Cast aways ( Actual RP)


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'Oh finally, i'm away from that hell whole i have to call home.' she though in her head. She plopped down into a lounge chair next to the pool. She bring her knees into her chest, "What have i got my self into." she murmers to her self look out to the water waiting for the ship to take sail to an unknown destination.
Callisto walked onto the boat going to the railing and looking down at the calm waters. She couldn't believe she was finally getting a break she worked so hard for.
Lana walks over to the side of the boat, she leans her arms on the side of the boat looking out over the water. Her braid bouncing against her back from the wind. This would be her seventh home or maybe her eight, she had lost count. It's not like it mattered. She turns around looking at the ship. It could be fun if she could relax and forget, but she didn't think that was possible.
Victoria walked over to the railing, looking out to the beautiful sun set.She was happy she was gone but, a little nervous on being on her own. She put her head in her hands tears slipped into her eyes, slipped through the gaps in her hands and fell into the water. she looked up whipping the tears from her eyes. looking again to the beautiful sun set, it was quite beautiful. The colors blended perfectly together. she smiled at the sight of it.
Lana walks over to the pool, she sits down on one of the chairs hugging her knees too her chest. She lets her mind wander, wondering what the new place will be like. She sighs looking around not wanting too sulk anymore. Maybe she could get a nap in before she had too get off the ship.
Callisto walked to the inside part of the ship where the rooms were and carried her bag counting the numbers on the door until she found hers and opened it with the key she was given. Letting out a huge sigh she dropped her bag and laid on the bed looking up at the ceiling.
Sebastian pops a couple M&Ms in his mouth with a laugh. "God, it's just so good to be back guys, really.." Sebastian let out with a sigh. "Well it's great to have you back man!-Yeah!-It's great to see you!-We missed you!" His friends spout off in turns. Walking down the docks Sebastian spaces out for a moment, wondering if he was really back, or if this was just a dream. It is like a dream. One that He never wants to wake up from. One of his friends slaps Bastian's back and shakes him saying, "You ready for this?!" "You have no idea!" Sebastian says snapping out of it. Stepping up the ramp, he says again almost to reassure himself, "You have no idea..."
Victoria looked around. She didnt see anybody she knew. Victoria whipped her tears away from her eyes.she sighs looking to tbe cabins. Picking up her stuff she walk towards them, counting the doors intill she got to hers, unlocking her she sat her bag on a chair, plopping on her bed taking in the big suite. It had a big bathroom. Big queen sized bed. Sbe wighed looking out her little port whole she had next to her bed.
( haha okay, i just wanted to know because i dont want this RP to die.)
Lana stared in front of her watching the people in the pool enjoying themselves. She sighs leaning her head back too look at the sky. Maybe this time it will be better and she could stay in one place. That is all she wanted, not a great home, not even a good home, just something too call home. Wishing something wasn't going too make it happen and she didn't want too raise her expectations and be broken hearted again. She pushed the thoughts away again thinking it would never happen.
victoria get up from her soft comfy bed and mDe her way back to the deck sitting in one. Of the comfy lounge chairs again. She sees a girl, next to her in a different lounge chair. " hello, my names victoria. " she says as she looks up at the girl next her then, looking out to the beautiful sun set. Ghasping as she sees small storm clouds forming but she pays mo attention to it.
Lana looks over at the girl who decided to sit next too her. "Hello" she replies in her soft voice acknowledging that the girl was speaking to her. "I'm Lana" she states not waiting for her too ask.
"Nice name, What brings you on the fine trip?" She ask running a pale hand through her brown hair. sighing at the storms clouds. ' I wonder if there going to effect the trip.' she says in her head as the wind started to pick up a little bit.
"It's supposed too take me too my new foster home" Lana replies flatly. Realizing the girl wasn't looking at her she looks off in the direction she though the girl was staring. She spotting the clouds and leans back a bit bummed at the idea of bad weather.
" Oh, Haha i ran away." she replies. She notices lana looking at the clouds, "I don't think it'll be that bad." she plays with the lose string on her over sized sweater.
Lana stares at her confused "What's so funny?" she asks. "it's not a joke." she replied. She folds her arms across her chest.
" What's a joke? Sorry if I offended you, And i was talking about me running away. I just had to get out of there" she replies with a hint of sadness in her voice looking at the girl.
"Exactly, there wasn't one. You laughed after I answered your question. You said oh haha like you were making fun of me." Lana explains. She was tired of everyone always assuming it was about them all the time. She mattered, didn't she? The girl didn't seem to care much about her answer anyways and wanted too talk about herself. She decided too play along not much caring about her answer, but maybe it would get the girl out of her hair. "Why did you have to 'get out of there'?" she asks the obvious question the girl was looking for using the girl's phrasing.
" I'm sorry." she pauses. " I was, I-Just needed to get out of there.. Because.I-I was raped by my ' always drunk step dad." she confirms with tears in her eyes playing with the bracelets around her wrist. she was sick of people and everybody. She didn't fit any where and she never well she just had to admit that. She sighs. " Go ahead and judge me."
"Alright" Lana replied accepting the invitation. "You asked a question, but didn't care about the answer which makes me assume you are selfish and only want to talk about yourself, which became very true when you decided to open up and tell some very private information about your cliche story. Do you want me too feel sorry for you? is that it? I'm not going to sit here and compare how much suckier your life is than mine." she huffs.
" What! Well, I'm not self fish! You don't even know you me! SO don't judge me and I only opened up because I thought we could be friends and, how is my story "cliche", and don't assume things you don't even really know! She gets up to go stare down at the water tugging at her bracelets. "Last time i try to make friends" she mutters under her breath.
"You told me too judge you!" she yells back. "From what I DO know about you, you come across that way, selfish I mean. You thought we could be friends? You don't know me either. You're story is the very definition of cliche, how many books or movies are about children who run away because their parent rapes them? I didn't assume anything." She defends.
" I was being sarcastic, you don't know the half of it i'm sorry that you're going to a foster home I don't care is my story is " cliche", It's true." she turns back to the water tears slip from her eyes and into the water. " i really do feel bad that you're in a foster home." she mutters as she pases by the girl.

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