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Fantasy Chaotic Coffee Shop

Ashley got really mad but kept it in making a fist with her left hand. She raised it up with the back of her hand facing the human who obviously was playing the "who, me?" game and stuck out her middle finger, effectively doing what she would normally do. She turned away putting her fist to her side and asked nobody in particular. "Hey, where's the owner or whatever? I could use some hot chocolate." She said calming down a little.

Wait, so I'm really that rare? Like how rare? I thought there were millions of me, or at least that's what my mom says anyway..." She asked the person who identified her and apparently got identified herself by some other person in the room which she didn't care about at the time. She found a booth that was close to the rest of the group and laid there with her head and arms over the booth wall, her tail partially on the floor.

@rooi @Masyet
"Obviously your mom doesn't get around that much because lately the Nagas have been hunted down to near extinction the few hundreds left are the ones hiding so well that the investigators don't kill them on the spot, if you are wondering what happened the Nagas formed a group and killed thousands of innocent lives so that they could kill hundreds of investigators now the humans blame all Nagas for doing that now they are one of the rarest monsters out there, a bunch of crap I think they are pulling a genocide killing all Nagas because a mere hundred killed people, racism at its best"

Gwen's lips curled up in a sly smirk as the teen gave her the finger. A small part of her wanted to give the girl a piece of her mind, but she decided against it. She turned around and went back to her seat. After all, it wasn't the first time she'd been flipped off.

This place was definitely odd, Gwen was ready to admit. As she took a sip of her drink, she inconspicuously watched the others in the shop. Taking out her notebook, she noted how everyone seemed to avoid her gaze and talk incredibly quietly, so that she couldn't here.

She started to write, Coffee is swell; Owner left abruptly; Not very friendly--was told to fuck off*. She scribbled down a footnote and sarcastically added, *Maybe the redhead is an orc or something, what a temper

As the rain began to fell, he heard people running around, some with books covering their heads, others with actual umbrella's. He didn't mind the rain though, because it felt nice on his skin. He was a few blocks away from the coffee shop and sighed with relief when he felt the rain droplets hit his skin. On his way back from his walk, he decided to take a few ally's so that he'd get back quicker. The sun was starting to go behind the clouds and let the night time roll in, so it was darker going through the back ally's. When he turned the corner, there was two people standing over another person and they were dressed up like investigators. He could've went back and left, but he couldn't leave a monster to be killed.

Say goodnight!"

One said, swaying his weapon upwards and ready to strike back down. He'd pull the mask he carried over his head and rushed back around the corner, running full speed toward the one with the weapon.


In one quick motion he used his foot to kick him in the stomach, and then blocked the other weapon swaying toward him. It's lucky that it was a blunt weapon, otherwise his arm would've been chopped clean off. This one was pretty strong.

Another suicidal monster it seems!"

One said, swinging his weapon in the direction of his face, which he did not see, causing him to stumble backwards onto the floor. He didn't want to use his shifting form, but if he didn't then he would probably be killed. (He's like a normal human without his form.) Stumbling back to his feet, with blood on his face from where he was hit, he looked back at them both, as his only eye turned a red color, the rest of it being black with red veins.


I'm not going to kill you.. But if you don't want to be seriously injured leave now.."

He calmly spoke, whilst the centipede like tail of his began forming behind him. It was a large and long type of shift, so it got the job done in close and far combat situations. The legs of the centipede acted as spikes, that could be shot out and regrown again, whilst the body of the centipede was for hitting opponents with. They both backed off, taking out their radio's and calling for back up before running off

It's the Centipede! I repeat, the Centipede is at 231 Demur street in district 24!"

You've got to go."

He told the monster, as he stood. He then ran off the other way, exiting the ally, which left him to regain himself and walk away down a different route, back to the coffee shop. Before he opened the doors, he took the mask off and put it away once again.

Sorry about that, I was lost in my own imagination, whilst on a walk. Welcome all new customers. I hope you have a pleasant stay for the last thirty minutes. Closing time soon."

With a smile, he walked behind the counter and began to clean the top of it from the coffee stains, and also dried blood from his face that the rain didn't seem to wash off.

Ashley tried not to cry in that moment and just sat there breathing taking in this information which proved what she was taught to be wrong. She closed her eyes and mouth for what seemed to be an eternity until someone else entered, she opened her eyes and noticed that he was at the counter.

Yay finally.' She thought as she went out of her booth. She slithered to the counter and spoke.

Hey, can I have, like, a hot chocolate...small please. Just before closing so I just wanted to get something." She said smiling at the owner and reaching her pocket for her small sparkly pink wallet. She had to look up at him, she didn't like that. The highest she can go to was 5'2 and if she went any higher it would hurt more than anything. She hated her height.


"Coming right up."

A feel of nervousness washed over him for a second, because of his encounter earlier. And the fact that someone might radio in to the Investigator that was currently in the coffee shop with them. To be honest, he didn't know why she was slithering around the shop with her in here anyway, due to the fact that investigators were supposed to kill monsters. But this one might think that it's some sort of cosplay outfit from some anime she may have watched.

Once he was finished with her hot chocolate, he placed it on a coaster and put it on the bar top in front of her. He then let the money fall into his hands, so he could put it in the register on the far end of the bar.



She put money in his hand, a 5. She wasn't sure if it was any less but hey, at least he got something for her. She took her cup and slithered back to the booth by everyone else getting glances at the human who was writing things down and looked to be watching the rest of the group. She just sat there drinking occasionally, she would need to go soon. "
I'm really that rare?" She kept mumbling to herself in disbelief.

@Nobody in particular

"A package? What's inside of it?"

(Tell me like this if your character doesn't know what it is.)

He asked, confused, before he began to open the package delivered to him.

"I'm sorry. I believe you may have me mistaken for someone else," Gwen responded to the man who had bumped into her earlier, pretending not to notice the strange done in his voice. She shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows in a confused way that said, What are you talking about?.

She raised her drink to her lips and nonchalantly looked out the window. Nervousness crept up on her, but she hid it well. She almost wanted to go outside to phone in for backup, but thought against it. Gwen knew she had to prove to herself and her superiors that she was able to do her job by herself. She took another sip and frowned at her reflection in the drink.
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Masyet got up from his seat and walked over to the booth that Gwen was sitting in and sat down across from her "Look lady, I know that your a investigator from the way you walk, talk and the way you take notes like every three seconds all I want is to ask you two questions and one of them is about that briefcase you keep in the trunk of our car just in case you need to use it but I think we both know that you will never use it" He said

Gwen didn't budge as the man got up from his spot and took a seat across from her. She kept eye contact the whole time he was talking, and when he finished she replied, "I really have no idea what you're talking about."

"If you're dying to know what I have in here," she continued, talking out a larger sketchbook from her pocket. She flipped it open and set it on the table for him to look through. "I'm a freelance illustrator. I sketch a lot in my free time. I figured I'd stop for a small cup of coffee and rough out a few ideas here." Leaning back, she crossed her arms and said, " I don't see why you're getting so worked up."
"Fine keep up with your charade, all I wanted to do is see your quincke and see what they give the new blood now a days" Masyet said before getting up and sitting down in his original spot.

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Nai heard their conversation, she was an investigator? 'That thought never even crossed my mind.' He thought turning around to look at her. She didn't look like an investigator 'maybe she's not a high ranking one, she doesn't have that look that says I've killed many monsters in my lifetime.'

Lionel hummed to himself as he walked towards the coffee shop, he was hoping that he'd be able to get job, he had worked at a Starbucks before so he wasn't completely clueless when it came to coffee
Lionel opened the door of the coffee shop, now feeling a bit nervous, though he tried not to show it. He stepped in and looked around, looking for the owner or at least a manager so he could ask about a job

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