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Fantasy Changelings

Sveni nodded, picking the frame up. It was lighter than it looked, so all it took was some quick moving to have her bed set up, "There you go, all yours. Your very own bed. Give 'er a go. Get comfy."
She climbed in, and Brennigan started kneading the furs. She started to stroke him, when her arm revolted and refused to move any more. The rest of her body followed suit, and she was soon struggling to sit up. Brennigan claimed her lap for his throne. She yawned. "It's comfortable."
"Good. Glad you like it," He said, tilting his head as he watched the girl slowly dozing off. He chuckled and grabbed the furs shed slept with that night and gently laid them over her, "Go ahead, take a nap if you're tired. I'll be outside taking care of that deer if you need me."

He made his way out to the deer, stripping it down and setting the parts in their own respective container to be cleaned and processed further. It would take some time, but eventually, the carcass was gone, replaced with meat to be cut, extras to be processed, and bones to be worked into tools. Sveni sighed, wiping his brow on his arm. It was hard work, but it would pay off. The man got to work, cutting meat down into cookable portions. He'd cook them while he worked on the bones. Kennedy would need some of her own for them to work efficiently.
Seanait slept for hours, and when she woke up it was dark outside and he was gone. She thought about looking for him to help with whatever he was doing, but realized she was too sore to help, and she could easily get lost, especially in the dark. She pulled out her phone. 52%. She crossed her fingers, hoping for cell service. It worked! She pulled the the search bar. "Boston news" and glanced through the headlines. There. "Elfrun family found dead, parents bodies found, children missing, pressumed dead." She clicked on the article and read it. They found her parents dead and had yet to identify the killer... no sign of children... contact the authorities with any information. It seemed to be all over the news, as were her and her brothers pictures, with a few pictures of her parents thrown in. She sighed and turned off her phone.
Sveni stacked his containers, heaving them into the tent to find Kennedy awake, "Oh, morning. Have a nice nap?" He scooted the containers to the fire with a horrid scrunched of wood on wood. He sighed and sat by the dying fire, "Hey perfect time to practice making the fire up. She's down to embers again."
She nodded and stood up painfully, aching all over. The adrenaline from the previous days had stopped cushioning her, and now she felt tge full weight of misery. She tried to remember how to make a fire, but couldn't, and instead asked. She did remember the soft warmth and the cute baby flame she wanted to coddle like a pet. She liked the fire. Brennigan didn't, though he didn't realize what they were doing and was starting to get closer.
Sveni stood back, telling her how to start it, step by step, and let Kennedy practice it as they went. The hard part would be igniting the tinder, with the poor girls sore arms. That part Sveni stepped in to help with, "There we go, Now just get that under the firewood. Get it started and we should be good to go. Just in time to cook." He gestured to the container, "Dont look in them, you might lose you're appetite. "
She nodded emphatically, and stayed far away from the containers while she coaxed life out of the fire.
"Brenni, it's just a fire, it won't hurt you," she said exasperatedly.
He growled at the fire and meowed pitifully to her.
"No, baby, I don't feel bad for you. It's just a fire, you'll live. I promise."
He hissed, and seemed to be frustrated by her lack of pity.
She finished with the fire and went to the other side of the tent to scoop him up. "Oh, you're being such a baby. It won't kill you."
But he was angry with her and refused to be held.
She smiled apologetically to Sveni. "He has me wrapped around his paw. He's just mad that I'm not bending to his every whim. He'll get over it." She put a series of fish pieces progressivly closer to the fire and he relictantly followed, until he was sitting by it trying not to let her see how much he enjoyed the warmth.
"Why don't you go ahead and put that monster fish on the table? I'll show you how to filet it, since you seem to be so skilled with bow fishing," Sveni said as he began placing meat on slabs of wood to set close to the fire. He'd cured them ages ago so they wouldn't burn, "I'm really impressed honestly. Took my a week to get my first fish like that. But I started with deer. Wasn't used to them moving before me. I started you with it. Now, you'll have a faster reaction to land animals."
Once Sveni has laid the meat out to cook, he joined Kennedy at the table, showing her how to scale and debone the fish, "Ok, now that all that's finished, Brenni can have the bones and stuff, while we cut the fish down " The man demonstrates a few slices, showing her why not to cut certain ways as he did, "Other than that, just cut them how you see fit, remember they gotta be able to cook."
"Probably not from a fish this big, no," Sveni guessed, "That other one maybe much he might have a hard time fitting it all with this bigin." Sveni felt a frigid breeze come from the smoke hole and frowned, "Its about to start snowing in the next day or so.."
"Its gonna get cold which means we need to burn more to keep warm. I'll have to work on making your coat tonight..." Sveni made his way to start working the bones into knives and other utensils that she might need to work with. Shoulder blades became a hoes and shovel, fragments were worked into a garden rake. The man looked over what he had left. If he did it just right, with the tendons as the bindings, he could make a rather deadly bow. Sveni chuckled, excitedly getting to work. Before long, he was laying it by the fire to cure and dry, "Behold "
She stared out the hole. It was dark out. What time was it?? She glanced at her watch. Only 7? Holy mounds!
She watched him work with the bones and such from the deer (poor deer) until he presented the bow. "Cool!" She didn't quite know what the proper response was. She was impressed, but as ever wasn't sure how to communicate. And she didn't feel the need to communicate her feelings, just the social pressure to respond positively, though she wasn't sure how... now she was overthinking things. She tried to refocus on the tent and bow, and smile correctly.
"We will find out sooner or later just how cool it really is," He looked over at her and nodded to the fish, "You done? We have room to cook it if I move stuff around a little."
"There's a bucket and bowl under the table. Don't put your hands straight in the bucket," He said as he helped put fish down to cook, "Fill that bowl and wash your hands there. So, anything like you expected? Being out here, I mean?"
"Um, I didn't really have expectations. I didn't plan on running away, it just happened. I mean, I fantasized a bit as a kid, but not so much about the woods as the plainss or caves or something. High fantasy stuff." Not plains and caves, moors and mounds. She might have a drop of tree spirit in her, but not much. She knew Niall had the same dreams, though he was more into the moors than she. She prefered the mounds. Cozy and safe, hidden.
"Oh, I know what you mean," Sveni chuckled, thinking back to his childhood, "I think I did too as a kid. Imagined being Robin hood."
She had taken interest in irish folk heroes, but she couldn't say that. Cu Chulainn was the most Irish dead giveaway name and hero that Kennedy would absolutely never have heard of, let alone grown up on stories of. She didn't know any Jewish heroes. She was pretty sure they were in the bible, but she had never touched a bible, thanks to her obvious bias against abrahmic religeon. In hindsight, she should probably have done more research on other cultures, in case she needed to blend in with them. As she did now. Outwardly, she nodded. "My brother and I played games about jewish folkheros." Please don't ask who, please don't ask who!!
"Jewish people have folkheros?" Sveni pondered as he moved the meats around to ensure even cooking, "Ain't no use in tellin' me about 'em. I won't have a clue what you're talkin' about." He chuckled, "My mom raised me on the old viking stories. Norse tales. Like how the Sun and moon are gods on chariots being chased by wolves. When the wolves catch up, we get an eclipse."
(Jewish people have folklore, mythologized history, and history. The Golem of Prague, for example, is folklore, while Noah or Adam would be somewhere between history and mythologized history, on account of the stories being written down hundreds of yeahs later and oral history being finicky. Seanait doesn't know any of that, though.)
Did they? She hoped so! She did know a little bit about Norse folklore, their stories had gotten mixed up in Irish folklore after the Viking invasions. She might not know jewish history, but she knew her Irish history well. Actually, she might have a bit of jewish in her. Changelings tended to have a little of everything, and the only thing really important to keep track of was the irish. She decided, perhaps unwisely, to probe. Not into anything fairy adjecent, but a bit in the direction. "Do you believe any of it?"
(I know, but Sveni isn't versed in religion of any kind really)

"I find It interesting," He shrugged, sitting in his heels for a moment as they talked, "I guess not, but if I did believe anything, It would be that. Mom was really in touch with her ancestors. Loved the stories and all. Shared them with me, just like her mom and her mom's mom. Stories passed down generations upon generations, Just like they did way back when.."

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