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Fantasy Catalyst academy


"A card with no Club."
2000:With the birth of a new race known as catalysts, These humans are gifted with special abilities that are made from their zodiacs and personalities academy was created to teach them to harness them. Today You join this accdemy and will be seperated into your houses. These are:Cancer, Taurus, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces,Virgo, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio,Libra, Gemini and Capricorn.
The girl waltzes into the large hall, Finding herself a small secluded space In the back. She wore a black sailor uniform and a Crimson scarf, a large metal case was slung across her shoulders using a belt
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Sammy walked into the room and looked around before taking his guitar off his back, he leans against a wall and plays with his necklace out of boredom. noticing that no one was around he pulled out a small ocarina and began playing the song of storms quietly.
The melody of the ocarina lead her to look around to see if she could see who was playing the melody, She gave up.
Sammy looked up and realized no one was paying attention to him so he played the same song only louder,going into his own world letting his fingers move on their own accord as he played the song.
She'd wall up the stairs onto the raised platform to get a better view, Having finally found Sammy in her vision, She casually walked down the stairs and approached him. "Um, Hello there." She gave him a warm smile, Unaware he was daydreaming
Sammy didn't hear the girl as he switched songs and began playing the Fairy tail theme song, swaying along to it. he looked up and saw a girl standing in front of him and immediately stopped playing "h-hi" he stuttered out
"Your good at that, Where'd you learn. Ocarina tutors are rare nowadays." The girl seemed confident in tone. Relaxed as well "Oh, Right. My names Jamie by the way.
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"im Samuel" he said quietly "and my dad taught me how to play" he smiled and looked down at the ocarina "it's actually not that hard" he looked back up at the girl "so do you know what this place is, my parents just said i was going to a new school and dropped me off here" he looked confused and looked around the room
"This is catalyst academy, Catalysts if you did not know have powers akin to their zodiac signs, Myself. I'm a cancer sign, I have Better physical attributes underwater and at night, As well as telepathic communication with.. Crabs. Yeah" She had a more relaxed tone now, as her eyes scanned him
"d-does that mean i have the same powers as you i am also a cancer sign" he looked a little fearful t be able to talk to crabs "or does it depend or the person" he asked looking at the girl
"Perhaps, They tend to vary little by little but all cancers have the first two abilities I mentioned, Your Third might be something like being able to breathe underwater although I'd expect that of a Pisces.
"im so confused" he shook his head "so what are some other powers that i could possibly have?" he looked interested now the thought of him having powers was too cool to be real.
"I wouldn't know really, As I said it varies from person to person. You'd have to find out yourself"She had a small smile now
He sighes heavily "thank you for telling me" he gives her a smile and raises his ocarina "any request" he looked at her with a small smirk.
James was in the dojo attached to the gym. The dojo was run by the martial arts club and they had been getting on him for a while now about joining. He hadn't, and he wouldn't, but he did help them out on occasion as a way of thanking them for letting him use their space. He was almost done with his third round of sequences and had worked up quite a sweat. His goal today was to test himself. As a Libra, his powers were about control and willpower. In his case, conscious control of his body, the ability to alter the structure of metal and wood, and a sort of vague telepathic empathy.
"Hmm, You know a cruel angels thesis?" *She'd have turned to look at the stage gazing at the dark blue curtain,
"sadly no i do not" he sighed "i wonder what my powers will be" a small smile formed on his lips as he stared at his ocarina "so what exactly are we waiting in this room for?" he asked the girl
sammy sat on the ground and began playing a song on his ocarina out of boredom, the tune flowed through the room as he played his mind lost in the music.


he stopped playing and looked up "maybe they got lost" he shrugged and went back to playing but he stood up and leaned against the wall instead of sitting on the floor.
"I Doubt....There should be people here......" They decide to unsling their case. putting it on the floor
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he shrugged and put his ocarina back into it's case and sighed "well i wonder how long we will have to wait, i could really go for a swim right now" he adjusted his necklace.
She'd take her map of the school grounds out,"I Can show you where the pool is.... It's across from the cancer dormatory.." Closing it and slinging it across her back

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