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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

Lorelei smiled at the girl's awkward quirk. "Well, let us be off, then." She said, walking in the direction she pointed in. "So..." She looked at the other girl as they walked. What to talk about...? "What do you like to do?"

@mauvexkitteh - Sorry. Between work and getting ready for a move, I couldn't post like I wanted to. >.<
"Shouldn't be far from here," the Lucario gijinka muttered to himself as he walked through the forest. As he walked out from the forest, there stood a school in the clearing. "Finally, now I can take a break." Luke murmured to himself. He walked towards the school, then through the campus. Woah, he though as he gazed at the other gijinka.
Miki finished arranging her stuff, sighing a bit. She walked out of her room, glancing at the others. They seemed to move aside for her, which was weird. She noticed that she was pretty tall for some of these people. And technically, she wasn't that tall. Only 5'7". She continued to walk, her mind getting lost somewhere. And of course, being clumsy and all, she bumped into a Lucario, who was walking the opposite way. "Sorry." She mumbled.
"Oh, sorry I was in the way." Luke said, a little embarassed. He stepped out of the way to let the other Gijinka pass. Luke walked away, still exploring the school. I wonder what I should do now? he thought. Maybe I should ask somebody, but who? 

Lucario said:
"Shouldn't be far from here," the Lucario gijinka muttered to himself as he walked through the forest. As he walked out from the forest, there stood a school in the clearing. "Finally, now I can take a break." Luke murmured to himself. He walked towards the school, then through the campus. Woah, he thought as he gazed at the other gijinka.
Miki huffed a bit, continuing to walk down the hall. She sighed, a bit lonely. No one talked to her, in fact, they avoided her. She was starting to feel a bit strange, even if all these people where sort of like her. She sighed sadly, continuing down the hall. Even the Lucario avoided her. She sighed, walking to the gardens and sitting under a tree.
Luke had enough of walking around the school and sat down on a bench. He stared at the other Gijinka talk with each other. He felt as if he didn't belong here, and wanted to go back home to his parents. No, they're gone now, I belong here with the other Gijinka. He then decided to take a walk in the garden.
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Miki sighed, twirling a strand of her hair. She sighed, playing with water in between her fingers. She sighed rolling back onto her back. She could feel her scarf float around her head as she looked up at the tree. She sighed, humming a little tune as she rolled over a few times, feeling the grass under her toes.
  • Walking in the garden helped Luke relax a little. The flowers smelled so good and the plants looked so beautiful. In the corner of his eye, he noticed a Gijinka sitting under a tree. Isn't that the same Gijinka from earlier? he wondered. Luke seemed to be... looking at her.
Luna smiled to herself. "Maybe I am better off alone." She mumbled, looking up at the sky. She sighed, closing her eyes and absorbing in her surroundings. She sighed, rolling over a few times before she settled for her lying on her back. She sighed, humming again, looking at the leaves falling on her face.
Luke shook his head. Woah, what was I doing again? Never mind. Luke sighed. Man it's a great day! The birds are chirping and the sun is shining. Maybe this place isn't bad after all. He went to his dorm and kicked back and just lied on the bed, staring at the ceiling daydreaming.
Miki sat up, sighing. She sat back up, starting to sing, her voice filling the air. She sighed, turning around as the rest of the people faded around her. She got lost in her own world as if she was dancing on the top of water, alone. She danced into the hallways, closing her eyes. Which she shouldn't have done. She ended up running into a wall.
"Luke, go now! Luke's father said. But Luke just stood there frozen in terror as his father and mother fought off multiple Charizard. Luke ran as fast as he can but when he looked back, he heard a thump and his parents were lying on the ground. "NO!" Luke yelled waking up. It was a dream, he said to himself. But the thump sounded real. He went outside of the dorm and found the Lugia Gijinka ( or he assumed) from earlier on the ground. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.
Miki shook her head, standing up. "Uh yeah." She said, sitting up. She gradually stood to her feet, her legs wobbling a little. "Yeah. Normally two accidents don't happen in the same day, and with the same person." She said, her voice quiet. She wasn't much of a talker anyway. She brushed off her white clothes, trying to rid them of dirt.
"Well, accidents do happen once in a while." Luke said his voice trailing off. He was shy around new people but was looking forward to meeting them too. "Oh yeah, I didn't get to introduce myself. The name's Luke. Luke Ario." He then braced himself. When he told people his full name, some of them would laugh. However, some of them thought that it was "cute" and all that stuff. Still, he hoped that she wouldn't laugh at him.
Miki kept the same expressionless face, not one to laugh easily. "Miki." she said, her voice stiff and emotionless. "I am not one for showing emotions, so laughing at that is not becoming, nor is it in my nature." She said, her eyes blinking at him as she finished brushing off her clothes, the fabric now a bright white color.
In his thoughts, Luke was taken by surprise. This was not the expression most people would have if Luke told them his full name. Judging by Miki's aura, I don't think she has a sense of humor at all, Luke thought. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miki." Luke said. Luke was not rude, but Miki seemed a bit...weird compared to the others.
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Miki nodded. "As you may have guessed, I am not a typical person." She said. "I am a legendary." She spoke, lifting her arms to double check for remaining dirt under her arms. She wanted to make sure she had everything in order. "Lugia to be precise." She said, adjusting her sleeve and returning her gaze to the boy.
Luke scratched his blue hair in confusion. "You're a legendary?" he asked in bewilderment, still surprised. "I've heard of the legendaries before, but actually never met one until now." he said. " Wait.. Lugia, uh... ma'am, may I ask what a legendary like yourself, doing in this school, other than the reason we're all here?
Miki looked at him with a strait face. "Because I am. And the rest is part of my private life which is the business of me and my immediate other who has yet to be found." She said. She fixed her sleeve again, her scarf floating in the air, her boots clicking as she shifted her position on the floor. She clicked her heels, contemplating.
Ok, that conversation was weird, he thought. First of all, that did not answer my question. Second of all, immediate other? The least Miki could do is give me an answer that made sense, Luke said in his thoughts. But, he knew better than to question Lugia. He probably also just ticked her off.
Miki sighed. "But at the least you made an effort to say hello, which is more than I can say for everyone else that I have ever seen today." She said, making an effort to smile lightly before letting it drop, not trying any longer to be someone she wasn't.
Luke raised an eyebrow. "And by everyone else you mean?" he asked. "Look, earlier in the garden, I saw you by yourself, and that's okay. Everyone calls me a loner because I have no friends nor family other than my good friend Zoey. I know you're a legendary and all, but loosen up a bit. That's a good quality in a fun guy. Think about it."
Miki cocked her head. "Loosen up? That is not something I usually do, and I am not sure I am capable of." She said, shaking her head. "I find being alone rather lonely though, so I don't condone it." She said, sighing. "Well, it was nice to meet someone who actually cared weather or not what I was doing, that's a first." She mumbled.
"Nice too meet you too." Luke replied. "Well, I assume you have important errands to run, perhaps? Well, see you around I guess." he said to Miki. He then walked to the garden, lied on the grass, watching the clouds go by.
Miki waved, walking back to her room and sitting on her bed. She began to sing again. She let her emotions run free though her singing, a small tear slipping down her face. She quickly wiped it away, continuing to sing, but changing the key to a major key, uplifting her spirit bit by bit as she began to move to the music.

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