Cast aways ( Actual RP)

Lana crinkles her nose in distaste. "You didn't make that very clear did you? and maybe you should have told me the other 'half' of it before you told me to 'judge you'. And you feel sorry for me? What is wrong with me going too a foster home? I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me, what good will that do? and at least in a foster home, they will care enough to look for me if I run away."
Victoria ignores the last remark. Going up to the snack bar sitting down in a spinny chair. a jucie boy comes up to her " What would you like" he ask her. " I would like a straw berry and banana smoothie please?"she replys to him spinning in the spinny chair. putting her elbows on the counter wait for her drink.
Lana lays her head back against the chair closing her eyes sighing. She drifts off too sleep feeling more tired then she realized. Her mind finally letting go of all her thoughts that were stressing her out. Her body relaxes and she looks peaceful in her slumber.
the juice boy finally comes back with her drink. "Thanks you kind sir" she says with a wink and she hands him the money. she takes her drink and sits be sides the pool, in her lounge chair. sipping on her drink, the wind starts to pick up even more and more and eventually it starts to slightly drizzle. she shakes the girl not want her to get all wet. " Lana get up! It's going to storm" she set her drink down walking to her suite
Lana opens her eyes and looks up at the storm blinking. She stands up pulling her sweater tighter around herself and heads below deck. She stumbles into her room closing the door behind her and curls up in her bed. She will be at her new 'home' when she wakes up, maybe then she won't worry so much. She drifts back too sleep.
Sebastian and his friends stumble into the hallway with a burst of laughter. "That swim was nice. I don't know why you let a little rain ruin our fun." Sebastian's friend, Brit, says teasingly. "Eh, we'll have plenty of time for fun. I'm exhausted, Brit. I just got in, remember?" Sebastian says as he plops into his room, collapsing onto the bed. "Thank you though, I'll see you in the morning." He says with a wave as he kicks the door shut.

'I'll be right as rain in the morning', he thinks to himself falling into a dreamless sleep.
(don't mind me, just going to throw all day into one post so i can catch up with everyone)

Looking up Jen smiles to herself, this ship is huge! With a little bounce she makes her way into the ship. As she walks she begins to take in her surroundings, so many people, all laughing and talking. She notices most of them have luggage with them. Thinking of the pack she brought with her she sighs a little. She didn't really bring much with, mainly things to keep her entertained before bed. She also brought her new swim suit with her, she hadn't really thought of wearing much else on her trip. Shaking her head she makes her way towards her room. It wasn't anything special, just what she could afford after making sure she was good with tuition and books. Tossing her bag on the bed she grabs her suit and changes. Looking in the mirror the blue really popped on her pale skin. That would soon change, the others back home will have no chance of recognizing her when she returns. With another smile she makes her way to the pool she saw earlier.

With a sigh Jen settles into a lounge chair not far from the pool and lays out. Popping her ear buds in she closes her eyes and finally relaxes for the first time since the term started. She begins to let her mind wander, back to school, back home with her parents, even to all of the friends she left behind when classes began.

Jen never noticed she fell asleep.

The rain really came in quick, Jen sits up quickly as she begins to get soaked. Stuffing her MP3 player into her top she makes a mad dash for the inside. With another laugh she decides her head right back to her room to change and dry off. Shoving the door open she heads for the bathroom, undresses, grabs a towel and drys herself quickly before throwing her old clothes back on. Hanging both the towel and her suit on a towel rack she feels the tang of hunger. Remembering a vending machine right around the corner she pops out for a quick Snickers. Putting her money into the machine she yawns and hits the buttons quickly. Reaching into the slot she grabs her bar and opens it quickly while turning back towards her room.

The candy didn't make it all the way back to the door and Jen drops the wrapper in a trash can near the door. With another yawn she strips down to her undies and slips into bed.
Victoria looks out side of her little porthole. She gasps as she sees a massive wave coming towards them. As the wind started to pick up, she grabbed some of her stuff. as she hears sirens blaring. She covers her ears, She runs outside screaming. " Guys! Anybody, Grab what you can! The ship going to shipwreck!" she runs and grabs a bunch of survival things. knocking on everybody's door. The Ship rocking, and making her bump into things.
It is unclear what actually woke Jen from her slumber, the sirens, or the ship rocking sideways throwing her to the floor.

With a small thud Jen hits the ground, fully awake. Blinking quickly she jumps to her feet and looks around in a daze. Then she heard someone outside yelling, though the words are muffled by the door, she manages to pick up, "Grab what" and "Shipwreck" with her heart in her throat she quickly tosses her clothes in her bag and snags her suit from the shower, not bothering to put on her shoes she grabs them and throws her door open, it was then she thought of running through the halls in her undies. With a sigh she blushes, but no time to waste. Hurling herself into the hall as the ship rocks again she finds the voice she heard from her room. Running towards the girl she hopes to catch up to find out if she knows where to go.
She yells again. " Grab what you need! " she see a girl running towards her. " Hey help me grab some survival stuff, " She says as she runs back to her room grabbing hey big duffle bag. She gestures towards the girl. "GRabb what you need, i'll but them in my big duffle bags!" she yells over the sirens occasionally getting bumped over by the boat rocking.
Jen nods following the girl into her room quickly. Glancing around she lets her body take over, reliving the days of scouts. There are certain things that could mean life or death, and this she knows. Like a reflex she bursts into the room's bathroom, why she hadn't thought of it before she had no idea.

The shower curtain.

Plastic, two pieces of plastic, one on the inside of the shower, one on the out. This alone could help more than many other things, gathering rain water, a quick roof in the rain, pancho, the uses are almost endless.

With a quick tug Jen snaps the plastic rings holding the curtain there and spins quickly to toss it to the other girl. Wasting no time she makes her way to the bed and pulls the blanket off, 'This thing is huge.' she thinks, 'Useful but it will take a lot of space.' Looking back at the girl she yells over the sirens, "Got room for this?" without waiting on a response she tosses it towards the other girl and rips the sheets off the bed as she drops her own bag to the ground putting the sheets into it. With one last thought she pulls the pillows out of the cases and adds the cases to her bag.

Blankets, warm mainly. They will fight off most of a chill and can make an excellent insulator in a more advanced shelter.

Pillow cases, while not very durable can be used to hold wild game, live or dead. Both the blankets and the cases can also be used as a bandage in a tight spot or when they have been damaged beyond any other use.
Lana walks out of her room and looks around. Was the boat supposed to be rocking like this? she rubs her eyes trying too figure out what all the fuss was about. Didn't they know how late it was? She was trying too sleep.
She looks at the girl. "Thats perfect! " she exclaims as she take in from the girl and pushes it into the duffle bag along with the pillowcases and blankets. "I have like 5 duffle bag we should be good with Room and Put anything you need in there! " she sighs then thinks for a moment. " You should go find weapons, Oh and food and Go get more blankets from the maids cart and more shower curtains And what ever else you would need. "She call to the girl. Then she runs around franticly, shoving things they would need into the duffle bag. Food a bunch a water bottles. the she spots it, A machete! Oh yes! they would need one of those. she put it in the duffle bag.
Nodding to the girl Jen throws herself out of the room and looks around, then she spots it, a cart on its side down the hall a little ways. Running at it she sees someone just standing there, stopping dead run Jen puts a hand on the girls shoulder, "Down there!" she yells above the sirens, "There is a girl getting supplies, we're going down!" she yells, "Go there!" Letting go she begins running towards the cart again.

Reaching the cart Jen begins to pick up individual things then slaps herself in the forehead and stands the cart up, tossing what she can on it she quickly begins to shove it down the hall, constantly fighting the sway of the ship. The whole time she looks around, though finds nothing she could really use as a weapon.
Lana looks at the girl. "we're going down where?" she asks confused and looks down where she was pointing. If the ship was literally going 'down' and sinking, wouldn't the smarter idea be too go up?
She runs over to lana, " Listen were going to be shipwrecked. We have to go find a life boat of some kind. and go fet whatever you brought and put it in the duffle bag and other survival Items" she say to lana.
Sebastian jumped out of bed with a scream. Nightmare? No! The storm's gotten worse, much worse. People are yelling on the other side of his door. Sirens blare, and Sebastian holds his ears in disarray still not fully awake. A bang comes from the door. BANG, BANG, BANG. Sebastian unlocks the door and finds his friend Rob on the other side, breathing heavy with a worried look on his face.

"What's going on?" Sebastian asks confused and distraught, wiping his eyes quickly. "We're getting out of here, now! Get dressed, the ship's going down!" Rob belts out. Sebastian yanks on a pair of cargo pants, and smashes his boots on. He rips open his backpack and freezes, thinking for a moment. His Ka-Bar knife catches his eye on the end-table. Raking it into his bag, along with a ball cap and whatever else was on the stand, he bolts out the door after Rob.

Rob looks back throwing his arms up. "I can't find Brit!" He yells back to Sebastian, half way down the hall. "Don't worry, we'll find her!" He airs back, turns and starts running to the end opposite Rob. "Britney!" Sebastian calls, bumping and smashing into people as they clamber to the top-deck. "Baastiaan!" He hears blurted out behind him. Whipping around full-circle, Sebastian knocks into some girl, making him lose his feet.
Okay i guess me.) 
All of sudden she on the ground. Somebody bumped into her. She quickly got up. "Come on guys! we have to get off the boat before this damn thing sinks "Grab what ever you can! and put it in to my duffles bags in rom 2o7! hurry! Some one find some life boats!"
Lana turns hearing her voice. She grabs the backpack she brought and sings it over her shoulder, she wasn't about to hand it over too anyone else. She climes onto the deck and looks around. Where was everybody? Shouldn't there be employees telling us what to do. She didn't trust the girl. Why was she demanding too take everyone else's things?
Reaching the door Jen shoves the cart in and knocks it down by the bags, she quickly just begins stuffing everything she can into the bags, with a grunt she slides the cart back out of the way with her foot. Looking down she realizes one of the bags is full. With another grunt she tosses the bag out into the hallway. Thinking quickly she throws her shoes on and makes a dash back out into the hall. The vending machines.

With no time to lose she grabs a table lamp and makes her way to one of the vending machines as fast as she can. Standing on the other side of the hall she throws with all of her might at the vending machine. The lamp simply bounces off onto the floor. Plastic. Swearing at herself she begins to look around for something heavier, or even longer to gain some leverage. The open rooms are too far away and would waste too much time to get back to. Looking around she spots a housekeeping supply closet. With a couple quick kicks the door gives way.

Scrambling around in the mess she manages to find a vacuum. With a quick lift she can feel that she can barely swing it, but that may be enough. Dragging it behind her she runs back to the machine and lifts the vacuum as best she can and swings with everything she has. The first hit just bounces back. With another swing she begins to crack the plastic, and the final swing puts a hole in it. With a relieved sigh she reaches in and gathers as much as she can in her backpack and arms and runs back to the bags. Tossing what she has in her arms into a bag she takes a second to breathe and think about what else they may need.
Sebastian stumbles forward thinking to himself 'This is a madhouse!' Peering into rooms as he flies through the corridors, he yells out "Brit! Has anyone seen my friend?!" A look of hopelessness falls upon his face, when he spots her in a corner slumped over next to a vending machine. A gash on her forehead trickles down blood from the unconscious girl's face. Sebastian sprints over and holds her head "Wake up, Brit! Wake up!" He shakes and slaps her cheeks softly.

A young girl smashes into the vending machine next to them. "Jesus!" Sebastian says, startled but only momentarily distracted. "Come on, Brit! Wake up!" He yells, practically screaming in her face. She begins to stir, her eyes fluttering. "Brit?"...
Lana sits down next too the boats that sat on the side with the in case of emergency sighs hanging from them. She didn't know how too get the boat off the deck. There had too be crew somewhere on this ship that knew. She looked around "Is anyone there?" she called impatiently.
Victoria takes off running towards her room. she grabs a few more things before taking 2 full duffle bags and puts them on the lifeboat. there sits Lana. " Hello.could you please take these and put them on the boat please? She says as ran pounds on her. and wind whips her hair back and forth.

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