Catching Fire (Wolf RP, still accepting)


Junior Member
Welcome to Catching Fire!

Still accepting at:

Here are a few things just to help you along (credit to whoever wrote it) :

Wolf Ranks

Alphas are the leaders of the pack and their word is law within the pack. Alphas can decide if a wolf's rank and fate within the pack. They are the first to eat meals and will fight any wolf to show their dominance when necessary.

Betas shadow the Alphas and are second in command within the pack. They can enforce punishment upon wolves and make decisions for the welfare of the pack without the Alphas' consent. The Betas take over Alpha position when they are busy or away.

Deltas are third in command, and third to eat. They are still highly respected and obeyed, but cannot punish wolves without the Alpha or Beta consent.

Warriors are the protectors of the pack and will fight intruders and defend the pack's territory. This is a very important and necessary position in the pack.

Hunters make sure the pack is fully fed at all times. They will choose who leads a hunting trip within their own rank, although higher ranks often join in.

Scouts are wolves who run border patrols and explore new land for the pack to expand.

Elders are highly respected wolves, which once held a rank, but are now retired. They have earned the right to relax their days away and often watch pups and spin tales for them. They may offer the Alphas advice, when asked for it.

Pup-Sitters take care of the pack's next generation. This is a common position for young young wolves and retired wolves.

Pups are the packs next generation and are protected and cherished at all times.

Omegas are the lowest rank within the pack. Weaker wolves or those that have fallen into disfavor with the higher ranks are ranked as omegas.

Also! Catching Fire's area is new and still growing. I'll describe the area in my first post, but don't hesitate to add on and dscover new areas! Thanks!


Alpha Female: Luna


Beta Female:


Delta Female:



Hunters: Kane



Pup Sitters:


We'll figure all that stuff out in character if you don't mind haha(:

Luna's petite black body scanned the area, her ears flat and her nose twitching as it sniffed around. She turned to her much larger companion and barked at him. "Kane," she said softly, sniffing the air and looking back at him, "I think this is it." Her head turned to absorb the land around them, her tail slightly wagging in happiness-- something that she hadn't felt in awhile.

The place around the two loners was pretty, with large trees and draping branches and filled with fresh spring leaves. It looked almost fairy like, the sun peeking through the heavy foliage and sweet smells of flowers filling the air. An abandoned den was nearby, though that could definitely use some work. She could hear the sound of water nearby, so she turned her head to face a large pond. Her ears perked up and she let herself fully smile.

The pair stood amidst a small meadow, almost a perfect circle surrounded by trees. The grass was tall, just the way she liked it. Suddenly, Kane's ears perked up and he inhaled deeply. "Others," he said simply, his tail instantly going in between his legs as his ears flattened. "Others are approaching." They each let out involuntary growls, wary and always cautious.

...woo hooooo! first post!
A low growl erupted from the forest and Rian padded out, his emerald eyes dangerously narrowed, his hackles risen, his pelt bristling. "What do you think you're doing?" He hissed, Rian had found this scene and lived and well..was raised there by himself. His orange ears flattened and his muscles rippled dangerously against his larger figure.
Luna's legs instantly stiffened, her body crouching slightly if she felt the need to pounce. Her fur bristling and her teeth bared, she took a step forward. Getting a good sniff of the brute she scoffed, flicking her tail his direction. Kane let out a low and menacing growl, stepping closer to the male, almost as if to size himself up to him.

They were almost matched, Kane being leaner from lack of a filling meal in the past few weeks. They started a circling motion around the orange male, snarling. Luna was the first to open her mouth before Kane interrupted.

"Looking for a place to stay," he growled, dangerously staring deep into the stranger's eyes. Luna let out a growl at Kane for interrupting and finally spoke.

"His scent. It smells... familiar," she spit, stopping their circling around him so they were both facing him. "Who are you?" she asked, her tone demanding.
Rian snorted at them, flicking his tail. "Well, my scent probably smells familiar because this is my territory." He glared at Luna. "Rian. Son of Zane." He mentally cringed at the name, but hey, if the two knew that he was son of one of the most blood thirsty wolves out there, maybe they'd back off.
She let out a laugh, her ears still erect as she stared down the brute. "Is that supposed to mean something to me?" she growled, her tail flicking back and forth. "And it's not anymore, so I suggest you be on your way," she snarled, taking a step towards him. With Kane at her side and both wolves being great at fighting, they both knew in the end he wouldn't stand a chance.

Kane was frustrated and angry, he mentally dared the brute to try something with him. With Luna's quickness on her feet and Kane's strength, they made an amazing team--just one reason why they survived so well together over the past few months.

"And no," Luna added, "We've definitely seen you before. That orange coat is definitely not one to forget," she said, almost laughing at him. It was surely a disadvantage to live that way out here, his color a huge giveaway of his location. Although, it was stunning, it was probably the reason for the large scar down his eye.
Rian's ears creased back at the insult, he held back a snarky retort and turned, he knew that he didn't stand a chance and his good conscience turned him against it. He sighed as he sunk back into the forest, once again in search of a home.
"Now how are we ever going to start a pack if you scare away anything that crosses our path?" Kane scoffed, rolling his eyes at Luna. Her eyes widened in realization and she raised her tail, then dropped it. "Crap..." she yipped quietly.

(Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let's move on to the next day because I have a plan! :D )

After a successful day of foraging and cleaning up around the new area, Luna raised her snout to the air. Catching the scent of the wolf they'd encountered the previous day, she turned to Kane and cocked her head. "He'll come on his own if he really wants to," he assured her. Luna straightened up her back and accepted that as an answer, going back to the den to work on fixing it up.
(OKAY) Rian had settled for a bush for the time being. He made himself comfortable beneath it, sighing lowly at the morning air, his green eyes flicked open and he glared at the tree before pulling his exotic colored frame deeper into the bush.
Luna was one to get what she wanted-- and what she wanted was to make her pack bigger and stronger. Two could only last them so long. Running into the woods looking for a rabbit or two, she stalked deeper and deeper in. Her ears flattened when she heard something rustling in a bush, and a rabbit quickly dashed away. The bush still moved, so Luna cocked her head and padded closer.

"You scared my rabbit away," she growled softly, still unwary around the odd orange wolf.
"Shit happens." He grunted flatly. He stood and shook off his pelt, giving her an intense glare "Now, what do you want?"
-Haku creeped into the unknown forest area. the sent of other wolves wafted over her along with the sent of meat. unable to resist she ventured deeper. finally she came upon a half eaten deer carcass. She greedily began to eat. Her last meal had bee days ago when she stole from a hunters camp his freshly killed quail-
Luna's eye twitched at his rudeness, her teeth bared for a second before she closed her eyes to try to stay calm. "You seem... useful," was all she said before flicking her head away, a snobbish move she instantly regret. "You are also a floater?" she asked, her stance still stiff as she was always on guard.

"Not that I even enjoy being around you, but let's be smart about this. You're lucky to have made it this long, but what are your chances of living much longer?" she asked. She tilted her head to one side and waited to watch the realization sink into the brute.

"Think about it," was all she said before turning, her long bushy tail brushing past his snout as she padded away.
"Oh, so I'm just a piece of your game now, eh?" He growled softly. "I think that my chances of survival are perfect" He glared at her and bit her tail, hard when she walked away. He huffed and stood in front of her, growling a low "You know, now you don't have your little boy toy to protect you.." He circled her as if she was prey and hissed a low "Why would I ever think of joining your pack?" He said pack with a light chuckle to his tone.
May pushed her legs to go as fast as they could. She had to outrun the wolfs chasing her or else she would be captured and that would most likely end in death. May closed her eyes for a second, focusing on laboring her breath before opening them again. What she saw was not a happy sight as her eyes widened. In front of her was the edge of a cliff that was coming up fast. She tried to stop her legs from moving but she wasn't fast enough and she rolled over the edge, tumbling down the rest of the cliff face only to be met with the hard ground.

May stayed on the ground for a few minutes just to make sure the others didn't fall over the cliff too and got up slowly while her body screamed in protest. She started to look at her injuries, noticing some gashes with blood running down them in various places of her tangled fur but she had to keep moving just to be safe.
(Waaaaiiittt.... You realize 2 month old pups are still really small right?)

Kane patiently waited for Luna to return when a white blob in the distance caught his eye. "What the..." he growled to himself as he quickly trotted over to the small pup. "Uh..." was all he could mutter out at the small thing, his frame much larger than the pup. He cocked his head and eyed it up.

Luna yelped loudly, the sound of birds flocking away from the trees at her. She ripped her tail away quickly to face him, her teeth bared. Many people underestimated Luna because of her size, but she made it on her own for a reason. She crouched and instantly pounced to lunge at his neck, he was stupid for letting his guard down to laugh. She sunk her teeth into his scruff, her paws clawing angrily at his chest to try and wrestle him to the ground. The idiot orange wolf had made the biggest mistake of his life, and she was done feeling merciful.
Rian just kept on laughing, the pain, he was used to it, one of his many strengths. He sunk his much larger teeth into her neck and tore her from him, throwing her against a nearby tree. He stretched and cocked his head to the side at her. "If your trying to recruit me, you sure are doing a shit job of it."
-Haku finished eating. Her usually starved appearance had been replaced with that of a plump little puppy. She was only 2 months old. she should be dead but luck had been in her favor. Slowly she moved onward not used to carrying such a plump gut. Then she came upon a Wolf , Kane.With a small whimper Haku hid behind a small tree. The tree did no good to hide her not only was it to small but her snow white fur stood out against the brown trunk-
(hey not to be annoying but like to play this right she ends up being alpha for a reason... y'know? just sayin'... :P )

"Screw you," she snarled, watching his vulnerable underside start to drip blood from her long claws. She ignored the pain in her neck from the brute, and circled her way around him. She pushed herself to stand on her back legs, lunging her front claws forwards to tear at his neck once more. She pushed him, an attempt to knock him over as her teeth went for him again, sinking them in at random places. Her growling and snarling was nonstop as she finally bit a sensitive area of skin, quickly shaking her head back and forth as she would do to tear meat off of dead prey.

Kane lifted his head and inhaled, smelling faint traces of blood from two different places. He squint his eyes and perked his ears forward, trying to listen for anything familiar. 
He looked back down at the cowering puppy, wondering how she'd gotten here. "Who are you?" he yipped softly, his stance still dominating as he peered at her from the other side of the tree.
(Well..he has a rough past to and he would be stronger then her if you think in real term.)

Rian growled in outrage and bucked his feet against her stomach, scraping it with his talons in the process. He growled lowly, his orange and white pelt stained in blood. "This is ridiculous" He hissed, glaring at her before shaking his pelt with a grunt. "What do you want."
-Haku peeled back her ears and crouched down. She was carful to hide the fear in her blood red eyes and not to shaku- ''Haku'' -she answered in a soft sweet whisper. She was unable to force out any other words-
May took a careful and slow step forward and as she did she stopped and groaned. She tensed up and took a few more steps forward. This could be easier but she hasn't ate in 5 days and the lack of food/sleep was really taking a toll on her, the injuries not making anything easier. She decided to lie down and lick the shallower wounds before moving on.
She snarled to cope with the pain now on her stomach, her icy blue eyes glaring at the brute. "To leave," she spit at him, instantly bolting away from him. He may be larger and maybe even stronger, but she was definitely faster. She made it all the way back to Kane and some pup, Kane instantly tensing up and widening his eyes at her.

"What the hell!?" he growled, quickly starting to lick the blood from her neck.

"I don't even know," she yipped quietly, moving in towards his comforting touch. 
Each wolf looked at each other before looking back down to the pup and shrugging. They were both now aware of the smell of blood-- not from Luna. And it was getting closer by the minute.
-Haku looked at Kane and Luna. The way he tended to her wound reminded her of her mother and father. she aloud her ears to return to normal. She sniffed Luna's tail and nudged it softly with her nose. she noticed the smell of blood that was neither of the wolves before her but ignored it as she was to focused on the sent of Luna-

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