Chaos Kingdom ~ Still Accepting/ Ignore post count ~


Seeker of Stories

Note: Due to the high amount of applicants, I will have to reject some.

Please do not be offended if you are rejected. I will always give a reason as to why and the reasons always reflect the rules.

So before submitting an application, please read the rules thoroughly.

Thank you for your interest.

The Roleplay Page.

The Ooc Page.



Once a beautiful, innocent, untouched land.

It was ruled with kindness and care.

All races lived alongside one another, harmony within their hearts.

No war, no murder, no evil.

But like everything in this world, good things always come to an end.

An evil essence began to plague the land.

It destroyed the cities first, then the towns and the villages.

All manner of creatures became extinct.

They fought among themselves, greed and hatred consuming their hearts.

The people of the land were beaten and tortured, terrified of leaving their homes, scared of making a stand, never fighting back, from fear.

The races were turned against each other, all blaming one another, all hating one another, all killing one another.

The evil plague swept across the entire kingdom, destroying all in it's path, in the name of power.

Mercy no longer existed.

The one who called himself King of Elizia was all powerful, pure evil, and his soul mission was to control everyone and everything. Ridding the world of impurities. An army of millions at his disposal and unstoppable.

But there are a few left in this once beautiful land. A few fighters. People and creatures who want to fight for their freedom, who want to rid the land of this evil, to destroy the dark King.

Will the passion in their hearts lead them to victory, to make the once great Kingdom whole again and to save the world from Darkness?

Inspired by Sabriel, The Wheel of Time, The lord of the Rings, Graceling, A game of Thrones.


Elizia is a vast landscape, sometimes being quite treacherous.

It is full of fantastical cities, unbelievable oceans and glorious mountains.

Although still holding it's raw beauty, some has been destroyed. Forest burned by the kings armies and warrior dragons.

The oceans have been plagued with battle ships and lurking beasts of the deep.

The only safe places are the vast deserts and fields. But even they have patrols roaming them, the innocent people having to run and hide for their lives.

It is an old kingdom, no technology.

Horses and feet are the only transport, other than boats.

The king has spies everywhere, making it almost impossible to feel safe in towns.

The skies are filled with the demons, dragons, hawks and mages.

Nowhere is truly safe, but the heroes of this story must find a way, must survive the land, must remain vigilant and brave.

This is the Kingdom Elizia, the Kingdom of Chaos.

This is The Kingdom Of Elizia

The Hidden dwelling of the Elves.

-Glarren Elstha-

The city residing in the enchanted forest.


The castle of Queen Matherieal of the Elves.

(After the original castle was destroyed by the Dark King, the Elves decided to build a new castle for the new Queen, in the middle of the great Alreniathsea waterfall. The Queen of the Elves is the rightful heir to the throne of Elizia.)


The main city of the humans.

-Glamrell End-

The biggest human settlement.


The castle of Lord Kailen Harrond, the King of Glamrell End.


The wastelands of the Fallen Dragon Riders.

(There are no free riders residing in the settlement anymore, the castle is abandoned and wild dragons roam the lands.)

- Dragoneire Lands -

The lost city.


The castle with no royals.


-The Dark Lands. -

This is where the Dark King dwells and where his armies grow.



1. Follow the site rules of course.

2. No god modding or flaming of any kind. No auto hits and if you are to kill off a main character, please discuss with that person.

3. This is a literate roleplay meaning; Write in third person, (())[[]]{{}} For Ooc, ""For speech, absolutely no ** for actions! At least 3 lines per post, writers block is understandable, but not every post.

4. keep up with other people, always reading what others have written, to understand what is going on.

5. Don't leave people out.

6. Please don't stumble upon other characters straight away, take time to introduce your character and imagine the world.

7. This is a long term roleplay, meaning post when you can, if you're going to leave, let me know, and if you won't be on for a while, also let me know, so we're not waiting on your reply. You do not need to reply straight away, everyone here has lives and we understand.

8. Please don't be offended if I reject your profile. This will be a literate, long and immersive role play. They should be thought out, descriptive and in depth.

9. Please enjoy yourselves and have fun with this.

Profile Skeleton.




(Human, Dwarf, Elf, Orc, Mage, Merryman, Dragon Rider, Demon, Trolloc. [Please ask if you have a different race in mind as I want a realistic universe, not a mess of creatures.])

Appearance: (Please upload the image if you can, if not, a link will suffice. No anime or cartoon. A realistic character image, either photo, sketch or digital painting. Description is allowed if you cannot find an image for your character.)

Side: Fighting for the Kingdom, ally or enslaved by the Dark King, Neutral.

Weapons and magic: (No more than 3 to start with, including powers. For example: A sword, bow and mind reading.)

Bio and Personality: (Please make this as detailed as possible unless you want to reveal some things along the way. Talk about where your character came from, what has made them into who they are, motives, what drives them, likes and dislikes, culture past, present and what they are wanting in the future.)

Other: (Travelling companions, history, details.)

Anything is permitted as long as there is reason and enough in depth description to support it.

More than one character is allowed and is highly encouraged. It may be a while before characters and plots mix so starting your own story is recommended.


Username: Lumeneire

Name: Lelaina Alanoth, known as Lain

Age: 19

Race: Human



Side: Neutral.

Weapons and magic: A bow made from willow with seven arrows. Each arrow has feathers from a raven and a small simple dagger attached to her belt hidden under a cloak.

Bio and Personality: Lelaina has travelled through many towns and cities throughout the kingdom of Elizia. She is young and pretty, with wavy black hair and piercing blue eyes, but she hides her true self under a cloak. She travels with nothing but her bow and a small silver flute and gets by performing as a merryman (bard). She plays musical tunes gathered from every corner of the Kingdom to pay for her meals and rooms. She never gives her true name and always poses as a boy. She knows nowadays how hard it is to be a woman with men always being drunk to forget their worries and guards abusing their powers. She never stays in the same place for more than a few days and is always on the move. No one knows her and she manages to stay out of trouble most of the time. When she does catch the attention of the wrong people, she can fight her way out, with stealth and trickery. Her tongue is as much as a weapon as her bow. Lelaina can be sarcastic, rude and cheeky but underneath it all she can care. She does not know why she is always moving but something compels her on, like a sixth sense than is always aware of survival even if danger isn't apparent.

Other: None as of yet.

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Username: Akihito

Name: Kalais, the Blade of the Snow

Age: 26

Race: Human


Side: Neutral

Weapons and magic:

Bio and Personality:
Bio - Kalais used to be a great warrior in his youth, none could best his skill with the sword. His sword was forged in the snowlands of the north, earning him the title Blade of the Snow. He fought for peace and the righteous. After fighting for 7 years, he disappeared leaving the world confused. It is said he lives in the coldest northern part, living alone.

Personality - Kalais is quiet and has a sad aura about him. He can be friendly at times but prefers to be alone, and when he fought, he always fought alone.

Other: None.
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Username: oOBubblesOo

Name: Amari Argon, known simply as Amari.

Age: 22

Race: Elf


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/amari.jpg.12aee0d2fab5c4e5168238ded3ead632.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/amari.jpg.12aee0d2fab5c4e5168238ded3ead632.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Weapons and magic: Amari is an Empath (meaning that she can sense, feel, and even experience feelings of others as well as animals). She always carries the dagger her grandmother gave to her years ago along with a simple bow she made herself.

Her Dagger - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/dagger.jpg.8bfd7b3966271c6f3ecdef6956477b51.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/dagger.jpg.8bfd7b3966271c6f3ecdef6956477b51.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio and Personality:

Bio - Amari lived in a place quite far away where the population was entirely elves. Her parents were the leaders, so to speak, of the people there. They were considered to be sort of a king and queen and treated Amari like a princess, as they thought she deserved. Amari had never relied on her parents, though, as much as they tried to push help and support onto her. She loved getting into trouble and doing things in a rebellious manner. Despite the numerous times her parents were told about her trouble-making, they still continued to simply give her everything. Amari hated that her parents wouldn't let her become her own person so eventually she left without notice. She does miss her parents from time to time but never the way they used to spoil her.

Personality - Amari has always been very independent. She never takes gifts as she sees them as a sort of charity or pity. Amari can be quite kind and caring but more often than not, she puts up a wall, refusing to get too attached to people. She makes it her duty to help people in need (sort of like a Robin Hood type deal), along with providing just enough for herself. Amari is a truly softhearted person, she just simply hates letting people see that.

Other: Nothing at the moment.



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What sort of magic is permitted in this setting? I have a character I think would work well but I had very specific ideas in mind for how my magic works. I can work with only three spells, and I don't use weapons either way.
This is a very open fantasy world. Any magic permitted, as long as it isn't all powerful and it is put to good use, with a good explanation as to why and how they use their power.
Username: DTM20

Name: Audrey Saddler

Age: 17

Race: Human


(I realize you said "no anime or cartoon" but I feel this could be said to be an artist's rendition. Good "realistic" art is hard to come by)

Side: Neutral

Weapons and magic: (See character profile linked below)

Bio and Personality: (See character profile linked below)

Other: (See character profile linked below)

Character Sheet:
DTM20 said:
Username: DTM20
Name: Audrey Saddler

Age: 17

Race: Human


(I realize you said "no anime or cartoon" but I feel this could be said to be an artist's rendition. Good "realistic" art is hard to come by)

Side: Neutral

Weapons and magic: (See character profile linked below)

Bio and Personality: (See character profile linked below)

Other: (See character profile linked below)

Character Sheet:
I can only accept you if change the picture. I know what you mean about it being difficult to find good realistic art, but it is my one main rule. If you're struggling to find an image check out and search for fantasy characters, there are a lot of good ones on there.
That's a deal breaker, then, I suppose. Not sure why something so silly is so important, but if that's your rule then I guess it can't be helped. Thanks for reading at least (assuming you read past the picture.)
Nah, don't worry about it. I wouldn't want to be the third wheel let in because I was disappointed. Hope you have fun with you're RP :wink:
DTM20 said:
Nah, don't worry about it. I wouldn't want to be the third wheel let in because I was disappointed. Hope you have fun with you're RP :wink:
That's fine. Good luck finding a rp that you enjoy :) Kind regards.
Username: Rai-Chan

Name: Elva Dawnfield

Age: She appears to be in her mid-twenties



Side: Neautral

Weapons and magic:

She can manipulate flame and fight with the staff above.

Bio and Personality: I have the best biography for her ever, but I honestly would like to reveal as we go alone. Okay?

She's calm, composed, gentle. She keeps her cool in the most dire situations.

(Travelling companions, history, details.) Ahhhh I wanna REVEAL this too xD
Username: Rai-Chan
Name: Elva Dawnfield

Age: She appears to be in her mid-twenties



Side: Neautral

Weapons and magic:

She can manipulate flame and fight with the staff above.

Bio and Personality: I have the best biography for her ever, but I honestly would like to reveal as we go alone. Okay?

She's calm, composed, gentle. She keeps her cool in the most dire situations.

(Travelling companions, history, details.) Ahhhh I wanna REVEAL this too xD

Thats fine :) Accepted. You may start straight away.
Username: Akihito

Name: Dareon, the Kinslayer

Age: 23

Race: Human


Ally of the Dark King

Weapons and magic: Longsword and a kite shield.

Bio and Personality: Dareon's family had once fought to keep away the Dark King, but Dareon himself was filled with an evil that none could hold. He had a temper that would strike out at everyone he met. Dareon's family decided to send him away so he could learn peace but Dareon did not want to go. He wanted to stay for some odd reason. The family, perplexed, investigated why he would want to stay. They followed him one day and found a cave he went to. Inside were people, all being tortured by Dareon for no reason than to pass the time. Dareon turned to them and smiled, saying that the Dark King would let him do this all the time if he took the throne. He butchered his entire family right then and there swearing loyalty to the Dark King, from then on known as the Kinslayer. He is feared by all and wears his father's old armor, although he changed the emblems to mock his family crest.

Dareon is cold and cruel. He doesn't care for anyone but himself and the Dark King. He is stern but can be..nice at time but only for those sworn to the Dark King.

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Username: Yvette

Name: Lilith

Age: 21

Race: Mage



Side: Ally of the Dark King.

Weapons and magic:

  • -Attraction: Lilith has the ability of charming anyone who looks at her. It is not a sexual attraction, but a friendly one that lures people to her whether they are conscious of it or not. It is this ability of hers that the King has used to lure in people to enslave. Unfortunately for him, the attraction wears off after an undetermined amount of time away from her presence. This amount of time depends on the strength and will of the person it is affecting.
  • -Basic control over the weather: Lilith can control the weather to a certain extent. She can make it rain until it floods, or cause a drought. She can make the wind pick up and strong. She cannot make thunderbolts strike in one specific spot, or twisters attack a certain area. She can change the weather, but she cannot use it to directly attack something or someone.
  • -Her weapon is her staff, a pole that is light violet with thin vines wrapped around it. At the top of it sits a clear sphere with a piece of enchanted emerald suspended in it, the key to her spells. She can use magic without it, but the magic is greatly enhanced with it in her grasp. She is rarely seen without it, but considering the fact that she is rarely seen at all, this doesn't mean much.

Bio and Personality: Lilith never intended to be 'evil'. She learned magic as she pleased and lived on her own in the mountains. She had no knowledge of her past. The first memory she had was waking in a moderately sized house high up in the mountains. She had named herself Lilith after the author of one of her favorite books; one filled with spells and magic. But the forest in the mountain around her lit aflame one day. She made it rain to put it out, trying to protect her home and her precious spell books, for they were all she had. The King's men saw this as a tool they could use and had taken her to him, her being only 9 at the time. He kept and raised her, but showed no compassion towards her. Even so, she felt the that she was forever in his debt, because he had spared her life. This debt was a debt that could not be paid, so she helped him with his goals, though she wasn't quite sure what they were. The first time she killed had been when she was 15. It was then that he began to show her sympathy. And he continued to show her the tiniest bit of compassion. She grew content with this way of life, very much brainwashed by him. She was not a completely different person though. Even at 21, she still loved the feel of wind in her hair. She still loved the way magic flowed through her veins. And still still hated the smell of blood, but she would keep helping him, no matter what the price. It was now her duty, as his Official Mage.Other: None
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James, Bow of Fire

Age: 21

Race: Human


Fights for the kingdom

Weapons and magic: Bow, a dagger and an eagle eye

Bio and Personality: James was born in the kingdom, with his parents. He lived a normal life, not much happening to him. He would be taught by his father, who was a guard, to shoot a bow, and to track anything. James and his father would go out and hunt from time to time. They would spend days at a time out in the woods, hunting and fighting mother nature. After he became of age, he joined up with the kings army, and began fighting, every person he would meet, he would try and get them to join in the good fight. But disaster struck. His father was home when His heart froze and stopped, james distraught went A.W.O.L for a short period of time. He went off the grid, getting a little lean too in the forest, training his, archery abilities and focusing them. (I plan on reviling stuff on the way.


he covers the lower part of his face. When people see him, they only see his eyes and nose.
Username: keizerin

Name: Emilia or "The Dragon Queen"

Age: Unknown

Race: Dragon Rider


She wears a mask made of bone when she rides, which has two curved horns molded onto it.

Side: Ally to the Dark King

Weapons and magic: A bow for ranged combat, and claw-like gloves for close-ranged. She also has hardened skin, making it harder for piercing weapons to break her skin. This is handy, unless dealing with anything that can pierce or melt armor.

Bio and Personality: Emilia was born into the war, trained from a very young age to fight in battle. She comes from a long line of Dragon Riders, and her family had been allies with the King even before his reign of terror, so it was only natural for them to give him their loyalty and use their unique talents to aid him in his fight. As the girl climbed through the ranks and fought in countless battles both her body and soul hardened. She lost almost all trace of emotion and no longer feels any sympathy or remorse for those unlucky enough to tread in the shadow of her dragon companion. She is cold and ruthless, and most don't ever see her face, hidden behind her mask. However, there are times when she travels on her own accord. When she does so, she still hides but behind an invisible mask made up of fake emotions and feelings. It seems to be impossible to break her shell.

Other: She likes to believe that her only true friend is her personal dragon, Balerion.
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Username: Venomarrah

Name: Eustacia




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/bbb538fe5fd30281143be3291b45694a-d5dph03.jpg.e6552aef3bcde772fbc8a00b29abb1e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/bbb538fe5fd30281143be3291b45694a-d5dph03.jpg.e6552aef3bcde772fbc8a00b29abb1e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Side: Enslaved by the Dark King.

Weapons and magic: She holds no weapons but the power of what the king calls "Death Sense". This is a magic she has held since birth, more so an ability, to know when someone's going to die. In detail, she can 'see' in her mind of the time in which a persons last breathe will be taken, and when she concentrates, she may feel as of exactly how said person is to die. She also slightly manifests this power in a second hand ability of her danger intuition. Moments before harm comes to her of of a person or object she concentrates on, her consciousness is alerted.

Bio and Personality: Of an offset noble family that Eustacia has no recollection of, she is an unwilling, spirited pet of the Dark King. Always sitting by the kings side, The women saw his hideous deeds and conquests on a balanced basis. Though he refused to taint her in fears of losing her ability, he has come to trust her as he has with his second hand and generals. It is clear to all, though, that it wasn't only her spirited eyes that allured him.

Eustacia is wise. She plays her role at his side in ways that do not harm others, and knows what to say as to make the king happy. She revoltes quietly, but still does as she is told by the king in a knowledgeable fear grown since he took her from her family in the very beginnings of his conquest. She seems the opposite of her slaver; nurturing, kind, prudent, and merciful. With added bluntness, sarcasm and charm, her character has grown to one of a leader.

Other: The king had sent her with a band of men to travel the land in search of the revolters. This, Eustacia found ironic. Was this the perceiver's chance to escape his clutches?



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Username: FireLava

Name: Vordue

Age: 19



Side: Fighting for Good or Neutral depending on who is in control

Weapons and magic: A Death Blade. This large blade is covered in a virulent poison that is lethal to most types of creatures. Body of the Nedran. His body has been reshaped by the Daemon in him and he is unable to feel pain and very tough and hard to hurt. The Strength of the Damned. Even when he is in control very powerful energy courses through him and makes him incredibly strong.

Bio and Personality: When he began training to fight he was a dedicated Paladin of great skill and power. However one night he fell gravely ill and as he lay on his deathbed called out to his god to save him. A far darker creature heard him and answered. The creature was a powerful Daemon named Xe'Nedra. Trying to start a possession the Daemon began changing the mans body. However when she moved to take over the mind she met resistance of inhuman determination. Vordue was determined to keep control and ever since he has tried to fight for the right causes to redeem himself. However the Daemon still fights him and sometimes temporarily takes control. The carnage that ensures is enough to allow Vordue to regain control but it is always at a high price.

Other: As a man striving for redemption he has traveled far and wide. many remember him and most fear him on sight. his mere appearance can cause those of weak stomachs to throw up as he is covered in boils and parts of him are ripped open never to heal. His armor is permanently fused to him and the horns are growing out of the back of his skull. with much effort he can remove his helmet.
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Akihito said:
Username: Akihito
Name: Dareon, the Kinslayer

Age: 23

Race: Human


Ally of the Dark King

Weapons and magic: Longsword and a kite shield.

Bio and Personality: Dareon's family had once fought to keep away the Dark King, but Dareon himself was filled with an evil that none could hold. He had a temper that would strike out at everyone he met. Dareon's family decided to send him away so he could learn peace but Dareon did not want to go. He wanted to stay for some odd reason. The family, perplexed, investigated why he would want to stay. They followed him one day and found a cave he went to. Inside were people, all being tortured by Dareon for no reason than to pass the time. Dareon turned to them and smiled, saying that the Dark King would let him do this all the time if he took the throne. He butchered his entire family right then and there swearing loyalty to the Dark King, from then on known as the Kinslayer. He is feared by all and wears his father's old armor, although he changed the emblems to mock his family crest.

Dareon is cold and cruel. He doesn't care for anyone but himself and the Dark King. He is stern but can be..nice at time but only for those sworn to the Dark King.

Accepted. A good villain. 

Yvette said:
Username: Yvette
Name: Lilith

Age: 21

Race: Mage



Side: Ally of the Dark King.

Weapons and magic:

  • -Attraction: Lilith has the ability of charming anyone who looks at her. It is not a sexual attraction, but a friendly one that lures people to her whether they are conscious of it or not. It is this ability of hers that the King has used to lure in people to enslave. Unfortunately for him, the attraction wears off after an undetermined amount of time away from her presence. This amount of time depends on the strength and will of the person it is affecting.
  • -Basic control over the weather: Lilith can control the weather to a certain extent. She can make it rain until it floods, or cause a drought. She can make the wind pick up and strong. She cannot make thunderbolts strike in one specific spot, or twisters attack a certain area. She can change the weather, but she cannot use it to directly attack something or someone.
  • -Her weapon is her staff, a pole that is light violet with thin vines wrapped around it. At the top of it sits a clear sphere with a piece of enchanted emerald suspended in it, the key to her spells. She can use magic without it, but the magic is greatly enhanced with it in her grasp. She is rarely seen without it, but considering the fact that she is rarely seen at all, this doesn't mean much.

Bio and Personality: Lilith never intended to be 'evil'. She learned magic as she pleased and lived on her own in the mountains. She had no knowledge of her past. The first memory she had was waking in a moderately sized house high up in the mountains. She had named herself Lilith after the author of one of her favorite books; one filled with spells and magic. But the forest in the mountain around her lit aflame one day. She made it rain to put it out, trying to protect her home and her precious spell books, for they were all she had. The King's men saw this as a tool they could use and had taken her to him, her being only 9 at the time. He kept and raised her, but showed no compassion towards her. Even so, she felt the that she was forever in his debt, because he had spared her life. This debt was a debt that could not be paid, so she helped him with his goals, though she wasn't quite sure what they were. The first time she killed had been when she was 15. It was then that he began to show her sympathy. And he continued to show her the tiniest bit of compassion. She grew content with this way of life, very much brainwashed by him. She was not a completely different person though. Even at 21, she still loved the feel of wind in her hair. She still loved the way magic flowed through her veins. And still still hated the smell of blood, but she would keep helping him, no matter what the price. It was now her duty, as his Official Mage.Other: None
Accepted. Very nice character as well, it's nice to see one so in depth and very fantasy based. Anyone else applying take note. 

dakup said:
James, Bow of Fire

Age: 21

Race: Human


Side: Fights for the kingdom

Weapons and magic: Bow, a dagger and an eagle eye

Bio and Personality: James was born in the kingdom, with his parents. He lived a normal life, not much happening to him. He would be taught by his father, who was a guard, to shoot a bow, and to track anything. James and his father would go out and hunt from time to time. They would spend days at a time out in the woods, hunting and fighting mother nature. After he became of age, he joined up with the kings army, and began fighting, every person he would meet, he would try and get them to join in the good fight. But disaster struck. His father was home when His heart froze and stopped, james distraught went A.W.O.L for a short period of time. He went off the grid, getting a little lean too in the forest, training his, archery abilities and focusing them. (I plan on reviling stuff on the way.


he covers the lower part of his face. When people see him, they only see his eyes and nose.
I'm a little bit dubious about this profile. You're writing isn't as literate as it should be for the roleplay. If you message me what your first post would be and the grammar is up to scratch, i'll consider you. Thanks. 

keizerin said:
Username: keizerin
Name: Emilia or "The Dragon Queen"

Age: Unknown

Race: Dragon Rider


She wears a mask made of bone when she rides, which has two curved horns molded onto it.

Side: Ally to the Dark King

Weapons and magic: A bow for ranged combat, and claw-like gloves for close-ranged. She also has hardened skin, making it harder for piercing weapons to break her skin. This is handy, unless dealing with anything that can pierce or melt armor.

Bio and Personality: Emilia was born into the war, trained from a very young age to fight in battle. She comes from a long line of Dragon Riders, and her family had been allies with the King even before his reign of terror, so it was only natural for them to give him their loyalty and use their unique talents to aid him in his fight. As the girl climbed through the ranks and fought in countless battles both her body and soul hardened. She lost almost all trace of emotion and no longer feels any sympathy or remorse for those unlucky enough to tread in the shadow of her dragon companion. She is cold and ruthless, and most don't ever see her face, hidden behind her mask. However, there are times when she travels on her own accord. When she does so, she still hides but behind an invisible mask made up of fake emotions and feelings. It seems to be impossible to break her shell.

Other: She likes to believe that her only true friend is her personal dragon, Balerion.
Accepted. I really like your character appearance. 

Venomarrah said:
Username: Venomarrah
Name: Eustacia

Age: 26

Race: Human


Side: Enslaved by the Dark King.

Weapons and magic: She holds no weapons but the power of what the king calls "Death Sense". This is a magic she has held since birth, more so an ability, to know when someone's going to die. In detail, she can 'see' in her mind of the time in which a persons last breathe will be taken, and when she concentrates, she may feel as of exactly how said person is to die. She also slightly manifests this power in a second hand ability of her danger intuition. Moments before harm comes to her of of a person or object she concentrates on, her consciousness is alerted.

Bio and Personality: Of an offset noble family that Eustacia has no recollection of, she is an unwilling, spirited pet of the Dark King. Always sitting by the kings side, The women saw his hideous deeds and conquests on a balanced basis. Though he refused to taint her in fears of losing her ability, he has come to trust her as he has with his second hand and generals. It is clear to all, though, that it wasn't only her spirited eyes that allured him.

Eustacia is wise. She plays her role at his side in ways that do not harm others, and knows what to say as to make the king happy. She revoltes quietly, but still does as she is told by the king in a knowledgeable fear grown since he took her from her family in the very beginnings of his conquest. She seems the opposite of her slaver; nurturing, kind, prudent, and merciful. With added bluntness, sarcasm and charm, her character has grown to one of a leader.

Other: The king had sent her with a band of men to travel the land in search of the revolters. This, Eustacia found ironic. Was this the perceiver's chance to escape his clutches?

Accepted. Nice all round profile. 

Firelava said:
Username: FireLava
Name: Vordue

Age: 19



Side: Fighting for Good or Neutral depending on who is in control

Weapons and magic: A plague Sword. This large blade is covered in a virulent poison that is lethal to most types of creatures. Body of Nurgle. His body has been reshaped by the Daemon in him and he is unable to feel pain and very tough and hard to hurt. The Strength of the Damned. Even when he is in control very powerful energy courses through him and makes him incredibly strong.

Bio and Personality: When he began training to fight he was a dedicated Paladin of great skill and power. However one night he fell gravely ill and as he lay on his deathbed called out to his god to save him. A far darker creature heard him and answered. The creature was a powerful Daemon named Nurgle. Trying to start a possession the Daemon began changing the mans body. However when he moved to take over the mind he met resistance of inhuman determination. Vordue was determined to keep control and ever since he has tried to fight for the right causes to redeem himself. However the Daemon still fights him and sometimes temporarily takes control. The Chaos that ensures is enough to allow Vordue to regain control but it is always at a high price.

Other: As a man striving for redemption he has traveled far and wide. many remember him and most fear him on sight. his mere appearance can cause those of weak stomachs to throw up as he is covered in boils and parts of him are ripped open never to heal. His armor is permanently fused to him and the horns are growing out of the back of his skull. with much effort he can remove his helmet.
I am sorry to say that although I do like your profile, I cannot accept an unoriginal idea. If you change this so that it doesn't have anything resembling warhammer (other than the picture) then I will reconsider. (I myself have collected warriors/deamons of chaos and they have very rich back stories and character descriptions, but I do not what to mix the lore of that world with this one.) Thanks.
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I have made some changes. as for the actual Char i just couldn't think of names so went and scoured old texts. The part about plague is because those in late stages of illness are actually mostly inured to pain. that much GW got right. as for 40k i have a massive guard and chaos space marine army.
Firelava said:
I have made some changes. as for the actual Char i just couldn't think of names so went and scoured old texts. The part about plague is because those in late stages of illness are actually mostly inured to pain. that much GW got right. as for 40k i have a massive guard and chaos space marine army.
Don't worry. Now that you have changed it you are accepted and may start posting.

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