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Fandom Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka RP)

Nahar flipped upside down and grinned. "Its good to see everyone getting along!" He giggled.

Anita smiled slightly. "Nice to meet you too Midori." She took his hand for a shake. "And something like that. They know I train here and We, my brother and I live nearby." She nodded towards the school. "Its quite big isn't it? Shall we go?"
Lorelei blinked, momentarily confused at the question, but then gave a small laugh. "Yes, I'm fine." She gave the other girl a smile. "My name is Lorelei." She told her, hoping that she would get the other girl's name in return.

__Sinny Naeon__

Sinny gave a sigh of relief as it seemed to her that she didn't screw anything up this time. "Lorelei that's pretty cool." She was speaking in the voice she normally use when talking with people. Resting her left hand at her waste, she let out her right hand to have shake. "My name is Sini-" She paused and thought about it for moment before returning back to the conversation. "Sinny. My name is Sinny." She returned the smile that the Lapras had been giving. That was a close call..

The Male Gallade returned his hand by his side and nodded.

"It is quite large, and in a centre of the forest too. And yeah, we can go in. I'll be right behind you."
Lorelei nodded. "Its good to meet you. I just got here. How about you?" She asked, adjusting her grip on her guitar case.

__Sinny Naeon__

Sinny thought about the question. "Um, I didn't just get here..but I haven't been here that long.." She scratched the side of her head. "I kind of got overwhelmed and sat down." She sighed a little.

Bonbon kept on walking until she saw an Espeon in the hall. She decided to greet her, and bounced forward to greet the new student. The Wigglytuff smiled as soon as she reached her, "Hello! You must be one of the students! I'm Miss Merryweather, the art teacher!" She said with a joyful tone.
Taleo walked outside when he finished unpacking. He walked around the school as he decided having a tour.
She looks at the teacher still with her ears lowered and shyly replied in a low tone "Um hello... Im Krystal.... She looks a little at the teacher. Pleased to meet you. ~
Lilianna had already been up to her room and put her stuff away with the help of her brother. When he had left she listened to music for a while before getting bored and leaving. She was currently walking through the main building with her hand on the wall to help her. Before she knew it however she had walked directly into someone and falling to the ground. "Ow..."


Draco walked outside after helping Lily with her room. he was bored and hoped that someone around here would be fun. 
Anita smiled and began walking to the school. "So, why did you come?"
Lorelei nodded at the girl. "Have you been to the dorms? I'd like to drop my things off and look around." She said. Maybe she'd come with her.

__Sinny Naeon__

Sinny grabbed at her things that were still sitting on the floor from when she was. "I haven't!" She seemed excited now that she finally had someone to take the enormity of the school in with. "Sure, let's go!" Mounting her things on her back and shoulders, she smiled at Lorelei, ready to go.

Estelle left the girl's dorm area, wanting to look around after unpacking. The glaceon wasn't used to new places, so wanted to see everything that she could.

Lorelei smiled at the girl. She was so excited... it was cute. "I think we have to get our room numbers at the office." She said, going in that direction.

__Sinny Naeon__

Sinny's excitement instantly dropped once she mentioned the office. "Do we just pick up our numbers or do we have to talk to someone to get it?" She spoke blankly as she paced next to the Lapras. Sinny has always had trouble with authority and didn't want to do anything rash her first day.

Bonbon noticed how shy Krystal had been acting and tried to make her feel more confident. "Well it's great to meet you! I hope you can find some wonderful friends here! The teachers here are wonderful too!" She smiled.

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
Lorelei gave the either girl a knowing smile, assuming she was merely shy. "Don't worry about it. Just hang back and I'll do the talking, okay?"

__Sinny Naeon__

Sinny looked at her blankly for a moment but seconds later turned as excited as she was before. "Okay! Yes! That's perfect!" She was almost tempted to hug the Lapras but they had just met and it was pushing on her boundaries a little. "Thank you!" The gratitude in her voice was more than obvious.

Lorelei smiled at the girl, then entered the office. At the desk sat a woman who ate at an apple while staring at the computer screen. "Excuse me. We're trying to find out our dorm room numbers." She said, approaching her.

Aellas looked up from her... well, colorful story to see a sylveon and lapras. The terrakion smiled at them while minimizing the page. "Well, here's where you do it."

__Sinny Naeon__

Sinny walked slowly behind the Lapras trying hard to not look at the faculty member. She was sure she was going to say something completely inappropriate and literally ruin everything. She was able to handle teachers because they were essentially giving her something, knowledge, but faculty members are simply people who hold power to her. She looked down and clicked her shoes while the Lapras talked to the person in charge of dorm rooms.

Bonbon nodded, "Yes you are! It's straight down there passed the classrooms!" She said as she pointed to the hallway behind her.

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
Aellas smiled at them. "Alright, what are your last names? It's easier to look though though everyone if you can just search it."

Lorelei nodded in understanding. "Mine is Stranger." She said. The other woman typed quickly on the computer and smiled. "You're in room fourteen." She said, taking a key labeled 'G-14' and handing it to Lorelei.

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