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Fantasy Chaotic Coffee Shop

"Stay as long as you like."

After a little bit of silence, he heard the door to the entrance open, which lead him to find another person standing there and asking if she could have something to drink. He was making coffee anyway, so he grabbed a third cup and poured the mixture inside of it, along with the other cups.

Here you are."

He'd exit from behind the bar and place two coffee's on the table that the man and woman were sitting on. Then he procceeded to walk over to the person who had just entered and handed her the coffee.

Nai took the cup in his hands taking a sip. He turned around to see who the third cup was going to and saw a girl standing in the doorway. 'I must've fallen asleep for a few moments...' He thought rubbing his eyes and taking another sip of the coffee, which was surprisingly very good. "You make very good coffee." He mumbled not thinking he was talking aloud.

@Kippers @Airfield Hime

"Why thank you, but they're not as good as my Sensei's.. I'm only kidding, I don't think their is a sensei for making Coffee. Also I'd hide your face if I were you. Investigators come through here sometimes. "

He then turned, facing the direction of his office and slowly walked through the door, closing it behind him gently. He'd then sigh and sit down on the comfy chair beneath him, which was at his desk area.

'Investigators come through here sometimes?' He thought facing himself away from the door. It was no wonder he was caught so many times by them, he had either been protecting someone, or he trusted someone way too easily. He sighed putting the cup down nod burrying his face into his arms almost as if was going to sleep, although he wasn't he was thinking.... Thinking about where he would go after he was healed enough to move as quickly as needed to get away from the investigators. Usually he stayed in a human's house, acting as if he were human himself, although he didn't think that would work much now, considering almost all of the investigators new his face by now.

She grasped the edge of her dress, giving the owner of the shop a respectful bow. Finding herself at the counter-top, she sat the umbrella next to her. Bringing together each of her hands in what seemed to be a shot prayer, then pressing the rim of the cup to the edges of her lips. Taking a swig of the dark roast, her lips pursed for a moment before releasing a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, this is what I needed all day..."

Hey ear's perked up at the mention of investigators, her eyes drawn towards the direction of the comment. She new about them all to well, but at the same time she would rather avoid an engagement if necessary.

"Investigators are bad for business."

She chimed in at what she assumed to be the end of their conversation, or at least a point she could interject. Releasing that statement would also be enough to disclose to them, that she was at least not human. But one of them in a certain right.

@JayKuro @Kippers
Gwen had had enough. She threw her arms up in frustration, then hastily got out of her car. She was going to just go in the damn coffee shop, order something to drink, and stake the place out. Not that hard, right? Then she could report to her superior once and for all that yes, it was just a store. No vampires, ghouls, demons, or whatever. Plus, she could use something to drink.

She grabbed her notepad and pen and stuffed them into the inside pocket of her jacket. She shut her car door and locked it, jiggling the door handle a few times just to make sure it was actually locked. With her hands in her pockets, she briskly crossed the street.

The outside of the store seemed normal, Gwen supposed. She hadn't been to many coffee shops, but she got the gist of it. Go in, order a drink, sit down, people watch. How hard could it be?

She opened the door, noting the ringing of the bells on the door as they announced her. She went up to the counter and looked at the drink options. Part of her was expecting something like, "Witch's bubbly brew" or "Goblin's greasy grime," or other drinks that would be found at a crappy Halloween party. But, no, these drinks looked pretty average.

While she waited, she surveyed the room, trying to note anything suspicious.
Nai watched as a woman entered the shop and sat down. She smelled human,Mobutu he didn't say much him being the naïve person he is the thought of her being an investigator didn't even cross his mind. He kept drinking his coffee paying no mind to the girl as he kept hiding his face as unsuspiciously as he could.


Jack, one of the workers, was cleaning the tables and packing away the used coffee cups that people left about the store and only glanced when he saw someone else coming into the store. Sarah walked out from the kitchen, when she heard the bell and watched as someone walked in and come up to the counter. She gave her best smile and walked over, to then open her mouth with the words.

What would you like miss?"

Coming out of her mouth. Jack had come back behind the counter a few seconds later and headed into the small kitchen, so that he could wash the cups and plates that had coffee stains on them. The owner of the shop had decided that, after a while of waiting for something to happen, he would exit his office and the shop completely, to go for a short walk down the road.

A storms coming."

He thought, watching the clouds forming in the sky, some dark grey, whilst others were charcoal black, ready to burst with the water that was inside of them.

I'd better make this a short walk.."
Masyet was walking down the streets until he looked up to the sky to see dark grey almost black clouds forming, he walked down the street in a hurry with his bow on his back and the quincke that one of his inspectors friends gave him. While walking he noticed a coffee shop ahead so he basically ran into the shop asking if it was still open, he didn't even notice the inspector that was right in front of him

@rooi @Kippers
After the lady at the counter asked Gwen what she wanted, she put a finger to her chin. "Hm," she pondered, her eyes wondering up and down the menu. Another moment passed, then she said, "I'll just take a small coffee, please." She turned as a man brushed past her and headed out of the store. Where was he going? If anything, he should have stayed inside to avoid the coming rain. Something in the air hinted at a downpour, Gwen could feel it.

Her thoughts were interrupted as someone bumped into her. She stumbled slightly, her notebook falling out of her pocket. Glowering, she quickly bent down and hurriedly stuffed it back into the inside fold of her coat. "You should watch where you're going," she grunted. Her eyebrows raised once she noted the bow slung over the man's back. That's a little unusual, she noted to herself, but said nothing aloud about the matter.
Nai watched another person entered the coffee shop. 'Do most people usually come to coffee shops when it's about to close or is it just this one?' He thought turning around not particularly minding if people saw his face. Sure people new his face but the one that just walked in didn't smell human and the other one... She looked new, maybe she has just been assigned to this ward? He questioned himself glancing back and forth between the two trying to no exactly stare in a way.

@rooi @Masyet
Nai watched as the man who just walked in sat down next to him. "He's not here, he just left." He said looking at the man, he didn't exactly want to introduce himself. You never know who could be lurking around listening to their conversation, or something freely like that. Instead he gave the man a small smile before finishing the rest of the coffee and looking into the empty cup, as if he had found something interesting.

"excuse me waiter can I please have a medium coffee?" While he waited for his coffee he looked around the room to see an inspector, what seemed like two ghouls in the cafe and a vampire not to mention the waiter and the waitress who both looked non-human but he couldn't put his finger on what they are exactly. The truth is he had something for the owner of this coffee shop and it was just pure luck that he decided to take a walk and end up here. The package was from someone named Yoshimura who ever that was
Ashley's been walking for so long looking out for anyone who could see her true self, even though it wasn't that dangerous someone out there wanted her dead. It's been hours since school ended but there's still investigators there searching for something. Some dumb boy went into the girls bathroom and saw her true form but not her face and reported immediately to teachers everywhere. She isn't safe, not for long anyway. She needed to go home quickly but was out of breath from jogging, which even walking hurt a bit for her. She was looking for a place to get energized more so she can continue going on, stay inside for maybe an hour but then she has to get back home. Now it began to rain.

Dammit! This hurts so much...' She thought still running, light forming around her legs. She had to go inside or someone would see her on the spot so she took an immediate right opening a door and closing her eyes. It smelled like coffee, perfect for one problem. But there was another one, her legs were in terrible pain.

She saw there were other people inside, still a bit out of breath. "
Oh... Hello..." She said looking between the many other people inside raising a hand to head level(5'2) making a small wave. She was hunched over a bit and her legs were shaking a bit.

Just get something and get out, I'm not safe anywhere.' She thought quickly.

@JayKuro @Masyet @Any1 else that's here
"What do have here a naga? I've only seen a few in my lifespan they're one of the most rarest monsters, hey don't look so surprised the light around your leg gives it away" Masyet said "Don't worry your secret is safe with me but I can't say the same about that inspector over their" he said pointing to Gwen

@JayKuro @TheOnlyCatbug @rooi @FireMaiden
She felt relieved but then scared again when the person said "inspector". She walked more inside when she had room and her lower body lit up to reveal the half snake she is, everyone already knew by the butthead that exposed her.

So investigator dude, shouldn't you be at my school where the actual investigating is going on!" She shouted a bit loudly like a teenager at the girl the person who exposed her pointed to.

@JayKuro @Masyet @rooi @FireMaiden
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Arai was completely ignoring what was happening, just scribbling in a notebook, just ideas and planning out a timeline. She had also put her ear buds in, loud rock music blasting from the small speakers. Of course, she smelled the human. Also, she knew that was the investigator from outside.
Gwen hated the feeling of having so many eyes on her. A chill crawled up her spine. Clearly, something was off. Either that, or all of these people were regulars here and were signaling her out as the clear outsider. She grabbed her drink, a small plastic spoon to stir it with, and went to go take a seat by the window, where she had a good view of the rest of the room.

Gwen stopped midway when someone from behind her yelled at her, addressing her as "investigator." She sat her item down on the table and turned back around, staring down the redhead girl who called her out. "Excuse me?" she said calmly, feigning ignorance.

So, the attendants here were aware that this place was being monitored. That's probably why the atmosphere got so tense as soon as she entered the room. She was finally ready to admit that something was amiss here, though she wasn't quite ready to chalk it up to the supernatural. Perhaps it was some sort of organized crime. Maybe a drug ring? The man who rushed out so quickly as soon as she entered set off several red flags. Why, of all places, would they choose a cafe for their base, though?
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"Hey, you have quite the sense of smell even for a ghoul, you were able to tell that I wasn't human with just one whiff of me, I thought that I covered my scent before coming in here but obviously not enough" he whispered to the guy that he was sitting next to

"Actually you did a pretty good job. I've just always had better... Senses than most." He said trying to word it properly not glancing up once from the cup. Something in the back of his head, he wasn't completely sure what, but it told him that the needed to keep his head down, with his hair covering his face.


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