Cast aways ( Actual RP)

Exiting the room Jen sees two people near the vending machine she broke, 'Were they there the whole time?' she wonders to herself before running over to them. Squatting down next to the girl she looks quickly at the cut before leaning towards the guy, covering her more exposed parts, she yells to him "She'll be fine, just a bump" motioning towards the top deck she yells again "Get her to a life boat!" with a quick pat on the back she jumps up and begins looking for the girl who owns the bags, they both needed to get out of there, soon.
Lana watches victoria. Who gave her the right to order everyone around? She throws the things into the boat. She looks around for a lever.
Victoria glares at lana" I'm just trying to freaking help everybody get safely off the boat." she say through her teeth. she looks up at the sky. The rain pounding or her face and back. She tighten the grip on the 2nd duffle bag as she hands it to lana. She looks up at the sky she see a massive wave coming towards them.
Glancing in the room Jen notices a couple of the bags are missing, with a quick motion she gathers the rest of the bags and hobbles her way towards the top deck.

Adrenaline is an amazing thing, and the only thing keeping Jen going as she forces her legs up the stairs, all the running around she was doing was starting to take a toll on her small frame.

With a grunt Jen makes it up the last step and can see the girl who owns the bags. It was then that she realized just how fatigued she was, lack of real food the day before, along with pure muscle exhaustion. With a last grunt she hits her knees, hard. With a yelp she falls to the deck.
Lana turns too victoria wondering where she had come from. "What's your problem?" she asks confused by her defensive comment. "It's not your responsibility." she replies and tries too figure out how the lever works in order too lower the boat. She brushes her now more reddish colored hair behind her ear. It was hard too see with all the rain. She jams one of the levers forward and the boat began too move forward and over the edge. She smiled having figured it out. Now all she had too do is find a way too lower the boat into the water.

(a wave in the sky? darn gods don't think a wave in the ocean is enough for us.)
"Right." Sebastian says to the young girl. "Come on, Brit. We're getting out of here." he says as he picks Brit up in his arms. Trying hard to hold his balance as the boat jerks and sways, they finally reach the stairs. "Hold on to me." Sebastian mouths as they get up top. Brit nods, and tightens her arms around him.

Sebastian spots Rob inside a lifeboat lowering over the edge. Rob throws up his arms in a giant shrug, and then points towards another lifeboat as he slips out of sight to the waters below. Sebastian looks toward the lifeboat and notices the girls he had ran into in the hallway, as well as a few others. He takes a few steps in their direction and stops dead in his tracks. A massive wave was headed right for them.

The rain pelts Bastian's face as he looks forward in awe. Moments from impact, and he can't move. He glances at the Lifeboat as the wave overtakes him and Brit, sweeping them overboard.

((Hope I'm not moving this along too fast.))
( Nope it's great!)

Victoria Ignores lana. She gets up and put the bags into the Lifeboat looking away she sees a girl face first on the deck. She runs over to her saying." Are you okay!? " she yells over the sirens and whipping wind.
Jen looks up slightly at the girl with a small smile and mouths, "Can't move" she points at the bags then motions to the boat. With a grunt she shoves the bags away from her towards the girl, "Go!" she mouths seeing the wave with one last deep breath she grabs a bag and shoves herself up to her feet, with one hand on the bag and the other on the other girl she pushes herself to her breaking point.

Swearing at her legs, willing them to work faster, she throws the bag at the life boat, barely making the bag in. With a sigh of relief she lets herself fall sideways into the boat, staring up at the sky.
Lana decided not too wait for everyone to get in the boat. If another wave came like the last one, they might not have a boat. She pulled the second lever and looked over watching the boat lower into the water. She ran over and jumps inside before it was out of reach. Sitting down she rests her arms on her knees.
Victoria grabs the bag shoving it into the boat. Seeing the boat lowering faster and faster she takes a step back and jumps off the side of the ship barely making it on the lifeboat. as soon as she hit the lifeboat she sat down she broughther knees to her chest. " What have a got myself into."she mumbles.
The rain is so nice and cool. Jen takes a deep breath in through her nose and relaxes some, they weren't going to all die.

Then a thought, 'We're in a tiny little life boat, in a storm, that sank a cruise ship'.

With that came a small chuckle as she closes her eyes and feels the rocking of their little boat. Mentally she begins to prepare for the boat to flip and toss them into the water. In her condition there is no way she would be able to swim anywhere...or even tread water. The rain mixes with her tears as she slowly begins to accept defeat.
Lana leans back against the boat looking up at the stars. She shivers from the cold and the wet still clinging too her clothes. She blinks her heavy eye lids feeling tired. The day was stressful and the night worse. It left her fatigued. She didn't want too seem weaker compared too the older people in the boat, but she could barely keep her eyes open. Maybe it wouldn't be weakness, after all the girl sitting across from her looked like she was about too cry or was she already. No, it was probably just rain, but Lana couldn't tell.

After battling for a few moments too keep her eyes open, they closed and she let sleep over take her. Curling up in the corner of the boat she slept peacefully.
Victoria sighs and runs a pale hand through her red hair. " I hope were going to be okay" she says shakly. She looks to jen then asks " How many bags did you grab.?" She looks to lana sleeping then to the rough water
Jen looks up at the girl. How many had she grabbed? Thinking back all she can remember is sirens screaming and pain. With a deep shaky breath she thinks of handing her one of the bags. "Three of yours and my backpack." she says weakly, her voice hoarse. She now realizes just how thirsty she is with a small chuckle she slowly pushes herself into a sitting position and rocks her head back. Rain. With her mouth open the rain easily cools her tongue. Looking to the sleeping girl she smiles a small smile and opens one of the bags just enough to slip a hand in. A blanket would be ruined in this rain, though they had more than enough towels, pulling one out she drapes it over the girl, though it wouldn't do much for long, it was all they had. Looking to the other girl who was still awake she smiles, "I'm Jennifer, call me Jen."
She looks up at the girl and hands her a water bottle and her self. " im victoria but you call me tori." She takes a sip of the water then says. " Do you think we will find land and did you bring chothles and personal items? And im sorry if i yelled at you and i was being bossy. As some one said." She looks to the sleeping girl lana. " i just wanted to help everybody." Shs sighs and puts hrr head down
Lana curls up in the blanket in her sleep. Her body grateful for it's warmth. Her breath evened out in her dreamless slumber. Her wet hair was plastered too her face and dripped wet with rain. Her backpack was still on her shoulders, she leaned against it in a awkward position.
Taking the bottle Jen opens it and drinks greedily. She nods to Tori and slides her backpack off, "I managed to bring everything I had on this ship with me." Jen smiles to Tori, "I am just glad we managed to get off the ship in one piece." Looking at the sleeping girl Jen scoots closer and slowly slides the pack off her shoulders and lays it next to her. With as soft a motion as possible Jen lays the girl to the side and rests her head on the pack. 
Taking the bottle Jen opens it and drinks greedily. She nods to Tori and slides her backpack off, "I managed to bring everything I had on this ship with me." Jen smiles to Tori, "I am just glad we managed to get off the ship in one piece." Looking at the sleeping girl Jen scoots closer and slowly slides the pack off her shoulders and lays it next to her. With as soft a motion as possible Jen lays the girl to the side and rests her head on the pack.
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she smiles. " Haha i'm glad too." she takes a swig on her water bottle. the lay her head on her knees. " I should really put a shirt on."
With a small laugh Jen looks down at herself, "At least you have pants on." Laying down in the boat she looks over at Tori, "Besides, its not like there is anyone around right now." With that she rolls a towel up and lays it under her head. "We should really try to get some sleep, who knows what tomorrow will bring."
Tori yawns "maybe you're right." She grabs a towel and put under her head and falls asleep
With one last yawn Jen allows sleep to consume her. Her aching body finally relaxes and she drifts off into a peaceful slumber, the rocking of the boat aiding the sleep.
((Rewinding here for a second, to catch up))

Sebastian is thrust into the water, spinning and spiraling as he sinks down. The the force of the fall now gone, he doesn't know which way is up. Recalling his training, he lets out a few of the air bubbles he had left to see which way they rise. Following the bubbles, his mind never left his friends, especially Brit.

At the surface, Sebastian gasps deeply. The water is harsh, waves battering into him every few moments. "Brit! Rob!" He screams. Was he alone now? The thought stabbed at his mind. The boat was farther away now than it should be. Bastian gives it his all, swimming as fast as he can, but the waves just keep pushing him away.

An object draws closer and closer. Sebastian, unable to make it out through the storm, yells. "Hey!" Nobody hears, the object comes closer still, and he realizes it is just a barrel full of god knows what. He grabs onto the barrel, and holds on for dear life. He was alone now he thought, and cried out into the ether.

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