Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)

AlannaTrebond said:
@InsaneKiller19 Which giinka did you decide to retire? I'm about to finish setting up dorms.
hrm........Luke.....keeping adrian. Also I fixed the it alright if they have at least four moves? on the replacement ocs
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InsaneKiller19 said:
hrm........Luke.....keeping adrian. Also I fixed the it alright if they have at least four moves? on the replacement ocs
YOu can have up to 8. It does say that in the skelly.
[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo]okay but their abilities are a separate section and don't count as moves....

InsaneKiller19 said:


"Do you need medical assistance my dear?"

Age: 24

DATE of Birth: September 4th

Gender: female

From: Unova

Species: Audino

Mega: Yes

Type: normal

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Nurse


Adi is a sweet girl who loves to help out the sick and injured. She is kind, informative, and has a lot of knowledge on cures and sicknesses. Whenever she sees a sick or hurt pokemon, she would help them feel better. She loves to read books about health, mysteries, and life. Sometimes she would be protective of her patiences or the pokemon she cures, when someone tries to take them away and would attack them. But at times, Adi would be seen around the gardens or in her office working. She likes to travel, helping out different nurse joys everywhere and listen to people play the leaf whistle (since its her favorite ever since she first heard it). Adiana would play the leaf whistle when she has free time, but when its time to work. She is serious about what she does.


Ever since she worked with Nurse joy in the pokemon center, Adiana loved to help out with sick pokemon who need treating. Every day working to help the sick and injured pokemon that they're trainers bring in for them to look at. She got to meet different kinds, some small others big. Adiana enjoyed that life very much, since she got to make a difference in the world. Adi was helping out nurse joy with a sick tepig, as she went to get some things for nurse joy. But before she came back, she turned into a gijinka audino which surprised her greatly. Adi knew she would have to explain it to nurse joy later after helping out the injured Tepig. And she did, happy that nurse joy was understanding of it. Adiana received a letter to be a nurse at the school when she was helping a pokemon, she wanted to stay but Nurse joy encouraged her to take it. Adi accepted and became a nurse for the Changes school, happy to help out however she can.

Powers: healer, regenerator, pound, double slap

Likes: Gardens, Leaf whistle, helping loved ones with anything medical related, helping the sick and injured, learning new ways to treat sicknesses, friends, outdoors, childhood friend Carson the Carnivine

Dislikes: crammed spaces, seeing the ones she care about hurt, the cold sometimes, mischievous people

Theme Song(s): How to save a life



"Hurt Adi and you will feel my wrath"

Age: 26

DATE of Birth: July 16

Gender: male

From: Sinnoh

Species: Carnivine

Mega: no

Type: grass

Good or Bad?: Nuetral but bad if given a reason

Role: Helps Adi


Carson is an understanding man, who is like a counselor for pokemon. He would always want to solve things in a peaceful, calm matter when something bad is happening. But, if Carson sees anyone messing or hurting the ones he cares about. He will show no mercy and will show you what pain really feels like. But other than that, he has a hard shell even though he will open up to anyone who can break it.

Biography: Carson was mischievous when he was a pokemon, always causing trouble and such. He didn't think to much on how harmful they could get, of course one day a prank gone wrong so he was taken to the pokemon center by a kind human boy. He was thankful for the audino, nurse joy, and the boy as he was starting to leave them. Carson agreed to join the boy when he offered and the two have became friends ever since he was healed by Audino. He would always want to visit her with his trainer when they got a chance. One day he changed into a gijinka, he was sleeping on the ground. When his trainer found out, he was pure upset and thrown him out without even knowing it Carson. Carson soon hated humans after that, deciding to stay with the pokemon center then going to the school with Adi knowing that he will be there for her since he was protective of her

Powers: levitate, bite, toxic, energy ball

Likes: Gardens, his childhood friend Adi, spring, water, animals, plant

Dislikes: crammed spaces, humans, fights, yelling

Theme Song(s): Castle of Glass by Linkin Park

(Retiring two ocs, replacing these with them and will finish bio later)
(( Also


dress for Adi when the dance does start


( Carnivine's Tux)

(Absol's Tux)

Sapphir Tenka


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/39034217_p6_master1200.jpg.0640bf8be089da473cd411389ff165c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50782" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/39034217_p6_master1200.jpg.0640bf8be089da473cd411389ff165c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Art source, by ????100)

"A strong mind is far more superior than a strong body."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 17

Date of Birth: January 25th

Gender: Female

Species: Glaceon

Mega: None

Type: Ice

From: Sinnoh

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Student

Personality: Sapphir is hardworking and often very serious. She has a very strong maternal instinct to which she uses towards both her family and friends. Despite her seemly strict nature, Sapphir can be rather quirky around those she feels comfortable with. If she's still getting to know someone though, she will remain stern and try her best to stay at good terms with them.

Biography: Born in Snowpoint City, Sapphir was the oldest of her mother's seven children. Her father died shortly after her youngest sibling was born when she was eight years old. Since then, Sapphir was the one to look after her six younger siblings as her mother was often working and far too exhausted to do it herself very often. Having this responsibility forced her to grow up and focus solely on the well being of her family. Despite having to work so hard, Sapphir still managed to gain hobbies to do in the little amount of free time she had. She focused on the arts and did things such as reading, writing, and painting. To her, they were all a getaway from the reality she lived in. Once she reached the age of seventeen, the second oldest sibling, Beryl, decided to take her place and let Sapphir go to the academy so she could further pursue her dreams in the arts.

Ability: Ice Body


Ice fang


Ice Shard



Quick attack

Last Resort





Iced tea



Warm weather

Loud people

Spicy Food

Theme Song(s):

Tsubaki Hamada

Ms. Hamada

(Source, by ??)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.6acf8dd0e3f7644d6720929e3b78c8a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="50687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.6acf8dd0e3f7644d6720929e3b78c8a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I expect my students to do the best they can, otherwise I'm not doing my best as their teacher."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 23

Date of Birth: February 21st

Gender: Female

From: Sinnoh

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Literature Teacher

Personality: Tsubaki is a calm individual who constantly puts the needs of others before her. She always looks for a peaceful solution and often gets frustrated when there isn't one she's able to pursue. Her peaceful nature also leads her to have a strong sense of justice and becoming very passionate about defending the rights of others who have few.

Biography: Tsubaki was born as an only child and was raised in Eterna City. Her mother is a native to Kalos and works as a traveling saleswoman while her father works as an employee for the Poketch Company. The two met on her mother's first trip to Sinnoh and developed a relationship from there. At a young age, Tsubaki became excellent at working with Pokemon, a factor to the political views she would have later on in her life. One day, on her family's trip to Jubilife City, Tsubaki was first exposed to the cruelty towards beings known as Gijinkas. Horrified and disgusted by the treatment towards them, she decided that she wanted to do what she could so Gijinkas could be treated equally. After she finished her school career, Tsubaki applied to work as a teacher for the academy in hopes to be able to personally help Gijinkas.


?/Froslass/Cursed Body


  • Blizzard
  • Confuse Ray
  • Draining Kiss
  • Ice Shard

Madeline/?/Milotic/Marvel Scale


  • Hydro Pump
  • Twister
  • Aqua Tail
  • Recover

Elizabeth/?/Nidoqueen/Poison Point


  • Earth power
  • Superpower
  • Poison fang
  • Body Slam

Suki/?/Delcatty/Cute Charm


  • Wake-Up Slap
  • Disarming Voice
  • Feint Attack
  • Double-Edge

Bava/?/Goodra/Sap Sipper


  • Dragon Pulse
  • Rain Dance
  • Muddy Water
  • Outrage

Ariel/?/Altaria/Natural Cure


  • Moonblast
  • Sky Attack
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Sing





Classical Music



Bitter Food

Ignorant People

Theme Song(s):



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Name: Taisets Hana- means precious flower in Japanese cx

Quote: "Look like a delicate flower but be the serpent underneath."


DOB: May 15

Age: 23

From: Hoenn


Hyper Voice

Focus Blast

Heal Pulse



Heal Pulse


Dream Eater

Pokemon type: Gardevoir- Psychic/Fairy

Nature: Modest

Gender: Female

Role: Teacher, she works as the Health and Physical Education but often works as the school nurse as well.

Side: Evil

Bio: At first Taisetsu loved her job of being a teacher. She was often knowed as a kind and cheerful teacher. She also once accepted her title students gave her as "The Healer" now she utteraly dispises that title. Finally after years and years of jealously and envy of others who fought well in battles and she was forced into the sidelines as healing the injured... she snapped. She still pretends to be a helpful and friendly towards others but will not hesitate to kill them with her unknown sword skills. Everyone thinks she cannot fight in battles but it is just all a lie.

Personality: Taisetsu always seems to wear a smile and is kindhearted to other. This is all a hidden coverup for who she truly is. Behind a seemingly kind smile is a cruel and heartless smile. She loves seeing others perish before her after everything she's been through.

Likes: Night, reading, drawing, and seeing people suffer like she has

Dislikes: Others that never thank her for saving their life which happens often.

Theme Song: -Tbh don't know but the only song I think of is- "Long Way Down"
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