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Fandom Castlevania OOC

I just want to say that i’m having trouble figuring out where your character is in relation to everything, your post was a bit jumbled, you don’t need to edit it, but in the future I think it might help to, before you post, read the post right before yours’ again, then read what you wrote and make sure everything fits naturally, you get what I’m saying?
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
I just want to say that i’m having trouble figuring out where your character is in relation to everything, your post was a bit jumbled, you don’t need to edit it, but in the future I think it might help to, before you post, read the post right before yours’ again, then read what you wrote and make sure everything fits naturally, you get what I’m saying?
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja
So there's some necessary information everyone should know. Lycanthropes are strong against holy water, whereas vampires are extremely weak. Luckily, our cocky friend took the guesswork out of this fight.
So there's some necessary information everyone should know. Lycanthropes are strong against holy water, whereas vampires are extremely weak. Luckily, our cocky friend took the guesswork out of this fight.
I’d just like to let you know that the group isn’t supposed to beat him until much, MUCH later, and D1.Live D1.Live is gonna be the one to do it when it happens, so anything you try to do to kill him right now I’ll have him avoid.

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