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Fantasy Cestiryia





Gather and I'll tell you a tale...
Peaceful times is where our story begins. A time of prosperity and co-living. Our ancestors lived peacefully with dragons in a society where they were widely accepted. They helped to run our civilization. They were friends, family even, and were loved by many. Unfortunately, there were those that did not agree and this is where our downfall began...

They named themselves Necron. They were a group of rebels and they had never liked the idea of dragons co-existing with human beings. They saw the beasts to be man-eating, savage creatures that belonged in the wild where they could be hunted. Their addresses to the Counsel were laughed at and mocked; they then took matters into their own hands. They began killing off dragons, each member highly skilled and prepared in the act, and kept at it until the people began to notice. This is where all Hell breaks loose.

Due to our bonds with dragons, many of us were outraged. The dragons had become our partners, our friends and our families and these people had just... slaughtered them in cold blood. You best believe we were ready to retaliate. War broke out and lasted for several years. It was man against man. It is by far the most ferocious battle in our history and the mere mention causes an uprising of debates, as each men, women and child voice their stance, even now. Unfortunately, due to this war, our alliance with the great beasts was broken and they resorted back to their old ways.

They destroyed villages, killed people and no longer aided human beings, but sought to harm them. During this time, the original Necron members were tried and executed for their crimes against their people, but they had had children. Children who hated the beasts every bit as much as they did, but we'll get to them in a bit. For now, let's speak of The Lumari. They were a very special group of people, devoted to bringing dragons back into the lives of humans. They formed soon after the end of the war.

Generations have gone by and they still work to fix the problems caused by the Necrons. However, they still have the predecessors of the original Necrons working against them. They want nothing more than to rid the world of dragons. Forever. They seek to make another war that will exterminate the species entirely, while getting rid of The Lumari in the process.

Additional Information
This is going to be your classic good vs. evil role play. The ultimate goal for the Lumari: Gain back the trust of the dragons. The ultimate goal for the Necrons: Rid both dragons and the Lumari from existence. Not all characters will be part of the two organizations. There will be other roles (royals, commoner, knights and whatever else y'all can think up) and they'll all be tied into the struggle somehow. A ton more information will be provided if/when I create the thread. I'm unsure whether or not I'll allow dragons as your main characters, but they can certainly be side characters that you play. I'm going to change it up a bit and allow ONLY artistic images if/when the thread is created. Also, @AbstractAnnabella is my Co-GM, because she provided the basis of the plot and because she's amazeballs.

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yes, tag me or something if this becomes an actual thing... hah i'm kinda new to the site so I don't know how things work yet
This defiantly grabs my attention, if you would like me to I would love to join in.

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