Food Cereal before Milk, or Milk before Cereal?

I use almond milk, which I think actually tastes really good -- it has a bit of a vanilla flavor to it. I mean, I remember liking the taste of plain milk as a kid, but as I grew up I became lactose intolerant, so I don't remember it well. The phrase "ivory puddle of disappointment" made me laugh though :closed eyes open smile:
Almond milk does taste faintly like vanilla :3 I rate it below powdered but above plain and condensed.
What kind of mad man pours the milk first? Then the majority of the cereal is going to be dry, and if you want to eat dry cereal you might as well eat it directly out of the box.
I pour milk before cereal like a heretic I am.

And to answer Shugoki Shugoki , it's exactly the combination of crunchy dry cereal and milk that I like. Soggy cereal is just eeeh >_>
There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who put cereal in before the milk and Satan-worshipping savages
Cereal before milk. I don't need little cheerios to splash milk on me in the morning.

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