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Catgirls Kaiju Coffee

Kevin was blank for a moment. Stopped dead in his tracks. Scratched his head. Scratched his ears. Had a think. And had no ideas. So, refusing to alert agent Alkaev, he turned and went to retrieve Norah, patting her shoulder as he caught up to her.

"Heyyy... Sorry I ran off. And... I should've given Max a big gusty wind for what he said to you. Or worse. Forgiveness hug?"

He said, opening his arms in offering, keeping the dinger securely in hand.
“Kev! There you are.” She’s briefly surprised by Kevin’s reappearance but quickly goes into big sister mode. “Yeah, what the hell, bro? What was with taking Theo’s thingy, they need that.”

His apologetic tone quickly puts an affectionate smile on her face, though. “Oh, don’t worry about Max. I was asking for it, prowling around like that. I’ll find some way to kick his ass later.”

Norah takes him up on the forgiveness hug, firmly but lovingly scooping him up in a bear hug that lifts him off his feet (though isn’t enough to upset the device in his hands). “I’m not the one you need to apologize to, but if you were, of course I’d forgive you.” She sets him down. “Now, have you done whatever it was you were going to do with the quantum isotope detector so we can get it back to the shop? I’m sure Theo’s very busy, we ought not to keep them waiting.”
Harper watched Theo punching away at whatever secrets the laptop held. Their intense concentration made her feel a bit guilty. Like maybe she should have gone after Kevin with Norah. Or at least put the blanket back in the back room. She found herself tapping along the counter to the sounds of the keyboard. "So how often do these timey things happen?" she inquired.
Kevin nodded into Norah’s hug, saying “I’m sorry. It’s just... Time nonsense really bugs me, and it hit me that maybe the fed guy was behind it, but... Well, the little thing didn’t ding. No trace of any time stuff on him. We don’t got a clue whodunnit, and now Theo’s probably real mad...”

Kevin frowned deeply at that. But Theo didn’t get mad the same as Vidar, and he felt he could handle it, so... “Yeah, let’s get back. Theo needs the ding thing.” He said, ready to return to both his bosses.
"Yeah, time nonsense can get confusing as hell. You did what you thought you needed to to protect us, though, and I think that's commendable."

She ruffles his hair. "Good guess about Agent Alkaev, I might not have thought of him if you hadn't said something. I think the magic feds are more about stopping that kind of thing than causing it, though?" Norah shrugs. "But what do I know."

For a moment she almost tells him about her and Sophos' encounter with Alkaev the previous day. But Kevin already windied the guy once, she reconsiders that it might be better to have more info before Kev gets it into his head to do it again.

"Anyway, I doubt Theo's too mad…" Norah considers that she doesn't know Theo terribly well, but they seem fairly aloof. It'll probably be okay, she thinks (despite her roommate's protestations that it won't). "Frustrated maybe, but not mad. So long as you bring the thingy back in one piece, anyway. Which is exactly what you're doing, so it's fine!" Grinning, she starts trying to fix her hair again as they walk back to the Coffee Pawt. "Maybe next time they swing by we can get them a treat. Do you know what kind of sweets they like?"
Vidar came back in from smoking his Juul on the street corner and leaned across the counter, looking Cathal up and down for a long moment, "So like. You and Jules are like a thing?"
For a few minutes, Kevin retreated into his comfy clothes as Norah treated him far better than he deserved, his reddened face concealed by scarf and mask. He almost came back out as he said

“Theo likes lollipops. CBD ones.”

then immediately retracted as he realized that meant walking into Beseiged Sweedts.

“I uh. I can do that later. Let’s just head back.”

Said a catboy very much too nervous to walk up to that particular lion. She was too powerful. He needed to be prepared for that one. So, without further ado, Kevin fast traveled back to the cafe. And by fast travel we mean he zoned out on the walk back.
Cathal looked at Vidar with perhaps more alarm than the question warranted. But she hadn’t actually said it. They’d had a nice date and then she’d kissed him publicly, but was that enough to be a thing?

“Uh. Maybe? I think?” he said.
"Oh yeah, probably best we just get back to it. Back to the grind! Get it?" Norah nudges Kevin ever-so-gently. "Because we work in a coffee shop."

He seems a bit dazed, so she goes on, "yeahhh, I'll leave the puns to Harper. CBD lollipops, huh? Cool." Norah's that kind of preppy catgirl who's never been inside a store that sold CBD or THC anything. "I feel like I would've guessed… gummy bears. Or maybe Asian candy, like Hi-Chews or something?" She shrugs. "Or just gremlin food like Pop-Tarts. Damn, now I want Pop-Tarts. Hi everyone, we're back!"

Norah announces their return to a Coffee Pawt thankfully empty besides the cat-staff (she would've felt terrible if they'd gotten busy while she was gone). Theo is tucked away in a corner, the light from their laptop gleaming off their glasses in a slightly anime villain way that she worries will make Kevin nervous (well, more nervous than usual). "Safe and sound, all in one piece! Good job clearing that up, Kev." Norah winks and gives him a thumbs-up of encouragement.
The storm rolled over the choppy bay in a wall of grey and washed over the city suddenly. The wind picked up and the sun vanished and thunder roared in the heavens. The lgihtening struck not far from the Coffee Pawt and did what lightening does best when it is feeling mischievous; bringing something long gone back to life. Life surged back into it's new host and the little tar pit began to bubble. The Capitol hill tar pit museum was small, no more than a trinket shop and it shakes and collapses in on itself as the gaping maw of a trex reared out of the pit and clawed its way out, lightening crackling across their massive body. This dinosaur was maybe four times the size of any real T-rex to stomp across the world. It roared and it echoed against the storm- Slashed her tail against the nearest building and cleaved it in twain.

The Coffe Pawt shook and Vidar stopped what he was doing and glanced at the magic ceiling that was now storm dark, "I don't like that."
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Kevin struggled to find words. Hundreds of variants of I'm sorry and How can I make this up to you rattled through his head as he handed back the ding thing, but nothing but a whimper rolled out. THANKFULLY, an ear-shattering roar and the sounds of distant property damage saved him from his own awkwardness.

"Uh, sorryabouttakingthedingthingbutIgottagohandlethatsosorryIgottagogottagosorry!"

He shouted, before running to grab his pack, and preparing to go fight... Well, something. Kevin didn't know! Like, a good third of all kaiju sounded like godzilla or the jurassic park t-rexes, even if they WEREN'T dinosaurs! It was like they all used the same sound effects package or something!
Harper held onto the counter as the building rumbled. Her tail floofed up and twitched. She supposed she could have just ignored it, passing the whole thing off for a fluke. Theo could have continued to hang out while they worked. She and her coworkers could have started to entertain them by discussing cookies or favorite flavor shots. They maybe could have even brought up the infamous, "what actually qualifies as a sandwich?" discussion. Between all the customers they could have been serving, it would have made for a great way to pass the afternoon... But Kevin had already started to grab his pack. So that was probably not gonna happen.

Harper placed her fluffy pink kitty patterned blanket on Theo's back, "If you're gonna hang out, which um... you might wanna do." She indicated vaguely to whatever the nuisance of the shift was this time "Could you keep this warm for me?"
Norah watches the struggle play out on Kevin’s face with bated breath, hoping for some kind of meaningful moment between him and Theo. It is interrupted by a clap of thunder that sets all her hair standing on end, followed by the echoes of what sounds like a monstrous roar coming from somewhere outside. When the cafe darkens as stormclouds seem to accumulate out of thin air, blocking both the daylight streaming in the windows and sending the cafe ceiling into turmoil as well, she looks up: which is when Kevin rushes past her, mumbling apologies at top speed.

Putting her hands on her hips, she sighs and watches him go. “Oh, Kev. So much for character development,” Norah quietly tuts to herself. There is what feels like a small earthquake as more all-too-familiar sounds of kaiju attack penetrate the cafe walls, hinting at the chaos surely brewing someplace nearby. “Aw, great.” Between the stormy weather and her gut echoing Vidar’s sentiment of ‘don’t like that’, she has a good idea of how they’ll be spending the rest of their afternoon.

The thing in her head rouses and seems to take in the pending kaiju attack with a smirk. “What’s the matter, kitten- worn out already? Not feeling up to saving the city again so soon?

Norah shakes her head to purge the doubt and weariness the terrible ghost is trying to stoke in her. Not a chance, she bites back, her tail flicking in agitation. Saving the city twice before Friday is part of the job description: I’m just getting started.

“Aaaaaand cue the boss fight music,” she says aloud to the other catgirls as she turns to Vidar. “Any word from Management? We up to bat?”
One day, Cathal hoped, they would have an uneventful day, and do nothing but make coffee and torment each other with control of the radio. Today was not that day. Worse, he didn't even have a date with Julie to get him out of things. He watched Kevin flee the scene like Theo had just set his pants on fire and called, "Okay bye!" after him. And then he sighed and reached under the counter for the baseball bat he kept there.

"I suppose we ought to go save Kev Kev from himself," he said.
The phrase "up to bat" had not been in reference to Cathal's baseball bat, but the timing of his going to retrieve it puts a grin on Norah's face. "Hey, somebody's got his head in the game!" she laughs, cracking her knuckles. Of their lot she isn't the punniest, but she finds her own jokes too funny to restrain herself. "Okay, kids, who's on first?"
Theo was a lot of things, good with words and a quick emotional processor were not two of those things. So When Kev Kev handed the Time Anomaly detector back it took them a few moments too late to say anything- and then Kev was gone, Harper was handing them a blanket and something was stomping around four blocks over.

"I-Of course your up to bat. Kaiju is literally your department," Theo said.

Vidar frowned, "It's raining tho."

Theo stared him down.

But Vidar had a point.

"You're going to have to fight a Kaiju and hate it the whole time then," Theo said and then sipped their coffee at him.

"Fine." He said and held out his hand for the scaboard of his sword to appear in as if from a sudden and great distance but some how apearing all at once, "Let's go." He said pushing the door open with his foot and hustling after Kev Kev into the storm.
"Little water never hurt anybody, Vidar, you'll live," she teases. Norah is grateful becoming a catgirl didn't make her hate getting wet, as she's always loved the rain.

But she doesn't want to get in a fight in her work clothes either, so she runs back and does a quick change, pulling on a sweatshirt and baseball hat as her rain gear. Not wanting to be left behind, Norah hustles through the cafe but pauses outside the door instead of immediately going after Kevin and Vidar.

"Sure was nice to see you, Theo! Sorry for all the craziness," Norah chirps, tugging her hair through the loop on back of the baseball hat before twisting it into the scrunchie. She's cut holes in the top of it for her ears to stick out, and with her head thus tipped down one can see the front of the hat says 'HAVE A NICE DAY' in flowery lettering. "And thanks for the apartment!

"How 'bout it, Harper love?" Norah turns her attention to the other catgirl. "Feelin' up for a fight?"
After the blanket exchange, Harper taken some time to trade her apron in for a pair of rainboots and a hat. She was a firm believer of the 'can't fight crime if you ain't cute' philosophy. And while the wetter weather was personally no problem, her hair would thank her for what little protection she could give it lest she end up a frizzed out mess.

"I'm not much good against big guys," Harper called back to Norah, "But I'll see what I can do."

To punctuate her point, she armed herself with the pilfered shovel. She was still unsure what the magic man had intended to with it, but tonight it was gonna be a great smacking stick. Or at least that was the general plan.

Bounding back to the group, and straight into the rain, she announced with a big smile, "All ready!"
The Tyrannosaurus roared not three blocks away and Vidar had stopped in the middle of the street to get a good look and let the other catch up. He frowned in the rain. The Dinosaur was less flesh and blood and more phantasmal outline, sparking electricity and shifting bones. It did not look like the kind of thing he could sword- tho neither did the last energy creature they fought. By-standers came running out of their apartments and careening down the street.

"How?" Vidar asked himself, like this one really confused him. like an electric t-rex was realy the weirdest thing he'd had to fight.

The dinosaur was busy pulling all the furniture out of a the open wall of an apartment and strewning it around hte street. it took a couch in its mouth and shook it like a naughty puppy.
"Aw, do we really have to fight it?" Cathal asked, looking up at the T-Rex. "What if we...I don't know. Fed it batteries and lured it home? We can keep it in the alley?" He knew the answer would be no, but he had to ask.
It doesn’t take long at all for them to catch up with the others. Norah stops behind Vidar, the electricity in the storm filling her with a buzzing, nervous energy.

She looks at the phantasmagoric dinosaur with eyes the size of dinner plates, her tail swishing in excitement. Hands on hips as she sizes up today’s opponent, she says brightly to the others, “Is it weird if this is like a very specific nightmare I used to have as a kid?”

At Cathal’s comment Norah takes a breath to quip back, something about how having a pet T. rex would be cool but that she kept the last thing they fought and it’s not as fun as it sounds. She stops herself, however, uncertain she wants to say that out loud to her friends. Not yet, anyway. So instead she shakes her head and releases the breath in a low whistle, looking to the group for who is, in fact, on first.
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Kevin was ready for a Kaiju fight. And a dinosaur, being at least slightly less big than a Kaiju, seemed pretty take-able. And he intended to take it on.
“If it’s any comfort, I don’t think this’ll fit in the alley. And I don’t approve of keeping it anyhow.”
Kevin thought he was a clever boy. And sometimes he was. But this would not end well.
“Obviously this thing is related to the storm, so... Maybe I can blow the storm away and weaken it?”
He thought he was gonna make this fight easy. Instead, when he unleashed the winds, the storm... Took them. And it got harsher. Kevin would have lived with that if lightning didn’t strike the dinosaur and IMMEDIATELY power it up, increasing both in size and zappiness...
He shouted over the now-roaring dinosaur and also roaring winds he regretted summoning.
Harper assessed the damage caused before the dino had grown and it wasn't looking too smooth. After it grew, she surmised that this was going to be a very messy situation, very fast. They- and by they she meant she- should probably try to chill this big boy out, seeing as that was probably the only way she was going to be able to help out. Aside from, just, shovel.

"It's cool, Kev, I've got this." Harper chirped up, as she dipped down trying to reach into the dinosaur's mind, "Hey there buddy, you wanna maybe stop?"

The dinosaur turned its head. For half a second she was impressed with her bad self. Then it charged forward.

Directly at her.

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Watching her brilliant teammates use their incredible powers on this beast and getting absolutely nowhere with it, Norah has the distinct impression that it's sure turning out to be One Of Those Days™. All other thoughts go out of her head, though, when the Tyrannosaurus rex starts charging Harper like she’s a minor side character in “Jurassic Park”.

“Absolutely not,” Norah says out loud to no one in particular, and sprints away from the group, past Harper, towards the monster. She has no specific plan other than ‘don’t let my friend get eaten by a dinosaur’, but knows she has one trick up her sleeve, which is her uncanny ability to punch things which should not normally be punchable. It’s going to have to be enough for now.

Whether because of momentum or that nothing has ever been so stupid as to run towards a T. rex before, the creature continues to bear down upon her. Lucky for her the thing is on the top-heavy side, running with its head low and stretched out. Its terrible, electrifying roar should be more than enough to make any heroic idiot rethink facing such a great, ancient predator. But in the seconds it takes the two to come within striking distance of one another, the T. rex has perfectly positioned itself for Norah to jump up and nail it square on the nose with a beautiful right hook. “Pick on someone your own size!” she shouts as she wallops it, because you have to say something witty when you punch someone (or some dino) in the face, right?

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