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Fandom Carnival of Heroes CS



Everyone shall be friends...
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Feel free to post your characters here after you have PM me them for approval.

Pandora: Qiao "QT" Tai ( PlusUltra PlusUltra ), Suomi Lahtinen ( Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 ), Charlotte (Coco) Pfeiffer ( GrieveWriter GrieveWriter )
Limiters: Daisuke Trist ( Akkun no Baka Akkun no Baka ), Ira Xavier Kane ( Phayne Phayne )
Undecided/Not reviewed: Thepotatogod Thepotatogod , TheInsanityOfBobSemple TheInsanityOfBobSemple

Also I made an NPC that follows the Pandora CS and what I am looking for. She is in the Lore section. I'll make a Limiter one later.
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Pandora Character Sheet

(Padora will be in their second year. Average age will be between 19-21)
(Leave Blank for now)

Appearance: (At least a paragraph. Picture for face claim is an optional addition)
History: (At least a paragraph)
Personality: (At least two paragraphs)
Volt Weapon: (A short description and or picture)

(Writers may add any additional info or sections they want such as; Likes, Dislikes, Theme song, Fighting style, ect)
Limiter Character Sheet
Age: (Limiters will be in their first year. Average age will be between 18-20)
(Leave Blank for now)
(At least a paragraph. Picture for face claim is an optional addition)
History: (At least a paragraph)
Personality: (At least two paragraphs)
Skills: (Limiters may have two skills that they are notably better at than most of their peers. It can be anything; examples, Combat First Aid, Physical Strength, Physical Speed, Self Defense, ect)

(Writers may add any additional info or sections they want such as; Likes, Dislikes, Theme song, ect)

Name: Qiao "QT" Tai
Age: 21
Ranking: (Leave Blank for now) 8*
Nationality: Chinese
Race: Chinese

A Maria-Type Stigmata of exceptional strength bred to result in perfect compatibility with the Stigmata, QT was the final product of the CPC's extensive experimental and controversial Pandora manufacturing process the "8 Precepts Power Curriculum Program" before it was shut down. Her upbringing was less than ideal with a good deal of inhumane treatments being commonplace in the pursuit of national defense, though with her freedom gained and now into the Genetics program she is needing to learn and adapt to a brand new world.

Personality: High energy and motivated to a fault, she often heads into situations with failure the furthest thing from her mind. A paradox to those who know her well, she puts her all into everything yet comes across as lackadaisical, relentless working but seeming lazy, devoted yet uncaring, Insightful yet thoughtless. Loving to make a show of things and talk (oh the talking), she rarely goes for the subtle approach at least regarding her entrances often making people wonder if she ever has an actual plan, her tactics, on the other hand, are deceptively subtle to the point and indirect on times. Nevertheless, she has the preference for the spontaneous and adapting to the situation, though it does come off as carefree and not taking the situations seriously at times regardless of the truth of the matter. Prideful and always seemingly putting on a show herself merely due to the enjoyment of it that others can receive, though also perhaps the sheer attention plays a part too.

Skills: Acting, Martial Arts, Poisons Cooking, Theatre, Writing

Volt Weapon: Twin Dharma Wheels, Two golden shields of an exceptional size that are able to rotate on a moving axis from where they are held in addition to joining together in a singular formation
Fighting Style: A Mixture of Baiquan style martial arts with shield combat. Her signature ability is known as "Witch House", an inherent process upon her body that magnifies the speed and dimensional aspects internally to not only vastly increase their physical abilities but also their level of healing. In effect, their body consists of multiple versions interlayer with increasing density and durability as each is passed, giving them internal non-euclidean physiology, or more simply appearing bigger on the inside the few examinations that have been successful. As a result of this process, they may also appear to phase out of the current dimension for the most part but still remain visible to the naked eye, allowing them to pass through targets either selectively or entirely.

Signature Attack: Her most powerful attack is known as "Ataxite Meteor: Golden Spin" in which all her speed is focused and projected outward while enclosing herself within the twin shields rotating at full speed with the phasing ability used to remove all friction until the moment of impact. The downside of this ability is it is required to be employed within a straight line and limits her visibility during its use, in addition, the location must be carefully considered as the impact within the ground in such a state can result in widespread damage.

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Name: Daisuke Trist
Age: 20
Race: Japanese & American

Appearance: Standing at 5'8 with a thin gangly frame Daisuke is anything but attractive. His nose is angled wrong, his ears are too big, and he has one eye that tends to be OFP. That doesn’t stop him from trying! Daisuke’s daily routine starts with him going to the gym for some physical conditioning before being run out by the jocks and other gym goer. Oh well their loss. Next, he trots to the library to research and increase his knowledge needed to be the best Limiter he can be. If only the librarian would help him find the books he needed. Oh well, manga is cool too. Yup, Daisuke is the embodiment of physical in mental shape, if he were allowed to be. When walking around people tend to shudder whenever they glance at him and try their best to avoid looking unless absolutely necessary. Even if he doesn’t look it, Daisuke is actually quite capable both physically and mentally. His time in the American military taught him many different techniques to stay alive and survive. Even with the world against him due to his hideous looks he charges on facing the world with a hideous smile.

History: Daisuke was born to an American father and Japanese mother, they loved him dearly and always tend to apologize to him about his appearance. Though it never really bothered him. As a child Daisuke underwent attempts at bullying, though they tended to fade fast because the bully never got the intended reaction out of him. Whenever they would steal his backpack he would leave without it. When they would give him a swirly he would shampoo his hair afterwards saying the toilet water gives a natural shine. Even physical bullying seemed ineffective. Daisuke tended to think that it was physical conditioning and would enjoy it. Eventually avoidance became the norm for him.
Once he was old enough, he joined the American military where he learned that standing out was a terrible idea, yet stand out he did. Sometimes it was his horrible looks and other times it was his high compatibility with stigmatic material. Initially he was hazed horribly but eventually he was given the genetic test to become a Limiter and scored unusually high. The tester refused to believe the results and demanded he be tested again, and again, and again. There was no doubt that Daisuke would make an excellent limiter...the recruiter fainted at their first meeting...

Personality: Optimistic and friendly are how his parents would describe him. An anti-social loner by everybody else. In truth both are accurate. Daisuke had to learn to operate the world alone due to his terrible blessing. That has never dampened his spirits and he remains cheerful and optimistic.
However, he is not immune to emotional scarring. If he try's and fails at something he can feel the weight of failure, just as if someone he is trying to get to know refuses the feeling of rejection is strong. What Daisuke truly wants is for someone to see past his terrible looks and to actually get to know him. Though he is not holding his breath.

Skills: Survival and an Incredibly Fast Learner

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  • 1b2fac4522417f71426ee52795d8a9ca.png

    ~Full Name~
    Ira Xavier Kane
    British // Austrailian
    ~Height | Weight~
    6ft2 | 156lbs

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Name: Suomi Lahtinen
Age: 20
Ranking: 9th
Nationality: Finnish 🇫🇮
Race: Caucasian

Physical Description:
Suomi is an average girl of her age, only shy of the taller ones, as she stands at about five feet five. She possesses a pale complexion with long white hair, and amaranth eyes, of which makes her hard to miss from afar. Suomi usually don a smile that is kind for most, while receptive of strangers and acquaintances alike. Her attires are usually immaculate with certain styles of ribbons and strings.

Like many before her, Suomi underwent the selection process many years ago, born into a certain Finnish family, whose influence resided with pivotal productions of military supplies and catastrophe relief-equipment. As such, the young Finn takes a certain pride in her parent's work, a small subsidiary firm that eventually became an integral cog during the recent Nova Clashes. Suomi kept a steady pace in her studies, finding balance in her life as a Pandora. The ideals of personal glory are foreign to her, fortifying her beliefs in humanity's survival. Having been left at the mercy of the Pandora selection process, Suomi grew up distanced from her parents. Often deemed as a "different" child. But even then, she was still perceived as a young girl in the eyes of those that claims to be the vanguard of humanity's defenses. Like her fellow Pandoras, she underwent harsh training and trials to get to where she is today. Suomi carried with her a burden that is seldom acquitted until she bonded with her Limiter. A glimpse of an individual from the other side of the spectrum, of whom would share the spoils and traumas that the Novas have inflicted on them. Even with an enhanced physique and capacity by training and stigmata augmentations, Suomi was first and foremost a young woman, whose emotions have yet to fully make out what is best for herself and her Limiter.

Psych Eval:
Suomi is a graceful and soft-spoken personnel of interest. She is generally regarded as a reliable person by her peers. Suomi is malleable in different circumstances and remains moderately neutral on most subjects. She often seek to discourse the rights and wrongs by lighthearted remarks, preferring to assert her claims subtly rather than being the loudest voice in the room.

The Finn prefers to handle most situations with a balanced and well-thought-out approach rather than diving right into one. She regards her seniors with respects, swaying back and forth to blend in, rather than trying to climb the ranks or draw too much attention to herself. Suomi harbors no interests for the ranking system, deeming it to be an elitist society that is doomed to disunity. Despite her generally composed demeanor, Suomi can be quite possessive when it comes to her Limiter's interactions with others. Beneath her usually-amiable facade resides a certain disciplinary woman, refined by her personal pride. Prone to envy and jealousy, the Finn is a walking oxymoron of personal liberties, with a bittersweet hint of selfish control. A sweetheart to most, and a confident foe to some.

Volt Weaponry:
A silver rapier with ergonomic textured grips upon the hilt. Faciliates multiple consecutive hits with precision due to its seemingly light weight optimal for short-ranged attacks.

Combat Analysis:
Suomi's fighting technique is best described by "speed" and "maneuverability". A machine-gun duelist. This makes her a formidable opponent in close quarters duels, at the cost of peripheral synergy. Where she lacks in area-of-effect abilities, Suomi makes it up for in the amount of damage she can cause in a short amount of time possible. Often times causing silhouettes and after-shadows when launching a multitude of successive attacks. She scored a high percentile as a Striker in her training assessment, making her a valuable asset to crack open a Nova's armor, while a relentless attacker that puts her peers on the defensive most of the time.


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Charlotte (Coco) Pfeiffer
Age: 19
Ranking: 43
Nationality: German
Race: Afro-German
History: From her earliest years, Coco had an interest in only one thing: Music. With a passing for rhythm and the skills to bend it to her will, Coco quickly made a name for herself as DJ Chocola. With a growing fan base even at her young age, DJ Chocola engaged in a media rivalry with industry mainstay Existunce due to them both having their origins in Munich. With this rivalry swelling both of their images, Coco was on the fast track to being a major success. But little did she know that would all come undone, and it was all because of those damn Nova. Seemingly out of nowhere, Existunce was killed in the midst of a Nova attack on the city he was currently living in. Not only did the abrupt end of their rivalry hurt Chocola's image, she would have to put up with rumors from Existunce's grieving fan base that she'd never have overtaken him if he were still around. Insulted by these claims, Coco began lashing out at these accusations fairly publicly, which eventually turned into a cascade of rumors and reactions that nearly crippled her image.

Not only that, but suddenly some stupid test she'd had to do years ago was claiming that she tested positive become a Pandora. At first, Coco laughed at the sheer gal of the idea. Those useless wastes called Pandora were the ones who let that idiot Existunce get wasted by those Alter-Dimensional Nova Bastards. She probably would've just shirked the idea of becoming one all together if she hadn't realized how prime of an opportunity this was. The sole reason her reputation tanked was because the Nova went ahead and took out her rival. The Pandora were the main response to any incursions made by the Nova. That meant if she were to become a Pandora, she could finally lay waste to the real perpetrators of her career's untimely demise.

And so it was that the vengeance fueled DJ enlisted, and quickly proved herself to be one hell of a mixed bag.

Personality: Coco is often determined as 'Rough' by many of her contemporaries. A far rowdier sort of Pandora, Coco's speech is crass and blunt to a fault. Not one to feel shame or regret often, her desire to live life to the fullest has only been accentuated since becoming a Pandora. Her inability to hold back has led her to get into trouble numerous times, primarily due to the fact that her default method of greeting peers is through insulting nicknames. Coco doesn't tend to badmouth folks out of ill will, as she's quick to adopt insulting nicknames for herself as well. Its one of the leftover mannerisms from her time working clubs as a DJ.

Unwilling to even feign interest in things that don't have any affect on her, Coco's not the type to mince words. Stubborn and Self-centered, the process of becoming a Pandora has not been kind to Coco. Only really caring about taking down the Nova, the other aspects of being a Pandora have little to no appeal to her. These mannerisms have led her to get into trouble numerous times, but Coco figured that as long as she could take out Nova then it would all be worth it. Despite her fondness for insulting nicknames, she's fairly sensitive to having her reputation as a DJ mocked. Her volatile reactions in response to doubts of her credibility have led to a fairly invested hatedom forming around her.

Volt Weapon: Coco wields a large shield with a serrated blade running along its rim that gives it the appearance of a giant saw blade. The Shield has been covered with graffiti since coming into Coco's possession.
( MocaPoka MocaPoka just tell me if I need to fix anything, boss.)​
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