Chaos Kingdom ~ Still Accepting/ Ignore post count ~

Hello, I'm seriously considering joining this roleplay but I thought I'd ask this instead of posting up a character who might be denied because of their race. Would you be willing to accept a naga?
PsycoWarlock13 said:
Hello, I'm seriously considering joining this roleplay but I thought I'd ask this instead of posting up a character who might be denied because of their race. Would you be willing to accept a naga?
What is a Naga? :)
PsycoWarlock13 said:
Naga: A humanoid race of amphibious serpent humanoids. I can post the picture I wish to use if that gives any insight. :)
Yes please, that would be helpful. Also, if it has a good enough back story, possibly a demon or one of the dark kings experiments, then that would be acceptable as well.
In most stories naga are well known for being creatures of rivers and oceans but with the picture and the world turning to darkness, they were run out of their cleaner homes and thought extinct though small groups of them remain in the only lands no one else touches: the swamps.

If that's alright, I can start putting him together.
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PsycoWarlock13 said:
In most stories naga are well known for being creatures of rivers and oceans but with the picture and the world turning to darkness, they were run out of their cleaner homes and thought extinct though small groups of them remain in the only lands no one else touches: the swamps.
If that's alright, I can start putting him together.
Sure thing, looking forward to it :)
PsycoWarlock13 said:
Question. How long has the dark king been in rule?
For around ten years. Things have degraded pretty quickly. he murdered the former Queen, who was the Elven Queen but no one is allowed to speak of it.
Lumeneire said:
For around ten years. Things have degraded pretty quickly. he murdered the former Queen, who was the Elven Queen but no one is allowed to speak of it.
Hmmm. Is it possible that humans or the other races as a whole ran the naga out long before the dark king's rule as a means for them to fade into obscurity? I mean, they're giant snake people. Maybe they have something of a boogieman status by this point in time.
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PsycoWarlock13 said:
Hmmm. Is it possible that humans or the other races as a whole ran the naga out long before the dark king's rule as a means for them to fade into obscurity? I mean, they're giant snake people. Maybe they have something of a boogieman status by this point in time.
Yeah, that's a good idea. Role with that and see what you can come up with :)
Username: PsycoWarlock13

Name: Alquin

Age: 46

Race: Naga



Side: Neutral

Weapons and Magic: Hydra flail, a poison dipped knife and the ability to conjure thick clouds of noxious gas

Bio and Personality: The history of the naga is a long and often forgotten one. In ancient ages they were said to be protectors of the waters, guarding the seas, rivers and lakes of the land. Some say that they were a friendly people, being close to both their spiritual cousins the merfolk and the creatures of the land with warmth and friendliness. Others argue that they were savages who guarded their coasts fiercely from man and mer alike, showing many aspects of the cold serpents they looked so much like. Whatever the case, what little is known about them is unclear. Ancient tales say that one or several of the races of the land came and battled the naga, either driving them out into the deep ocean or wiping out the species completely. No matter the case, the creatures are known as more fairy tales and horror stories than anything from history. Nobody has seen the serpent people in ages and they've become creepy, monstrous things that eat up children if they don't eat their supper or go to bed on time.

The reality of the situation is that even though they themselves don't remember the past, the naga do indeed still live. Driven from their clean, safe homes in ancient times, they'd managed to hide in one of the few places that house water and other races avoid: the swamps. While many of their people died from the violent shift into the new, dirty and dangerous lands, small groups got along and to this day the serpent people have become the most dangerous creatures in their biome. Ages of living in the diseased waters has made them all but immune to sickness and adaptation has turned their own blue and green scales to shades of brown and orange. While not wholly preserved, their culture has stayed just barely alive as they praise their gods, each respective deity belonging to a body of water. Once reveling in the glory of Atta, their primary goddess represented by the sea, they now give thanks to Mut, the young god of the swamp and considered the great protector of the naga in this day and age.

In a nameless, dark village in the bayou of the east Alquin was born, his mother losing her life very early into his own. Disconnected from the other clans for the most part, each community did things differently and this one, the Fangscales, are warriors with a vendetta against humans which they believed to have been the great enemy from so long ago. Alquin learned to hate man just as easily as the others and as he grew older, both his hate and strength grew. He became a fine warrior, one of the best of the village but he soon began to question why they didn't take the fight to their hated foes. While the obvious answer was that their numbers far exceeded their own, he wasn't convinced. When he was old enough he left his home on a self appointed crusade. He knew that he couldn't take down humanity by himself, not even if he was given an army and a thousand years to live but he saw no harm in adding some truth to the stories humanity had made about his people.
Username: DarkAncient

Krill Manti

Age: 35

Race: Human


I hope this is realistic enough if not I can change to a description.

Side: Deciding (if it is unacceptable to be deciding then I accept the refusal)

Weapons and magic: Krill is an extremely powerful swordsman using the strange blade he carries with him at all times. It is rumored that he is responsible for the destruction of an entire village during a fight. This rumor is of course false, but people can dream. His magic is one of the reasons he is such a strong swordsman. He can manipulate his body in two ways, way one is that he can become hard as iron making blades wielded by non masters completely useless but punches will still damage him as he can only keep it up for a little while. His second ability is that he can move his hands with enough speed to cut with them as if they were daggers though he prefers his sword.

Bio and Personality: Krill was born in a small village in the mountains where the main export was coal. The village may have been a mining village but it still had its beauties and its people had a rich history of music. Krill was not so impressed by this as he was by the master swordsman who lived above his village and trained only one student every 5 years. After putting himself through extensive training on his own he applied to the master and was refused. Taking this refusal quite hard he went on a long trip throughout the land. Finding the rest of the land not so peaceful as his own little village he returned to the master with new vigor. This time he was accepted but not before having been gone for 10 years. He trained under the master for 5 years and afterwards applied to the army. he was revered for his abilities and quickly climbed the ranks. Finding the army corrupt and to be the reason for most of the trouble he saw on his long trip Krill found it hard to decide if he had made the right decisions. He returned to his master to ask his advice but found the old man had finally died of old age. Burying his old master gave him a different outlook on life and he quit the military. This was not accepted well and he has been running for years unable to decide whether the military is his friend or his enemy. This has led to him having a hard time deciding who to trust. He can be quite cheery when the time calls for it but he is usually quite serious. The fact that he has been forced to fight off some of the kings men running has led him to be wary of all people he runs into. He hates to be asked questions about his past because it is a dead give away as to who he is. The only thing keeping him from deciding against the king is the friends he made in the military and the fact he still doesn't understand why they are trying to catch him. He is desperately hoping that he was not fighting for the destruction he saw on his journey but with every day he grows closer to understanding that he needs to help the people of the world instead of run for himself.

Other: I apologize if I broke any big rules
Seems like a pretty good rp. JOINING TIME 
Can I use a Race named Ravens, They are Ravens that can switch to humanoid form. I can say more detail of it if you want
Here's a current side count for (mostly personal) convenience--

Fighting for the Kingdom: |||| (4)

Neutral: ||||||| (7)

Ally to the Dark King: |||| (4)

Enslaved by the Dark King: | (1)

Undecided: | (1)

I'll update it as more people are accepted.
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PsycoWarlock13 said:
Username: PsycoWarlock13
Name: Alquin

Age: 46

Race: Naga



Side: Neutral

Weapons and Magic: Hydra flail, a poison dipped knife and the ability to conjure thick clouds of noxious gas

Bio and Personality: The history of the naga is a long and often forgotten one. In ancient ages they were said to be protectors of the waters, guarding the seas, rivers and lakes of the land. Some say that they were a friendly people, being close to both their spiritual cousins the merfolk and the creatures of the land with warmth and friendliness. Others argue that they were savages who guarded their coasts fiercely from man and mer alike, showing many aspects of the cold serpents they looked so much like. Whatever the case, what little is known about them is unclear. Ancient tales say that one or several of the races of the land came and battled the naga, either driving them out into the deep ocean or wiping out the species completely. No matter the case, the creatures are known as more fairy tales and horror stories than anything from history. Nobody has seen the serpent people in ages and they've become creepy, monstrous things that eat up children if they don't eat their supper or go to bed on time.

The reality of the situation is that even though they themselves don't remember the past, the naga do indeed still live. Driven from their clean, safe homes in ancient times, they'd managed to hide in one of the few places that house water and other races avoid: the swamps. While many of their people died from the violent shift into the new, dirty and dangerous lands, small groups got along and to this day the serpent people have become the most dangerous creatures in their biome. Ages of living in the diseased waters has made them all but immune to sickness and adaptation has turned their own blue and green scales to shades of brown and orange. While not wholly preserved, their culture has stayed just barely alive as they praise their gods, each respective deity belonging to a body of water. Once reveling in the glory of Atta, their primary goddess represented by the sea, they now give thanks to Mut, the young god of the swamp and considered the great protector of the naga in this day and age.

In a nameless, dark village in the bayou of the east Alquin was born, his mother losing her life very early into his own. Disconnected from the other clans for the most part, each community did things differently and this one, the Fangscales, are warriors with a vendetta against humans which they believed to have been the great enemy from so long ago. Alquin learned to hate man just as easily as the others and as he grew older, both his hate and strength grew. He became a fine warrior, one of the best of the village but he soon began to question why they didn't take the fight to their hated foes. While the obvious answer was that their numbers far exceeded their own, he wasn't convinced. When he was old enough he left his home on a self appointed crusade. He knew that he couldn't take down humanity by himself, not even if he was given an army and a thousand years to live but he saw no harm in adding some truth to the stories humanity had made about his people.
Accepted. Very detailed background and interesting character. 

DarkAncient said:
Username: DarkAncient
Krill Manti

Age: 35

Race: Human


I hope this is realistic enough if not I can change to a description.

Side: Deciding (if it is unacceptable to be deciding then I accept the refusal)

Weapons and magic: Krill is an extremely powerful swordsman using the strange blade he carries with him at all times. It is rumored that he is responsible for the destruction of an entire village during a fight. This rumor is of course false, but people can dream. His magic is one of the reasons he is such a strong swordsman. He can manipulate his body in two ways, way one is that he can become hard as iron making blades wielded by non masters completely useless but punches will still damage him as he can only keep it up for a little while. His second ability is that he can move his hands with enough speed to cut with them as if they were daggers though he prefers his sword.

Bio and Personality: Krill was born in a small village in the mountains where the main export was coal. The village may have been a mining village but it still had its beauties and its people had a rich history of music. Krill was not so impressed by this as he was by the master swordsman who lived above his village and trained only one student every 5 years. After putting himself through extensive training on his own he applied to the master and was refused. Taking this refusal quite hard he went on a long trip throughout the land. Finding the rest of the land not so peaceful as his own little village he returned to the master with new vigor. This time he was accepted but not before having been gone for 10 years. He trained under the master for 5 years and afterwards applied to the army. he was revered for his abilities and quickly climbed the ranks. Finding the army corrupt and to be the reason for most of the trouble he saw on his long trip Krill found it hard to decide if he had made the right decisions. He returned to his master to ask his advice but found the old man had finally died of old age. Burying his old master gave him a different outlook on life and he quit the military. This was not accepted well and he has been running for years unable to decide whether the military is his friend or his enemy. This has led to him having a hard time deciding who to trust. He can be quite cheery when the time calls for it but he is usually quite serious. The fact that he has been forced to fight off some of the kings men running has led him to be wary of all people he runs into. He hates to be asked questions about his past because it is a dead give away as to who he is. The only thing keeping him from deciding against the king is the friends he made in the military and the fact he still doesn't understand why they are trying to catch him. He is desperately hoping that he was not fighting for the destruction he saw on his journey but with every day he grows closer to understanding that he needs to help the people of the world instead of run for himself.

Other: I apologize if I broke any big rules
Accepted. lovely post, you broke no rules don't worry and the picture is good enough. I only say realistic depictions of people so that no one posts anime. 
((Everyone, please check the first post on this thread. Now that more people have joined, I have provided some images and descriptions of main cities in the Kingdom. This way, our stories can be more unites. I hope you enjoy. I will add more at a later date.))
Username: Bettsyboy

Name: (Former General) Marchus Lorelius

Age: 34



Side: Fights for the kingdom

Weapons and magic:

(Can be used both one handed and 2 handed)


spell: Foresight

Bio and Personality: Born into a wealthy noble family, Marchus was raised in an atmosphere of competition, of making sure he was the best at everything, or at the least better than the others of his age, in this atmosphere, Marchus became a squire and eventually a knight by the time he was 21, He rode into many battles against the forces of evil, however during a battle where his forces were outnumbered on the fields bordering the kingdom's lands and those of the dark forces, Marchus's general quit the field before the battle began, where he took command and lead the army to victory, his skill as a tactician and his skill at rallying his toops earned him the title of General, the youngest in the kingdom, with this rank, he lead campaigns including thousands of soldiers into enemy territory, but each time, they would win victory after victory, but enemy spies would always infiltrate, the enemy just kept coming and so they would lose, it doesnt matter if you kill 10 soldiers for every 1 of yours that is killed if you are outnumbered 50-1 afterall.

Due to the failure of 2 campaigns, Marchus was excommunicated from the military, and instead went around the land, fighting evil as he came by it, although he is officially excommunicated and barred from the military, he is still welcome in the royal court, they know he is not a traitor, but his campaigns were just too ambitious to succeed.

Over his years, he has learned to shut out fear, but still it finds him, in small spaces he becomes on edge, for he has been in more than a few ambushes in such places, and owls send chills up his spine, as their large, predatorial eyes remind him of the monsters he has fought, makes him think of them watching him from the shadows.

In his wanders, he has found himself in the employ of Dwarves and Elves, and is responsible for the survival of many smaller Dwarven and Elvish towns and farming or mining communities.

his experiences have made him a dutiful and bitter man, often ending a long week's journey by drowning himself in booze and promiscuous women, most often just booze, as there are usually many cleaner, younger soldiers with shinier armor for those women to fawn over, and all he can see when he looks at them, are the faces of the other younger men their age, who he has sent into battle, knowing full well they probably won't come back.

Other: Has a soft spot for orphaned children and wounded/starving animals, especially dogs.

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