Change Canyon


Troyler Shipper
Character Sign-Up Sheet




Dating Preference (Gay,Straight,Bisexual,etc):

Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here:



Appearance (Real picture(s) suggested):



My Character

Megan Elizabeth Haggins

Age: 27


Dating Preference (Gay,Straight,Bisexual,etc): Bisexual

Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here: Conductor/Owner of Change Canyon

Personality: Megan had always been helpful.She has always tried to help anyone in need.She is also very brave,and caring.Megan is also very patient and understanding,but strict when needed.

History: Megan was raised in a normal family,with 2 younger sisters.In her teenage-hood,she made the wrong decision to use drugs.Her life turned for the worst.But then,she got a second chance.She decided to help others,and became a certified therapist.

Appearance (Real picture(s) suggested):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.7de7caf3a37ab87489ccd712dfe7806e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.7de7caf3a37ab87489ccd712dfe7806e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She has two dogs,Thunder and Lightning.They were once part of a K9 police unit,but were retired.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.22c4272d770dd91ed115942f46dc98ba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.22c4272d770dd91ed115942f46dc98ba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.5ae833121e912d692f63c32239acb067.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.5ae833121e912d692f63c32239acb067.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Leda {Pronounced Lee-duh}Wilde

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Dating Preference: Bisexual, likes both genders equally.

Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here: Leda was caught tagging several buildings, but always escaped. What did her in was her biggest job, a vacant billboard, which she covered with her street art. An off-duty policeman recognized her as a wanted minor, and turned her in. She was also found with alcohol underage.

Personality: She's rebellious, spontaneous, flirty, loves to party, but secretly has many insecurities and can't stand being alone.

History: Leda was born into a dysfunctional family. Her father was a drunk, just like all of her uncles, and her mother left to go stay with her aunts in some other state. But, she left Leda with the father, who eventually hung himself. Leda was too young to feel emotion about this at the time, but the fading memory haunts her to this day.

She was forced to go and live with one of her uncles, who also drank too much, but who was kind to her. When her uncle had passed out from a drunken night, she would take a bottle of his Jack Daniels,and shove it in her bag with her spray paint and sketchbook. After that, she would take to the city, tagging buildings with her street art. One day she got caught, and here she is.



Other: Her street art looks like this: (the girl)


Narwhals, Narwhals, swimming in the ocean ~ {causing a commotion..}
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Name: Josh Hutchison

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Dating Preference: Straight

Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here: Shoplifting, Drugs and Attempted Murder


  • Funny
  • Kind
  • Doesn't make a lot of friends
  • Clever
  • Needs a lot of time to trust someone


Josh was always a naughty boy. He never intended to commit crime though. (im going to include more later)

Appearance (Real picture(s) suggested): (also later)

Narwhals,narwhals, swimming in the ocean~
Hmmmm, this looks like an Interesting Roleplay, sign me up I guess. (Making Character tomorrow morning if the door's still open by then)
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[QUOTE="Kawashima Thunder]Hmmmm, this looks like an Interesting Roleplay, sign me up I guess. (Making Character tomorrow morning if the door's still open by then)

It's always open! Just try to get the character done tomorrow
Name: Keiji Miyagawa

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Dating Preference (Gay,Straight,Bisexual,etc): Straight

Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here: Seven Counts of assault and battery, three counts of attempted murder; cleared of all charges due to lack of evidence. Assault, Battery and Attempted Murder charges dismissed as self-defense.

Personality: Keiji is the type of guy to have tough guy's attitude. However, deep down, he has a big heart and is a nice and caring person once you get to know him.

History: Although Keiji was born in Japan, he moved to the United States and became a US Citizen around the time he was seven years old. Since Elementary School, Keiji was always bullied by other kids for various reasons, although most of the time, it would be seemingly for no reason. This would often leave him with few friends and as a result, Keiji didn't really like talking to and/or mingling with others, but was always good when having to work in groups or with another student. As the bullying carried into Middle School, he would start being sent to Therapy by his Family in order to coup with all the bullying he had to endure since the fourth grade. Starting in Eighth Grade, he frequently got into fights with others for bullying him. This would carry into High School and Keiji eventually snapped in Eleventh Grade (Junior Year). After the seventh fight, Keiji found himself facing seven counts of assault and battery, but they were dismissed as Self-Defense as he never threw the first punch and often acted in self-defense according to witnesses. The last straw was when he snapped for a second time and actually attempted to kill his bullies. However, due to lack of evidence and witness accounts, he was cleared of all charges once again.

Appearance (Real picture(s) suggested):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/TaeYang_Always_by_DarkSoulKagome90.jpg.a14bd0821ecb4bb4317ed60606c64a9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/TaeYang_Always_by_DarkSoulKagome90.jpg.a14bd0821ecb4bb4317ed60606c64a9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: Since Keiji doesn't have very many friends, he spends most of his time playing Videogames and MMORPGs, such as World of Warcraft, Resident Evil, Call of Duty, Halo and RuneScape among other games. Being from Japan, he also enjoys Japanese History, Anime and Martial Arts. As a Martial Artist, he takes Karate and Judo, and having been taking them for a very long time, he is close earning Black Belts in both Arts. He also enjoys reading, with his favorite genre of books being American Military Autobiographies. Keiji also has several hobbies, such as collecting, sports and much more. Sports he likes to take part in includes Basketball, although he is in High School's Wrestling Team. As a Wrestler, Keiji has made it to State twice, during his Freshman and Sophomore years. In terms of Collecting, he collects Martial Arts Weapons, Cards, Jewelry, Action Figures, Knives and CDs. Music he enjoys including Jpop (Japanese Pop), Kpop (Korean Pop), Hip Hop, R&B, J-Rock (Japanese Rock), Alternative Rock and Jazz, but doesn't really like Country. Wanting to be able to get around more comfortably, he has recently purchased a car and insurance. He drives a Silver 2010 Honda Accord. To pay for his Insurance and luxuries, he works part-time at Hot Topic at the local mall. Other activities Keiji enjoys include Airsofting, Paintball and watching UFC and Boxing events on Pay-per-view.

Narwhals,narwhals, swimming in the ocean~



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Name: Blair Harrison



Dating Preference (Gay,Straight,Bisexual,etc):

Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here:
Blair, although she was what most thought was a 'model student' in school is an alcoholic, and even though she hid it very well, she once was caught when a tipped off police officer searched her room finding massive amounts of alcohol. (She was underage at the time) She also did drugs, sold them, and killed someone after getting really drunk.

Blair is intelligent, but very independent. If she's determined, she'll do what she wants, and won't listen to anyone else. She may have been a 'model student' in school, but was never popular. She never had many friends, besides her sister, Astoria. Blair never really talked to anyone, for that matter, unless it was required. She just didn't feel the need to. She's nice, and sarcastic.

Blair was always pressured to be 'perfect.' She didn't have a hard time with this, she never had, until it happened. Suddenly, she fell downward, and she started smoking pot, selling drugs, and drinking. After a while, it got worse, as she started to unwind and snap at people. Concerned, her sister turned her in. After getting out of jail, Blair was sent straight to rehab, and she hated it.

Appearance (Real picture(s) suggested):


Narwhals,narwhals, swimming in the ocean~
Name: Grace Parker

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Dating Preference (Gay,Straight,Bisexual,etc): Straight

Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here: Her boyfriend would always make her go out and buy alcohol illegaly because she seemed so innocent. She once got caught, with two bottles in her backpack. When she called her boyfriend about it, he acted like he didn't know anything about it and she was caught.

Personality: Shy, Kind, Broken, Doesn't trust people easily, Very insecure, Sad.

History: Grace's family was joke. They were dirt poor and her father acted like they didn't exist. While her mother tried her hardest to keep her four children happy, her father stayed all night at the bar with different ladies and different drinks, coming up with an exuse the next day. When she was 14, her oldest brother Anthony commited suicide. That's when the entire family broke apart. It's like they weren't even a family. That's also when she meant Tobias, her ex-boyfriend. He acted like this sweet, innocent boy during the day,

but at night he was this alcoholic drinking, drug taking guy. She loved him though and that's why she stayed with him for two years.


Other: Grace will mostly be seen with her music in, reading or writing. When she's really, really alone she'll sing. She barely talks at all.

Narwhals,narwhals, swimming in the ocean~
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Dylan Priam





Dating Preference (Gay,Straight,Bisexual,etc):


Crime(s) committed/Reason to be here:

Alcohol possession and the murders of her parents.


Dylan is pretty dark and evil, you could say, on a normal basis. There is never a time when Dylan was sweet or caring, even in her childhood. She has a bit of a temper and will only talk to people she likes, anyone else that talks to her will most likely get yelled at.


Dylan Priam was raised in a house full of drunks and druggies. She thought that was the norm for the longest time, so she went along with it. She would take the beatings both her mother and father gave her, and around the age of 13, she began to drink herself. When Dylan had turned 16, she finally had enough of the beatings and the yelling and everything else that was going on at that point in time, and snapped. Grabbing a few broken beer bottles that littered the living room floor, she went up to her parents room, and let all her anger loose. After she was finished, there was virtually nothing left of her parents.

Appearance (Real picture(s) suggested):



Attention everyone-I am starting the role play tomorrow,so please have any forms done by then.Please read the rules also.I'll PM each of you a hour in prior before we start.
Toughchic236 said:
Attention everyone-I am starting the role play tomorrow,so please have any forms done by then.Please read the rules also.I'll PM each of you a hour in prior before we start.
If I don't respond right away, then that means I'm busy. Just letting you know ahead of time, but I will come on as soon as I am able.
I'm sorry to say the role play will be postponed to 8:00 PM coast time.I'm busy tonight,and that's when I can do it.If anything else happens,it'll be at 6:00 PM coast time tomorrow.Sorry again,and thanks for being cooperative.
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Name: Mason Tiberius Kirilla

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Dating Preference: Heterosexual

Crime(s) Committed/Reason to be here: Drug use/drug possession/drug dealing, underage alcohol use, and several counts of assault.

Personality: Mason is usually outgoing, compulsive, sarcastic, and somewhat kind to those he cares about. Sometimes, he shuts people out and does his own thing without it bothering him even a little. Some people assume he's more introverted simply because he doesn't always talk a lot but that's really not the truth. Mason really hates people, with the exception of those he finds attractive, and he forces himself to talk to them despite his inner desire to just be left alone. Mason is deeply involved with drugs, alcohol, and sex and he doesn't care what anyone thinks about it. He has gotten into serious trouble with his anger issues before and is still in the process of learning to control that anger.

History: Mason grew up with a single mother and two younger siblings. He learned to be very protective over his younger sister and brother, as well as if mother. Mason's father was never in the picture but that never mattered much to him. He always thought his mother did a great job. One day, when Mason was 16, he came home from work to find his younger sister, Maria, who was now 14, holding the phone to her ear and crying. After a long session of embracing, Mason was told that his mother had been in a serious accident and had been put on life support with a small chance of survival. He left his sister to care for their brother so he could see their mom. Mason spent the next hour or so beside his mother, trying to understand what had happened and take everything in. After another hour passed by, he began seeing his mother struggling more and more to hold on. She eventually requested that he pulled the plug and so he did. Mason replays that moment in his head everyday of his life and losing his mother caused his downfall.



Mason has been diagnosed with Hyper-sexuality Disorder and IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder).

Narwhals, Narwhals, swimming in the ocean


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