nihilist blues.
→ name: augustus.
→ code type: character sheet.
→ code size: kinda small, similar to the size of the one i used for our wolf moon 1x1.
→ theme inspo: this.
→ colour palette: this.
→ fonts: 12 px rpn font.
→ images: i need room for at least one image on each tab, although three would be desirable. static up top, don't move when i scroll. maybe a spot for a main image that disappears once you start going through tabs.
→ tabs/buttons: four tabs, just labelled i. ii. iii. iv. and if i could change them easily, that'd be nice too.
→ other: none.
→ deadline: as soon as comfortably possible.
→ code type: character sheet.
→ code size: kinda small, similar to the size of the one i used for our wolf moon 1x1.
→ theme inspo: this.
→ colour palette: this.
→ fonts: 12 px rpn font.
→ images: i need room for at least one image on each tab, although three would be desirable. static up top, don't move when i scroll. maybe a spot for a main image that disappears once you start going through tabs.
→ tabs/buttons: four tabs, just labelled i. ii. iii. iv. and if i could change them easily, that'd be nice too.
→ other: none.
→ deadline: as soon as comfortably possible.