Chapter 1: Interesting Times

  • Hrune bows again, thanking Fortesque, and closes the door.

    The golems are controlled by a pair of handle like controls affixed beneath the arena, a button atop each handheld grip. Twisting the things affects the corresponding golems posture, while the button causes them to unleash jabs, hooks, body blows, and haymakers, depending on the angle of the controls. Finally, pulling or pushing the handles causes the creatures to move forwards and backwards.

    It takes a few minutes to acclimatise yourself to the controls, and even then, you're far from masters, but you can at least get the golems to do roughly what you intend them to do.

    If you intend for these bad boys to pummel each other just make an opposed Dexterity roll. You're both newbies at the device, so there'll be no need for modifiers.

The Clinic

Davore makes absolutely no judgement, and says precisely nothing about how this situation could have arisen, just nodding gently while he pulls on a thin pair of gloves.

Then, he tells that good old standby of a stinking lie.

"It's alright, just lie quietly on your side, legs forward and a little apart.....this won't hurt......"

He's mostly finished his report, anyway.
Hulbrad Fortesque

Q places brown sugar cubes, a fat, glass jug of milk, and a selection of cups on the table. Then he pours a measure of the rich, fragrant coffee into each but one - since Andran had declined.

"Please, enjoy. And further, treat the golem area with care, for it is very old."

He sips his coffee, black, and smiles slightly.

"I would like to extend apologies for rendering you complicit in my necessary realignment of the truth, earlier."
Cecilia joins the Hulbrad for some coffee, adding some milk and two sugars to hers before taking a delicate sip.

"I was simply an observer of events in the hospitality of my hosts. It was not my place to speak of matters that are not mine to handle." She replies with a gentle smile in return. "But I graciously accept your apology and hope that I have not caused further trouble to you."

Her eyes stray to the two playing with the golem arena and shifted her shoulders carefully, trying to ease the tension in them a little. What a day and still she had yet to even lay eyes on the books she had wanted to read.
Yrva Andran

Checking her hands over and making sure the grips are safe and free from anything harmful, Andran takes hold of one of the opposing controllers.

Instantly the golem locks up and lowers itself into a fighting stance. Andran looks up, smirking at the Orc.

"Equally powerful, you can't use strength to win this fight. Something tells me you aren't going to be hindered-slowed-obstructed by it though. Good luck"



"I know how to throw a punch..." he comments, taking ahold of the little joysticks awkwardly in his large meaty hands, "Though never like this..."

He chuckles, a low, deep, throaty sound. A sound one would expect to accompany a tune of Hall of the Mountain King.


  • Cled's golem stutters forward with a mean right hook, though Andran's responds with a stumble more than a backstep, but nevertheless bypasses the blow, and responds with a cruel jab of her own, colliding with Cled's with the tinniest of clinks. Cled's steps backwards, but rises once more to the occasion.

    If you'd like to continue, roll Dex again, maybe even clarify what you want the golems to be doing.

Davore turns his head towards the door for a moment.

"Respected servant, I must prevail upon your patience for a moment and instruct that this clinic remain private."

He then turns back to his patient.

"Now, then. Refrain from vigorous exercise for a couple of days, try to divide your time between lying still and walking quietly, and you'll be quite fine. You may dress."

Escorting his patient out, removing the gloves and thoroughly washing his hands, Davore then takes a moment to usher Hrune in.

"The physician inquires as to the diagnosis of revered cousin Hulbrad Fortesque. Alive, well, sitting up in bed, taking fluids and talking?"
Davore's Clinic

The servant fervently thanks you, awkwardly stuffing the "object" into the side of his jacket, and making a hasty limp to the exit.

Hrune does not bat so much as an eyelid at the peculiar passing of the man, stepping inside the clinic with her usual impassive expression.

"Venerable Chronicler, Master Hulbrad Fortesque, wishes to make the acquaintance of the honorable Master Lybar Davore at his nearest convenience. If you wish to acquiesce to this request, I will lead you to the Master's study, and if not, I will follow through on the aforementioned request for a muscular male individual with time, patience, and no strong objections towards being a canvas for temporary monastic tattoos," she explains in even, measured tones.
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He picks up his almost finished report, along with his doctor's bag, and gestures.

"Please. By all means, provide me with the path to his study."

He wrestles with the little joysticks, their design not quite calibrated for hands as large as his own.

He glances aside to Little Miss, assuring himself she is enjoying herself. Maybe this was entertaining her at least.

"Okay," he muses as the little golems batter each other. He tries to wrangle the little construct into some form of a defensive pose, hands and forearms shielding it's head.

Least show proper form.

It skips about, tiny footfalls clinking. Looking for an opening. The ribs maybe? Kidneys? Do these things even have kidneys?

Jab jab jab.


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Cecilia Arrington

Cecilia is finding the little golem match very entertaining. It's adorable. She sips her coffee as she watches, smiling a little.
Yrva Andran

So, the Orc was learning. His golem responding much more vigorously. The connection he showed was intuitive enough to give Andran pause. Time to change this up. She drops the controller in her hands as her legs lower. They reach out, sharp tips open up to reveal several small tendrils that quickly grip the controls.

Her jaws click, hoping the gambit pays off, four of her eyes on the arena, two on Cled and two on the nearest exit.

Fortesque's Study

It seems that the Orc's experience in the pugilistic arts in real life may be lending him an edge in the game, as his golem bumbles aside from a weak jab from Andran's, hammering its own tiny fists into a pair of body blows. Andran's golem, in a rather disturbingly realistic fashion, clutches at itself in pain as it recovers from the attacks.

It could be anyone's game now.

At least, it should be, barring interruption.

There's another knock at the door, and Hrune's voice calls out again.

"There is an Esteemed Master Lybar Davore to see you, Honorable Master Fortesque,"
Hulbrad Fortesque

Q takes his eyes from the golem duel - impressed, but only slightly, by the Orc - and answers.

"Ah, Most Excellent Surgeon, please join us in our leisure. A place has been prepared for you." He says, gesturing to an empty seat with a steaming cup of coffee sat before it.
Lybar Davore

"It is to my great pleasure that I have been invited to the study of a potential peer, a pleasure only compounded by the offer of a seat, and the audacity that said offer includes a stimulant. That mine host believes caffeine will prove necessary is a most promising glimpse of the palaver that we must yet hold."

Davore offers a very precise bow, and takes the offered chair, in the process bowing to the human magus, and nodding to the two using the golem cage.

"Miss, it is pleasant to see you once more, and I must hope that you are not disturbed by the events of earlier today."

The pleasantries having been observed, he looks across at both the magus and his fellow scholar.

"Now then, Cousin Fortesque.....what the blazes is going on?"
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The Orc throws a momentary glance over his shoulder at Davore's entrance, and a nod and grunt ackowledging his arrival.

An apology to Little Miss? Least the good doctor has good manners.

He clocks Andran's extra legs now being used, the mechanical tendrils wrapped around the controls. He'd be impressed by their craftsmanship, if he was wasn't metaphorically being beaten up by them.

I'm pretty sure that's cheating.

No matter. Should finish this up. Looks like serious business incoming.

A haymaker then. A quick flutter of movements to the controls, wrestling the little similacrum to mimic as close as he could. Please work.


Hulbrad Fortesque

Q resumes his seat and inhales the aroma of his coffee.

"As I have said to Magus Arrington, I apologize for rendering you complicit in my necessary realignment of the truth. Respected elder Hulbrad Kalphas and I have strong, divergent opinions on proper research protocol and the applications of that research."

He sips his coffee.

"A necessary realignment of the truth involving artifacts which have not been turned over to the official investigation? Clearly there is indeed a very strong difference of opinion."

Davore offers a tight smile and slides his report across the table.

"If one were to read my report with close attention to detail, no references to unusual books, or to the name of Vedomosti, would be apparent. After all, it is for me to be concerned only with the purely medical aspects of that poor man's demise, and the potential fallout from it."

He looks sharply over the table at his cousin.

"If any contagion is apparent, my silence will be broken. I will permit no plague in my presence."

He also offers the Magus a smile.

"Magus Arrington, are you in this for the sake of your curiosity?"
Cecilia sipped at her coffee as the two spoke, listening and observing. When spoken to, she returns the smile offered by Davore.

"Curiousity and perhaps the reassurance that more books I open within the Library will not offer myself or my bodyguard the same fate as the victim." She replies. "If this was a once off event, I would prefer to return to the study of what I came here for. Though, I could hardly turn down a generous host's invitation for refreshment after such an event." She adds, nodding to Fortesque. She delicately returns her drink to the coffee table.

"So the question remains, what happens from here? What to you propose, Gracious Host Fortesque? Are we to follow your lead and forget what we saw? I would very much prefer to avoid trouble when I am a guest in someone else's home." The blonde woman asks, blue eyes focusing on the Hulbrad.
Yrva Andran

Beads of sweat start to form across Andran's neck as her golem is battered. Even more she was starting to feel the want to win. For her golem to stand proudly while his falls to pieces. Her jaws click with a hint of competitive malice.

The golem stands back up and she throws the controls forwards, trying to tackle and pound the opponent into submission.


Hulbrad Fortesque

"Now, you are welcome to continue enjoying the hospitality of the Rose and your studies." He replies. "Our House has little facility for contagion, but traps? It is wise to have a guide in the library. This incident will pass into the Speculative Records until I finish my examination of the book."

He sips again.

"Ideally, Mal's sacrifice will reveal something of great interest."
The golems clash again in a miniature struggle reminiscent of beleaguered titans, trading blows with merciless aplomb, until finally each steps away from the conflict no better nor worse off.

If you want to continue, one final dexterity roll.

One last huff of breath through his shark-like teeth.

Well, don't wanna break it, and don't wanna look bad in front of the guests... least I ain't got anything ridin' on this as a bet.

Last go I guess... little cheater.


Yrva Andran

Close fight, victory at hand. All eyes fall down to the game. She wanted this and if she lost it...


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