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Fandom /Casual] Pokemon: Adventures in Sinnoh!

@Sunstone ... I'm writing to let you know I think that your role playing performance is incompatible with this roleplay, I fully understand that this is your first detailed role play, but if you are truly new to role playing I would suggest checking out roleplays labeled "Simple" then when you feel most comfortable move on to Casual, and then Detailed. As a beginner, detailed roleplays should not be you first medium. I think you continuing to be in this roleplay has become a nuisance to everyone involved in the roleplay, and I am dropping you from it. Good luck in your future endeavors and please understand this is not malicious in any way. Thank you.

This was a decision everyone felt needed to be made and as the GM and Admin of this role play, I have to look out for their best interests.




@Zy That Guy
Hey dude, thanks so much for rejecting me and slapping me in the face back then. That was probably what made me wake up and realize "oh, this shit is cancer" so I improved. I've become much smarter since the making of my character in this roleplay. Thank you SO Much. You don't know how much it means to me. You basically shaped the way I roleplay and turned me into a much more literate individual. I really cannot thank you enough. - sunstone.

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