Changes (A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay)


Kasey Jordan Yūreima




►βasic ɨnformation

True Age: 19

Date of Birth: December 12th

Gender: Boy; appears rather androgynous/female

Species: Shedinja

Mega: No

Type: Bug/Ghost

From: Hoenn

Good or Bad?: It depends

►Ҏersonal ɨnformation

Role: Student

Personality: Kasey is a very quiet, melancholic boy, who hates to speak and be around others. He feels very misunderstood and seems to vanish when in a crowds, because people tend to forget he is there. He may seem to want to be alone, but that is far from the true case. All he really wants is a friend whom he can relate with and talk to with ease. Although he might not like to speak, he does so very softly and people often ask him to repeat himself, that in which he hates. But, despite this, it is very difficult to offend him. He is very accident prone and tends to bruise and get injured very easily. Kasey's movements tend to look very lifeless, as well as his ghostly emotions, and he never seems to walk, like on his feet, but rather floats in the air. Despite wanting such space to himself and being quite embarrassed to be around others and speak, he is actually very mature even though he doesn't appear to be as such.

Biography: Kasey comes from a broken home with lots of verbal fighting. Every time he would speak, he would be reprimanded both verbally and physically, just to be taught not to speak unless approached and asked to speak. He had eventually learned to abide to everyone's requests, and not to speak unless absolutely necessary. And from the physical pain, he would often stray away from others as well as turn into a pained hollow shell of his former self.


This is just what his body looks like as well as his clothes. Disregard everything else.





Getting hurt


Wonder Guard


Phantom Force

Giga Drain


Night Slash


Dream Eater

Theme Song(s):

Broken Home — Papa Roach [media]

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Full Name: Aria T?ketsu

Nick Name: Ari


"I just want to make friends."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 16

Date of Birth:
June 19th

Gender: Girl

Species: Glaceon


Type: Ice type

From: Sinnoh

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Student

Personality: Aria is rather shy, and wants friends more than anything. She is rather naive and gullible, and will believe almost anything she is told unless it is an obvious lie. She trusts people much more than she should, even if they've been mean to her in the past. She will stand up for her friends no matter what, and is loyal to those who are nice to her to the point where she would put her life on the line for them if need be. She is quiet around strangers, and is easily scared. She will help out anyone that needs help if she can, and if she can't she'll try anyway. She is kind to everyone, even people who are mean to her, and she believes that everyone deserves a second chance.

Biography: From birth Aria had lived a simple life with her mother and father, two kind parents who ran a Pokemon shelter that was a short walk away from her house, helping out lost, hurt, or hungry Pokemon. Despite that she wasn't really around pokemon very often. Her life was good, and she never really wanted much more than what she had already, a nice house and a loving family. She helped her family out with the Pokemon shelter for a day every six weeks and eventually, at the age of ten, went off to experience more of what the Sinnoh region had to offer, saying goodbye to her parents and travelling the Sinnoh region to see the sights and help others. She eventually came across a group of injured Glaceon being attacked by a powerful group of Houndoom. If she hadn't interfered then the Glaceon would have been hurt badly, and she couldn't let that happen. She tackled one of the Houndoom and was attacked by the others, but she had given the Glaceon enough time to escape so she didn't care. She passed out, waking up a few days later in a dimly lit cave, unable to remember how she got there but guessing the Glaceon had taken her there while she was unconscious. The cave was filled with ice that was almost like mirrors, and that's when she saw that she was a Gjinka. She completely freaked out, hurrying back home. Eventually she made it back home, running a high fever and half starved to death. Her parents took her in and took care of her, despite the fact that she was now a Gjinka, and pretty much saved her life. She lived with her parents for a few years in her home town, ignoring the fact that most people now shunned her for being a Gjinka. All of her former friends hated her now, and they made fun of her and threw rocks at her whenever they had the chance. It was a miserable life, but to her it was alright because at least she was still alive. Eventually she got a mysterious invitation to a school for Gjinka, and despite her parents not wanting her to go she left anyway, hoping to escape from the discrimination against her.

Ability: Snow Cloak

Moves: Icy Wind, Quick Attack, Ice Shard, Helping Hand, Hail, Blizzard, Sand Attack, Last Resort

Likes: The cold, making friends, music, playing piano, all pokemon no matter what type, iceskating, helping people

Dislikes: High temperatures, fire, being bullied, fighting for no reason, sudden loud noises, being scared.

Theme Song(s):

@AriaTheWatcher Accepted


Lorelei Song



"Promises are only lies with a prettier label."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: Seventeen

Date of Birth: April 11

Gender: Female

Species: Lapras

Mega: That would be nice...

Type: Water/Ice

From: Johto

Good or Bad?: Bad

Role: Student... and also secretly a member of Team Rocket

Personality: Lorelei is a cunning young woman who is willing to manipulate others to get her way. She comes across as sweet and friendly for the most part, using everything she can to get others to underestimate her, or see her side of things.

Biography: Lorelei was born to two human parents, but as a gijinka. They were afraid of having a gijinka child, or perhaps just didn't want one, so they put her up for adoption. She was taken in by a group and they raised her, choosing to call her Lorelei. The group of people were Team Rocket members, as she learned growing up. They taught her all about it and trained her to fight for them, as well as how to do other tasks.

As she grew up, they realized that she had a way with people- she could talk almost anyone into doing what she wanted. They enjoyed this, and started using her for tasks that involved talking to people, such as recruiting. She particularly enjoyed these tasks, herself. They've heard of a school for gijinkas, and while it seemed like an interesting target, they didn't want to touch it yet. Now, however, they have sent Lorelei as their spy, and to coordinate an attack if it's possible.

Ability: Water Absorb


Moves: Freeze-Dry


Perish Song

Water Pulse


Ice Beam


Rain Dance

Likes: Music



Dislikes: Spicy Food

People questioning her intentions


Theme Song(s): Loreley

Lilianna Black

Lily, Lil​


"Flowers and rainbows are nice but they don't make everything better!"

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 17

Date of Birth: June 13th

Gender: Female

Species: Leafeon

Type: Grass

From: Sinnoh

Good or Bad?: Good

??ersonal ?nformation

??? s??? o? ??? s?ow


???r?'s o??y o?? o? ?? ?o? ? ???so?

She is quiet and a loner. She hates to ask for help and will avoid it at her own peril. She is quite shy and very sweet when you get to know her. She is however very matter of fact about her condition.

??'s ? ?o?? s?or?

Lily was born to two of the first affected by the virus. She was sent for all sorts of tests as a baby because she was too quiet and unresponsive to movements or the such. Her parents found out then that she was born blind and had a medical condition that would make her frail and sickly for her whole life. They tried to make it as easy as possible for her as she grew up. She was given anything she needed and she was loved her entire life so far.

? ???????? w???o?

Leaf Guard


?'m ?????? ?w?so??

Energy Ball

Shadow Ball

Leaf Blade

Sunny Day

Solar Beam

Grass Whistle


Magical Leaf

?ov? ???s?




Nice people

Younger Kids

???? ??os?

Being Blind



??s??? ?o ?o?? ?????

Theme song max is five, add URL

Draco Black

Drae, Drake


"Whats more fun than never knowing whats going to happen?"

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 15

Date of Birth: October 31st

Gender: Male

Species: Eevee

Type: Normal

From: Kanto

Good or Bad?: Bad

??ersonal ?nformation

??? s??? o? ??? s?ow


???r?'s o??y o?? o? ?? ?o? ? ???so?

Drae is pretty close to his sister in personality. He is quiet and secludes himself away from others. He loves to cause mayhem though and isn't shy in the least. He'll say exactly what he wants, when he wants.

??'s ? ?o?? s?or?

Drae was left in an orphanage when he was seven. He doesn't remember anything from before that and really doesn't want to. Lilianna's parents were on call for a gijinka at that orphanage and they came to see him. They immediately fell in love with him and took him home to meet Lily. Since then he's become her protector. She and her parents were the only ones nice to him. When he isn't around her though he's causing mayhem. He'll steal something and plant it with someone else or just do something completely crazy. He once had the chance to evolve but decided not to.

? ???????? w???o?



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Hyper Voice


Shadow Ball


Body Slam​

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???? ??os?


Sour Foods

People that Pick on Others

??s??? ?o ?o?? ?????

Theme song max is five, add URL

Last ones I promise!!!!​


TrueAge: 15

DATE of Birth: January 20

Gender: Male

Species: Lucario

Type: physic/ aurora

From: Kanto

Good or Bad?: Neutral.... ish.

Role: Student

Personality: Lucas is a calm, quiet, mysterious type of gijinka who mostly keeps to himself about his thoughts and feelings. He would only speak if he feels if it is necessary or putting his opinion out in the open for people who are willing to listen and would consider the possibilities of his ideas. Usual he would stir up havoc some time or another but he do means well….most of the time. Lucas do at times have a..caring side when seeing one troubled or hurt, which he would go about his day helping out the best he can.

Biography: When he was a rioula, he and his elder friend was attacked by a group of people. They hurt the man and took him away from his friend making him hate humans so all the time with them. Lucas would fight to be free, and then when he evolved into a lucario. Luke had enough strength to free himself from the torture and escape to find a new life for himself. When he turned into a gijinka, he found out about change school and new where his new life may start

Ability: Stead fast/Inter focus/Justified

Moves: Aura sphere/detect/Swords Dance/Metal Claw

Likes: berries, peaceful places, a nice conversation about anything

Dislikes: Bullies, people who boast about themselves

Theme Song(s): What I've done by linking park


Age: 16

DATE of Birth: August 4

Gender: Male

Species: Absol

Type: disaster pokemon

From: indingo

Good or Bad?: Neutral but mostly bad

Role: Student

Personality: Adrain is a serious type of guy, who doesn't like asking others for help. H would do things on his own, even if they are things he can't do alone. Adrian isn't so easy to trust since he is cautious about the ones he thinks as friends. Since he has trust issues and would never much think about having friends…even though if you get to know him better. Adrian is the most kindest, caring softy who would be there in a flash if you need him. No matter where or what he is doing, he would just drop everything to help out a comrade and then go back to doing whatever he was doing.

Biography: He was born to do great things, but being the pokemon or gijinka he is..Adrain would always have close calls when it comes to being captured to be enslaved upon like all the others who were less fortunate than him. He would mostly stay in hiding only to come out for things he needs, being the person that he is. Adrain survived all on his own with a few scars, having a hard time trusting people with they're help or if they need his help. When he found out about the school, he was hiding from a few of the humans who were still trying to capture him and he knows that it may be the only place to survive longer than where he was

Ability: pressure/super luck

Moves: Razor wind/taunt/double team/Night Slash

Likes: berries, being alone

Dislikes: humans

Theme Song(s): Demons by StarSet
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Full Name: ???

Nick Name: Vlad


"Stay awake in class. Or else."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: True age unknown; looks 25

Date of Birth: ???

Gender: Boy

Species: Darkrai

Mega: No

Type: Dark

From: Sinnoh

Good or Bad?: Neutral

Role: Teacher

Personality: Darkrai is a cold, uncaring person. He doesn't care for humans and he never gets into a relationship. Underneath his dark extrierior, he tries to understand others better.

Biography: Darkrai was found by humans on an island in Sinnoh. He was captured and brought to a science lab for research. Darkrai allowed tests to be done on him as he stored power from sleeping scientists. After a week of being dormant, Darkrai escaped the facility by putting everybody in the building to sleep. He heard about the Gijinka school and rushed to it for protection. Darkrai agreed to teach the students there, even though he doesn't enjoy it. He now teaches about basic Pokemon properties such as type advantages, moves, and even breeding.

Ability: Bad Dreams

Moves: Dark Void, Dream Eater, Dark Pulse, Disable, Protect, Hyper Beam, Thunderpunch

Likes: The dark, dreams

Dislikes: Pokemon of lower intelligence, trouble makers, scientists, humans

Theme Song(s): [media]

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Xander Cassioraius




►βasic ɨnformation

TrueAge: 27

Date of Birth: January 9th

Gender: Boy

Species: Scolipede (shiny)

Mega: "Well, that would be pretty cool."

Type: Bug/Poison

From: Unova

Good or Bad?: "Hmm... It depends."

Role: Teacher — Battle Tactics/English

Personality: Xander is a very cool and free-spirited person. He likes to talk and interact with others and just overall loves to be with people. Very extroverted and outgoing, he likes to be the star of the show and be 'the wise one' of the group. He likes to help people and won't ever turn down a one in need, despite his other 'I'm super cool' streaks.

Biography: Bio, One Paragraph(7 sentences) or more

Speed Boost



Iron Tail

Aqua Tail



Sludge Bomb




+ Flirting

+ Teaching

+ Fighting

+Helping others


- Fire

- Disrespect

Theme Song(s):

Breath — Breaking Benjamin



"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

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Alanna Stone

Alan, Ally (pretty much anything, really)


"I have no special talents. I am merely passionately curious."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: Thirty-eight

Date of Birth: June 7

Gender: Female

From: Kanto

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Teacher of Human-Gijinka relations

Personality: Alanna is a friendly, intelligent woman. When she discovers something new, she does her best to learn everything about it. She tends to 'mother' people, even if the action is unwanted-and many times it is. She can be awkward from time to time, particularly with new people. Alanna can put a positive spin on most things, but don't take her for an overly optimistic pushover- she doesn't tolerate some things, particularly something involving someone trying to hurt her students or daughters. She is extremely protective of her daughters, and the change from her normal self to her angry self is almost scary.

Biography: Alanna grew up in Lavender Town, surrounded by her siblings. Being the oldest, she helped take care of them regularly. When she was old enough, she was given her first Pokemon, an Audino. She set off, intending on learning more about Pokemon and becoming a Pokemon doctor. When the gijinka appeared, Alanna was interested. She had heard of a group that was dedicated to learning more about them and left Kanto to join them.

It wasn't what she expected. The place that the research was taking place was a lab on a private island. Rather than learning about gijinka in the way she expected, they used inhumane experiments. Alanna wanted to stop this in whatever way she could. She heard about a resistance against the cruel scientists and asked to join. They were understandably distrustful of her at first, but she proved her usefulness by gathering information and her loyalty by treating thier injuries.

Eventually, the resistance won, and Alanna tried to return to a normal life. She lost contact with the leaders of the resistance, but maintained a relationship with an arcanine that she bonded with. In time, gijinka became more common, and Alanna became one of the first true gijinka doctors. Alanna saw how gijinka were treated, and knowing that it wasn't right, decided that it was her responsibility as a human to help. She made a shelter for gijinka in her own home, expanding it as needed. She married during this time, then had two daughters. When they were five, her husband died, attacked by a seviper gijinka.

Over the years, Alanna expanded her home until it was a mansion. She received invitations to teach at the Changes school before, but always turned them down, worried about leaving her daughters alone. However, now that human students are allowed, she can just bring them, so she took up the offer.

Team: Aduna- Female Audino

Ability- Healer

Heal Pulse, Heal Bell, Echoed Voice, Last Resort

Arch Wind- Female Charizard

Ability- Blaze

Heat Wave, Dragon Tail, Sky Drop, Substitute

Varric- Male Brivary

Ability- Sheer Force

Brave Bird, Superpower, Roost, Crush Claw

Thumper- Female Steelix

Ability- Sturdy

Automize, Heavy Slam, Return, Dragonbreath

Wrex -Male Aggron

Ability- Sturdy

Iron Tail, Autotomize, Smack Down, Earthquake

Jude- Male Mienshao

Ability- Inner Focus

Jump Kick, Bounce, Poison Jab, Double Team

Likes: Learning new things

Helping others


Dislikes: Discrimination of any kind


Having to prove herself- again

Theme Song(s): Your Guardian Angel
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Cameron Anderson




"Sandstorms may be dangerous, but so are the things lurking there."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 18

Date of Birth: March 5th

Gender: Male

From: Unova

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Student

Personality:Cameron is a pretty nice boy. He loves to read and learn new things. He is inquisitive and almost nosy but loves sarcasm. He doesn't initiate conversation or interaction with others but will talk to other freely otherwise.

Biography: Cam grew up in a house full of water pokemon trainers. He was always expected to follow his family's way and hated it. He was tired of seeing water pokemon all the time and getting picked on for not having one. When he was old enough to start his pokemon journey, he chose Whiscash as his pokemon. It made his family happy and he got a ground type. He then began his journey. He didn't get very far since he ended up in a desert. He just decided he loved it out there and found some ruins. He's lived there training the pokemon that can live in sandstorms ever since. He recently got a letter from a school about becoming a student with a bunch of gijinka. It seemed interesting so he said yes.

Team: .

Jameson- Wiscash- Hydration

  • Magnitude

  • Muddy Water

  • Dragon Dance

  • Scald

Liddia- Amaura- Snow Warning

  • Powdered Snow

  • Earth Power

  • Mirror Coat

  • Aroura Beam

Odelia- Carbink- Clear Body

  • Moonblast

  • Power Gem

  • Stealth Rock

  • Dazzling Gleam

Hanz- Shiny Gigalith- Sand Force

  • Rock Throw

  • Sandstorm

  • Smack Down

  • Earthquake

Lancelot- Aegislash- Stance Change

  • Flash Cannon

  • Sacred Swords

  • Kings Shield

  • Shadow Sneak

Gareth- Marowak- Battle Armor

  • Bone Club

  • Iron Head

  • Bone Rush

  • Bonemerang

Likes: All kinds of storms



Dislikes: Technology



Theme Song(s): Theme song max is five, add URL


Arrietta Savat


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/sample-688ee21a8e21ced300b671837afcad4f.jpg.39b7833eada6709e077a899876037ee2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/sample-688ee21a8e21ced300b671837afcad4f.jpg.39b7833eada6709e077a899876037ee2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

"Make fun of my turtle squad and I'll lock you in a tomb for a week!"

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 28

Date of Birth: June 12th

Gender: I am very much female....

From: Hoenn

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Teacher of History

Personality: Arri is actually very intelligent and clinical about most things. When she is with her pokemon, however, she jokes around and just hangs out with the "turtle squad". She is obsessive about history and tries to make it as fascinating to others as it is to her.

Biography: Arrietta was always a very energetic girl. She never actually was given a pokemon when she got old enough. She actually found a tirtouga when she was 8. It was just a baby and followed her around any time she went near they little river she lived near. After a while it even followed her home. After a lot of begging she was given permission to keep him. She named him Damien and that was her first pokemon. She decided then that she wanted to specialize in water types. Over the years she just naturally gravitated to pokemon with shells. When she got her last pokemon, Lapras, she started to call her group the Turtle Squad. She knew it was cliche but it was fun. She was hyperactive and loved battling. One day she was in the desert however and found her true calling. She stumbled across a small ruin and was fascinated. She began to bury herself in tombs and ruins. And if she wasn't at one she as reading about them. She learned a lot about history this way and became one of the foremost praised in her field. Angel contacted her for the history teacher position because Arri was in between digs and she said yes.


Damien | Carracosta | Solid Rock -

  • Smack Down
  • Shell Smash
  • Body Slam
  • Scald

Placia | Blastoise | Rain Dish | Mega: Mega Launcher-

  • Aura Sphere
  • Dragon Pulse
  • Water Pulse
  • Water Pledge

Terra | Torterra | Shell Armor-

  • Earthquake
  • Leaf Storm
  • Mud Slap
  • Grass Pledge

Madison | Shuckle | Contrary-

  • Toxic
  • Venoshock
  • Infestation
  • Earth Power

Jamie | Torkoal | White Smoke -

  • Curse
  • Flame Thrower
  • Lava Plume
  • Iron Defense

Morgana | Lapras | Water Absorb-

  • Sheer Cold
  • Freeze Dry
  • Frost Breath
  • Dragon Pulse

Likes: Ruins, Water, Slushes

Dislikes: Deserts, Coffee, Greasy Foods

Theme Song(s): Theme song max is five, add URL



  • sample-688ee21a8e21ced300b671837afcad4f.jpg
    110.3 KB · Views: 47



"Do you need medical assistance my dear?"

Age: 24

DATE of Birth: September 4th

Gender: female

From: Unova

Species: Audino

Mega: Yes

Type: normal

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Nurse


Adi is a sweet girl who loves to help out the sick and injured. She is kind, informative, and has a lot of knowledge on cures and sicknesses. Whenever she sees a sick or hurt pokemon, she would help them feel better. She loves to read books about health, mysteries, and life. Sometimes she would be protective of her patiences or the pokemon she cures, when someone tries to take them away and would attack them. But at times, Adi would be seen around the gardens or in her office working. She likes to travel, helping out different nurse joys everywhere and listen to people play the leaf whistle (since its her favorite ever since she first heard it). Adiana would play the leaf whistle when she has free time, but when its time to work. She is serious about what she does.


Ever since she worked with Nurse joy in the pokemon center, Adiana loved to help out with sick pokemon who need treating. Every day working to help the sick and injured pokemon that they're trainers bring in for them to look at. She got to meet different kinds, some small others big. Adiana enjoyed that life very much, since she got to make a difference in the world. Adi was helping out nurse joy with a sick tepig, as she went to get some things for nurse joy. But before she came back, she turned into a gijinka audino which surprised her greatly. Adi knew she would have to explain it to nurse joy later after helping out the injured Tepig. And she did, happy that nurse joy was understanding of it. Adiana received a letter to be a nurse at the school when she was helping a pokemon, she wanted to stay but Nurse joy encouraged her to take it. Adi accepted and became a nurse for the Changes school, happy to help out however she can.

Powers: healer, regenerator, pound, double slap

Likes: Gardens, Leaf whistle, helping loved ones with anything medical related, helping the sick and injured, learning new ways to treat sicknesses, friends, outdoors, childhood friend Carson the Carnivine

Dislikes: crammed spaces, seeing the ones she care about hurt, the cold sometimes, mischievous people

Theme Song(s): How to save a life



"Hurt Adi and you will feel my wrath"

Age: 26

DATE of Birth: July 16

Gender: male

From: Sinnoh

Species: Carnivine

Mega: no

Type: grass

Good or Bad?: Nuetral but bad if given a reason

Role: Helps Adi


Carson is an understanding man, who is like a counselor for pokemon. He would always want to solve things in a peaceful, calm matter when something bad is happening. But, if Carson sees anyone messing or hurting the ones he cares about. He will show no mercy and will show you what pain really feels like. But other than that, he has a hard shell even though he will open up to anyone who can break it.

Biography: Carson was mischievous when he was a pokemon, always causing trouble and such. He didn't think to much on how harmful they could get, of course one day a prank gone wrong so he was taken to the pokemon center by a kind human boy. He was thankful for the audino, nurse joy, and the boy as he was starting to leave them. Carson agreed to join the boy when he offered and the two have became friends ever since he was healed by Audino. He would always want to visit her with his trainer when they got a chance. One day he changed into a gijinka, he was sleeping on the ground. When his trainer found out, he was pure upset and thrown him out without even knowing it Carson. Carson soon hated humans after that, deciding to stay with the pokemon center then going to the school with Adi knowing that he will be there for her since he was protective of her

Powers: levitate, bite, toxic, energy ball

Likes: Gardens, his childhood friend Adi, spring, water, animals, plant

Dislikes: crammed spaces, humans, fights, yelling

Theme Song(s): Castle of Glass by Linkin Park

(Retiring two ocs, replacing these with them and will finish bio later)
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Marie Flamme


Art source, by robotbunnyinc)


"Don't expect me to follow your orders. I'm the real leader around here."

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 17

Date of Birth: July 25th

Gender: Female

Species: Delphox

Mega: No

Type: Fire/Psychic

From: Kalos

Good or Bad?: Neutral

Role: Student

Personality: Marie is often very irritable and sassy towards others. Once she makes up her mind about something, it's nearly impossible to make her changed it. Despite her negative traits, she can actually be thoughtful and a bit of a hopeless romantic. If she were to be in a relationship, she'd be sweet and caring to the other, though it would take a lot for her to consider dating someone.

Biography: Although she was born into a rich family, Marie's life hasn't always been so easy for her. She was often bullied by other children her age for being a gijinka and having unique physical traits. Eventually, she began to defend herself, leading to her getting involved in several fights and gaining a bad reputation. Her family's efforts to end her violent behavior were shown to be ineffective as she joined a gang of other gijinkas that faced harassment as she had. It didn't take long before Marie found out about their illegal activities. She never wanted to become a criminal, and hated the leader. She had to fight her way out of the gang and luckily succeeded. Unfortunately her parents found out about her being a gang member and decided to send her off to a school where she could truly fit in and find others to hang out with in nonviolent ways. Ever since they announced their decision, Marie has been skeptical about what the academy would really be like for someone like her.

Ability: Blaze


Mystical fire


Light screen

Fire spin



Sunny day

Fire blast


Alone time

Black coffee

Being a leader


Cramped places



Theme Song(s):

Bonbon Merryweather

Ms. Merryweather

Art source, by cowslip)


"Keep your head up and look towards the future! There's always something to look forward to!"

??asic ?nformation

TrueAge: 24

Date of Birth: June 30th

Gender: Female

Species: Wigglytuff

Mega: No

Type: Normal/Fairy

From: Kanto

Good or Bad?: Good

Role: Art teacher

Personality: Bonbon is often an optimistic and cheery woman. She's very expressive and encourages others to be as well. Overall, she has a bubbly personality. Oddly enough she can be very scary if she were to become angry.

Biography: Born and raised in a large family, Bonbon had a simple life as a child in Celadon City. For the most part, she got along just fine with all eight of her siblings, but was very different than them. All of her siblings were interested in sports and were quite good at them. Bonbon on the other hand, was terrible at every single one she tried. Eventually, she gave up even participating in the family games and went off to play something else. Once she began doing this, she discovered what she was really good at, creating art. She kept this new talent a secret from everyone until she brought them to her first gallery show. Impressed by her work, her parents allowed her to continue her interests in painting. Once she reached college, Bonbon decided that she wanted to teach others what she had learned during her lifetime, and could do so by becoming an art teacher. She applied for the academy, hoping to help a new generation of Gijinkas and show them to be proud of who they are.

Ability: Cute charm




Gyro ball

Disarming voice

Wake-up slap


Hyper voice







Rude people


Ruthless behavior

Theme Song(s):

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hey just a heads up, your moves and abilities are supposed to be separated. I'd recommend looking over the skelly on the first page and getting your profiles to match it on requirements. Right now its actually limiting the moves you have on your OCs.

Who are you telling that to?

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way

[QUOTE="Jayden Kisubo]hey just a heads up, your moves and abilities are supposed to be separated. I'd recommend looking over the skelly on the first page and getting your profiles to match it on requirements. Right now its actually limiting the moves you have on your OCs.

*salutes* Alright.....and I have retired two ginjinka and i'll try to fix it...if it will still let me or I can just reply on my own post fixing the powers. Well.....on lana she is retiring for now.....but i don't know when she will be back

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