Chapter 1: Interesting Times

A taut air sidles willfully between the two game players, an almost visible tension as they square off one last time. The golems themselves are no less anxious, perfetly showcasing their wielders unwillingness to back down in their stances. Each raises their fists and collides with the other with a ferocity that belied their small stature.

An audible "pop" resonates across the room, as Andran's fighter fall to their knees, their head comically raised several inches off of their shoulders. Cled's combatant raises its fist in victory, parading to a make-believe audience. A whirr and a click emits from the device, and the fighters resume their original positions, waiting for the next tourney to test their skills.

It's at this point that there's yet another, knock at the door, soon revealed to be Hrune once again, complete with a large serving cart bedecked with curious vittles.

A marvelous tea-set, carved of ivory and bereft of ornamentation is presented to Andran. The pot smells faintly of jasmine, and a few gently steaming pies compete with their own savory fragrance of pork. A small, empty bowl is accompanied alongside.

To Arrington, a jug of chilled water, fluorescent citrus fruit slices jostling with cubes of ice within, along with a pair of immaculate glasses.

Cled is bestowed a platter of colorful slices of fish, delicately placed on top of what seems to be small cubes of rice.

Finally, a cake is left to the counter beside Fortesque, a dark thing that wafted with a heady, rich scent of mint and chocolate.

"Will that be all, Honorable Master Fortesque?" asked Hrune, still impeccably impassive.
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Yrva Andran

"Hells!" Andran shouts as her golem perishes in the mock arena. Only her want to one day own the item stopping her from slamming down the controller in frustration. Face turning a deep shade of crimson over her normally white pallor, Andran quickly spears the refreshments brought forth, handling the pot and bowl in her humanoid hands, and retreats to the nearest furnished corner of the room.

Either her reputation or her appearance must have preceded her as the meal presented was perfectly set for the arachnomorph's taste. Each pie was placed into her hands and viciously attacked by her mandibles. Quickly they slice a perfect hole into the side, while the interior is sucked out. Discarding each empty shell, she places them in the bowl. Washing the rest down with tea, she eats quickly and greedily until only several shells remain.

Wiping her face and hands with a cloth in the manner of an insect, she then withdraws to the edge of the conversation. Keeping quiet and watching for any new information.

A throaty chuckle is all that indicates his subtle triumph of victory. He admires the little golems for their craftsmanship if nothing else. A good way to keep the skills sharp.

The shriek and subsequent spidery behaviour of his opponent afterwards however moulds his features into an expression somewhere between bemused and worried.

Bloody Infernals.

A sheepish half bow to Little Miss as he rejoins everyone, relieved none of them seem to be offended. Or at the very least entertained by their antics.

Fish? Well, posh finger food really.

Not quite what he was used to - then again he was used to hauling entire salmon or tuna out from the depths and gutting right there on the deck - but he was never one to refuse a meal. Never know when it could be your last one afterall...

Is there a posh way to eat these? I don't know...

Large fingers, large teeth and a wide mouth didn't really make for dainty eating. Rather more a jowl-y hound that had discovered a yoghurt pot.

Napkins swiftly administered. This is exhausting.
Cecilia Arrington

"Any ideas what that might be?" Cecilia inquired of Fortesque before they were interrupted by the arrival of the food and drink they requested. "Thank you." She nodded to Hrune and picked up one of the glasses to pour some water in.

She gives a small smile to Cled, hoping to not be here and return to her reading soon enough. She takes a sip of the water and then taps the ice-like object wound around her forearm. "Helmine, would you like some water?"

"This scholar will lower himself to speak second in agreement. Honoured Magus Arrington asks a question, and I too wish to know the answer."

Davore sits balanced and with poise, sipping his coffee.

Why, there's hardly any obvious sign of his intense curiosity at all!

"What clue has this revealed to you, Cousin?"
Hulbrad Fortesque

Q takes a deep drink of his coffee before waving Hrune away with a brief thanks.

"It has revealed the existence of clues." He says, turning to the box from the library and carefully extracting the book. "Do you know the story of revered Ancestor Vedomosti?"

"As it happens, Cousin, I do. That said, I would not claim mastery of the topic. I know only that he existed, that his scholarship was very well respected, and that he disappeared and was presumed dead."

Davore's face is, as always, calm and smooth, a porcelain mask.

Blast. Oh no. Couldn't vanish neatly. The cunning old blighter had to leave clues.

Very well.

He smiles, cool and calculated.

"I believe that my Cousin Fortesque is about to explain to us that he believes there is more to it, and that if we pull this line, we may have a fat and struggling fish on the end of it."

Glancing up for the benefit of the orcish mercenary, Davore continues.

"A clever and powerful old man whom everyone believes dead and gone may have left something behind, something previously undiscovered. There may be intrigue afoot, and investigations running into each other, getting under each others' feet."

Actually.........the orc is a large and very impressive physical specimen....and displayed common sense and an even demeanour earlier....
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Wiping his fingers clean of the remnants of sticky rice grains, he smiles - an awkward motion for a creature not used to pulling such a face, emotion was not exactly his species strongsuit - his wide mouth lined with shark teeth, "Ah, thank you, Good Doctor, I was beginning to wonder what everyone was prattling about,"

... Probably shouldn't have used the word 'prattling'

"I'm not really the investigating sort... that's Little Miss's forte. But anything that gets under my feet tends to get squashed," he admits.
From around the cryolyte's forelimb unwinds a strange, serpentine construct, a thing of pale blue ice and slick snow white scales. A crest is inscribed between two deep sapphire eyes, and it looks about sleepily. A slim forked tongue touches the water in front of it, flicking back and forth delicately.

"Oh dear, are we still in this dreary place? I had hoped to hibernate through your time here. Has it been days? Weeks? ...Months?" it whispers loudly, as snakes are wont to do. The voice is feminine and haughty, like a womans voice over frosty plains, spoken in a spirelings high tongue, and the tone is one of tired annoyance.
Cecilia Arrington

"Barely a couple hours if even that." She laughs softly the construct, running her fingers along her scales in an affectionate motion. "I would feel better if you were a little more awake. We have had some developments while in the library, name a man turned to stone by the book over there."

Feeling a little better with Helmine awake as well as Cled being filled in, she brushes a lock of hair from her cheek with the arm not currently being half-held by the serpent's body around it.

"If you are looking to investigate the matter, will admit I am curious as to what is so important in this book that it spring the trap we witnessed before." Looking to Fortesque, her gaze becomes wary when lingering on what he holds.

"I'm afraid I am less familiar of the tale. Gracious Host, please enlighten us. What do you believe we might find if we follow this apparent trail left behind?"

Goodness, my tutors back home would be so proud of how well I'm managing between three different languages right now...
Hulbrad Fortesque

"Greatly revered Ancestor Vedomosti was the first Chronicler. His research concerned the very foundations of the universe and the true nature of magic. But he was paranoid, convinced someone was hunting him down. Finally. he and all of his notes vanished as if they had never been. I am hoping this will lead me to any of his remaining research, or perhaps some indication of where he went." Q explains.

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  • "Were I not already a thing of ice, were I faced with a significant period in this bibliophile's mausoleum, I too might have considered becoming some solid scenic spangle in the hopes that someone would place me outside as patio ornamentation," hissed the serpent dryly, coiling up the young woman's torso, resting its head on her shoulder. "At least the view would be somewhat more interesting..."

    "Do be careful though. As much as I enjoy using you as a sturdy static climbing rest, I must admit, I would miss the use of your legs should you join the fellow in stony countenanced kinship,"

Cecilia Arrington

Her eyes light up at the mention of the first Chronicler's topics of research. They were the very same she was looking to explore herself. What a stroke of luck!

"I see. This is most interesting, I will admit. This topic has been one I have been attempting to research myself. I would be willing to extend my aid if you would be willing to share the findings with me."

She pets the serpent's head affectionately, trying not to laugh. "
Don't you worry, I have no intentions of joining the ornamental society apparently beginning in this library. I have you and Cled to keep an eye on the things I might miss, right? I'll just be extra careful handling any books I touch."

Hulbrad Fortesque


"I have not collaborated in some time, and am thus amenable to the prospect."

He leaves the box on the table and retrieves a larger, glass box from a cupboard along with a pale blue glove.

He places the book-box in the glass case, seals it, and then puts the glove on. When he presses the gloved hand to the glass it distorts inward, and he then attempts to open the box.

He nods in the same mildly concerned manner of a small child being given instructions they didn't know how to carry out.

Eyes batting back and forth from Q to Little Miss to Sasspants Snake.

"Let me handle any books before you pick them up then..." he tries helpfully.
Cecilia Arrington

She smiles up at Cled, grateful. "I would rather you didn't turn to stone either though. Perhaps our Hulbrad host may have a way to test the books before anyone opens them. I do appreciate it, Cled. I'm lucky to have such a concerned companion and bodyguard."

Her eyes linger curiously on what Fortesque is doing.

"I will admit to the shame of being otherwise at a loose end, and also possessed of curiosity regarding this incident."

Davore offers a slow, careful smile.

"If this investigation requires medical or anatomical knowledge, or simply another pair of hands used to toting books around library shelves, I would be happy to assist."
Pulling aside the enchanted pages of the book within the confines of the magical containment device, Fortesque was treated not to some insidious spray of dust, but the sight of a small, circular, dark grey gemstone. Its dull, matt surface was emblazoned by a densely wound spiral, as if some unusual fingerprint.

"Should we ever chance upon a desert, I daresay you would appropriate some vast sum renting out his shadow," interjected the snake, snorting slightly. "But for here, I doubt his services will be of much use, especially as I am disinclined to believe that fellow can slay that unholy trinity of demons that haunt bibliographical locales, that of boredom, dust, and paper cuts,"

Two things are immediately apparent. One, you can sense the smooth grey of Hulbradim magics about the stone, and two, this gem's appearance is the exact same as the one enshrined in the exhibit recording his life and deeds, that of his only known memory stone.
"Helmine..." Cecilia sighs at the snake, trying not to smile too obviously at her. Of course the construct would know the tone of politely scolding her to save face in front of company. "Cled has been a wonderful bodyguard and guide. I feel safer knowing he is there for me and so should you." She tickles under the serpent's chin and looking over at Fortesque as he examines the book.

Curious, she rises from her seat to stand and watch just over his shoulder. "Fascinating..."
Hulbrad Fortesque

Barely able to contain his excitement and certainly not able to conceal it, Q removes the stone with supreme gentleness and then takes it out of the case entirely.

"A memory stone," he says, "identical to the one the revered ancestor left behind as his final message."
Lybar Davore

This is interesting enough for Davore to lean forward and peer more intently.

"A ruse made homeomorphic to the truth, cousin? Lies hidden behind likeness?"

He smiles, allowing teeth to peek from behind his lips.

"I appoint myself as your personal physician for the moment, and as such cannot recommend attempting to access the contents of the stone.....but my curiosity is most powerful nonetheless. Shall I ready needles and stimulants, just in case?"

That's a memory stone...

He knew that much from it's size and shape and colour. He worked with a fair few before in his craftings. Even the Holy Library had a few back in Trollhaven...

Watching Q fiddle with the little trinket.

"Do you often feel it's necessary to booby trap memory stones?" he thinks aloud.
Hulbrad Fortesque

"That is, I believe, for the best," Q replies, nodding, smiling despite himself. "Pardon me, favoured guests."

With that, he attempts to access the stone.

  • As you move to interact with the stone, you feel something brush over your mind, as if stepping through a spiderweb. There's a brief hesitation from the stone, and then, the memory suffuses your senses...

Cecilia Arrington

She giggled at Helmine's comment, restraining it quickly as she saw Forteque access the memory stone. Cled did have a point but they had the doctor on hand.

"If there's something they don't want others to find on it, perhaps. Let's hope the only trap was the book it was held in. We'll just have to keep watch." She comments to her bodyguard, giving him a small smile.

She then lapsed into silence, wondering what Fortesque would see with the memory stone and hoping they wouldn't have another magical trap sprung. Two deaths in the library within her first few hours would be far too much.

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