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Fantasy Celestial Knights [Open & Accepting!]



(For roleplays that take place in the areas: Anam, Lumi, and Akvo. Details about each region is in the Setting/Locations tab.)

You awake to find yourself standing on top a sea of stars. The ground is made of water but you stand solidly on top of it. The liquid ripples with every movement you make.

After a few seconds to take in your surroundings, a figure appears out of nowhere.


Her entire body glows with a warm light. A soft a soothing voice echoes inside your head. It seems to be coming from the woman despite her mouth not moving.

She is a Goddess named Mir. You contain the will and talent that is required to be chosen as a celestial knight. A being of great power who is charged with the task of defending the world of Lumina from those who would destroy the peace.

Should you accept, you will be gifted unique powers, immortality, and control over one of the ten elements:


If you wish, you can turn back now and avoid the dangers that this role would bring and you may also choose to turn back and return to your old life at any moment during your adventure by destroying the jewel that you will be given. This jewel will be the embodiment of your power so please take great care of it.

So, do you accept the responsibility of being a celestial knight?

(Read the rules before posting anything here.)

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So you have chosen to be a celestial knight? The Goddess’ voice echoed in your head. A soft smile appeared on her face.

The smile quickly turned into something a little more serious.

There is a great evil that threatens my land of Lumina. This being goes by the name: The Void. Her expression goes hard while saying the name.

He is slowly absorbing the land within himself and leaving nothing but an empty darkness in his wake. He is doing this in order to become more powerful and to destroy all of which I have created. He must be stopped, for the sake of peace and for the many lives on this world. There are a few seconds of silence. The Goddess’ eyes seemed distant; lost in another thought.

Mir’s eyes return to yours. The soft smile returned.

As a celestial knight, it is your job to uphold the peace on my world. I know this will be dangerous but you now have powers beyond anything you have ever known and you won’t be alone…

Her words became more distant, as if you were moving away from her.

Your body sinks into the starry liquid below you. Just as your eyes are covered in water, your feet land on solid ground and you are suddenly within a temple. It seems you’re not the only one there.
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Macha Olbermann, who had hitherto this moment been smoking a poorly-rolled cigarette, hurriedly stuffed it behind her ear and attempted to affect a look of mystified wonder at the array of magical spheres in front of her. The words unique powers, immortality, control over one of ten elements echoed through her mind.

"Well, heh..." Macha said, barely masking her surprise. "Immortality does sound like a good deal for whatever it is you're looking for."

Macha briefly examined the symbolic representative of Air. Gray, wispy, hints of motion beneath the surface... it's like a tempest in a teapot!

With greed glinting in her eyes, Macha brushed her fingers across the wispy orb in front of her, and was engulfed in a flash of light and sound.

When her sight cleared, Macha felt... solid. This isn't to say that she wasn't solid before. Rather, she felt that, were Macha a singular line drawn in the dirt, she would be a ha-ha. Everything about her felt more... Macha-like. With a wry smile, Macha brushed her shoulder and looked confidently at Mir.

"Right, then," Macha said. "What do you need done?"
Serena woke up in unknown place, since she was just entering her room, so she can relax there. "Am I dreaming?" said Serena to herself. She got up from the ground, and noticed that she was standing on top of a sea of stars. "This is an awesome dream." said Serena, as she started to mess around with the ground, because it's a sea of stars.

The liquid rippled with every movement she makes, and Serena was enjoying herself, until she saw a figure appearing out of nowhere. Serena didn't know what that figure was at first, until she noticed that it was glowing.
"Goddess Mir!" said Serena, since she was extremely surprised, when she started to introduce herself to Serena in her head, because she didn't expect to see the person that she was dressing up as here.

She listen to Goddess Mir saying that she was chosen to become a celestial knight, and Serena started to be excited about this.
"Are you saying that I get to protect Lumina with all of those unique gifts that you have mention? If so. Count me in, Mir, since I would love to protect Lumina from danger." said Serena, since she was more interested in protecting Lumina, then to have immortality, since she like to help people out, even if that means protecting Lumina from danger, since she is protecting everybody in Lumina.

Serena then noticed that she was in a temple with the ten elements in front of her, and saw a girl picking one of those elements.
'So those are the ten elements that Mir was talking about, and it looks like that girl picked the air element. ' thought Serena, since she knows about magic very well.

She then looked at each of the elements, since she can't decide which one she should pick, because they are all awesome to use, but when she saw the magical sphere that is representing light, Serena decided to touch it, since she felt like it would represent her and her personality the best.

She was then engulfed in a flash of warm light, and her vision ended up returning after a few minutes.
'This is absolutely incredible.' thought Serena, since she felt more alive now. She then turned to Mir, and heard the girl saying what does she need for them to be done. "What she said." said Serena, as she then looked at Macha, since she was going to end up saying that.

Roxii Sicarius

"The Shadow"

Multi-coloured irises were revealed as the lycanthrope raised her eyelids, observing her surroundings. The area that she was in was paradoxical: light yet dark, solid yet spectre-like, calm yet chaotic, mesmerizing yet disturbing. She figured she ought to feel uneasy opening her eyes to an environment unknown to her, but she knew that she had been kidnapped and taken to unfamiliar places too many times to feel anxious now. Instead, she took a small step and watched as the starry ground below her rippled, much like the reaction water would have when interrupted by an object. The stars glittered like jewels, contrasting with the darkness they were nestled in. The lythari noted that there were two others quite a ways from her, and she wondered if they were summoned here for the same reason that she was here.

The calm feeling began to grow and overtake the lythari as a humanoid figure appeared before her. The wolf-human hybrid recognized the glowing woman as the Goddess Mir. Her voice as she spoke to Roxii was smooth and fluid, explaining to her as to why Mir had summoned her to this otherworldly realm. Her wolf ears twitched under her hood, picking up every sound that the Goddess was speaking to her. Roxii absorbed the information but remained in her comfortable silence, turning the information over in her mind to comprehend the importance of this mission that this deity of bestowing upon her.

The ten elemental orbs appeared before the lythari, and she grazed her vision over each element. The one that caught her attention, though, was the small dark one on the end, a mist of swirling smoke trapped inside the orb.
The Shadow, the anthropoid thought, reciting her alias to herself. Immediately drawn in by the idea of having power over one of the elements, she reached forward and touched a ginger hand to the dark orb. Tendrils of black shadows began crawling over her hand and up her arm, and Roxii closed her eyes as she felt the power enter her body. Once it reached her shoulder, it began to quickly consume her body. Before she knew it, the shadows had completely enveloped the lythari. The element and Roxii were now one. The shadows absorbed into her body and dissipated, the fusion now completed.

She then remembered the two others that were here. Perhaps they were called to be Celestial Knights as well? Preferring to keep her distance, Roxii lowered her head slightly in a bow then stepped back, silently asking what she was to do now.
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Kuro Akime

A lone figure sat on top of a support beam, under the bridge it was keeping high off the ground. She was shrouded in shadows, drinking out of a cheap wine bottle. This was the life she was reduced to, after...that. Most of her life as of recent has been just like this. Stealing during the day, drinking at night. It was a sad existence, but Kuro Akime refused help. And though she would slap you if you even suggested it, deep down she was praying for help. A second chance at life, one she wouldn't screw everything up for. In her misery, all she could do was this. Drink to forget...till someone would come along, under the bridge looking for a lost personal item, and she would slip off her ledge to claim it before they did. Only to slip back before they noticed. Over and over, this was her routine. But unbeknownst to her, all of this was about to change. For the better? That's debatable.

One swig to forget, She took a mouthful of the liquid, And one more to not remember. Again, she swung the bottle up in the air, catching the drink that fell out of it. Before she could drink anymore, a huge truck blew by overhead, causing the drunken Kuro to loose her grip on the bottle. As it fell down, shattering on the dirt below, she just sighed.

"That was my last bottle..." As she said that, she slowly slipped off of the beam, and causally fell face first in the ground below. Normally, it would have been no problem getting down safely, but when she's drunk...that goes out the window. "Ugh...dammit."

As she was trying to pick herself up, she noticed that the ground...wasn't normal. It was swirly, and purple. Like the night sky had turned upside down, and she was standing on it. For the first few seconds, she felt like throwing up. But the unpleasant urge quickly disappeared, and was replaced with a calm feeling. Turned instantly sober, Kuro sat up quickly to see what was happening. Before her was a woman, she stood tall, and was radiating light. It was warm, and made the girl feel like she was young again, in her mothers embrace. The words of this so called, Goddess Mir, echoed in her head. Though most of what she was saying made little sense to her, Kuro gained an odd understanding of the situation. Even though never hearing of any of this before, she seemed to understand it perfectly.

Kuro reflected on what the Goddess had said, '
You contain the will and talent that is required to become a Celestial Knight.' This made a certain memory arise in her head, of the first time she...'controlled' shadows. At the time, she always thought it was an illusion...but just maybe, it wasn't. Fully standing up, she took in the sight of three other people. They were all off a ways, but it seemed like they were seeing Mir through their eyes. The Goddess, appearing to everyone individually. Without thinking, or saying anything Kuro reached out to touch the last orb in the alignment. It was the 'Dark' orb. It was radiating the same kind of feeling she had felt a few times herself, so it was a natural feeling to embrace it. As she grabbed the orb, shadows began to surround her arm, slowly creeping up it. It felt like she was being consumed by it, and if they Goddess wasn't emanating calm, Kuro would be freaking out. As the shadows fully covered her body, she felt a single moment of pure pain. At every single point in her body, like her nerves were simultaneously burned to ash. It lasted no longer then a second, but when it was done, she felt different. Kuro Akime, felt whole. Like this is how she was meant to be all this time. Stronger, powerful...but more intelligent, as if she gained a higher understanding of everything. For once, she truly thought she had a future!

"Goddess, what needs to be done first?" She asked, with a solid tone of voice. Kuro, was ready to embrace this new life. And if that meant saving people from monsters, then that was what she was going to do!
"A-a servant of the Goddess?" Dama was shocked. She was just an ordinary farmgirl! She'd never shown a hint of magic in her life. And now, she'd was being called to be a soldier in a war for the survival of the world. She looked at the ten orbs dancing in front of her and grasped the red one. As she did, she fell and awoke in a temple. She could feel power quietly surging within her. Others were there as well, and she decided to await further instructions. Certainly, the shrine maiden would tell them all they needed to know.
Mira was laying on her bed, thinking of how she felt like she didn’t belong. She craved for a different world with magic and adventures. For better or worse, her wish came true.

She was suddenly stood up in a strange land with stars above and mirrored below. Despite the fact that she was no longer in her bed, she felt calm. A mysterious woman appeared before her. She glowed with a warm light and spoke with a soft voice that echoed inside of Mira’s head.

The Goddess told Mira everything she wanted to hear. A sense of purpose weld up inside of her heart. Ten orbs of power popped up before her. Each one representing an element. One in particular stood out from the rest. The element of spirit felt like it was calling out to her. She reached over and touched it and the sphere started to emanate a bright purple light which surrounded Mira. The light seeped into her skin and after a second, it was all inside of her. She never felt more alive and was ready for whatever was needed from her.


The temple was quiet as usual for Jasmine. While she was meditating, she felt the world around her change. Jasmine opened her eyes to see that her surrounding have shifted drastically. She remembered reading about the world between the physical and the ethereal but never in her dreams imagined that she one day be there.

The Goddess came before her. Jasmine was in shock. She never imagined that she would ever meet the Goddess that she worships. Inspired and enthused, there was no way Jasmine was going to turn down an offer to work for her Goddess. The thought of having such powers also excited her.

When it was time to choose, she was drawn into the element of energy with the sparks of lightning dancing within the orb. Jasmine touched it and felt a powerful static shock. It only lasted for a second and the burn of pain turned into a burning feeling of strength and energy within her.

What do you need to be done my Goddess?” She said and was echoed by the others around her that Jasmine only just noticed.

The vision of the Goddess slowly faded away now that everyone was in the physical world of Lumina. Mir no longer spoke but instead left visions within the minds of each celestial knight. These visions showed off the entire island. In each region was a small hole in the world, no larger than a seed. These holes made of void, were absorbing the world around them at a slow but steady pace. With the power of the elements, you can close these holes and with each seed you destroy, the enemy gets weaker. You should eventually be able to draw him out and defeat him once and for all. He is powerful though. His force rivaling that of a God’s. Together, you have to ability to vanquish him, but you should build up your strength first.

I will be there whenever you need me. Take care. Those were the final words she left in your mind.
Macha briefly wondered at what the internal monologue of an all-powerful god who relied on empowering mortals to do their dirty work could possibly be. Did they have middle management to ensure their minions did the work they were blithely told to do? Did they place bets with the other gods on which of their mortals would succeed? Why did they assume a large group of weaker individuals would fare better than them? Macha furrowed her brow, and shrugged. These questions would be better answered by a priest. I'll just have to find one back home, Macha supposed.

Macha spared a glance around the room, and saw a host of people looking shiftless yet powerful. These must be my coworkers, Macha thought, and silently noted that none of them looked like they had much work ethic. With certain trepidation, Macha realized that she might have to pull her weight more than usual. One of the loners and indescribable individuals, however, seemed to be at least a smidgen more enthusiastic. Macha smelled alcohol crystallizing on this woman's breath, and smiled primly. This one would most likely be receptive to a deal. Though she didn't know it, this was Kuro Akime.

"Hey, sweety," Macha said, tapping Kuro by the shoulder. "how about a business partnership? It'd be easier to deal with those seeds if we work together, right?" Macha stuck her left hand out towards Kuro, and grinned confidently.
Upon waking, Madison's eyes jolted open as she stared at the ceiling above her. Though her dream was more lucid than she was used to, Madison continued to believe it was simply a dream and that she was in fact taken off somewhere. The girl lifted her legs and jumped up into a ready martial arts stance. Her eyes scanned left and right, realizing that others were with her, and were already quick to gather their bearings.

As she took the few moments of being unnoticed in silence, Madison slowly relaxed as she came to terms with her new situation and outfit. "I see" she mumbled to herself. Madison held out her hand as a small ball of metal formed, floating in her palm. "Excuse me!" Madison shouted, attempting to garner attention "Could someone tell me what exactly is going on?" Madison did an exaggerated hip-sway as she spoke- something of an old habit.

"I can't serve a goddess..." Madison shook, her knees turned inward, hands pushed down against the ends of her skirt "I don't think I'm ready..."
Dama looked around, seeing other girls (and a few boys) with similar looks of confusion on their faces. She turned to a girl who seemed to have chosen the element of metal, complaining that she had no clue what was going on. "It looks like we've been hired to save the world, The good news is, we've been given the powers to do it. You're a Knight of Metal, apparently. I'm a Knight of Fire. The bad news is, we have no idea where we're supposed to go. The goddess said that you can destroy your jewel to back out... but if you do, you'll be leaving a lot of lives at risk. Your call."
Roxii listened to the Goddess's words with slight wonder. She wondered why such a powerful deity would choose a bunch of mortals to do these tasks. The laziness of gods and their disdain of getting their hands dirty strike again.

The others seemed to be throughly lost and confused. The anthropoid decided that, while they were conversing amongst each other, she would experiment with her newfound power. Raising one hand in front of her, elbow bent and palm downward, she willed the surrounding darkness to approach her. Standing there for a moment, attempting to concentrate, the shadows then began seeping away from their source and to her hand. It traveled like a controlled mist, as if it were being attracted by a powerful vacuum. The shadows began to swirl around her hand and, one she had enough, she turned her hand palm up. She curled her fingers slightly, creating a bowl-like gesture and the darkness formed into a swirling sphere in her palm.

The lycanthrope felt a burning sensation begin to hurt her chest, and she realized that the sigil on her chest was burning her like a controlled fire. Succumbing to the pain, she relaxed her hand and the shadows dissipated.

Denver opened his eyes, awakening from his sleep, "Heh... whoa.. That was a little wierd I admit." He couldnt help but scratch his head, reflecting on Mir's words. "The Void huh?" He said to himself. He got up from his bed and wandered outside and let out a huge sigh. "So.. what to do first." He said looking around.


Jay had recently awoken from his slumber, "What do you make of all this?" He asked himself.

"Personally, I dont like it."

"Well I hope we dont run into trouble then." He said walking around his room.

"What are you doing?"

"Isnt it obvious? Im pacing." He told himself. "Bah, just get outta here ya demon.." He sat down on his bed.
Madison turned her head toward Dama, and blinked twice with a blank face. "Ooooh..." she groaned nervously.

"You seem awfully calm about it" Madison pouted. "I wish I were cool like you." Madison put her head down and crossed her arms. She looked at the ground in a somewhat down manner. "No, I can't back down now. People depend on me!" Madison perked up. Her hands were balled into a fist and held close to her body. Madison looked toward Dama with fire in her eyes. "Teach me" Madison offered "Teach me to be cool like you!"
Ether awakens with a start. He had been sleeping under the stars with some undead sentries standing guard. The supposed goddess of this world had chosen him to fight for her? Why? What could she possibly use him for against a threat this great? Nonetheless Ether chose the orb of darkness and did not regret it. As the shadows fused with his body he could feel himself growing immensely powerful. Ether already considered himself fairly powerful but this was incredible. He had already excelled in the dark arts of magic but now it feels like he not only mastered It but became an archmage of dark arcana. As he awoke and looked around at the others who seemed to be in the same situation his body felt like it was crackling with energy.

"That....wasn't a dream. What in the world?"

Ether watched as a nearby person manipulated the shadows around her to her into a singularity. Intrigued, he tried casting a simple dark spell. Gathering dark magic into the palm of his hand. To his surprise, the minor effort he used was to much and instead of a small rock sized purple orb he had created a large singularity the size of a wagon wheel. Ether let out a small yelp of surprise and quickly made the magic dissipate before he lost control of it. "Well....THAT is a lot more raw power than I was expecting...."
"Cool? I'm not sure what that means, but if you mean teaching you to fight, well... I know little about magic myself." Dama thought hard for a second. She remembered a dragon flying over her family's farm, years ago. The power, the majesty. She focused on those feelings, and tried to release her magic.

There was a flash of fire, and Dama suddenly found herself in a costume fit for a princess. What was more, she had wings! She beat them twice, raising slightly off the ground. "It seems that our powers are now second nature. Just focus on what you want them to do, and the should do it. Should being the operative word."
Serena was just playing with a light ball, since she doesn't have a partner yet. 'Come on. I want to beat up the bad guy.' thought Serena, since she doesn't want Lumina to be destroyed.

This however continued on for a few minutes, until she saw a girl transforming into a dragon girl.
"Oh my gosh, that was awesome!" said Serena, since she was excited about that.

She then heard the dragon girl saying about focusing on what they wanted them to do, and it should do it.
"Ok." said Serena, since she wanted to do the same thing as the dragon girl.

Serena was focusing her feelings of both angels and butterflies, since she likes both of them. She tried to release her power, and there was a burst of light that transformed her in a beautiful girl with a bunch of butterflies on her and angel wing's hairpieces.
"...Wow, I look so CUTE!" said Serena cheerfully, since she didn't see this coming. She then noticed that she was holding a butterfly wand in her hand, and Serena started to hug it, since it was beauty. "Hey dragon girl. You got a transformed bubby now." said Serena, who was poking one of Dama's dragon wings with her wand.
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Kuro Akime

Seeing the visions in her head left by the Goddess, made her head spin for a moment. She caught a very brief glimpse of the void seed that was in her territory, it was in some kind of overgrown temple. But it flashed by so fast that there's no way she could know for sure. When the visions ended, and the Goddess left, the starry room was replaced with a temple. Everything now, seemed solid. Or semi-solid that is. The place they met the Goddess, didn't seem to have fully evaporated yet. Before Kuro had time to consider any of this, she felt a hand on her shoulder. If she was still back at home, she would have grabbed the hand and threw the person over her shoulder. But here, she actually felt...safe. At least for now...

She thought about the girls offer she received, staring blankly at her for a moment. A business partnership? Hold on...

Snapping back to reality, she grew a mild look of distrust on her face. Before she had time to respond however, another person caught her eye. They were testing out their power, it was clear they had also chosen the Dark orb. Kuro felt a minor pain in her chest, as the girl was using her power. She then proceed to drop the magic, and the burning also stopped. Being fairly used to feeling pain, Kuro had not reacted at all, but it was still very weird...

Then another girl, one who had the Fire orb, had transformed into a dragon still girl. Then another girl transformed, into a...butterfly type outfit. She had caught what they both said, about focusing on what they wanted to look like, and how to use the power. Deciding to try it as well, Kuro focused on the shadows. Anything dark, or shady. She was momentarily swallowed up by the nearby shadows, like a cocoon of darkness. Just as quickly as it came, it left, leaving Kuro now 'transformed'. She was in a really dark armor. It was fitting perfectly to her form, allowing her easy mobility. Though it seemed to be made up of a strong metal, it was extremely light. If she didn't see it herself, it wouldn't feel like she even was wearing armor at all. Looking down at the ground, she noticed that shadows were spreading from her feet rather abnormally. Instead of merely a shadow cast by a light source, it seemed they were drawn to her.

Kuro closed her eyes, and calmed her mind. She then tried thinking of what she wanted them to do. She wanted a little wall in between her and the girl who had offered the deal. When she opened her eyes again, she jumped back a little. There before her, was the shadow wall she had imagined. Thinking it away, the wall dispersed into then air, like it was never even there.

Who can I trust? The thought just came to her, and without realizing it her head was darting back and forth from person to person, like a wild animal expecting to be captured. Shaking her head, she calmed down a little. Heh, old habits...

"You know, I appreciate the offer and all. But I think I'll go alone for now." Was all Kuro told her, as she began backing away from the gathered group. she didn't leave the temple area, not till she found out more. But she wanted to remain as unnoticed as possible. Till I figure out what exactly is going down, I'm not doing anything.
Ether had noticed another dark user manipulate the shadows and turned it into a set of intimidating dark armor. The shadows seemed to dance under her feet and she looked as memorized as he did. He then saw the shadows under her shoot up and block off one of the other knights that had approached her. Ether chuckled at this lightly. He thought about how she probably had some major trust issues and approaching her in such a way was probably unwise. It sounded like she had muttered something and proceeded to back away from the group. "Yeah....good idea. At least until we know what the hell is going on around here." Ether also takes a few steps back and begins watching everyone warily. He didn't make it on his own this long by being an idiot.
When I woke up I was in a strange place and there was people using magic or something of the sort. I got up and I got a major headache and these visions started running through my head. After they ended I knew I had the ability to control water. I focused my mind until I felt a pull in my gut and water started to form around me.
Roxii's eyes gazed over the other knights as they experimented with their respective powers. She was slightly impressed by their quick progression, but then again, they all had much to learn. So did the hybrid. She noticed that most of them had already begun to use their powers to alter their outfits and appearances. Like a dog, she tilted her head slightly. Was the alteration really necessary? She supposed so, since most of them weren't in any kind of combat attire. Roxii, on the other hand, worked in the combat industry as an assassin and a mercenary. Shrouded in assassin attire and fairly pleased with her appearance, she didn't follow suit and kept her usual look. If she ever decided to change, she could do that at any time. Either way, the witch's sigil seemed to dislike her use of the dark magic. Using up energy to change her appearance seemed like it would be a bad idea.

Feeling uncomfortable around so many others, she began stepping away from them. Once she had created enough distance between her and them, she turned and began walking away. Roxii still had a job to do. Before she was summoned by the Goddess, she was about to fulfill an assassination contract. The whole "saving the world" from the Void could wait a little bit. The hybrid could fulfill the assassination within less than a hour, especially with the aid of her new-found powers if it came to it.
After I felt comfortable with my powers I zipped up my jacket and walked towards the other people to see if they knew where we were and if they would talk to me. @Black Rose
Serena looked at the boy, who walked towards her and Dama. "Hiya new celestial knight buddy!" said Serena cheerfully.

She then tilted her head, since she wanted to hear the boy asking about where is he, because she is going to end up saying that she has no clue where they are, since only Goddess Mir knows about that.
Logan saw Serena coming towards. When he heard her say something all he could say was," Wow you are really pretty." And he just blushed. Logan then mumbled, "You can call me Logan." He said as his blush deepened.

Shocked and excited, she couldn’t wait to use her new powers. Mira looked down at her clothes and noticed that she was still in her old pajamas. Feeling a little embarrassed, she decided to follow the lead of a couple of the other knights and change into a new outfit. She figured it would be a good way to test out her new powers anyway.

With some focus, the magic Mira envisioned with her mind took form and a shaped a purple gown on her body. She did a little spin and smiled excitedly. This was everything she ever wanted. She walked towards the others that looked friendly.


To be chosen by the Goddess of Lumina was such a tremendous honor in Jasmine’s opinion. A feeling of pride welled up inside of her as well as a sense of purpose. She felt more than ready to begin her quest. Looking around at some of the others who have been chosen, she was happy to see some others who were practising their new powers. She also noticed a couple of others who seemed to be backing away.

Who would question such an offer. Jasmine thought to herself. Oh well, the Goddess must have chosen them all for a reason.

Her thoughts went back to the vision. She recognized a few of the places from books she read. Jasmine, under the assumption that she was probably the smartest one there, decided to speak up so that everyone could hear.

“Everybody, listen up. We have all been chosen by the Goddess for a reason so we should do our best to work together. Why don’t we start by introducing ourselves? My name is Jasmine Libra, I am the celestial knight of energy. I also know much about the world and I believe that I know where we can find the first seed of void here in Anam.”


She looked over to the blonde girl who spoke up. Her first impression of her was that she seemed a little snobby but agreed with the idea of introducing themselves. When the girl named jasmine was done, Mira quickly spoke up.

“My name is Mirabelle, but please call me Mira. I'm a knight of spirit I guess and I'm from Earth and I’m also not entirely sure what’s going on but I’m excited to go on an adventure with you all!”


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