain an advantage? That she-demon had another thing coming after he was done playing that childish game of hers. Looking on the bright-side of things he did make it to the location an hour before Masakazu did or so he thought, knowing him he’d probably take another damn bus to the place and kill half of the Saedors in the process just to get to Chuck and Bismarck, it wasn't even clear if he was doing it for the sake of pleasing Bernkastel or just doing it because he found entertainment in it, either way that sick bastard wasn’t going to lay a finger on anyone today if he had anything to say about it, that was if Bismarck would throw away his pride and accept defeat before either that mad whack job shows up or his equally as insane blushing bride-to-be. Inclining his head forward he lazily gazed upon the small pack of cigarettes in his right hand, it’d been years before he had even relinquished his taste buds, all because of a new year's resolution he’d had made him kick the stuff completely but seeing the worsening predicament he was in, the urge to have one felt as if it was caving its way into his body like a disease. A sigh drew from Damien’s lungs as he flicked away the pack of cigarettes into one near-full trash-bins a foot away from him. This wasn’t the time to be giving into an addiction, if he couldn’t rely on himself to cut away from a substance then what good was he when it came to negotiating with others? Although this wasn’t the happiest occasions he’d felt a bit more motivated as he walked away from the ugly-looking gutter and onto the sidewalk, even if he failed he was going to do all he could to make sure that those kids were safe, both of them had a future ahead of them, a bright one unlike his, he couldn’t let anyone mess that up. Seeing those double-doors that led into the false front of Llyria Harp was sobering, it was a bit different with the rough patch-up but all the events leading to now came in like reoccurring flashbacks as his fingers delicately brushed the metallic handle of one of the doors, his reflection shadowing his unnerved emotions with his eyes staring straight back into his soul like a piece of artwork put out on display. Taking but a moment to catch his breathe, Damien swung open the doors and entered but to his dismay he found a face that was all too familiar and it wasn’t the Saedors who had been looking back at him after his noisy entrance but that girl with the faded roman numeral tattoo located on her cheek, this couldn’t be happening, surely this was just a dream, he knew that she’d been lost in Hell City but she was this close to him and he didn’t even realize it?!

The atmosphere grew silent as did any movement from Damien and Tracey’s body, both of them were caught in a complete trance as they looked back at one another in disbelief, two siblings separated from one another for a decade, unknown to each if their own sibling was still alive in this wretched place. “No way.” She said, choking out the words in a shaky tone as she approached him, dreading each foot forward as if it had been weighed down by anchors before looking slightly upward at his shocked visage, she was still breathing but had cuts, scrapes, and even burn marks surrounding a few parts of her body, what happened to her? “Brother?” Tracey bit the bottom of her lip as the feelings began to pour out like waterfall, holding back tears was like trying to hold up the world above her head after she’d wrapped her arms around him and hugged him for dear life. “Damn it.” He thought as he looked up at the ceiling trying to keep his composure together as he comforted his sister by putting his open-hand on her back, keeping up with his manly appearance had never been harder in all of his life as she wept uncontrollably in his chest. “Glad to see you’re alright.” He couldn’t be happier but then again, out of all the bad circumstances for this to happen, right in enemy territory where his sister had been! His alliance with Bernkastel was now wearing thin like a rubber-band being stretched too far, Damien looked a Chuck and the freckle-faced woman over Tracey’s shoulder, he wasn’t sure if they were glad to see them or if they wanted to murder him after accidentally placing those children into unsafe hands. “Tracey, this is a very long story that needs explaining but, listen there’s a whole group of pissed off bad-guys showing up to this place, i’m not sure when they’ll get here but they’re coming and they’ve amassed an army including one guy that has one too many screws loose.” He expressed, politely backing away after the long-hug to approach both the female Bismarck and Chuck with Tracey beside him, confused as ever at what was happening. “Bernkastel is coming, I know this is difficult for you, being his brother and everything but you need to hand Bismarck and yourself over or at-least your brother. I can’t express how apologetic I am for putting these children in harm’s way but then again I had no other choice, if Mazzy had been in the same room as them while fighting, they surely would’ve been killed. Please, don’t make it harder than it has to be, I don’t want to see anyone hurt.” Explaining this would’ve been a lot easier if he’d had enough time but knowing he was on the clock he had to make this quick, there was no telling when a bat-shit crazy ghostie Mazzy was gonna show up, as if he had thought to soon a compilation of horrific screams broke out within the headquarters but they were far off from where all of them had been standing. Those were definitely members of Llyria Harp! “What was that?” Tracey asked, puzzled as she looked down into the cellar, eyes opening wider as she heard a bit of commotion which only ended in complete quietude until a group of five or six bodies flung out from the darkness and into the air, slingshotting through the air with a ghostly appearance of the mad man trailing through. “Bisssmaaarcck! WHERE ARE YOU?!” A roar echoed through Masakazu’s voice before his feet touched the ground with two bloodied blades clenched rather tightly in his slightly transparent image. This, wasn’t good at all. To think he was crazy before? Any idea of negotiations were thrown out the window, this psychopath was out for blood.

TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs (Anyone who is remotely associated with Llyria Harp or the battle.)​

Mitchs98 Mitchs98 Sugary_Paragraphs Sugary_Paragraphs SidTheSkid SidTheSkid

That look on Chuck's face definitely told Bridgette that she and Maria had fucked up. Hardcore. The young woman looked nervously at Tracey, as she had introduced herself--okay, that girl was looking at her with heart eyes, holy crapola. Feeling self-conscious, she covered her face with her hair. Okay, she just needed to calm down. Maybe if she just took some deep breaths, then--she felt something touch her chest. It felt a little...odd, causing her hands to cover it defensively as her face reddened. "Ch-Chuck, calm do--"

The doors swung open. A man entered. Bridgette nearly sent the phoenix flying at him, when he hugged Miss Tracey. Okay, so he was possibly trustworthy, she thought, watching the exchange between them. Then the man turned to her and Chuck, warning them that Bernkastel was coming. Bridgette froze. She....was coming? But they weren't ready, and Chuck was likely to be targeted due to the fact that he wasn't disguised in any way, shape, or form. He was definitely going to have to be careful. Bridgette stood in front of Chuck, her expression growing determined as she stared at the stranger. Guess she should have expected another attack, but certainly not this soon. She glanced at Maria for a second, just as he finished, nodding at her. It was time.

Loud screams. Five or six bodies of their fellow members being tossed upstairs. And a familiar man slowly materializing. Bridgette immediately recognized the ghost; she stood her ground, staying right in front of Chuck as she pulled out her gun and pointed it at the flying Masakazu.
"Hidden in plain sight," she answered in response to his question.

A spray of bullets. Windows breaking. Bridgette stepped back, still using herself as a Chuck shield, as Bernkastel came flying in, followed by an army of about thirty or forty. She wouldn't be able to take all of those down alone. Thank goodness for the fact that their small gang had a ton of stamina.

Bernkastel floated above the gang, smiling down at them, especially when she saw Chuck.
"Why, hello~! It's so good to see you all here!" she chirped. Bridgette clenched her fists. "Especially you, Chuck, I was looking for you. Why don't you come with me?"

"Over my dead body," Bridgette snarled. Bern blinked.

"Who are you--his girlfriend?"

"No, I'm his bro--er, sister!"

"His sister?" the anti-Reaper tapped her chin. "I wasn't aware that Chuck and Bismarck Saedor had a sister. Well, then, Saedor sister, I have a feeling--" She swooped down towards Bridgette, swinging her scythe at her. Bridgette blocked it with her dagger. "--It will in fact be over your dead body!"

"Chuck, if this were any other situation--" Another scythe-attack. Bridgette blocked it again. "--I-I would tell you to--dammit--run--" She sent the phoenix on her shoulder flying towards the enemies behind them; soon the agonized screams of enemies getting burnt to death entered the fray. Several hands tried to grab at Chuck, but Bridgette determinedly didn't let them, shooting and stabbing as much as she could. "--But let's face it," she shouted over the commotion. "You're awesome! C-Can you give me a hand here? I don't think this is a one-man job--"

Maria Saedor and Elizabeth JonesMaria shrugged at Bismarck's response, albeit resonable...she wasn't QUITE sure how Chuck would take the whole 'Hey, look, I turned your brother into a chick. It's not what you think! Really! Don't hurt me!' shtick...but hey who knew? Maria was officially family for a good while now after all. Nonetheless they soon reached the pair, Chuck looking rather flushed over the admittedly quite good looking female so close to him. Perhaps he had a crush? That was pretty cute if he did, and from the looks of it he did. Though Elizabeth didn't think so whatsoever, not by a long shot, having been in the corner of the store fuming the entire time the conversation was going on. Elizabeth had been interested in him for quite some time now...even though technically they were related by Maria's marriage she didn't actually care or find that weird at all. No she had liked him even before they were married.

Maria grinned as the conversation continued between the two of them, slightly annoyed yet very amused at the fact that Tracey was flirting with Bridgette. She chuckled softly and slightly shook her head to herself, oh how amusing this was going to be by far. She followed after the pair, leaving the clearly disturbed and pissed off Chuck to simmer in his own rage for a bit...up until he walked up to Bridgette and pressed a gun directly to her chest. Maria narrowed her own eyes now, poised to beat the living hell out of Chuck if he didn't lower the gun in the next five seconds. Luckily for the nerdy boy, he did. If not, well, there'd be beaten Chuck on the floor more than likely. That said, he seemed to be extremely pissed off by this fact instead of seeing the benefits of it like she had.

"Long story short, it's a disguise." She replied simply, innocently shrugging. "Don't blow it, don't give any hints you know, alright?" She stated. "This could be the one thing that will help us." She said, sighing heavily, giving Chuck an apologetic smile. Things soon got even crazier as Tracey's brother Damien...and the asshole whom had taken their children from them appeared. At this, Maria drew her blade wordlessly and pointed it directly at him. It was clear if she didn't like his explanation as to why he bothered to show his ugly face here again she intended on cutting him down...okay he wasn't that ugly but that was aside the point.

She didn't exactly like it...but she guessed she had a point on Masakazu. She sighed heavily and lowered her blade, ears twitching and eyes widening as she heard the screams. "What the fuck?" She stated, raising her blade defensively. They couldn't of been being attacked yet? Right? They still had time to prepare, take the fight to her...right? When she saw the bodies as well as the ghostly form of was evident that answer was a solid no. "God dammit...just once..JUST ONCE, I want things to go right." She shouted, glaring daggers at the enraged ghost. "FUCK OFF AND DIE ALREADY!" She screamed at him, though didn't attack. No, attacking head on was foolish at this point.

No sooner than she said this did Bridgette attack and Bernkastel appear, followed by a small army of soldiers. Gunshots rang out, Bernkastel started her attack. Elizabeth also entered the fray now, already moving in to begin fighting the soldiers. "No, Bridgette...over OUR dead body." She corrected, also rushing in with her sister. If the rest could focus on the main targets...these two would focus on the underlings. They would prove why they'd earned the nickname Twin Terrors, or die protecting their family.​
Wraith Masakazu

Things appeared to always have its own special way of muddling up as the unexpected arrival of Bernkastel and a dozen of loyal minions had taken up their positions outside, with a couple of the anti-reaper’s lackeys inside, all of them absolutely itching to have a go at picking apart the Llyria Harp members that were only a few feet distance from where they were all at, both opposing forces gave one another a powerful stare-down as a few seconds from now they’d all be at one another’s throats. Damien along with her sister instinctively moved away from the middle ground, neighboring themselves with Maria, Bismarck, and the rest of them. As long as Bernkastel was here she couldn’t do anything to harm those children and knowing how outnumbered they were this temporary conflict was already drawing its way to the end, especially with the influential powers of Bismarck whom stayed defiant in the eyes of his detractors until being the one to make the first move, sending out the blazing fury of the phoenix to lay waste to the goons. Peace and passive aggressive gawking now had advanced to small hordes of people rushing in and having their way, striking, kicking, and even stabbing. Brutality was everywhere and Masakazu was enjoying every bit of it, seeing Bernkastel go all-out was entertaining alone giving himself some motivation, his heart pulsating with the idea of impressing the love of his life. All of this was amusing and all but he found himself lit up at the sight of Tracey’s anxious look, each hand gripping the hilt of that blade of hers was uneasy, shaking beyond belief at the sight of the one who had ambushed the woman’s squadron and eventually managing to capture Tracey, using her as his own guinea pig for experimentation. “Damien.. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed this but the cards are not in your favor my friend. You better know your place, or your next one will be in the ground by that precious sister of yours.” Each stinging word almost made Damien break out of the line where Tracey, Maria, and the rest had been standing. Controlling himself enough to not pummel in Mazzy’s ghost face with his fists as the mother of two had addressed herself, fluctuating a set of daggers ferociously at the mad-man with him beaming in utter enjoyment, this had almost been comparable to going to an amusement park for him, what an adrenaline rush! Not only did he have the opportunity of strangling Bismarck’s wife right in front of him but his utmost essential pawn was amidst the battlefield as well.

“How rude, you’d think that Biz would have the decency of teaching his wife some managers, if you can’t teach a dog how to behave you might as well put it down right? Maybe if you plead for forgiveness, i’d shine my grace upon you in the form of a humane death.” Although they were not amused by his joking pokes, Damien’s scowl looked as if it was forever permanent, fixated on that damn beast of a man! How was he considered to once be a human? Only a monster concealing itself in human skin would seek pleasure in taking loved ones away and finding enjoyment out of a loved one’s misery. “Guess you all are individuals of action? Admirable, I can relate but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, besides i’ve yet to unveil my present, taking the painstaking liberty in treading a LOYAL servant of mine to fetch me a spare treat, which I so happen to have on me.” Recoiling back, Tracey’s mind drew a blank once Masakazu reached for his pocket and revealed a detonator shaped device, nothing like one used to remotely trigger explosives but this one looked to be special for some reason and with someone as screwed up in the head as him? This situation got one-hundred times more out of control. “What the hell is that suppose to be? What are you playing at?” Damien vocalized, wondering what Masakazu’s whole speal was pointing to. Tracey on the other hand knew in full-detail what that ‘instrument’ was capable of, brainwashing substitute with no second-thoughts of doing something someone would be hesitant to. Not feeling in control of her body was near worse than death, being awake during the scenarios was even more terrible, Tracey soon found herself shaking uncontrollably from fear, staying behind Damien to hide herself from Mazzy’s wicked eye. “But now as we draw this to a conclusion. I believe that i’ve nothing more to say since the fun has begun! So let me demonstrate, Tracey my lovely dear! Please be a doll and put on a magnificent performance for me!” A soft ‘Click’ sprung out as his thumb connected with the protruding switch, knocking it forward on the detonator. Damien and Tracey looked back, awaiting. Droplets of sweat beating down his forehead as the volume of intensity thickened, then it happened. Without warning Tracey drooped her head onto his tricep, promptly becoming limp and putting her full-weight on him as if she had fainted. “Tracey?” What did he do to her? Using her as a toy and configuring her like some sort of figurine was unacceptable.

“What did you do?!” Masakazu fluttered a waving good-bye to Damien as he spun around facing Maria, Elizabeth, and dearest Chuck, now uninterested with the whole brother and sister conflict that was bound to happen. “Oh Damien, you’ll find out soon enough. But as outstanding as I am, even I don’t hold all the answers as to what will happen in the next thirty seconds or so, that’s for you to figure out. As for I. This beautiful wife of Bismarck is about to be skinned and put on display for the whole world to see!” Breaking away from the conversation, Masakazu lunged forward in a dead-bolt, blitzing from left to right grasping a sharpened dagger-sized blade in his mitts as he focused on Maria, licking his lips at the thought of watching her bleed as he swung wildly at her, coming in from numerous angles. “I went easy on you all the first time, but now? Now i’m going to kill all of you!” His psychotic laughter filled the air as did the emotionally dread experience Damien was having looking at his motionless sister until something odd happened, veins within her arms, legs, and even face became clearly visible as if something had been pumping wildly through her bloodstream, to his surprise he wasn’t expecting Tracey’s eyelids to flutter back, her pupils dilated and focused on him as she flicked the hilt of her blade into his unprepared stomach, catapulting him backwards through the storefront window, shattering it and spilling out their battle to the outside with the manipulated Tracey barreling out of the building, kingslayer's blade drawn, an unknown sibling rivalry becoming a reality.
( Mitchs98 Mitchs98 TheHufflepuffRabbit TheHufflepuffRabbit @Otherswhomaybeinterested.)

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