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Graded [Celestine Academy] [Worlds Training] Enigma Machine


One Thousand Club
This Rp This rp, with some exceptions, is individual. You may proceed or fail at your own pace. You may withdraw at any time, but withdrawing early means you forfeit the certification for this training. The rp will take about a month in rl. This rp will use the advanced mechanics of ih listed on the rules page. If you have questions, be sure to ask. This is meant to teach and instruct, so learn all you can.
Locations: Azuran, Ryke
Time of Day: 12:00 PM
Weather: The Sun sits in the sky there is barely a cloud in the sky as the summer heat beats down upon the city of Azuran
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay

Celestine Academy was settled in the City of Azuran, a rather wealthy city; however, the academy there was seen as a second to the Academy in Ryken. However, recently, a new training device was recently created in the bowls of the academy. One that could potentially change how training was conducted. So what better way of testing it than with willing volunteers? The machine worked rather simply but it was as of yet untested in how effective it actually was. So that was why requests had been sent out to the brave or the stupid, though at a glance, there didn't seem to be any real danger at the moment.

Upon their arrival, the individuals who decided to be part of this test would be led down to a small auditorium room that had two doors, one door they entered and another door on the opposite side of the room that would lead them to the testing grounds. However, currently, the door was locked, and Eris was standing at the podium waiting for them to arrive and would then begin to speak. "Welcome! I'm Eris Grindstone, and I'm one of the professors here at the academy. Today we will be showing off a new training device for our adventurer training program. We not entirely sure how effective it will be but I can assure you that death is very, very low almost zero in fact unless it blows up. Moving on, the device uses mana and converts it into a solid form, and we shape that mana into monsters adventurers would likely see, and it simulates a whole dungeon or just part of one. In this case it will only be a part of a dungeon." Eris explained to the group as there was an audible click from the other door as it swung open as Eris motioned for the others to follow her.

The door led to a staircase that led further down to a hallway with two doors. "Keep going straight, and I'll get the thing started," Eris stated as she took the door on the right, which led up to the control room for the device. The group would then enter a large room lit overhead by crystals sticking out from the ceiling. A few moments later, the empty room grew hazy for a second, and as the haze dissipated, a large room materialized and looked to be a large room. You would find in a dungeon old tables, chairs, and a tapestry that looked like they had seen better days appear. If the group moved forward, they would notice the room changed slightly as the room would move along with the party.

Five training dummies materialized in the center of the room, "Alright, first test; you all see the dummies go ahead and strike them with your most powerful attack or healing spell, so we can adjust the levels from here," Eris voice spoke through the point of origin was unknown.
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John arrived at the academy where he was supposed to test some sort of new training device. This could be a great opportunity to scout out the interior of the Celestine Academy, as well as practicing his combat skills. The professor known as Eris would give her explanation, and apparently they were going to enter a simulation of a dungeon. John could already feel the nerves building up inside of him. What if there were scary monsters lurking about the place?! Also why did she have to mention that the chances of death was very low, but not completely zero? That meant that there was a possibility he could die here, even if that chance was slim! Maybe he shouldn’t have came after all…

As he reluctantly followed the group to their first challenge, they were met with 5 training dummies. John heaved a sigh of relief when he realized he wasn’t gonna be put against monsters from the get-go. Heh, a bunch of training dummies couldn't even hurt him! This was gonna be easy as pie! Charging at one of the dummies, he’d throw a punch at it with [Attack harder, or something].

Attack harder, or something - Fighting style F, ranged F, athletics F, appraisal E - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure, while augmenting the attack with sharp eyes to enable the right timing or placement - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

1. Charge at dummy
2. Attack harder, or something
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Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human
Interaction: saxon saxon Elijay Elijay


Training once more.

Thing sting of defeat still sat fresh upon Marcus' mind. He still remembers even now as when he was decked by two knightly summons in the midst of his training to join the Eastern Empire's Army. Yet still, he would persevere. More than that, he would seek to use his defeat to drive him forward. And to ensue that such a thing would never happen once again.

Thus he was here. It wasn't often he'd be able to simply "train" with resisting targets, often resulting in him smply throwing himself into the field against dangerous foes. Experience was a reward in and of itself -- thus he rather leaped at the opportunity to travel for free and train. Yet, certain words in the letter stood out. Such as "untested"

As he listened to the speech, more words appeared. "New" "Death" "Blow up." All delivered with tone of excitement. Yet while these words bounced about his mind, they did nothing to sway him. Indeed, if anything else, it encouraged him. It seemed this was shaping up to be another promising learning experience -- one way or another. As Eris spoke, Marcus himself had no reply nor questions at all.

So it was that he would follow.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

Wherever he walked, his armor seemed to make noise like a set of rustling pots and pans. If the mission was the be stealthy, he'd probably be no good. His spear was held at his side like a walking stick. The Warrior watched, his head moving back and forth as the room seemed to fluidly shift before his very eyes. And then soon, the training dummies appeared before him. He listened as Eris instructed him of this being a test of the power to destroy or repair.

"Only one attack?" He says, repeating her instructions. "Very well." He said, opting to follow the Priest's instruction. He raised his head up and listened to the Priestess' instructions. The man then watched as another went before him, a distortion visible in the air as his fist generated a wave of pressure to strike at the dummy. After this, he would strike next.

The Spear flips in Marcus' hand.


The Warrior Heavily armored foot crashes into the ground as he shifts his mass. It begins at the feet. Travels through the turning of the hips. And tapers off into his arms. A simple yet effective technique older than written language itself, used to reliably fell foes as swift as a deer and sturdy as a mammoth. The spear would blur for a moment as it cut through the air. Then it would impale the target center mass before the moment was over.


The same motion used to throw the spear was used to begin drawing his sword. In the blink of an eye, the sword was held out in front of him, guarding him with the point held out to his imaginary opponent.

"You left yourself wide open to a counterattack, on the battlefield, such a mistake could cost you your life."

The words echoed through his mind. He sought make for himself a habit. If he was going to go down, let it not be the same way twice....

Still, it was only for practice. Thus he lowered his sword a moment later. His head moved to and fro, watching the performance and results of those whom he'd be working with today.

3 (D Grade Vitality)
(F Grade Armor)

Actions: 2/3
1. Hunter's Toss -
Fighting Style: Monster Slayer Spear F, Range F - A technique older than written language itself -- a simple spear throw. Simple as it is, it is an effective means which man has long used to hunt down large creatures for food. Marcus employs this technique to strike at any number of foes from a distance. Can be a swiftly thrown up to a range of ten feet. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown (Effectiveness = Strength D + Winged Spear E + Hunter's Toss F = 6)
2. Defend
- Marcus instinctively takes up a defensive stance, out of habit more than any immediate danger.


F - 0 Posts Remain
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🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
Interactions: saxon saxon

As they approached, Griffin listened intently to the explanation of what they were going to do. A simulation of sorts didn’t earth have those? Only less likely to blow up? It was something he briefly wondered about trying to remind his mind off the most likely scenario that it would actually go boom. He followed the group into the room where there would be five dummies, and they would be tasked with hitting them with their strongest shot.

‘But wouldn’t that break my bow?’

He thought to himself as he got within range. Perhaps he should hold back a little? His bow was nearly too strong to handle his precision. (Only 1 letter grade weaker). Soon he hoped to fix that, but for now he would hold back a bit. He held up his bow using his left hand to nock it. Carefully pulled the arrow back. Using the ability [Zephyrs Shot [E] ] to shoot at one of the still intact dummies.

Abilities Used:
Zephyrs Shot
- Magic [E],Steady Hands [E], Fighting style [E]- Wind Archer- E - Selective F + range F, Focus [F],Affinity [F] [Wind]-allows Griffin to shot regular arrows at selected targets with precision that are within 10ft, When shooting an arrow a burst of wind follows to hit 1 target can reach 10ft away.-E grade- 1 post cool down

Effectiveness calculations:

D grade precision + 3 Mithril Bow/catalyst E +2 Zephyrs Shot E+2

Overall effectiveness = 7

Action 1: aim arrow
Action 2: shot with ability [Zephyrs Shot [E]
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Eeriel strolled into the auditorium and her head couldn't stop looking around. This kind of room felts a bit familiar, maybe she had experienced something similar to this in her previous life. Thought at this point she didn't are about that life anymore, it was too hazy for her to grasp, and she didn't want to delve too deep into it and ended up as a reclusive like her dead master.

Anyway, she was interested in this so called training facility. Based on the professor's explanation it was some sort of simulation device. Though looking at the large room and the participants she wondered about the true nature of the device. A large pocket dimension with complete training tools? A mass illusion that can be interacted with? A magic-induced controlled lucid dream? If possible she wanted to see the device itself, but for now, she must fulfill her end of bargain as a volunteer.

Following the other into the training room, Eeriel watched the others as they did as they're instructed and launched their strongest attack towards the provided dummy. The cat didn't think too much about what attack she would use. Beastly chant coming out of her mouth, Eeriel conjured a sphere of pure mana right in front of her. The sphere hovered for a brief moment as the cat aimed at one of the dummy that hadn't been attacked and flicked her paw towards it. The sphere immediately burst into a beam of mana and surged towards said dummy.

Mana Beam - Magic E, Range F - Shoot a beam made of pure mana towards a target within 30 ft ahead - E rank - 1 turn cooldown​

Curiosity drew Ordella Caerwyn to Celestine Academy that day.

Not in the academy itself, mind you. School, and the scholars that study therein, couldn't have been farther from her own interests. But her life in the abbey had been peaceful. Sheltered. Never had she a reason to cultivate the skills that would make someone a skilled adventurer. And as she continued her pilgrimage, she began to question where stood on the matter. Where she was strong and where she was lacking.

What better place to find an answer to that question than in a veritable obstacle course meant for adventurers?

The academy could take what it would from her performance. She fully intended to do the same. So with her hands clasped together just before her waist and her lantern clipped to her belt, blue flame ever-burning softly within, she would advance alongside the group as the world continuously shifted around them in the testing chambers.

At least until five test dummies spawned before them.

She was not the first to respond. A lancer hurled his spear at one. An archer fired at another. A mage cast an arcane bolt at a third. In truth, were Ordella's options more limited, she would've taken after the latter and moved to strike down the target that stood before her with her own sorceries. But the Undertaker preferred the second option provided by the proctor.

She brought her right hand forward, palm upturned, before the flame within her lantern surged and filled the area with a high-pitched whistle. Smoke would bellow out from the lantern, rise, and converge in the palm of her hand; coalescing into a stygian sphere. She would bring the ball of smoke up to her lips, gently blow against it-

-and cast [Respite] upon one of the dummies.

The smoke would plume out of her hand as it soared towards the dummy, swirling around it as it washed over it and sought to mend whatever damage it might've suffered.

1) Cast
[Respite] on a dummy.
Respite- Magic E, Magic Range F, Healing E, Energized E- Ordella can channel a death-warding spell into the smoke produced by her lantern to heal either herself or those around her. The spell's purifying forces can cure common diseases and purge the flesh of non-lethal toxins. The smoke can travel up to 30 feet away from her to bring respite to her allies- Range 30ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Intelligence D +3 / The Cheshire Lantern [Magic Catalyst E] +2 / Magic E +2= 7 Effectiveness

Aedrianna Belmonte

Aedrianna nodded quietly as the woman spoke. She'd followed the crowd along, feeling as though she didn't belong there the whole way. Her fingers were constantly flexing beside her. Searching for the fur of her white wolf companion Hiruq, that had not been allowed within the school. She felt a little nervous being here at all. When they'd finally come to the room with the targets, she couldn't help but look around curiously. This was a curious place. She'd love to go exploring. But now didn't seem like the time for that. The womans instructions rung out clearly and Aedri did her best to focus her attention on the target.

When it finally came to be her turn she took a deep breath. She reached up and held onto [Grans Amulet] E, and began to sing a quiet song.

"Oh moonlight, oh silver beam,
A wolf calls out where the starlights gleam.
Under the high
Moon sky, high
Moon sky."

As she sang, a light began to glow around her, until she lifted her hands and extended them towards the dummy infront of her. And the light dispersed like a thousand light bugs, flying towards the wooden doll.

1. [Healing Light] -[Healing] F (Depletes Rank 3), [Magic] E (Backlash Rank 3), [Light Affinity] [Componentless Magic] E, [Magic AoE] F- Grade E 1 Post Cool down

saxon saxon
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Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

saxon saxon

Adelhein had been curious about what sort of academies, if any, this new world had to offer. More specifically, he wanted to see what Ryke could potentially offer. He was skeptic, however, if there was anything that could come even close to the Clock Tower back in London. Still, it didn't hurt to check out this training program which was being offered. The trip to Azuran had been relatively calm, without any surprises along the way. Although it was hard to say if it had been because of the roads to it being safe or the black armored female who walked by his side, almost looking like a bodyguard.

Upon entering the Celestine Academy, his crimson eyes darted around the place, finding it initially lacking. But the teen reminded himself that he probably shouldn't judge them too harshly. Walking into the small auditorium, he let out a small snort, before following through the door where the others were already gathered. Stopping, his eyes would focus on the woman behind the podium as she spoke to them. There was a hint of wariness on his gaze, noticing her clerical robes. However, that was only natural, as magi and the Church had always been at odds in his homeland, having conflicting goals.

Still, he followed through with the instructions, following the group towards the large chamber, lit by the crystals. Seeing the momentary hazy and what came out of it, his eyes narrowed as they gazed upon the new additions to the room, as well as how the room itself had changed. Bringing his gloved hand to his chin for a moment, he was pensive, wondering that was some sort of Reality Marble. Taking a few steps forward, he noticed how the room appeared to shift, if ever so slightly, as if trying to keep up its expansive nature. The amount of mana to keep something like that existing would be no small feat. That is, if his suspicions were correct.

Once more, he would hear Eris' voice, this time guiding the group to attack the five dummies which had been created, apparently for calibration purposes. With a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, the teen waited until all the present had made their attacks, before he took his own turn. Targeting all five of the dummies, he began to concentrate, opening his magic circuits and letting his mana flow through his body. "Fervor Mei Sanguine." Uttering the words for his magecraft, five metallic tendrils would materialize around him, each of them moving with liquid movement towards the dummies, the tips solidifying before impact to impale them, before bursting into a metallic cloud around each of the targets.


1 - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic F [Target Dummies] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0

Base Effectiveness Calculations:
Intelligence C (+4), Catalyst D (+3), Ability E (+2) = 9 Base Effectiveness

Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: saxon saxon

The woman’s directions were pretty straightforward and easy to follow. The Kitsune's ears would turn every which way as he examined his new surroundings. The two tails following behind him fluttering every which way in curiosity. As the dummies materialized before the group, Kota tilted his head to the side, perplexed by the magic at play. Before they would begin they would need to test the levels which made enough sense to the beast kin.

Kota would approach the Dummy and enter his Fox Fist fighting stance. In an instant he would shift all his body weight into a punch, twisting his body fully from the body up as he aimed to decimate the dummy’s core.

1. Strike the Dummy’s core with a punch, [Fighting style F, Natural weapons E, penetrating F, Vorpal F] Rank E- 1 post cooldown
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| saxon saxon | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune |

Baharius craved for a challenge.

Fresh off the heels of a recent island expedition, he was surprisingly among the few not to have seen major combat during their stay. Whilst no doubt a relaxing prospect for most adventurers, the warrior that burned inside the reptilian beast craved for combat; hungry to test his skills and might against worthy opponents. Or at the very least, prepare himself further for these greater threats he might encounter out in the wild. So when he heard about a new training device offered at the Celestine Academy in the City of Azuran, he couldn't help but be intrigued. After all, no warrior - no matter how much of a novice or veteran - should forgo training. And the chance to break new grounds as among the first to test such a new invention would be an honor.

The explanation of this new dummy that the professor gave about the device and how it worked sounded quite promising. A dynamic dummy capable of simulating a whole dungeon and the monsters within them would be an essential tool for one to train against a whole encyclopedia of opponents. Though admittedly, Baharius would raise a concerned brow at the mention of the lowest probability of death being a potential risk factor, being if the dummy apparently blowed up point blank. An odd inclusion, but nonetheless good to know.

He'd follow down the path towards the training room, observing the other volunteers who readied themselves. A colorful cast would present themselves, all but one being unfamiliar to Baharius. Griffin, the winged folk from the island expeditionary team, was the only individual he recognized. He glanced at him for a moment before reverting his attention back to the task at hand. Once they reached the training room, the Saurian would see the room morph into a section of the dungeon and produce a training dummy in the center of the room. They were told to strike it with their strongest attack as a means of calibrating the difficulty of the following levels.

Cracking his neck, the spined saurian would approach one of the dummies. He unlatched his great-sword from his sail, gripping it tightly as he calculated his strike. He tapped the dummy on both sides with his gargantuan blade, as if searching for the best position to strike. Deep breath. Baharius stepped back, widening his stance as he crouched down; winding his blade behind him from below. Exhale. Like a powerful spring, Baharius lifted his blade upwards with a powerful strike as he cleaved the dummy right underneath it! The force of the impact attempted to lift the dummy a good 10 feet into the air before crashing down to the floor. The momentum of Baharius' blade had it swung over his shoulder and behind before colliding with the floor, while still gripping the blade with one hand.

  1. - Lifting Cleave E - [Savage DuneLord E, Super-Strength F, Accurate F] - COOLDOWN +1 - Baharius sweeps blade upwards to try and lift his target within 10 feet into the air.
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New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry

Notes: If you are going to do AOE abilities, selective is your best friend. As you can already see, there is friendly fire.

As their strikes landed on the dummies, they would start to glow green. However, there was a side consequence of this, thanks to Adelhein's attack. As the tendrils made contact with the dummies, the metal shards could have planted themselves into John and Kota had there not been selective, as both of them had to get up close and personal with the targets. "Just a friendly reminder, any damage you take here is going to feel real, and you can get knocked out in this. I would suggest you don't harm each other during this," Eris spoke as her voice filled the room, though if one paid close enough attention, they could hear a small chuckle.

However, one of the dummies turned red immediately after it turned green, and it was the one Baharius had struck with his attack. "Baharius, strike that one again, please; it seems like that wasn't your best attack. The rest of you proceed to the next room, or well, sort of. There will be a new challenge beyond," Eris stated as the door would open for the other but not for Baharius and as if the group was moving as they walked they would move through the door to the next area. Meanwhile, Baharius was left to restrike the dummy again.

In the next room the group would notice an intense heat, as there was a single path that turned left and right until it reached the far end of the room the total length 60 feet. However, unlike the last room, there was magma about 40 feet below the path. This looked like it was going to be a test of skill and to see how well one could navigate, but every so often, a fireball would shoot up from the magma and slam into the path, creating a five-foot AOE. "Oh have fun with this one, the lava won't kill you but the sensation isn't going to be fun. The last person who tested it fell in and got a good wake-up call," Eris advised the group before anyone tried to see if the lava was real or not.

But the intense heat of the room wasn't going to do them any favors if they stayed in there for too long. Everything had a time limit, and who knows what else was going to pop up around the corner.
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| saxon saxon |

Baharius side-eyed Eris upon being denied entry into the main room. Not strong enough? Didn't she see what the attack had done to the dummy? Though, perhaps he could've improved with a bit more finesse... maybe that would help with annunciating a bit more strength. Rolling his shoulders, the saurian proceeded to reposition himself to strike again. However, he felt stumped as to how he could do better with it. He repositioned his footing, he reeled his blade back-

No, no, no this wasn't it. This couldn't be his strongest.

Baharius felt a wave of frustration and confusion flare within him before dropping his blade entirely. It clanked on the floor with a thud. Switching fighting styles to [Bestial Wrath] the lumbering saurian gave a guttural roar as he savagely lunged forth with a [Ripping Claw E] on the dummy with a powerful swipe of his burly arm; attempting to dig into its body with his large hook-shaped claws. On flesh, this move would surely be quite lethal, but he hoped this would strong enough to move forward with the rest of the group.

  1. Ripping Claw E - [Bestial Wrath E, Super Strength E, Blight F, Continuous F] - [E] - COOLDOWN +1 - Baharius uses his long claws to hook and pierce deep into his opponent's exposed skin and flesh before attempting to rip through; causing external and potentially internal bleeding depending on effectiveness.

Ability Cooldown: Lifting Cleave E - COOLDOWN +0 [Ready Next Post]
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Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human
Interaction: Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Before moving forward, Marcus took a moment to assess those around him as per usual. To have knowledge of that which could hinder or help. After the attack was done, he walked over to retrieve his spear.

The dummies were assaulted with a mirage of different attacks. Punches were thrown, and spells were lobbed. Among these, however, Marcus plucked out what he found most immediately relevant to him. A series of metal shards whizzed by, nearly striking at a half-breed beast and a plain looking young man. His eyes traced along the path that the metal shards had been fired from and landed on an almost haughty-looking mage who looked to be in his mid-teens. He was accompanied by a martial-oriented woman. Beneath his bestial mask, the Man-at-Arms squinted for but a moment.

There were a variety of other combatants. A large reptilian beast who'd yet to show the fullest extent of his strength. A black cat who showed its hand at magic. There was what appeared to be another winged half-breed with a bow. All of them merited acknowledgment as they listed their significant characteristics to be remembered when they were most pertinent. But they had yet to do much signaling harm or aid. His natural inclination as a Hospitaller biased his attentions towards two.

Among them were healers. Funny enough, they seemed almost to be the polar opposite of one another. One was a shorter young woman who seemed to be brightly colored. The other was a pale woman in darkly colored clothes. "Two healers. I would prefer neither of you go down first. The nature of this seems to be pushing us to work together; between the healing and suggestion we don't harm one another." He comments to Aedrianna and Ordella just before the door to the next room opens. "I'd prefer to go down before you, if at all." Marcus did not wish to be very presumptuous -- for all he knew, some of the people here might not have needed his help.

"If you do wish to work together, my name is Marcus." He said to the two. He didn't wish to be presumptuous, offering them the choice. After all, some people didn't need his help. And some people weren't the most desirable to help. He did not think of himself outside the latter category. Indeed, for some, he knew he was outside it.
The Warrior raised his palm up for a moment and then extended it out like someone trying to see if an oven was hot or not. The palm of his armored hand felt the heat of the next room. He looked forward before entering to sum up what he saw into chunks. There was only one path forward -- which twisted left and right. His eyes followed as a fireball was belched from the pit below. Eris enlightens them to the nature of the room -- and Marcus simply surmised it.

Marcus listened to Eris' words very carefully. Being acclimated to taking orders and following instructions to the letter made him at least somewhat attentive to word choice.

"So treat it as though it were real. Got it." He said. There wasn't that much that changed for him.

"I suppose I'll go first." Marcus said, before continuing. "I wouldn't be surprised if there is something waiting in the next room."

The fully armored warrior backs up a moment from the room. He sheathed his sword, opting to keep one hand free as he carried his sword. He stopped when he could no longer. Feel the heat. And then --


The Heavily armored Man-at-Arms takes off -- into a run, starting slower and then getting faster the further into said sprint he was. He wasn't particularly fast but the weight of his armor did not seem to slow him down. The path curved left and then immediately would curve right. Keeping at this pace, he might cross the room in somewhere around six seconds. But he hardly thought it would be that easy.

It cannot be so simple.

The ground could be slipperier than it appeared. Fire could belch onto the path at any moment. He made sure to slow down when he came up to the corners of the path and at any turn. He knew he probably couldn't afford to fall into the lava -- given his current lack of mobility. As Marcus moved, he would seek to take stock of all that he encountered.

Where is the trick? What is the catch?

3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
1/1 (F Grade Armor)

Actions: 3/3

1. Movement
- Marcus runs into the room, seeking to cover 30 feet
2. Movement - Marcus continues to run, seeking to cover 30 feet
3. Defend - Keeping tabs on his environment, Marcus readies himself to meet danger -- in the form of fire or unforseen threat (Effectiveness = Vitality D + Heavy Armor F + N/A = 4)



F - 0 Posts Remain
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🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: saxon saxon Maverick Six Maverick Six

After the dealing with the training dummies, it seemed it was enough to get him past the first trial,, the second one, however, seemed vaguer. Going down one of the pathways was something he could do, but there was likely some form of consequences if he went down the wrong path. Making a mental note to get better at navigating such scenarios later, Griffin would decide to follow behind Marcus at a faster speed. Griffin’s rationality was run first and strike later if there were in fact enemies in that direction. But as of the moment, he was simply hoping not to fall into the magma river due to self-misdirection. Using [Fast [E] ] Griffin ran behind Marcus down the right pathway.

Skill used:
Fast [E]

Action 1: run with Fast [E] down the right path


Seeing the fireball slam onto the path before them, John couldn’t help but to tremble like a leaf. Damn it! Maybe he really shouldn’t have came here after all! And there was that annoying guide too, mocking them whenever she could. “What do you mean have fun?! We’re gonna get toasted alive! Are you some kind of demonic priest or something?!” He yelled at Eris. Realizing he had no other choice in the matter, he decided to charge his way through the path while holding his arms up in front of his face in defense. “Here goes nothing… YAAAAARGGGGGHHHHH!”

  1. run through with his guard up using [Block, or something]
  2. run through with his guard up using [Block, or something]
  3. run through with his guard up using [Block, or something]
  • Block, or something - Energized F, athletics F - user raises their guard up - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

"Damn." The cat groaned as she realized the next room was excessively hot. She likes napping under a beam of sunlight yes, but this was just too much heat for her.

Eeriel didn't immediately go into the path like some other participants. Instead she listened attentively to the bubbling of the lava below and the fireballs crashing into the path, trying to find some patterns. This entire thing was a simulation, every single thing was set and calculated by someone, probably. If she could discover the pattern used to generate the fireballs' trajectory, or even just the timing, then she could safely made her way to the other side.

After she was satisfied with her prediction, Eeriel didn't waste any time trying to dash through the path. Using her agility as a feline to cover as much distance as possible while keeping out of the harm's way by using her prediction and her reflex.

1) Use Enhanced Sense (Hearing) F to predicts the pattern for the fireballs
2) Run
3) Run​
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e

saxon saxon SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay

A subtle smirk formed on Adelhein's lips after he watched the effects of his attacks, striking all the five dummies. From what he had observed so far, he was the only one so far with such capabilities from the group, the only other mage being a black cat. Under normal circumstances, he would think it was nothing short of preposterous to see a common household pet yielding magic. But these were not normal circumstances, even more so with a gigantic reptilian being among them, which apparently hadn't hit the dummy with as much power as it could have.

Sparing a moment to look at both of the present who were almost hit my the metallic shards of his magecraft, one of them having fox-like features, while the other being rather plain, with black hair and wearing brown overalls, he commented briefly. "Don't worry, I am the type of magus that know exactly what he does." The teen's tone carried the arrogance of someone who trusted fully in his own skills. He could only hope that the cat also had the same control over whatever magic it used. Next, his eyes fell upon the warrior, which was donned in armor from head to toe. While Adelhein didn't say anything, his crimson eyes watched the exchange between him and two women of very contrasting visages.

With a bored expression, he waited as the heavily-armored warrior had decided to take the group's vanguard and open the doors which lead to the next chamber, arms crossed until the path was clear, and he could begin to make his way into the chamber. Without the need of a single guard, his eyes meet the Saber's golden gaze for a moment, and both began to make their way towards the next challenge. While the teen's steps made soft sounds as the black shoes hit against the floor, the sound of Saber's greaves with each step easily drowned them.

In the next room, there was a visible discomfort on his face, caused by the intense heat he was feeling. His companion, on the other hand, barely seemed to be bothered by it. Seeing the long, narrow path ahead of him, which twisted left and right, along with the lava which waited whoever ended up falling from the path, there was only a single way to clear that obstacle: forward. Bringing his guard up, albeit feeble, the teen would begin to run along the path and towards the end of the room, not planning to stop for anything.

HP: 2/2
Armor HP: 1/1

1 - Adelhein brought his guard up Vitality E + Heavy Armor F = 3 + 1 (from Companion) = 4
2 - Ran 30ft along the path and towards the end of the room
3 - Ran 30ft along the path and towards the end of the room

With the first challenge cleared, the group was now introduced to a room with a path dangling over lava.

Well, perhaps the lava wasn't real but the heat was undeniable.

Before she could think up any semblance of a plan, a young man covered head-to-toe in armor made himself known. An adventurer, by the looks of it, seeking to make a few allies to help him through the gauntlet. Allies who might mend whatever wounds he incurred during the test. The Undertaker saw no reason to object.

"Ordella," she replied with a bow. A greeting to both Marcus and Aedrianna, "Feel free to cross first. I'll follow just behind."

She would watch as the warrior raced ahead, then readied herself to do much the same. She grabbed her dress and lifted it up just enough to give her legs a little extra freedom. Then, she took off running behind the rest of the pack. Given everything that the proctor had just explained, it seemed in her best interest to cross the room as quickly as possible before someone had a chance to overheat.

If any unfortunate surprises came up, she'd just have to deal with them when the need arose.

Actions (3/3):
1) Run 30ft.
2) Run 30ft.
3) Just for good measure, run another 30ft.


Titles: Beastman (Mundane), Kitsune, Isekai
Character Sheet
Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob saxon saxon

Kota would return back to his regular stance seeing that his attack sufficed. Though he would look towards Aldehein with a slight glare.

“A bit close for comfort for my taste…but sure” He would give a simple reply, brushing past the human but keeping the interaction in mind.

It was now time to move onto the next room. The kitsune would examine the two paths in front of him, questioning the purpose for a split in a room like this. He would heed Eris’s warning about lava being spat from the floor.

Kota would choose the left path, his attention fully focused on the fireballs that he had been warned about, making use of [Heightened Senses E] to detect the fireballs and their direction.

1. Use [Heightened Senses E] to detect fireballs. Cooldown - 1 post
2. Run 30 ft towards end of path
3. Run 30ft to the end of path
New Eris.png
Eris Granstone

B Grade Character

Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See, Mage, Fae, Spirit of the Battlefield Ally F, Faculty of Celestine F, Ordained, Mundane, Caster

mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread SixSense SixSense Elijay Elijay Develius Develius Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi


Eris watched as the giant dino man was now left alone with a collapsed member of the testers. "Ah well, that is a shame, uhh hey healers, take care of the Aedrianna," Eris' voice echoed across the chamber as several mages rushed over into the room and started to cast healing spells. To which Aedrianna would then be able to get back up once again and continue if she decided to do so. The path in front of her lay open as she could now approach the second trial, where the majority of the others were already starting to take the second test. Now, looking at the dummy that Develius struck, it would glow green, signifying that the dino man had also passed and would be allowed to approach the second trial.

Now, moving on to the next room, where most of the other testers were, the room continued sizzling as Marcus sprinted across. However, as he made it about halfway, one of the balls of fire slammed into his shield. Knocking him 5 ft backward and knocking him prone to the ground. Which would cost him another action to get back up leaving him currently in the middle of the path. "Ouch, that really looks like hurts, hey you guys have these setting set up correctly right?" Eris' voice echoed in the room, obviously that the last part of that was talking to someone else. However, unlike Marcus, Griffin managed to get across the room with no issues as he was fast enough to avoid the fireballs that were exploding on the path every so often. Next, it seemed like John was going to attempt to make it, as he put up his guard as he made it about 25 feet before he was knocked to the ground by a fireball and sustained some light burns on his forearms and was knocked back 5 feet.

Next on the list was Eeriel. Due to her size, the cat made it 40 feet, but even then, the fireball didn't make direct contact with her. However, the AOE did, knocking her back 5 feet. As Adelhein attempted to rush the path, he would make it half way through before getting hit with a fireball which knocked him prone and pushed him back 5 feet. However no burns were sustained from this attack as of yet. Next was the healer that had passed the first test soundly as she attempted to run across she made his 30 ft before she was also knocked prone and sustained light burns to her arms. Kota was next as he then rushed forward and made it 40 ft before he was hit by an AOE and knocked prone with light burns.

"Question how do you guys feel down there and Griffin do you want to wait or do you want to press forward alone?" Eris inquired as her voice once again filled the room, though everyone could tell there was a little bit of joy from the whole event.


| saxon saxon | Moonberry Moonberry |

With the dummy now glowing green, Baharius chuffed confidently at finally besting the room. About time. Not his proudest moment, but these were new training dummies. Perhaps they needed proper calibration maintenance. As he prepared to leave the room, the saurian would see one of the collapsed testers receiving treatment from the nearby healers. He missed it, but he remembered overhearing some commotion about an attack that nearly risked hitting two other testers. This might've been the culprit. Regardless, the lumbering Saurian watched for a moment before proceeding onwards.

Upon entering, Baharius would be met with a sudden change of temperature. It was hot, probably because of the MAGMA that lain below a single winding path of roughly 60 feet. From his understanding, the floor wasn't actual lava but rather mimicked the heat and consistency of it. Falling in wouldn't kill them, but the heat would be 'unpleasant' to say the least. The other members were ahead of him, some treading the path carefully while others attempted a mad dash to get to the end as possible. It seemed simple enough of a task, provided you had good balance. However, fireballs would occasionally leap from the depths in an attempt to hit or push back unlucky targets. Most would find themselves getting hit, knocked back a few feet or nearly falling into the magma pit below

Truth be told, he wasn't looking forward to this trial. Having felt real burns burn his skin was enough to give him pause. But he survived them all. And frankly, he reckoned a bit of fire wouldn't hurt too much. His heavy armor, whilst limited to his torso, should help in deflecting at least some of the blast in causing too much harm. And that's not all. Raising his giant great sword, he held both the handle and the blade itself (carefully) to utilize as a makeshift shield. If it wouldn't completely deflect a fireball, hopefully it'll mitigate the effects. And for extra measure, his long webbed tail could act as a tripod, allowing himself to stabilize and better balance him in the event he gets pushed back by their AOE.

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad after all?

With his defenses bolstered, Baharius proceeded forward at a slower but more cautious pace. Slow and steady seemed advantageous. After all, he saw that rushing forth tended to go poorly, so perhaps by turtling forth he could tank and mitigate the effects as much as possible. Whether or not it would succeed was up to the gods above...

  1. Gets Guard Up = [Heavy Armor D] + [Strength C] + [Vitality B] + [Giant Great Sword D] (For Blocking) + [Natural Weapons D (Tail)] (For Stability/Balancing)
  2. Proceeds 30 Feet.
  3. Proceeds 30 Feet.
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🦅𝙶𝚁𝙸𝙵𝙵𝙸𝙽🦁𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚌𝚝, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝙰𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎, 𝙱𝚞𝚐𝚎𝚍 , 𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙴
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: saxon saxon

Griffin looked at the results of the other testers. Wincing as they were hit by the fireballs, they didn’t fall into the lava at least, but that must’ve been painful. He hoped they found a way to make it across and, although he didn’t like them being vulnerable, it was a test, he was relieved they wouldn’t die there. He paused for a minute before thinking it over and then giving a nod.

“I’ll proceed alone.”

He wished he wouldn’t be alone. But there was no way to stop that.

1/1 fast[E]

Action 1: Accept the third trial

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“AHHHH!” John yelled as a fireball slammed into him, knocking him back. “Goddamnnit, we’re just mere lab rats for this damned demonic priest lady!” He whined, as he had sustained some burns from the fireball. When he got outta here, he was definitely gonna give her a good beating! But at least he had made some progress thus far. Putting up his guard once more, he’d continue his way to the end goal.

  1. Set his guard up with [Block harder, or something] = Heavy armor C + Vitality B + Ability E
  2. Moves forward 30ft
  3. Moves forward 30ft
Block harder, or something - Athletics F, appraisal E - user raises their guard up, while augmenting the block with sharp eyes to enable the right timing or placement - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Marcus Banecroft
Titles: Human


An Obstacle in Our Path

He wasn't fast enough to simply outrun the fireballs. And he hurried just enough to be impacted by one. However, he was cautious enough to have his guard up. He halted to take a defensive stance, blocking just before the fireball nailed him with the explosion.


Marcus' body flew from the flames of the explosion despite his block. An attempt to land on his feet yielded little as he hit the ground, bouncing twice before coming to a slide.


Like nails on chalk -- Marcus' armored hide sparked against the ground as he came to a grinding halt. Relatively unharmed, Marcus stared at the ceiling for only a moment, as the woman began to both advise and almost whimsically taunt the party. An armored Gauntlet slams into the ground, propelling Marcus to his feet.

How did he feel? "Hot." He said simply and dully. Something tipped him off a bit to her motivations.

I can't help but wonder if our maniacal trainer is one of the fair folk.

As it so happened, it appeared that both Ordella and the Boy wonder.

"Let's go Ordella." He said. "You too, mage boy." Despite the slightly insulting tone of the latter, he would assist both of them in rising to meet the challenges which came. From what he saw, the black cat and fox man were ahead of them. The plain boy had fallen behind. Followed by this was the Dinosaur and Adrianna was behind them. Marcus lamented his inattentiveness in noticing their other healer behind. But for now, he'd press ahead and wait for them at the end. No use waiting for them here if they passed out. The winged one was faster, being the only one who made it all the way across. "Perhaps if the winged one scouts far enough ahead, he may warn of danger. Or maybe he goes down...and warns of danger anyway."

Marcus would press onward at a brisk yet more cautious pace. Hearing the plain boy's pancing, Marcus would seek to soothe him....assuming he even heard him given him over his own voice.

"Better here than a dungeon. Even with chance of death." He says casually, considering that a possibility. "Even if she sadistic, it is less likely we'll die here than out there."

Marcus moved forward brisky yet cautiously, trying a new approach. Instead of sprinting, he simply walked forward utilizing his keen senses [Perception F] but now he moved as such as to stop. The next fireball he saw, he would stop 7 feet away from where it would land to give it sufficient standoff.

An experiment to be sure. He would invite no others to follow in his methods.

"Should I make it across, I will wait for the rest of you."

3/3 (D Grade Vitality)
1/1 (F Grade Armor)

Actions: 3/3

1. Other -
Marcus gets up.
2. Movement - Marcus trots forward
3. Other- Marcus uses [Perception F] to see a fireball coming. He halts 7 feet in front of the next fireball he sees.



F - 0 Posts Remain

"Bugger!!!" Eerel shrieked as one of the fire splashed towards her, halting her progress. Thankfully it didn't burn her or anything worse, and she definitely fare better than most of the other participants. Still, Eerie let put a subtle growl as the priestess teased her over the speaker.

The cat would resume her attempt. Having realize that there's no reliable pattern for the fireballs, she would know focus her effort on dodging the fireballs coming to her as she dashed towards the end of the path.

1) Run
2) Use Acrobatic F to avoid incoming fireballs
3) Run​

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