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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open]


Your character can be a celestial knight or they may be an ordinary person, although if your character is normal, then they must be from the world of Lumina (if your character is from earth and they were teleported into this new world without any magic, then that wouldn't be very fair). Certain people in Lumina are capable of magic although it’s not as strong as elemental power. They can be witches, wizards, alchemist, adventurers, etc.

There can be 3 characters per element. People who share the same element can combine their powers to be even more powerful as well as communicate with each other telepathically. You can create up to two characters if you want. You should also read everything in the Overview as well.

Number of characters (and reservations which will only last for a few days):

Earth: 0/3

Fire: 3/3

Water: 1/3

Air: 1/3 (@Verdas)

Energy: 1/3

Metal: 0/3

Spirit: 1/3

Void: 3/3

Light: 3/3

Dark: 3/3

Normal: 0/∞



Element: (if applicable)

Specialization: (if playing as a normal character, this can be whatever their major skill is)

Age: (17-30)







(Can be a picture and/or description. They’re clothes can be anything so long as it fits in with the fantasy setting.)

Jewel: (Can be a picture and/or description. Here are some references.)

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Name: Mirabelle Jacques

Nickname: Mira

Element: Spirit

Specialization: Psychic energy

Age: 18

Gender: Agender (female)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Strengths: Honest, practical, courageous, determined, spirited,

She is strong and agile, choosing to use her own strength rather than magic. Her psychic powers allow her to see into the future if she concentrates hard enough and she can move small objects using telekinesis.

Weaknesses: Blunt, impatient, unobservant, clumsy, thoughtless,

Despite being strong, she can be clumsy such as tripping over her own feet or missing her target completely. Using her psychic powers take a lot of concentration which she likely won’t have in the middle of a battle. It also gives her a headache.

Personality: Mira is an adventurous soul. She is curious about everything and wants to figure out how things work. She usually goes straight into danger and acts before she thinks. Sometimes, she can be a bit inconsiderate but she never means to hurt others unless they deserve it. She can be sympathetic but isn’t very skilled at dealing with emotions, especially with others and tends to be selfish. Don’t expect her to help you if she isn’t going to gain anything from in return, although she will accept simple forms of payment such as a sense of adventure, or maybe a kiss.

History: Mira would describe her life as nothing significant. A notable moment for her was when she pretended to tell the fortunes to a couple of the kids in her class. It was all a silly joke until every one of her predictions came true. Mira played it off as a coincidence, but her fellow classmates started whispering about it and soon enough, everyone in the school was too scared to talk to her. The rumors got out of hand and eventually she was teased for being a witch. Nobody wanted to be her friend anymore. Of course, this hurt Mira’s feelings but she just acted as if nothing ever happened. Life continued, and being alone became normal to her. Her view of life on earth was dull and lonely. Deep in her heart, she longed for companionship and adventure and she wished for it every night until the impossible happened and she was transported to a new world.






  • She summons a large sword made out of glowing spiritual energy and uses it more often than her magic.
  • She's from earth.


Name: Jasmine Libra

Nickname: Jaz

Element: Energy

Specialization: Lightning bolts

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Strengths: Agile, curious, quick, passionate, energetic

Jasmine uses a bow of her own but instead of arrows, she summons bolts of lightning to shoot at foes.

Weaknesses: weak, clumsy, impulsive, loud, unthoughtful

She's not very strong or tactful and will get tired easily after using too many lightning arrows.

Personality: While one might think that a maiden to the shrine of spirit would be quiet and nice, Jasmine is the opposite. She has a wild spirit that can’t be contained. Knowledge is power in her opinion and strives to gain as much wisdom as she can. Since she spent most of her life reading books, she doesn’t have very good social skills but she isn’t one to shy away either.

History: You could always find Jasmine reading a book or exploring her surroundings. Since she was young, she always sought after knowledge and wisdom. She spent too much of her life within books than actually talking to people. She eventually got into a heated argument with a librarian in her hometown and ended up getting banned from the library. Jasmine, unsatisfied with not being able to get any new books, remembered something that she once read. The spirit temple, which wasn’t too far from her hometown, contained a large library within it.

She became a shrine maiden which eventually turned into a job she was very passionate about. The Goddess Mir chose her to be a guide for the celestial knights who would soon arrive.





  • Practised archery during her time at the shrine.
  • From the world of Lumina. Anam specifically.

(Changed her from normal to an energy elemental so that we could have at least one of every element.)
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Name: Kyzaba Mushimoto

Nickname: Ky

Element: Water

Specialization: Healing

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Strengths: Kyzaba is extremely calm and intelligent during nervous situations in which most people can break down in. What can he do? He's a doctor and he's meant to remain calm in order to heal people. He is also quite easy to get alone with. He's had a successful life that wasn't much to boast with but he was still quite a good friend if anyone needed one.

Weaknesses: Kyzaba is quite weak. He does not have much muscles and during a physical fight, he'd probably lose. Also, he can zone out quite a bit even during combat. Sometimes, he would focus on food or butterflies instead of an enemy ahead of him.

Personality: Kyzaba is an extremely calm person. He is able to cope with nervous situations. Also, he is quite friendly to deal with as he had been raised in an educated family. However, he dislikes when people are quite mean to each other and also, he thinks quite high of himself even though he rarely brags about his current life situation.

History: Kyzaba had been born on March the first in a big house with a mother, father, and a sister. His mother was a manager of a hospital while his father was a well known successful doctor. As you can tell, he's been born into quite an educated and successful family. He's studied all the medical terms and conditions since the age of ten and graduated from college at the age of 16 having skipped part of high school after deciding that he was too smart for it. After graduating college, he went to work in the hospital in which his mother had lived in to get some experience under his belt... soon, after two years, he's moved away to find quite a high paying job and one day, he woke up into a pitch of blackness...

Name: Selene Karliah Moon

Nickname: Sela, usually none.

Element: Earth

Specialization: Hanging people with vines, so basically good with plants and flora.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Strengths: She is able to use her magic for long periods of time, at the cost of her already-low strength. She is able to stay clear minded in even the most perilous of situations.

Weaknesses: She is never sure of her decisions or choices. She has extremely low self-esteem, but will stand up for herself. She is physically weak, and tires easily. She isn't quick to trust, and tends to overanalyze people and situations.

Personality: Quiet, shy, caring when she knows you, distant, sometimes ignorant to people's feelings.

History: As a child, Selene always was particularly strange. She was much more mature than other kids her age, and the adults who met her said that she had a dark way about her. She paid no mind to any of this though, and simply continued living her life.

At the age of 12 was when things changed. She was reading near the forest edge, so as to avoid a boy who had been giving her trouble as of late, but he found he hiding place within a few hours of her going there and began to insult her and belittle her, before beating and hurting her. For a few moments she lost herself in the pain and hurtful words, and a nearby vine flashed down from the trees and hung the boy high above. Scared of herself, and fearful of what the villagers would do to her, she fled deep into the woods. From there she became a wanderer, and continued her life and educating herself, working on strengthening her magic alone.



Jewel: A bronze metal necklace with Emerald jewels, and a dragon with Emerald eyes.



-She is from Lumina, Kori to be exact.
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Kyzaba said:
Name: Kyzaba Mushimoto
Nickname: Ky

Element: Water

Specialization: Healing

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Strengths: Kyzaba is extremely calm and intelligent during nervous situations in which most people can break down in. What can he do? He's a doctor and he's meant to remain calm in order to heal people. He is also quite easy to get alone with. He's had a successful life that wasn't much to boast with but he was still quite a good friend if anyone needed one.

Weaknesses: Kyzaba is quite weak. He does not have much muscles and during a physical fight, he'd probably lose. Also, he can zone out quite a bit even during combat. Sometimes, he would focus on food or butterflies instead of an enemy ahead of him.

Personality: Kyzaba is an extremely calm person. He is able to cope with nervous situations. Also, he is quite friendly to deal with as he had been raised in an educated family. However, he dislikes when people are quite mean to each other and also, he thinks quite high of himself even though he rarely brags about his current life situation.

History: Kyzaba had been born on March the first in a big house with a mother, father, and a sister. His mother was a manager of a hospital while his father was a well known successful doctor. As you can tell, he's been born into quite an educated and successful family. He's studied all the medical terms and conditions since the age of ten and graduated from college at the age of 16 having skipped part of high school after deciding that he was too smart for it. After graduating college, he went to work in the hospital in which his mother had lived in to get some experience under his belt... soon, after two years, he's moved away to find quite a high paying job and one day, he woke up into a pitch of blackness...



TavrosTaurus said:
Name: Selene Karliah Moon
Nickname: Sela, usually none.

Element: Earth

Specialization: Mummifying people with vines.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Strengths: She is able to use her magic for long periods of time, at the cost of her already-low strength. She is able to stay clear minded in even the most perilous of situations.

Weaknesses: She is never sure of her decisions or choices. She has extremely low self-esteem, but will stand up for herself. She is physically weak, and tires easily. She doesn't trust easily. That could also be considered a strength though.

Personality: Quiet, shy, caring when she knows you, distant, sometimes ignorant to people's feelings.

History: As a child, Selene always was particularly strange. She was much more mature than other kids her age, and the adults who met said that she had a dark way about her. She paid no mind to any of this though, and simply continued living her life.

At the age of 12 was when her life changed. She was reading near the forest edge so as to avoid a boy who had been giving her trouble as of late. Unfortunately, he found he hiding place and immediately began to insult her before throwing a few punches. She wasn't able to control herself for a few moments, and a nearby vine flashed down from the trees and hung the boy high above. Scared of herself, and fearful of what the villagers would do to her, she fled deep into the woods. She found an old, abandoned cottage built against the side of a tree, and continued her life there.



Jewel: A bronze metal necklace with Emerald jewels, and a dragon with Emerald eyes.



-She is from Lumina.

-The tree that her home is attached to is hollowed out. It is a sort of lookout tower, with stairs leading up to a landing far above.

-She lives quite close to the Temple.

(Tell me if anything needs work! I'm going to be making another character later, just not right now..)
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Name: Macha Olbermann

Nickname: Macha

Element: Air

Specialization: Theft and Movement

Age: 30

Gender: Libramasculine

Sexuality: Panheterosexual

Strengths: Macha is capable of effortlessly copying any power from anyone in the room. It even allows her to create a crude facsimile of someone's natural endowments or enchanted technology. Macha is also capable of charging forward at absurd speeds. Thanks to Macha's great physical fitness and the generally low cost of these abilities, Macha can use her powers for long periods of time.

Weaknesses: Macha's power is limited to one power from each person. Macha cannot possibly replicate the sheer practice and skill her targets have put into using their powers, and instead must use them as a complete novice would. The energy cost of using a copied power is equal to what it normally costs for its original user. In addition, Macha requires a good amount of space to decelerate, and can barely steer at all.

Personality: "Capricious" defines all that is Macha. She derives a special pleasure from frustrating others, and devotes the absolute maximum amount of effort in accomplishing that. However, she understands how to sacrifice her own pleasure for the greater good, and will gladly assist others, should the need arise.

History: Born to a family of airboat salesmen, Macha spent much of her life ferrying travelers into and out of Eara. She lost her right eye in an unfortunate accident with a fishing hook when she was twelve, and had grown to be the sour woman she is today through that event.At the of eighteen, Macha moved out of her house, and began work as an airborne fisherman, hunting flying fish from her very own airboat. For the past decade, Macha has been gradually earning her way to a well-known position amongst the population of Eara, and shows no signs of stopping.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/1440676685280-1.jpg.051289200b5fe81cb08296240f786c1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/1440676685280-1.jpg.051289200b5fe81cb08296240f786c1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jewel: Macha's jewel is a highly-polished nugget of microcline, cut into a baguette shape and set in a silver choker.

Other: Macha wields a cavalry saber and a leather buckler in combat, and has a bit of an alcohol problem.



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SkippyGranola said:
Name: Macha Olbermann
Nickname: Macha

Element: Air

Specialization: Theft and Movement

Age: 30

Gender: Libramasculine

Sexuality: Panheterosexual

Strengths: Macha is capable of effortlessly copying any power from anyone in the room. It even allows her to create a crude facsimile of someone's natural endowments or enchanted technology. Macha is also capable of charging forward at absurd speeds. Thanks to Macha's great physical fitness and the generally low cost of these abilities, Macha can use her powers for long periods of time.

Weaknesses: Macha's power is limited to one power from each person. Macha cannot possibly replicate the sheer practice and skill her targets have put into using their powers, and instead must use them as a complete novice would. The energy cost of using a copied power is equal to what it normally costs for its original user. In addition, Macha requires a good amount of space to decelerate, and can barely steer at all.

Personality: "Capricious" defines all that is Macha. She derives a special pleasure from frustrating others, and devotes the absolute maximum amount of effort in accomplishing that. However, she understands how to sacrifice her own pleasure for the greater good, and will gladly assist others, should the need arise.

History: Born to a family of airboat salesmen, Macha spent much of her life ferrying travelers into and out of Eara. She lost her right eye in an unfortunate accident with a fishing hook when she was twelve, and had grown to be the sour woman she is today through that event.At the of eighteen, Macha moved out of her house, and began work as an airborne fisherman, hunting flying fish from her very own airboat. For the past decade, Macha has been gradually earning her way to a well-known position amongst the population of Eara, and shows no signs of stopping.

View attachment 167122

Jewel: Macha's jewel is a highly-polished nugget of microcline, cut into a baguette shape and set in a silver choker.

Other: Macha wields a cavalry saber and a leather buckler in combat, and has a bit of an alcohol problem.

Accepted. Although, I recommend trying to even out her strengths and weaknesses a little more. Being able to effortlessly copy anyone else's power is a tiny bit too much.
Allyator said:
Accepted. Although, I recommend trying to even out her strengths and weaknesses a little more. Being able to effortlessly copy anyone else's power is a tiny bit too much.
Well, the mainstay of her combat effectiveness is her being able to copy powers. If that took time or significant amounts of energy, she'd basically just be "the person who can run fast in one direction and, if left alone completely and allowed to do what she wanted, maybe get the chance to do half the other guy's job". The "effortlessly" thing should be balanced out by her being bad at actually using them and not having the physical strengths to make using those powers as feasible as they would be in their original owner's hands.
SkippyGranola said:
Well, the mainstay of her combat effectiveness is her being able to copy powers. If that took time or significant amounts of energy, she'd basically just be "the person who can run fast in one direction and, if left alone completely and allowed to do what she wanted, maybe get the chance to do half the other guy's job". The "effortlessly" thing should be balanced out by her being bad at actually using them and not having the physical strengths to make using those powers as feasible as they would be in their original owner's hands.
Okay I just needed a bit of clarity.
Name: Madison of Metallicus


Element: Metal

Specialization: Steel

Age: 28

Gender: MtF trans

Sexuality: Questionable

Strengths: Motivated, strong, bold, courageous.

Weaknesses: Conflicted, jaded, tired.

Personality: As someone who had never quite felt in place in her own body, Madison had grown up very self-conscious. She still feels feminine, however, but had more or less came to terms with her body, becoming a bit more comfortable with herself. Madison always tries to find a way to uplift herself, but also tends to let negativity wear down on herself. In spite of her masculine body, Madison tries her best to act feminine.

History: Madison was born as Eriel, a beautiful young boy who loved very much by his family. Madison's parents had always loved him, gave them as much as they could. Madison had been at first questionable of his own identity. Living a lavish lifestyle, he had perhaps far too much time on his hand and often confused himself with different ideas. Many of his ideas had originated as a juvenile desire to be unique. As he grew older, however, Madison came to terms with her own identity, and decided that she was simply who she was. Oftentimes, she tries to distract herself from criticism at the gym, where she gets the most compliments. Weights are Madison's only real distraction, and while it had made her body far less feminine, it made her mind feel so much more.

Appearance: Madison has a large, masculine body standing at 6'2" and hulking with muscles. Her skin is a pale, almost flat white color. In contrast, Madison's hair and eyes are completely black. She is typically dressed in chainmail armor. Thin pieces of silk cover Madison's chest and crotch; starting from mid-breast down to the navel, and from the waist down almost to the knee respectively. Madison wears metal boots which reach up past her calves.

Jewel: On her right forearm, Madison has a metal arm brace, decorated with various jewels and engraved with intricate carvings.

Duwang said:
Name: Madison of Metallicus

Element: Metal

Specialization: Steel

Age: 28

Gender: MtF trans

Sexuality: Questionable

Strengths: Motivated, strong, bold, courageous.

Weaknesses: Conflicted, jaded, tired.

Personality: As someone who had never quite felt in place in her own body, Madison had grown up very self-conscious. She still feels feminine, however, but had more or less came to terms with her body, becoming a bit more comfortable with herself. Madison always tries to find a way to uplift herself, but also tends to let negativity wear down on herself. In spite of her masculine body, Madison tries her best to act feminine.

History: Madison was born as Eriel, a beautiful young boy who loved very much by his family. Madison's parents had always loved him, gave them as much as they could. Madison had been at first questionable of his own identity. Living a lavish lifestyle, he had perhaps far too much time on his hand and often confused himself with different ideas. Many of his ideas had originated as a juvenile desire to be unique. As he grew older, however, Madison came to terms with her own identity, and decided that she was simply who she was. Oftentimes, she tries to distract herself from criticism at the gym, where she gets the most compliments. Weights are Madison's only real distraction, and while it had made her body far less feminine, it made her mind feel so much more.

Appearance: Madison has a large, masculine body standing at 6'2" and hulking with muscles. Her skin is a pale, almost flat white color. In contrast, Madison's hair and eyes are completely black. She is typically dressed in chainmail armor. Thin pieces of silk cover Madison's chest and crotch; starting from mid-breast down to the navel, and from the waist down almost to the knee respectively. Madison wears metal boots which reach up past her calves.

Jewel: On her right forearm, Madison has a metal arm brace, decorated with various jewels and engraved with intricate carvings.

Name: Denver

Nickname: (optional)

Element: (if applicable) Metal

Specialization: (if playing as a normal character, this can be whatever their major skill is) Grade 38 Titanium Alloy (Basically a very strong armor plating)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero


- Able to turn certain parts (Up to two parts at a time) of his body into Titanium Alloy and is able to freely move that part while covered.

- While covered with the Titanium Alloy he can negate anything from a bullet hit to a close-range explosion

- Able to 'requip', summon his metal in any shape or form. (Weapons preferably)


- Needs to eat his metal to be able to use his power, which he knows is hard to find so he has a built up stash of it hidden

- His requip takes sometime to form the weapon his wants

- He becomes reckless with his power.


He's a rebellious and a courageous soul. He often gets a sense of invincibility because of his power. He doesnt care much for others because he puts them in danger way to often.


He's always been born with his Metal manipulation power and he's learned to control over the years and has become very with focusing the metal to certain parts of the body. The reason he has this power is because their are titanuim alloy particles in his bloodstream which can manipulate, it cannot shift the physical form of his body it can just seep through his skin and envelope his skin and protect that part. However he's been bullied because of this so he dropped out of school and focused on honing this skill.



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  • c3db607c67178a650cef2bb2745e8179.jpg
    Name: Roxii Sicarius

    Nickname: Shadow

    Age: 19

    Gender: Non-binary (Use "she/her" pronouns by default)

    Sexuality: Demi-sexual, pan-romantic

    Race: Lythari

If you have any questions, need me to change anything, clarify anything, etc., let me know, please. (<3)
Name: Scarlet Wren

Element: Fire

Specialization: Casting long range flares of fire.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Strengths: Witty, intelligent, sacrificing, quick to action

Weaknesses: Impulsiveness, bad temper, horrible sense of direction

Personality: Scarlet was always a creative, sarcastic, and passionate person. She cared deeply for those around her and would risk her life for them.

History: Scarlet lived a quiet and secluded life. Her parents were hardly home, so she had the house to herself most of the time (which was cool, it just got a little lonely). Most nights, when her parents did arrive home from work, they were somehow caught in an argument on either food or money. Those nights, she would lock herself in her room. The house always seemed tense when her parents were home. One night, when Scarlet's parents came home, things took a turn for the worse. Her mother had lost her job due to the company going out of business, which left the Wren family practically broke. One thing led to another and soon her parents filed a divorce. Scarlet mainly stayed with her dad after that, never really talking much to him. At school she would open up and be herself, which is why she had a few close friends who saw her for the sweet and passionate girl she is.


This is the Jewel that supplies her powers, she never takes it off her neck.


"My name, is Kuro Akime. I tell you this out of confidence."


"I don't know anyone of this world yet...so no one has given me a nickname."


"The Goddess gifted me with the power of Darkness."


"Since receiving my powers, I've found that I can manipulate shadows. Not just for tricks, or to conceal my location. I can...condense them, into solid matter, that I use to fight with."

Kuro has the power of shadow manipulation, but not in the typical sense. She can, as stated above, condense the shadows so thick, that they become solid entities. While it requires a lot of concentration, and a fair amount of expended energy, she typically uses this technique to fight most of her battles. She can form them into weapons, but that requires much more of her magic. So she usually just launches these shadows in sharp points to pierce and kill anything she must. However, this ability has a draw back. Without some light source to create the shadows she uses, this ability is completely useless. Now, this isn't the only power she has.

Kuro Akime also houses many spells, all of which revolve around the Dark Arts. However, most of these she has yet to discover. At the moment, she can only use a few basic spells. Such as levitation, and a few small curses. The levitation spell...isn't very useful though. For how much energy it uses, and considering it isn't even really for her element, it hardly works. The curses on the other hand, are far more her style. While still weak, she can cause her enemies to suffer in a few ways. Such as fatigue, mental degradation, and a spell that can make some people get...rather uncomfortable rashes. These all, at the moment, are extremely weak, not to mention they require a fair amount of magic. Don't let this fool you though. Kuro is proving to be highly exceptionable with magic, as most of her offense and defense is based on it.


"I am nineteen years old, as of a few months ago. My birthday is April tenth, 1996."


"I, am female."


"I am bisexual...but some think I don't have any preference at all. To be fair, I have yet to delve into the world of romance...At least here, that is."


"Strengths...hmm...I suppose I excel at magic. I haven't seen many other knights yet, but I seem to be much more proficient with it then those I have seen already. I also regenerate my expended magic rather quickly. It seems to make up for my heavy reliance on it."

Among being very proficient with magic, Kuro is very intelligent. While not among the greats, it's still notable. She is also extremely strategic, planning out an attack before doing so, to gain an edge over any enemy she faces.


"Some don't like to admit any weakness, but I embrace them. If you do, you gain a better understanding of yourself, and have a better chance to overcome them. I know I rely...maybe a little to heavy on magic. Physically, I am not very strong. In fact...I find it hard to fight hand to hand, as I quickly loose my strength. Though I am working on it, to improve on it..."

This knight of Darkness, is lacking on the physical side. While not appearing to be weak, Kuro isn't as better off on this side of things as some of the others are. She makes up for it by using her magic primarily, but that too can be considered a weakness. Till she becomes more experienced, using magic is still taxing on the mental, and magical side.


"I've been told by others...many things. Most of them, not exactly supportive things. Most say I am a bit...sadistic, and a little creepy. But hey...I did get the element of darkness, so what were you expecting? My best friend...was my best friend...said I was a little creepy as well. But only when she first met me! After knowing her for a while, she did warm up to me. I'd go as far as to say, she really liked me. So I can't be too bad, right?"

Kuro is an odd ball, to say the least. While not very confident, she refuses to stoop low enough to burden others with any problems. Regardless if she is the element of darkness, she was given the duty to protect others. So that's what she is going to do, however she can. Because of this mentality, she's gained a bit of a high horse look on others. This is easily broken however, if Kuro get's told off. Let's just say, her self esteem isn't very solid...but a lot of this changes in combat. During a fight, she sometimes becomes sadistic. If she knows she won a battle, sometimes she will loose herself and begin toying with her 'prey'. It takes either the battle finishing, or someone else to snap her out of it. This is caused mostly by the site of blood, whether it's hers, or someone else's.

Despite all of that, she is a good person! Deep down, even if she refuses to show it, she cares for everyone. While not always confident in her ability to do so, she will throw herself into harms way for another person. Kuro is also very brave, in her own way, and will not allow another to face pain that she can take the burden for. But...she isn't stupid. While some who witness this may consider her cold, she will not hesitate to sacrifice 'unimportant' people, for those she does consider important. Such as, ten or twenty villagers aren't worth saving over another Celestial Knight, if it came down to having to make that decision.


"My history, isn't any of your business. I was chosen to be a Celestial Knight! That is all you need to know."

Lets just say, there is a reason Kuro doesn't talk about her past. Thinking about it causes her to become massively depressed, and she won't talk to anyone for days at a time. It's scared a few people already, just seeing how she reacts to it, so they don't dare ask her. Only someone who could get close to her would find out, why she breaks with a single word, Saka.

(Her history can be learned by other players overtime. This is mostly because I'm still developing it, but I like to do this because it provides character that can only be explained through discovery~)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e8859609f65d82fa79921dd484afdb6b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.e8859609f65d82fa79921dd484afdb6b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

This, is Kuro Akime. Minus the modern clothes of course~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.24ab68679fb5dd5a3f03c57cf4863dc4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.24ab68679fb5dd5a3f03c57cf4863dc4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
This is the armor she typically adorns, most of the time. Kuro rarely is out of it, as she sees no need not to be. With the exception of bathing of course!

Oh, and she only uses the mask if she is trying to hide her identity. Which is most of the time...so unless if she knows she's safe from prying eyes, the mask stays.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.23b2ad1771cecdfaa2f327c58c83a3e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.23b2ad1771cecdfaa2f327c58c83a3e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is her jewel, with which her magical power resides. Kuro usually wears it on a necklace, gilded with gold, and a silver band. It's worn in the upright position. (One of those side ends, pointing upwards.)

The necklace, for safety measures mostly, is kept hidden under her armor.


Despite wanting to protect everyone, Kuro usually keeps hidden in the shadows. Since she hasn't been in Lumania long, the other knights don't really know her. She uses this, to keep her identy hidden. Which won't last long, but still...



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TheGossipLink said:


"My name, is Kuro Akime. I tell you this out of confidence."


"I don't know anyone of this world yet...so no one has given me a nickname."


"The Goddess gifted me with the power of Darkness."


"Since receiving my powers, I've found that I can manipulate shadows. Not just for tricks, or to conceal my location. I can...condense them, into solid matter, that I use to fight with."

Kuro has the power of shadow manipulation, but not in the typical sense. She can, as stated above, condense the shadows so thick, that they become solid entities. While it requires a lot of concentration, and a fair amount of expended energy, she typically uses this technique to fight most of her battles. She can form them into weapons, but that requires much more of her magic. So she usually just launches these shadows in sharp points to pierce and kill anything she must. However, this ability has a draw back. Without some light source to create the shadows she uses, this ability is completely useless. Now, this isn't the only power she has.

Kuro Akime also houses many spells, all of which revolve around the Dark Arts. However, most of these she has yet to discover. At the moment, she can only use a few basic spells. Such as levitation, and a few small curses. The levitation spell...isn't very useful though. For how much energy it uses, and considering it isn't even really for her element, it hardly works. The curses on the other hand, are far more her style. While still weak, she can cause her enemies to suffer in a few ways. Such as fatigue, mental degradation, and a spell that can make some people get...rather uncomfortable rashes. These all, at the moment, are extremely weak, not to mention they require a fair amount of magic. Don't let this fool you though. Kuro is proving to be highly exceptionable with magic, as most of her offense and defense is based on it.


"I am nineteen years old, as of a few months ago. My birthday is April tenth, 1996."


"I, am female."


"I am bisexual...but some think I don't have any preference at all. To be fair, I have yet to delve into the world of romance...At least here, that is."


"Strengths...hmm...I suppose I excel at magic. I haven't seen many other knights yet, but I seem to be much more proficient with it then those I have seen already. I also regenerate my expended magic rather quickly. It seems to make up for my heavy reliance on it."

Among being very proficient with magic, Kuro is very intelligent. While not among the greats, it's still notable. She is also extremely strategic, planning out an attack before doing so, to gain an edge over any enemy she faces.


"Some don't like to admit any weakness, but I embrace them. If you do, you gain a better understanding of yourself, and have a better chance to overcome them. I know I rely...maybe a little to heavy on magic. Physically, I am not very strong. In fact...I find it hard to fight hand to hand, as I quickly loose my strength. Though I am working on it, to improve on it..."

This knight of Darkness, is lacking on the physical side. While not appearing to be weak, Kuro isn't as better off on this side of things as some of the others are. She makes up for it by using her magic primarily, but that too can be considered a weakness. Till she becomes more experienced, using magic is still taxing on the mental, and magical side.


"I've been told by others...many things. Most of them, not exactly supportive things. Most say I am a bit...sadistic, and a little creepy. But hey...I did get the element of darkness, so what were you expecting? My best friend...was my best friend...said I was a little creepy as well. But only when she first met me! After knowing her for a while, she did warm up to me. I'd go as far as to say, she really liked me. So I can't be too bad, right?"

Kuro is an odd ball, to say the least. While not very confident, she refuses to stoop low enough to burden others with any problems. Regardless if she is the element of darkness, she was given the duty to protect others. So that's what she is going to do, however she can. Because of this mentality, she's gained a bit of a high horse look on others. This is easily broken however, if Kuro get's told off. Let's just say, her self esteem isn't very solid...but a lot of this changes in combat. During a fight, she sometimes becomes sadistic. If she knows she won a battle, sometimes she will loose herself and begin toying with her 'prey'. It takes either the battle finishing, or someone else to snap her out of it. This is caused mostly by the site of blood, whether it's hers, or someone else's.

Despite all of that, she is a good person! Deep down, even if she refuses to show it, she cares for everyone. While not always confident in her ability to do so, she will throw herself into harms way for another person. Kuro is also very brave, in her own way, and will not allow another to face pain that she can take the burden for. But...she isn't stupid. While some who witness this may consider her cold, she will not hesitate to sacrifice 'unimportant' people, for those she does consider important. Such as, ten or twenty villagers aren't worth saving over another Celestial Knight, if it came down to having to make that decision.


"My history, isn't any of your business. I was chosen to be a Celestial Knight! That is all you need to know."

Lets just say, there is a reason Kuro doesn't talk about her past. Thinking about it causes her to become massively depressed, and she won't talk to anyone for days at a time. It's scared a few people already, just seeing how she reacts to it, so they don't dare ask her. Only someone who could get close to her would find out, why she breaks with a single word, Saka.

(Her history can be learned by other players overtime. This is mostly because I'm still developing it, but I like to do this because it provides character that can only be explained through discovery~)


This, is Kuro Akime. Minus the modern clothes of course~

View attachment 167649

This is the armor she typically adorns, most of the time. Kuro rarely is out of it, as she sees no need not to be. With the exception of bathing of course!

Oh, and she only uses the mask if she is trying to hide her identity. Which is most of the time...so unless if she knows she's safe from prying eyes, the mask stays.


View attachment 167650

This is her jewel, with which her magical power resides. Kuro usually wears it on a necklace, gilded with gold, and a silver band. It's worn in the upright position. (One of those side ends, pointing upwards.)

The necklace, for safety measures mostly, is kept hidden under her armor.


Despite wanting to protect everyone, Kuro usually keeps hidden in the shadows. Since she hasn't been in Lumania long, the other knights don't really know her. She uses this, to keep her identy hidden. Which won't last long, but still...

Name: Serena Weaver

Element: Light


Light Arrows: Not like Princess Zelda's final smash, more like magic circle from two hands type, and they don't one shot kill everything either. Just more damage than a normal arrow

Light Manipulation

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Kind || Caring || Loves to help || Social || Serena talks very fast when she is doing her spells || Doesn't get upset/angry easily


Scarycat of the dark || If she mess up on doing her spell, she will get frustrated, and try it again and again. || Weak || She will run away if a monster is chasing her || If she starts to cry, you might want to cover your ears, since it's extremely loud.

Personality: Serena is the most friendly girl ever. She likes to make everybody happy, and loves to help people/animals out. Serena also like to cosplay as Goddess Mir in her parent's church, since they worship her, and she likes to say her spells fast.


Serena was born into a family of priests, who worship Goddess Mir in their church, since they are from the world of Lumina.

Serena normally used her magic to make cool special effects, when it's time for her to be Goddess Mir, since everybody in their church likes that.

At school, everybody knows her, since she is popular singer/pianist in the music club, and popular artist in the art club.

Everything was perfect, until her father die from a cancer one day.

Serena would be crying in her room at night, and be all cheerful and happy during the day, since she doesn't want to worry anybody, and she continues to do this every single day, since she won't forget about her father.





Other: Serena lives in Lumi.
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Blackrose7 said:
Name: Serena Weaver
Element: Light

Specialization: Light Manipulation, and Healing

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Kind || Caring || Loves to help || Social || Serena talks very fast when she is doing her spells || Doesn't get upset/angry easily


Scarycat of the dark || If she mess up on doing her spell, she will get frustrated, and try it again and again. || Weak || She will run away if a monster is chasing her || If she starts to cry, you might want to cover your ears, since it's extremely loud.

Personality: Serena is the most friendly girl ever. She likes to make everybody happy, and loves to help people/animals out. Serena also like to cosplay as Goddess Mir in her parent's church, since they worship her, and she likes to say her spells fast.


Serena was born into a family of priests, who worship Goddess Mir in their church, since they are from the world of Lumina.

Serena normally used her magic to make cool special effects, when it's time for her to be Goddess Mir, since everybody in their church likes that.

At school, everybody knows her, since she is popular singer/pianist in the music club, and popular artist in the art club.

Everything was perfect, until her father die from a cancer one day.

Serena would be crying in her room at night, and be all cheerful and happy during the day, since she doesn't want to worry anybody, and she continues to do this every single day, since she won't forget about her father.





Other: Serena lives in Lumi.



Shagranoz said:
Would it be possible to work in a fire user with a dragon theme?
Could you elaborate? It should be fine so long as it's not overpowered though.
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Character #2 (Sorry just read the post and said I could make a second so i am xD )

James Bennett

Nickname: Jay

Element: Void

Specialization: Summoning Void Monsters and using Shadow Magics

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero


- Has a transformation


- Can cast long and short range Shadow Spells at enemies and use curses to cause pain to the target.

- Can summon Void demons



- Though he is able to transform it takes up alot of energy, so he can only use it for a short time.

- His spells rely on a "Void Pool" which recharges over time, but is used up quickly allowing for a few spells to be cast at a time.

- His demons are generally weak and can only cast ranged spell which are weak in terms of effectiveness, he uses 'em as fodder mostly.

- He's bravehearted and cocky which lands in bad situations alot of the times.

He's cocky and brave hearted which lands him in bad situations. He doesnt care for many people and is hard to get along with. He also had a demon possessing him which gives him his transformation and he often talks to making him seems crazy to others, but being a man who controls the Void element... who wouldn't?

History: Hmm, well he has a demon inside him which he seems to have control of and they can work well together in well cooderinated attacks,he also has a hard time getting along with others because the demon is an incubus.. yea that's right.. his demon is horny all the time which scares most of girls away and the guys just hate him.





- He can do a partial transformation which slightly increases his Void Pool allowing for more spells to be cast but no increase in strength and can be held for as long as he feels like it. (See Appearance (Partial Transformation) for ref)

- He also has the power of flight in both his Full and Partial Transformations
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Light Arrows: Not like Princess Zelda's final smash, more like magic circles from a one/two hands type, and they don't one shot kill everything either. Just more damage than a normal arrow.

Can Serena have this?

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Crysalisis said:
Character #2 (Sorry just read the post and said I could make a second so i am xD )
James Bennett

Nickname: Jay

Element: Void

Specialization: Summoning Void Monsters and using Shadow Magics

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero


- Has a transformation


- Can cast long and short range Shadow Spells at enemies and use curses to cause pain to the target.

- Can summon Void demons



- Though he is able to transform it takes up alot of energy, so he can only use it for a short time.

- His spells rely on a "Void Pool" which recharges over time, but is used up quickly allowing for a few spells to be cast at a time.

- His demons are generally weak and can only cast ranged spell which are weak in terms of effectiveness, he uses 'em as fodder mostly.

- He's bravehearted and cocky which lands in bad situations alot of the times.

He's cocky and brave hearted which lands him in bad situations. He doesnt care for many people and is hard to get along with. He also had a demon possessing him which gives him his transformation and he often talks to making him seems crazy to others, but being a man who controls the Void element... who wouldn't?

History: Hmm, well he has a demon inside him which he seems to have control of and they can work well together in well cooderinated attacks,he also has a hard time getting along with others because the demon is an incubus.. yea that's right.. his demon is horny all the time which scares most of girls away and the guys just hate him.





- He can do a partial transformation which slightly increases his Void Pool allowing for more spells to be cast but no increase in strength and can be held for as long as he feels like it. (See Appearance (Partial Transformation) for ref)

- He also has the power of flight in both his Full and Partial Transformations



Blackrose7 said:
Light Arrows: Not like Princess Zelda's final smash, more like magic circles from a one/two hands type, and they don't one shot kill everything either. Just more damage than a normal arrow.
Can Serena have this?

Sure! Sounds cool.
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She'd have a couple minor-to-moderate fire attacks, a fiery sword, and one big "OMG-OMG-We're-all-gonna-die" Hail Mary attack that leaves her completely depowered and barely able to stand. She'd also have dragon wings when transformed, to provide for slow-speed flight.

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